different warring states of japan

Chapter 1192 1 episodes

Chapter 1192 An episode
As it turned out, the place wasn't very serious.

After the concentric crowd rushed in, the man's unceasing exclamation came from inside, and then groups of men and women in disheveled clothes were dragged out of the tavern and knelt in front of the Yiyin horse.

Warrior Ji, who was still cursing at first, was frightened into a quail when he heard that the thing thrown just now disturbed the passer-by at the imperial platform.One by one bowed their heads and knelt down, not daring to be presumptuous anymore.

Yiyin fixed his eyes on the signboard of the wine shop, but did not speak.

Kyoto is at the foot of the general, the center of the shogunate, and the operation of the castle town has its own rules.

The main street of the castle town should be a commercial house for serious business, and the business of taking off the loincloth pants should go to the veranda, where there is a specially planned area.

Food and drink men and women, people's great desires exist.

The tools of crime are carried with you, and you cannot stop them by blocking them.If you can't stop it, pay taxes.

Younan, a man from the verandah in Kyoto, has always been a major taxpayer in the castle town.The leader of the wandering men is called Taifu, and all the girls flock to him, making money every day.

Kyoto is bustling, and there is no shortage of high-rollers who have a smile on their faces and spend a lot of money.The tax for the verandah is a big income for the shogunate, so outsiders can't tolerate nonsense.

Like this kind of wine house that sells loincloths outside the veranda.Theoretically, the owner of the tavern should have been dragged to the edge of the Kamo River and disembowelled as a warning to the world.

The transactions outside the verandah are dark men, mostly for tax evasion.Dare to dig into the important tax sources of the shogunate?Yiyin didn't know where the courage of this wine shop came from.

Naomasa Ii, who took the lead in rushing into the tavern, came back to report with a blushing face.

"At the imperial platform, two gangs of Ji warriors clashed over the fight for You Nan.

Some jerk took that. .that thing. .Throwing it in front of your imperial court is really a crime worthy of death. "

Looking at Naomasa Ii's apple-like cheeks, Yoshihiro suddenly felt joking and asked.

"Is You Nan good-looking?"

Because of the selfishness of Gamo's hometown, all the Tongxin people are half-grown lolita, and Naomasa Ii is the youngest among them.

This anti-pornography-like act of rushing into the house made these little girls blush with embarrassment.

Naomasa Ii had a strong temper, and said with a straight neck.

"What's so good about a caterpillar! It's either skinny or a lump of fat. It's disgusting! It's not as handsome as the Imperial Palace!"

Her yelling made Yiyin tremble with fright, coughing twice to cover up his embarrassment.

Naomasa Ii spoke nonsense, while Kamo Shigo slapped her on the head and scolded her.

"What nonsense!"

Takata Yukino at the side secretly glanced at Yiyin who was blushing, thinking, the lord's figure is indeed good-looking.

Yi Yin failed to moles Lori, but was yelled at so that his face became hot.He quickly pretended to be serious and asked.

"Where did warrior Ji come from, so ignorant of the rules? On the main street during the day, do you want to be decent to the shogunate?"

Ii Naomasa bowed and said.

"Odaisho, I have already asked, it belongs to the Oda family and the Tokugawa family.

I heard that there have been several fights in the past few days, all of which were jealousy, drinking and spitting. "

Yiyin was taken aback.

"Oda? Tokugawa?"

When Oda Nobunaga entered the capital, he had ordered the Oda army not to disturb the capital, and this matter had already reached the ears of Yiyin.

And Tokugawa Ieyasu has always been cautious in doing things. How could she not restrain the people when she just arrived?

The conflict between these two allies is not a joke for the people in the Kyoto shogunate?

Originally, the samurai family looked down on the country bumpkins from Tokaido in recent days, but this is a good thing, and the reputation of Owari and Mikawa people for their rudeness has been confirmed.

Yiyin faintly felt that something was wrong, this matter was very strange.

Before he had time to think about it, a group of people had already come running from a distance, and was stopped by the concentric crowd.

The first person saw Yiyin sitting on a horse and shouted.

"Odaisho, Hideyoshi asks to see you!"

Yoshigin looked up and saw that it was Hashiba Hideyoshi, and motioned for the same heart to let her come over.

Hashiba Hideyoshi ran up to Yoshigin in a few steps, wiped off the sweat from trotting, and said with a deep bow.

"The Imperial Palace is safe!"

Yiyin laughed.

"Long time no see, Hideyoshi, have you come to Kyoto with His Highness Oda?"

Hashiba Hideyoshi replied respectfully.

"Hi, thanks to His Royal Highness, I am temporarily in charge of Beijing's defense."

Yoshigin shrank his pupils and looked at Hideyoshi who was smiling sincerely.

She is in charge of the defense of Kyoto?Is there no one in Oda's house?Without a lot of important ministers, let a Qianshidi be in charge of such an important central place in Kyoto?

Yi Yin smiled.

"Then Hideyoshi, you have worked hard."

Hideyoshi lowered his head and said.

"Don't dare, it's all the kindness of the hall."

In fact, she kept feeling bitter in her heart. She thought it was a fat job, but it didn't work as well as she imagined.

How could the proud soldier of the Oda family be willing to give Hideyoshi, who was born as a commoner, any face?

She is not Niwa Nagahide, Shibata Katsuya and other senior courtiers, Hashiba Hideyoshi is just a p!

Hashiba Hideyoshi has already suffered a lot from restricting the Oda army.But for some reason, Takeshi Mikawa of the Tokugawa family suddenly became restless, provoking Takeshi Owari every day.

Oda Nobunaga lays down two million stones, and the Owari people consider themselves to be direct descendants, superior to others.How could they bow their heads to the inferior people from Sanhe? Since then, conflicts have continued.

Poor Hashiba Hideyoshi, she has no ability to hold Owari people, and Mikawa people don't take her seriously, she is exhausted all day long, but it has no effect.

However, she was reluctant to let her give up the power of guarding the capital and hand it back to Oda Nobunaga, so she could only grit her teeth and persist.

Seeing her distressed face, Yi Yin felt a little sympathetic to her situation.But sympathy belongs to sympathy. At Yiyin's level, of course he would not intervene in such trivial matters as street fights. It would be too demeaning.

The two gangs fought so badly that they threw their loincloths in front of Yiyin Yu. If this matter were to go up the line, the troublemakers on both sides would have to be stripped of their skins if they didn't die.

Yoshigin looked at the loincloth on the ground, then at Hideyoshi's sad face, and said.

"Forget it, I'm still in a hurry to go to the Nijo Imperial Palace. Hideyoshi, I'll leave the matter here to you."

After finishing speaking, Yiyin ordered the concentrics to return to the team, ignoring the chaos of the scene, and walked straight across the street to leave.

Hideyoshi bowed respectfully, watched Yoshiyin go away, and wiped the cold sweat that was newly seeping from his forehead.

Shigeharu Takenaka walked to her side, Hideyoshi turned to his military advisor with a tear in his voice.

"Hime Takenaka, I'd better go to the main hall to ask for my resignation? There's no way I can do this job. They dared to rush in front of the imperial platform, scaring me to death."

Takenaka Shigeharu looked at the Spoma team going away and asked.

"My lord, do you have such a good relationship with the Imperial Palace? He actually left without pursuing it at all."

Hashiba Hideyoshi said proudly.

"Of course, my name, Hideyoshi, was bestowed by the Imperial Palace!

No, I'm not going to tell you this, I'm asking you what to do?
I can't live through this day, or should I resign?Fortunately, it was Yutaisuo who collided with him today. He is a kind man, and I still have a little sympathy to spare, so there was no major incident.

If this kind of thing happens again next time, and if I bump into some important person again, I really don't know how it will end! "

Takenaka Shigeharu smiled slightly and said.

"You said it the other way around. It is precisely because these idiots ran into the Imperial Palace that your errand of guarding the capital is easy to handle."


Hashiba Hideyoshi was taken aback for a moment, but before he could react, Takenaka Shigeharu had already sternly reprimanded him.

"Take everyone back! Strict interrogation! No one is allowed to let go if they intercede!
They dared to charge against the imperial platform, so they had to find out if someone was planning to commit crimes and assassinate them!

Lord, please report to His Highness Oda and His Highness Tokugawa immediately.Ji warriors in Jingzhong were rebellious and disorderly, rushed to the front of the imperial court, begging them to judge the crime. "

Takenaka Shigeharu blinked at Hashiba Hideyoshi, Hashiba Hideyoshi reacted immediately.

Great opportunity!

The Owari people and the Mikawa people didn't take Hashiba Hideyoshi seriously at all, and they couldn't persuade him no matter what, and they didn't dare to punish him. There were always generals in the army who came to intercede and took him away.

It's all right now, the charge of colliding with the imperial platform is under charge, who dares to intercede?Who dares to let people go?

Before, the matter was too small, and Hashiba Hideyoshi was inconvenient to report to Oda Nobunaga, which seemed to be incompetent.Everything depends on the lord to come forward, why do you still support such a waste like yourself?

It's all right now, the matter at the Imperial Palace simply made a big fuss, and directly pierced the sky, making Oda Nobunaga and Tokugawa Ieyasu tremble three times.

As long as the two Highnesses come forward, all arrogant soldiers will have to lie down honestly, and this errand of guarding the capital can really be done.

Hashiba Hideyoshi borrowed Shiba Yoshigin, Oda Nobunaga, and Tokugawa Ieyasu's three-layer tiger skin, are you afraid that these Owari Mikawa bastards will be disobedient?Continue to make trouble?

Thinking about the joints, Hashiba Hideyoshi immediately smiled.Then she straightened her face immediately and shouted.

"Yes! Take them all back for review!

It's really against the sky, you dare to disturb the imperial platform, you must be severely punished!I want to report to His Highness Oda, His Highness Tokugawa, please judge! "

The Ji warriors who were forced to kneel down by the concentric crowd before were all downcast, waiting to be punished, and no one dared to come out to refute.

Hashiba Hideyoshi was furious for a while, only to feel that the grievances of these days were poured out.

Looking at Shiba Yoshigin who had disappeared in the distance, she thought to herself.Today, I only know the majesty of the superior by borrowing the name of the imperial platform.

The big girl should be like this, and he can take her place.


Yiyin didn't know the Ji warriors who were making trouble behind him, because they were afraid of his majesty, they cowered like a mouse and cooperated in taking him into custody.I don't even know how greedy Hashiba Hideyoshi is for this kind of prestige.

In his eyes, this was just a small episode on Shangluo Road, not even a joke.

The streets in Kyoto are in the shape of a chessboard, with east-west, north-south strips arranged horizontally and vertically.

The east and west roads are named after strips, that is, ten, nine, eight, etc., and spread from south to north in turn, and Ertiao City is located between Ertiao and Santiao.

Across the Uji River, Kamogawa is in front of you.

The Koya River and the Kamo River converge in the urban area to form the Kamo River, flow southwest into the Katsura River, and finally merge with the Yodo River.

Yiyin and Tongxinzhong and their party landed in Shijo along the west bank of the Kamogawa River and headed northward to Erjo.

At this time, the Kyoto Basin is in a beautiful spring, and the green mountains and green waters are pleasant to the body and mind, and the ancient temples and imperial gardens are scattered on both sides of the street.

The northern part of Kyoto was the emperor's court of the ancient imperial court. Three generations of general Ashikaga Yoshimitsu slaughtered the emperor's ministers, and the northern part fell into depression.

Together with Shintoism, which was closely related to the emperor, it was destroyed, and only the Buddhist temples that served the Ashikaga shogunate remained prosperous.

After the fall of the imperial palace area, the core area of ​​Kyoto moved south to the center of the shogunate in Muromachi, the Flower Palace established by Yoshimitsu Ashikaga.

After the Rebellion of the Eight Generation Shoguns, the Flower Palace gradually withered.This time when Miyoshi went to Luo, the imperial palace accidentally caught fire. The fire was so powerful that it burned down the entire imperial palace.

As a last resort, the center of the shogunate was transferred to Nijo Castle built by Ashikaga Yoshiki.Nijo Castle, which was originally used as a military castle, was hastily transformed into an imperial palace by the ministers to welcome the new master.

Ashikaga Yoshiaki completed the ceremony of Shangluo, and was finally welcomed into the Nijo Imperial Palace by the vassalists headed by Ise Sadakyo.

When Yiyin returned to Beijing this time, no matter where he ended up staying, he had to go to the Nijo Imperial Palace first to swear his sovereignty.

Before Ashikaga Yoshiaki did not succeed General Ashikaga, and before Yoshigin handed over Yujian Jinyin, the descendants of the Genji Hanoi, the pillar of the samurai family, and the representative of General Ashikaga's family were still Yoshiyin himself.

Even if the direct ministers of Ashikaga have impure minds and the vassals deliberately please the new lord, they can't change a fact.Ashikaga Yoshiaki, she's not good enough.

If Yoshigin does not go to the Nijo Imperial Palace, he will tacitly agree that Yoshiaki Ashikaga can already represent General Ashikaga's family in discussing politics, which he cannot tolerate.

General Ashikaga, I will return it to you.But when to give it, I have the final say, you can't grab it.This is a political principle and cannot be vague.

Ashikaga Yoshiaki went to Luo with Oda Nobunaga and directly moved into the Nijo Imperial Palace, which violated Yoshiyin's taboo.

Today, Yoshiyin came to beat and beat this Ashikaga widow.Let her know the seriousness, don't be too anxious to take the position, and forget who has the initiative.

Outside the gate of the Nijo Imperial Palace, Yagyu Zongyan saw Yoshigin's cavalry from afar, and bowed in salute.

Yiyin got off his horse and threw the whip to the Tongxin people behind him, and strode forward by himself, completely ignoring Liu Shengzongyan who was saluting.

Liu Sheng Zongyan quickly followed and said.

"The Imperial Palace..."

Yiyin pointed to the closed gate of the Imperial Palace and said coldly.

"Open the door!"

He stared back at Yanagyu Zongyan, the former shogunate Ometsu, Yagyu Zongyan trembled unconsciously, and shouted.

"Open the door! Welcome to the imperial platform."

Yiyin nodded in satisfaction and said.

"Knows the rules."

Liu Shengzong smiled sternly, complaining incessantly.

Ashikaga Yoshiaki was stunned by the compliments of the vassals, and moved into the Nijo Imperial Palace without authorization.Oda Nobunaga was happy to see her conflict with Shibo Yoshihiro, so he didn't remind her.

Yoshiaki Shiba entered Beijing, and Yoshiaki Ashikaga became anxious, worried that his overreaching behavior would annoy this powerful and cheap brother-in-law.

She didn't know what to do, so she sent Liu Sheng Zongyan out to test it out.

Yagyu mumune scolded his father severely in his heart, this Ashikaga Yoshiaki is really stupid and cowardly.Even if she had already done something wrong and took the initiative to admit her mistake, Yutaisuo is not unreasonable.

Isn't it obvious that he has a guilty conscience to pull out his nameless predecessor, Damufu, to stand in front of him now?
Hatred turns to hatred in my heart, but the wish to return to the shogunate is about to be fulfilled, and the position of Ohmetsuki depends on Ashikaga Yoshiaki after he takes over the position. Yagyu Zongyan can only bite the bullet and take on this drudgery.

With such an irresponsible cowardly master, Liu Shengzongyan was helpless.

The only blame is to blame yourself for being greedy for profit. This crime is self-inflicted and you can't blame others.

(End of this chapter)

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