different warring states of japan

Chapter 1202 1 group of oil bottles

Chapter 1202
According to Yoshihiro's idea, Ashikaga Yoshiaki is using Ise Sadakyo to stabilize the situation in Kyoto, in order to achieve a smooth transition, and then do the liquidation after he takes power.

Because he expressed his support for Ashikaga Yoshiaki at the Nijo Imperial Palace before, Yoshigin no longer took care of Ise Sadakyo's affairs.This is a person who will die sooner or later, there is nothing to worry about.

Ise Zhenjiao was busy before and after, and settled the Tendai sect for Ashikaga Yoshiaki, but in the end he couldn't avoid being stabbed.

If Yoshiaki Ashikaga succeeds to the throne and does not liquidate Ise Sadako, Yoshigin will also raise objections and send this old dog on the road.Anyway, the evidence of the crime is conclusive and there is no way to deny it. Are you afraid that she will turn the world upside down?

Ningagawa's own life was so afraid of Ise Zhenjiao that he did not hesitate to send his daughter to him as a confederate and seek asylum.

On the contrary, Yiyin couldn't understand her operation, so he couldn't help asking.

"Ise Zhenjiao is just a dead bone in a tomb, is it worth your fear?"

Ninagawa was taken aback for a moment, she didn't expect Yoshigin to be so supportive, and she didn't care about the threat of Ise Zhenjiao.

Ise Zhenjiao has been trained for a long time, and her family background is extremely deep.It is not a good thing for Ninagawa to be valued by Ashikaga Yoshiki, and to be targeted by the government office and Ise Sadao.

If these two people are released to fight, even if they are tied together, they will not be able to beat the hands of these titans like Maeda Toshiie and Shima Katsuo.But when it comes to playing small tricks in the shogunate, they are all first-class old players.

The shogunate relied on his expertise in infighting in the shogunate, and Ninagawa was the second most powerful shogunate, so his sense of smell was naturally very keen.

Ise Zhenjiao is not a fool, if she will be liquidated sooner or later, she will never work so hard for Ashikaga Yoshiaki, she will definitely find another way out.

She said that Ninagawa's father was Shiba Yoshigin's party, and she was able to escape Ashikaga Yoshiaki Kamiro's Li Wei, throwing two seppuku scapegoats, and passed the level safely.

This incident was very strange, and Ninagawa Maiko was full of uneasiness.

Although Ninagawa Kiyo didn't know what Ise Zhenjiao was doing behind the scenes, she knew very well that her situation was very bad.

Shiba Yoshigin is not Akechi Mitsuhide, his understanding of the vassals is only superficial.In fact, these years, the life of the vassals has not been easy.

The third generation of general Ashikaga Yoshimitsu reformed the shogunate, leaving the local imperial family to the guardian daimyo, and the Naoto imperial family at the center of the shogunate changed to the public, and established the system of being a member of the public.

The servant who manages the royal family, the power suddenly fell to the bottom, from the Central Ministry of National Defense to the Kyoto Police Department, and his face was lost.

The main power organs of the shogunate are only the appraisal public, the inquiry office, and the government office.

The evaluators are responsible for evaluating all matters, which is commonly known as going through procedures.Do you quarrel?How long?Let the policy pass?It is the source of power for the evaluators.

It's a pity that after the Rebellion of the Eight Generation Generals, the tendency of self-reliance in various regions became serious, ignoring the opinions of the central government.The value of comments is getting lower and lower, and the evaluation of people has gradually become a display.

Ask and note that the office is in charge of land, title, family status and other document management.When the shogunate is strong, it is still a good place to go.

When the shogunate declined, thieves were unwilling to steal there.A pile of paperwork, except for fire prevention, the dog doesn't care.

At the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, the local tyrants established themselves as state shepherds and prefects, and they even knew how to bow in the direction of the capital and burn the documents asking for officials to the emperor.

But in the Warring States Period of Japan, who still took the questioning office seriously?
For example, the disputes in the Western Kingdom, the decline of the mountain name, the rise of Nizi, and the decline of Nizi, the rise of Maori.

The boss has changed several times, and the land below has changed owners many times. Who would consider asking who owns this land on the paperwork of the note office?
The only thing in the shogunate that still has some weight is the government office.Control the donations of warriors from all over the world, and arbitrate disputes over the territory of the vassals.

The deacon of the Ise family's hereditary government office has a high position and authority.Ninagawa himself said that his family was from a member of the Ise family.It is modest to say that the status is low, but it is a fact that they cannot beat the Ise family.

The shogunate is already rotten, and the shogunate ministers who depend on the shogunate for a living actually don't have many ways out.

Several major institutions are in ruins, and only the government offices have a few bites to eat.As a result, there was more Ni and less porridge, and the internal fighting became increasingly fierce.

Ise Zhenjiao overshadows the sky with one hand in the government office, and dares to wrestle with Ashikaga Yoshiki.However, Ninagawa only dared to treat Ashikaga Yoshiki as a dog and a white glove.

Now that Ashikaga Yoshiki is dead, Ise Sadakyo is doing well with the new general, can Ninagawa not be afraid?

Ise Zhenjiao said that he was charged with killing the general, but that old fox would not sit still.Seeing her tying Ninagawa and Yoshihiro Shiba together for publicity, she knew that she had bad intentions.

Ningagawa's own life was really scared, and he came to the Shiba mansion to surrender as soon as he returned to Beijing. Even the heir was willing to give Shiba Yoshihiko a hostage, begging for the protection of the Imperial Palace.

But Shiba Yoshigin's expression of indifference made Ningagawa's mother stunned, and the Imperial Palace didn't take Ise Zhenjiao seriously at all.

The Ise family has been in control of the government for more than a hundred years, and the three generations of important ministers of the Ise Zhenjiao have become fine old foxes.Shouldn't this kind of person be strangled to death quickly, and save them for the New Year to have cubs?
Ninagawa was stunned on the spot, not knowing how to persuade her.

After all, she is not Mitsuhide Akechi, nor Shiba's retainer, nor is she a trusted confidant of Yoshibane, how dare she say something that crosses the line?

Who knows what Shiba Yoshiyin is thinking, the foreign minister can't grasp the scale, can't talk nonsense, what if he says something wrong?
Ninagawa bowed his head and said nothing, but Yoshihiro was a little puzzled, did he say something wrong?

he said gently.

"Master Ninagawa, if you have anything to say, you can speak directly. You know me well, and the crime of being convicted for your words will not happen to me."

Ninagawa glanced at Yoshihiro Shiba, and said with a wry smile.

"Yutaisuo, you are upright and noble, you may not understand the dark thoughts of those villains.

I'm just worried that I won't die if I beat the snake, and I will inflict damage on myself.Thinking of Ise Zhenjiao, this person has bad intentions, and if he keeps her, he may have long nights and dreams. "

Ninagawa's words were already euphemistic with a little sincerity.I hope Shiba Yoshihiro will be ruthless immediately and strangle Ise Sadao to death.

No matter how radical it is, she can't say it.The relationship between Shiba Yoshigin and Ashikaga Yoshiaki is somewhat unclear to outsiders.

The main reason is that I can't see through Shibo Yiyin's step-by-step concessions, and he is completely a political layman.

The power is handed over, is it true that he loves his ancestors so much that he is moved by Ashikaga Yoshiaki's face that resembles his ancestors?In love?

This kind of words can only be slandered, who dares to say it at this sensitive time?Everyone didn't realize that Shiba Yoshiyin's concession was mainly due to the threat of Oda Nobunaga.

Oda Nobunaga was very cunning. He sat in Tofukuji and watched the shogunate infighting. He just focused on the law and order in Kyoto and didn't mean to get involved at all.

Although she has a perverse temper, but after entering Beijing, she has done her duty and her ambition has not been revealed.

The eyes of the shogunate princesses naturally ignored her, staring at Shiba Yoshigin and Ashikaga Yoshiaki's transfer of power.

The order of power in the future of the shogunate is related to everyone's jobs.At this time, who cares what a foreign hillbilly name is doing?
Yoshigin's unconditional concession not only made Ashikaga Yoshiaki and his group unable to understand, but even his comrades in the trenches were confused.

Only then did Hosokawa and Mibuchi's two families become bold and careful, and prepared to step on the wall further.There is also Ninagawa who hesitates to speak, leaving half of what he said.

Yiyin himself didn't realize this problem, he just frowned and said.

"Ise Zhenjiao is working for His Royal Highness Yoshiaki, bridging the differences with Tiantai sect.

Regarding the ancestor's funeral, His Highness Yizhao has already sent someone to explain to me.Xiangguo Temple did not do it properly, and I also agree to let Tiantai Sect reorganize it.

Ise Zhenjiao is dealing with this matter, and taking her down at this time, I am afraid that there will be other bad associations on the Tiantai sect.

Forgive her for a few days. After His Highness Yoshiaki succeeds to the throne, I will write a letter stating that Ise Zhenjiao's head will be taken.

You don't have to worry, she won't live long. "

Ninagawa was a little disappointed, but Shiba Yoshihiro had already made it clear and made it clear when Ise Sadaka died, so she couldn't say anything more.

So, she kowtowed to the ground and said.

"I am ashamed of being so wise, Ise Zhenjiao will of course follow your instructions on how to deal with it.

That's about Ninagawa's parents. . "

Yoshihiro glanced at Ninagawa's father, she was already in Yuanfu, and she was a few years older than Gamo's hometown.

"The hometown of Kamo's family."


Yoshigin pointed to Ninagawa's father and said.

"Take Ninagawa's father to settle down and arrange for her to work in Tongxinzhong."

Gamo's Township stagnated for a while, and seemed a little reluctant.But Ninagawa's mother and daughter were present, so she couldn't say anything, so she bowed.


Ninagawa Moyo nodded with a smile, and kept saying words of gratitude to Shiba Yoshigin.

Although the matter of Ise Sadako is hanging in his mind, and the transfer of power between the two Asariswas seems to be in a fog, Ninagawa still firmly stands by Shiba Yoshigin's side.

Because she believes in a truth, that is, a hard fist is the real bull.

Don't look at these people inside and outside the shogunate who are clever and tricky, they seem to be invincible.But let them go into battle against Shiba Yoshigin, and they will all be wilted. Who would have the guts to fight Ashikaga Army God?
Ashikaga Yoshiki died, and Ninagawa lost his backer.What's more troublesome is that she is more or less a criminal.

The safest way is to stand on the side of Shiba Yoshigin, who holds righteousness in his hand and is unparalleled in battle.Whether it is reasoning or fighting, it is invincible.

Ninagawa's mind is very simple, not seeking merit, but seeking no fault.The Ninagawa family doesn't expect to be rich and powerful, they just hope that they won't be sucked to death by the vortex established by the shogunate again.

Shiba Yoshiyin's character is famously reliable, and if he stands with him, at least he doesn't have to worry about being betrayed by his teammates.

In the eyes of Ninagawa, this is the choice to protect capital and bottom line.

That's why she decided to imitate Pu Sheng Xianxiu's old method of offering her daughter to survive.No matter how turbulent the shogunate will be in the future, at least his own heir will be saved.


After receiving the Ninagawa mother and daughter, Shiba Yoshigin was a little tired.He hadn't recovered from his illness, and he played with Ninagawa for a long time, and he could be regarded as seeing off the old fox of the shogunate.

Ninagawa donated her own daughter to serve, saved the heir, and got Shiba Yoshiyin's acquiescence.So, Pidianpidian ran to the Nijo Imperial Palace to flatter the future General Ashikaga.

Yiyin was extremely helpless towards these old fritters in the shogunate.

Look down on their selfish faces, but it won't work if you don't win over them.On the one hand, many things require them to raise their flags, and on the other hand, they are also afraid that they will make trouble in secret.

The interior of the shogunate is rotten, full of bastards who fail to accomplish anything and fail to succeed.Yiyin felt that dealing with these people was far more tiring than dealing with those samurai families in the Kanto region.

He misses Terutora Uesugi a little bit. When they were in Echigo Kingdom, the two of them sang a good face and a bad face, and things went much more smoothly.

In Kyoto, Yiyin lacked a ruthless man with a knife to cooperate.He suddenly thought of Oda Nobunaga and couldn't help shaking his head.If he cooperates with Oda Nobunaga, the shogunate will really disappear.

Just as Yoshigin said to Akechi Mitsuhide, he doesn't care how bad the shogunate is, he just hopes that he will keep covering the lid while he is alive, and he doesn't want to see any human tragedy.

If that surly guy Oda Nobunaga were allowed to take power, the world would not know how it would be messed up.

With this naive idea, Yoshigin struggled to deal with all parties, hoping to integrate the forces within the shogunate, suppress Oda Nobunaga's ambition, and live a peaceful life for a few days.

It's a pity that his sympathy for the world is too naive after all, it can't help others, and it will hurt his own people.


Yi Yin was still in a daze, Gamo Clan had already returned to his room, bowing in salute.

"Master Ninagawa has made arrangements?"


Seeing Pusheng's frown, Yiyin asked.

"Any questions?"

Gamo Shixiang said softly.

"I had a little contact with the elder Ninagawa. This person is sophisticated and tactful. I don't think she is suitable for the work of the concentric group."

Yiyin chuckled.

"Do you think that Tongxinzhong should find a group of half-grown lolita for you to train?"

Gamo's hometown blushed and said.

"Odaisho, I just think that young age is the best way to cultivate loyalty."

Yiyin shook his head, what is loyalty, he just thinks that children are easy to brainwash, and Pu Sheng's township is using the same-hearted people as dead men.

He said.

"Shixiang, I know you are doing it for my own good, but this time is different from the past.

As my status gets higher and higher, Tongxinzhong will inevitably become a fat job that many people are chasing after.

You expect to find a group of little girls to cultivate loyalty, while others expect to send your heirs in to feel at ease.

do you understand? "

Gamo Shixiang was stunned for a moment and remained silent.

Back then, she reorganized Tongxinzhong and only chose Lolita.On the one hand, it is because I am young, and I am afraid that I will not be able to convince the public.On the other hand, it is also for Yiyin to train the heirs of various families as confidantes in order to control the place.

But this time, Ninagawa took the opportunity to stuff his adult daughter in. At first glance, Ninagawa looked like a shogunate, an old fritter who would hang out with the shogunate in the future.

It is not easy to learn well, and it only takes three days to learn badly.This kind of person has entered the concentric group, and the internal part of the group is not pure.Once people's hearts are scattered, it will be difficult to lead the team.

Yiyin glanced at Gamo's Township and said.

"Sooner or later, the Concentric Congregation will turn into a hodgepodge, Ninagawa himself will block people, and those important ministers in the Siberian leadership will follow suit in the past few days. You can't always have a group of simple-minded children.

Shixiang, I believe in your ability, but you have to learn to adapt to the new situation.

Do you know how His Royal Highness Ashikaga Yoshimitsu, the three-generation general, formed the Ashikaga Huis? "

Gamo's Township thoughtfully, nodded and said.

"Odaisho, I understand."

(End of this chapter)

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