Chapter 1175

Yi Yin nodded with a smile.

"You are safe, I am very relieved.

Let's come here first today. When the spring plowing ends, all the mid-level and high-level warriors in the past few days will hold a big review in Duowen Mountain City.

In the review, I will mention important matters such as the Battle of Shangluo, the Crusade against Hanoi, and the Sibozhong Fund. You must be mentally prepared. "

Nizi Sheng kowtowed to the ground for a long time.


Hearing these two disgusting things, Yiyin was no longer in the mood to continue being polite.

After finishing his business, he barely drank a few sips of tea soup, and hurriedly ended the tea party.

Afterwards, Nizi Katsuhisa and Yamanaka Yukimori resigned together to discuss the appropriateness of Hanoi's crusade against the army.And Yiyin had to be patient and write letters to all parties to finalize this matter.


North Hanoi, Iimori Mountain City.

This city was An Jian's home city back then.The family governor of this generation, An Jian Zhizheng, conspired with You Zuoxinjiao to seize Hanoi.

Both of these two families are under the command of Hatakeyama Gaozheng, and they are trying to abandon the Hatakeyama clan.

Yusa Nobujiao killed his mother Yusachojiao, threw the blame to Hatakeyama Takamasa, and then retreated to Nanhanoi, watching the shogunate confront the Miyoshi family and reaping the benefits of the fisherman.

Ashikaga Yoshiki saw the problem at the time, but out of overall considerations, he had to watch Hatakeyama Takamasa swallow the dead mouse that killed loyal ministers, allowing Yusa Nobuko to escape.

But An Jian Naozheng was not so lucky.

After Shiba Yoshigin fought the battle of Yamato, he raised troops to rescue the shogunate army.He raided the gate of Fanshengshan City with fifteen concubines, captured the city, and wiped out the rebellious An Jian's family, frightening Xiaoxiao.

After the war, the land of Iimoriyama Castle and Kita Hanoi was handed over to the Mibuchi family by Yoshihiro through the shogunate, and was controlled by Mibuchi Tohide, the guardian of Kita Hanoi, the daughter of Mibuchi's patriarch.

At this time, there were three people sitting in the side room of the residence hall in the city, they were Izumi Hosokawa Family Governor Yuanchang, Sanyuan Family Governor Qingyuan, and Mibuchi Fujihide.

Mibuchi Fujihide anxiously looked at his mother Haruto Mibuchi, who was reading the letter.

After a long while, Sanyuan Haruki slapped the letter on the copy, pointed at Sanyuan Tengying and cursed.

"Look at what you've done!"

Seeing Sanyuan Tengying's submissive look made her mother even more angry.

The dragon has nine daughters, and the daughters are different.The two sisters Mibuchi Fujihide and Hosokawa Fujitaka are so different.

I don't know if it's a subtle education problem that grew up in two families separately, or the talent gap is really too big.

Hosokawa Fujitaka is both wise and brave, and his methods are sleek.But Sanyuan Tengying is dull and dull, far less intelligent and daring than her younger sister.

Moto Hosokawa often watched and shook his head.

No matter how ineffective Sanyuan Tengying is, she is already the guardian of Beihanoi.Mibuchi Haruyuki scolded her like a granddaughter, it was too shameful.

She had to come out to smooth things over and said.

"Qingyuan, don't be too angry. It's not wrong for Tengying to act cautiously and plan before acting.

What did the imperial letter say? "

Haruhisa Sanbuchi sneered and said.

"Sister, look for yourself, and see how much trouble this bastard has caused us!"

Moto Hosokawa often said it nicely, but Haruhito Mibuchi knew what he had born himself.

Where is Sanyuan Tengying being cautious and moving later?She simply flinched and didn't move!
Hatakeyama Takamasa was a member of the powerful local faction of the shogunate, and a legitimate guardian of Hanoi, but he was attacked because of the uprising.

She was defeated by Yuzuo Xinjiao's sneak attack and fled to Beihanoi.Even if Sanyuan Tengying put on a show, she should come out to support justice and say a few harsh words.

But she was lucky, she didn't appease the fugitive Hatakeyama Takamasa, and ignored Yuzuo Xinjiao, Xia Keshang, as if she was deaf and blind.

If such a big deal falls into the eyes of outsiders, something will happen sooner or later.

No, Shiba Yoshihiro's letter was harsh and fierce, almost pointing at Mibuchi Fujihide's nose, scolding her for being a dead body.

During the moment when Mibuchi Haruyuki was cursing at his daughter, Hosokawa Motosuke had already read the letter at a glance, frowning and thinking about his thoughts.

The Hosokawa Mibuchi family has a deep relationship.

At the beginning, the Mibuchi family was extinct, and the second daughter of the Izumi Hosokawa family joined the Sanbuchi family, and she was the Mibuchi Haruhito.

Hosokawa Motocho had no children, and Mibuchi Haruhito adopted his second daughter, Hosokawa Fujitaka, to Hosokawa Motocho so that he could inherit Izumi Hosokawa's family business.

The pair of sisters Hosokawa Motochang and Mibuchi Haruyuki, the two daughters Hosokawa Fujitaka and Mibuchi Fujiei, can be said to perform their own duties, one radish and one pit.

The positions between them are fixed, and no one can replace the other.Only in this way can there be less internal struggles for power and profit, and the real family is of one mind and helps each other in the same boat.

Although at the beginning, Hosokawa Fujitaka drove Hosokawa Motochang to Katsuryuji Castle to retire for a while.But this is the common wish of the two courtiers of Mibuchi Hosokawa, and Motojo Hosokawa also understands that it cannot be disputed.

But this time, what Mibuchi Fujihide did was a little stupid.

Even if you don't want to help Hatakeyama Takamasa, you have to show yourself enough and don't fall into the shoes of others.

It's a good thing now, the person who raised righteousness was killed by a traitor, and others will see it as a joke. Isn't this a slap in the face of the shogunate?Even if you don't send troops, it's better to put a few harsh words to cover the situation.

It's no wonder that when the Imperial Palace learned about this incident, they were so angry that they cursed without regard for face.

Sanyuan Fujiying is shameless, and the shogunate should also be decent.If they act like her, who will take the shogunate seriously in the future?

Moto Hosokawa suppressed his dissatisfaction, and persuaded him first.

"Miss Haru, cursing won't solve the problem.

Tengying, tell me, what is going on? "

Sanyuan Tengying was dejected, glanced at his mother who looked disgusted, and sighed.

"Miyoshi goes to Luo, Yodogawa is responsible for the safety of the supply line of the Miyoshi Army.

Miyoshi Yasunaga, who came from Shikoku to succeed Miyoshi Changyi and stationed in Settsu, had already heavily fortified Akutagawa Castle.The elite of the four countries are eyeing Beihanoi, preventing me from destroying the Yodogawa waterway.

For the Kyoto incident, all families inside and outside the shogunate are waiting and watching. I have only mobilized more than [-] shi in Beihanoi. Where is the opponent of the Miyoshi family?
I don't want to be the first bird, but Hatakeyama Takamasa decided to join the army.Not only did she raise her own troops, but she also spread the word to all directions, hoping that everyone would know that she was going to revolt and go to Luozuo.

This guy did it on purpose, her ability is only tens of thousands of shi, and she doesn't have much military power to mobilize all the forces. Naturally, she can't kill Yodogawa, and she can't beat Miyoshi Yasunaga.

She wanted to take advantage of the incident in Shangluo to gain her name and accumulate political capital for herself, but she made me miserable.

Her call to action spread to Akutagawa City, and Miyoshi Yasunaga began to mobilize his army to press on our land in North Hanoi.

At the same time, Yuzuo Xinjiao broke through the mobilization force of Hatakeyama Takamasa, and Hatakeyama Takamasa ran to Beihanoi to seek refuge.

In the south there is Yu Saoshin, and in the north there is Miyoshi Yasunaga. Both the north and the south are staring at me in the north and Hanoi with malicious intentions. How dare I express my opinion at will?
If there is a disharmony, and the northern and southern armies attack, even if I hold Bei Hanoi, the territory will be in a mess.

Because of a high-ranking Hatakeyama who overestimated his capabilities, my Sanyuan family's territory was devastated, why bother? "

Mibuchi Fujihide vomited bitterness, and Mibuchi Haruhito stopped scolding.Hosokawa Motochang couldn't help but nodded, this made sense.

Hatakeyama Takamasa is barefoot and is not afraid of losing money, but the Hosokawa Mibuchi family is always facing strong pressure from the Miyoshi family, feeling like they are sitting on pins and needles.

At the beginning, the retainers of the two families rejected Motojo Hosokawa and drove her to retire for the elderly because she didn't want to get too close to Shiba's family.

But without Shiba Yoshigin, the Ashikaga military god, what would the Hosokawa Mibuchi family do to resist the aggressive Miyoshi family?

Therefore, everyone had no choice but to ask the house governor Hosokawa Motosaki, who is not clear-headed, to go to Shenglong Temple City to calm down.

What Sanyuan Tengying did this time is also a reason.

The fundamental interest of the Hosokawa Mibuchi family is to protect their own territory. Don’t destroy the Izumi country into ruins like Miyoshi Changqing’s invasion last time, and the Izumi Hosokawa family almost perished.

Once bitten, twice shy.

How could Mibuchi Fujihide be willing to repeat the same mistakes, risking the loss of Beihanoi, and being dragged into the water by Hatakeyama Takamasa, a prodigal daughter?
Haruhito Mibuchi sighed and said to his daughter.

"It's hard for you too."

Hosokawa Motochang also recognized it.

Hosokawa and Mibuchi are traditional shogunate samurai families.In their hearts, their own interests come first.

The dignity of the shogunate must be maintained. Without the shogunate, there would be no orthodox title for the Izumi Hosokawa family to dominate the place.

But if compared with the fundamental interests of their own territory, the shogunate's decency has to stand aside.

Haruki Mibuchi has always called her daughter stupid, but this time, what she did was really not wrong.

Kesibo Yiyin, what should we do?
Haruhito Mibuchi glanced at his sister, Moto Hosokawa narrowed his eyes in thought, and said slowly.

"Tengying's move was for the sake of the family business, and it was the right thing to do.

But this matter can be done, but it can't be said, and the imperial platform always needs to give an explanation. "

For the sake of the family business, everything can be done, but the letter of benevolence, righteousness and courtesy must be hung on his lips.

On the bright side, the Hosokawa and Mibuchi families are good samurai who are loyal to the general and protect the shogunate. How can they ignore the righteousness of the shogunate for their own self-interest?No way!

Haruyumi Mibuchi understood what Hosokawa Motosun meant, she was also hesitating about this matter, and said.

"Fujitaka worked so hard for His Highness Ashikaga Yoshiaki, I didn't expect Yoshigin-baby to come back so early.

Now he has prejudice against our two families, this letter is very blunt, if he is not satisfied, I'm afraid. . "

Sanyuan Qingyuan no longer dared to call Yiyinbai as before, and regarded him as a promising junior.

After gaining a great reputation in Kanto, and returning to nearby Shiba Yoshigin with the imperial white flag in hand, the battle of Shangluo quickly defeated the Rokkaku family who had been entrenched in Minami Omi for hundreds of years, and the Ashikaga shogunate had been helpless.

This record is actually the credit of Oda Nobunaga, but how much the samurai have valued Owari's countrymen in recent days is naturally all attributed to Shiba Yoshigin, the Ashikaga military god.

Now that his prestige is at the height of the sky, Sanyuan Qingyuan dare not rely on the old to sell the old, and his tone is more respectful.

Hosokawa Moto often shook his head.

"The royal platform is mighty, our plan has failed. Fortunately, he didn't tear up his face with us. This is a blessing in misfortune.

Fujitaka wrote a letter from Minami Omi saying that the Imperial Palace is unwilling to see internal strife among the local forces in the shogunate, and is still willing to unite everyone.

But the incident of Hatakeyama Takamasa really made him doubt whether we are worth uniting.Therefore, it is too late to say anything now, the most important thing is to take responsibility.

Fujiei, you are the protector of Kitakachi, and Takamasa Hatakeyama is your superior.

This time, you did something wrong.Go to her temporary residence immediately, apologize to her, and make sure to get her understanding. "

Mibuchi Tengying bowed to accept the order, then hesitated.

"Gaozheng Hatakeyama is now entrusted under the fence in Beihe Nei, under my protection, and she would not dare to make any excessive demands.

It's just what Yutai said, to form a Hanoi crusade army after the spring plowing, to conquer the rebel You Zuoxinjiao, will this affect our participation in the battle of Shangluo?
Hequan country and Beihanoi have already started preparations. After the spring plowing, they will go north to participate in the battle of Shangluo.At this time, it is not appropriate to change course and attack Nan Hanoi, right?

Things should always be prioritized. The Miyoshi family is entrenched in Kyoto, and the traitors who killed the general must be severely punished. This is the top priority of the shogunate samurai now.

We might as well write to the imperial court and ask him to suspend the crusade against You Zuo Xinjiao.Wait until the battle of Shangluo is over, and then slowly map it. "

Hosokawa Motochang sighed.

"Tengying, you are wrong.

If we don't crusade against You Zuo Xinjiao, then we won't even be qualified to participate in the battle of Shangluo, so what is the first priority?

Miyoshi's family was originally defeated by Yutaisuo, but this time Shangluo is what the hearts of the people want, and the will is united.

Miyoshi's family is not familiar with the place in the mountain city, and there is no right time, place, and people. What can they do to resist the thunderous blow from the imperial platform?
You have to understand that the Battle of Shangluo was for everyone to fight for merit, not to share the concerns of the imperial platform.

You talk about priorities, but in Yutaisuo's mind, what is slowness?What is urgent?
Is Miyoshi's family a serious threat to the Imperial Palace?After Miyoshi Changqing's death, Miyoshi Yoshiki was incompetent.Miyoshi's family is already a dead bone in the grave, so there is nothing to worry about.

The most worrying thing for Yutaisuo now is whether his position will be stable after the re-establishment of the shogunate, and whether he can still be regarded as the leader of the local powerful faction of the shogunate.

The first to bear the brunt is whether our Hosokawa and Mibuchi families still obey him as the leader.

Fujitaka's running back and forth for Ashikaga Yoshiaki has already aroused the dissatisfaction of the royal family.Fujihide, you are indifferent to the defeat of Hatakeyama Takamasa's samurai.

For the Imperial Palace, it is imperative to find out whether we are still reliable. "

When Sanyuan Tengying heard this, she became anxious.

If it weren't for Shibo Yiyin, how could such a big pie in Beihanoi's territory of more than [-] stones fall on Sanyuan Tengying's head?
Now Shiba Yoshiyin is suffering from paranoia, no, this is not paranoia at all, Hosokawa Mibuchi and his family are indeed hedging their bets, which aroused his disgust.

Izumi Country is the traditional territory of the Izumi Hosokawa family, and its status is stable.But the land of Beihanoi was given to Sanyuan's family by Yiyin. If he had other thoughts, how could Sanyuan Tengying not be afraid?
she asked hastily.

"How can this be good?"

Moto Hosokawa glanced at Haruhisa Mibuchi, seeing that she also looked panic-stricken, and shook his head secretly.This mother and daughter are destined to be lucky, but their abilities are really mediocre.

she reassured.

"At this moment, the best policy is to win the battle of South Hanoi and clear our suspicions.

The meaning of Yutaisuo is very clear, if you kill Yu Zuo Xinjiao, you can let the past go, and allow us to fight in the battle of Shangluo.

At this time, we can only wholeheartedly join the Hanoi Crusade Army and attack Yuzuo Xinjiao with all our strength, which is the best policy. "

(End of this chapter)

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