different warring states of japan

Chapter 1203 Talent Petri dish

Chapter 1203 Talent Petri dish

Yiyin smiled slightly, and looked towards Gamo's Township approvingly.This child is extremely intelligent, has a long history of family education, and can understand many things at a glance.

The Muromachi shogunate was inherently deficient. The Ashikaga family could only be regarded as the co-lord of the Samurai Alliance at the beginning. The shogunate was in name only, and the power base was very unstable.

The Ashikaga shogunate has been passed down for two hundred years, and there is only one person in the three generations of Ashikaga Yoshimitsu who can truly be called the most powerful shogun.

After Ashikaga Yoshimitsu came to power, he tried his best to do two things well.The first is to make money, and the second is to check and balance.

She tried every means to obtain the tribute trade from the Celestial Dynasty.He even did not hesitate to exterminate Japanese pirates and flatter the Ming emperor.

In the end, she got her wish and got the seal of the Japanese king bestowed by the emperor of the Ming Dynasty, and was able to form a Zhuyin ship and establish a survey and cooperation trade with the Ming Dynasty.

Ashikaga Yoshimitsu made a lot of money by relying on Taiming trade, and then established the Ashikaga Congregation of [-] people.

The [-] people of Ashikaga Yoshimitsu are not the [-] horses of the current shogunate.It was an elite Ji warrior group formed by selecting elite descendants from various families with generous rewards.

This Ji samurai regiment not only became Ashikaga Yoshimitsu's military trump card, but also her starting point for intervening in the internal power struggle of each family.

The outstanding heirs of each family returned to the public in Ashikaga, and when something happened to their family that was not good for them, it was natural to ask General Ashikaga to make decisions for themselves.

Relying on attracting Ashikaga back to the public, Ashikaga Yoshimitsu has repeatedly intervened in the succession disputes of various powerful vassals, arbitrating for the samurai infighting, and has extremely high prestige and power.

Grasping money with one hand and checking and balancing with the other, Ashikaga Yoshimitsu cleaned up the disobedient and powerful samurai everywhere, and became a powerful general who truly established the Ashikaga world.

Gamo's family is an old samurai family in recent days, and Gamo's village naturally knows the past events of Ashikaga Yoshimitsu and Ashikaga Huizhong.Shiba Yoshihiro made a point, and she understood.

Yoshigin's way of doing things is really similar to Ashikaga Yoshimitsu.

He used the Hokuriku Road trade route to make profits, established the Sibozhong Fund, and bought people's hearts.

And Shiba is united with one heart, and in the future, he may also target Ma Huizhong, who is marked by Ashikaga Yoshimitsu, and use it to gather the elites of various families to facilitate interference in the internal affairs of each family.

Thinking about it this way, Gamo Clan Township understood his position and knew what to do.

The Concentric Crowd is Shiba Yoshiyin's bodyguard now, and they only need to be loyal.But in the future, the Tongxinzhonghui will be the best channel for each family to offer hostesses and gain the trust of the lord.

Shiba Yoshiyin also needs to win over these new concentric warriors, and use them to influence the decisions of each family in turn, so that each family can be more closely united by his side.

Entering the Concentric Congregation is Yiyin's reassurance to each family, it is a propaganda mouth to each family, and it is to sow the seeds of loyalty to each family.

For example, Ninagawa's father, as long as she follows Shiba Yoshihiro wholeheartedly, then the future Ninagawa family will be the loyal lackeys of the Shiba family.

If you want to understand this truth, there is nothing more to say about Gamo's Township.Yoshihiro Shiba confided in her and even reused her.

As long as she does a good job with the concentric crowd, she will definitely be a pivotal figure in Sipo's family in the future.

Pusheng's hometown kowtowed to the ground and said solemnly.

"Please rest assured, I will work with everyone to plan and orderly, and solve your problems."

Yiyin nodded, feeling a little sore in his neck, and said tiredly.

"I'm a little tired. If it's okay, you can step back first."


Gamo Shigo respectfully exited the room and closed the paper door.

Yiyin lay on the bed with his eyes closed.

The strategy of Ashikaga Yoshimitsu is not uncommon in ancient and modern China and abroad.The most famous is the Qi Xue system established by Genghis Khan.

Qixue, named Suwei, was actually the core of the Mongolian ruling group in the early Yuan Dynasty, consisting of nobles and descendants of generals.

Their commanders, Si Kexue, Mu Huali, Chi Laowen, Borhu, and Borshu, were all trusted generals of Genghis Khan.

On the one hand, the Qixue system uses the old to lead the new to cultivate reserve talents, and on the other hand, it is also the direct descendant of Genghis Khan.

This is a system that cultivates noble heirs as cronies and guarantees the ability and loyalty of reserve talents.

When in Kanto, Gamo's village selected loli into the Tongxin, and planned to train them to help the Shiba family stabilize the place in the future.

On this basis, Shiba Yoshigin just expanded the scope of selecting Ji samurai, which is more suitable for his current status.

So what if Ninagawa's parents are naughty?
In the future, various Ji warriors will continue to come in, and the internal composition of Tongxinzhong will become more and more complicated.

Yiyin hopes that the concentric crowd can become a petri dish for its own talents and cronies, just like the Qixue system.

Pu Sheng's township is worried that the newcomers who come in in the future will not be innocent, but Yi Yin doesn't care. His confidence comes from the high salary and bright future of the same heart.

Tongxinzhong has the same preparation as the Yutai people. They eat white rice, white radish, and dried salted fish every day.

Even if the treatment is downgraded during wartime, these things are converted into real objects and can be received at any time, which is equivalent to getting an extra share of money and food.

In Kanto, Yoshihiro wanted to abolish the Odai staff of Sanada, and directly frightened Nobushige Sanada into tears, kneeling down and begging for mercy, without even caring about his dignity.

Just because the money and rations are too generous, once it is cancelled, she will have no way to explain it to the Sanada sisters when she goes back.

In the same way, Tongxinzhong also enjoys the treatment of Yutai people.What's more, Tongxinzhong has an additional benefit compared to Yutairen, that is, the Sibo Zhong Fund.

The Otai people belonged to the Kanto Chamber of Commerce, so they were not counted as Shiba's retainers, and could not receive the annuity from the Zhong Fund.

But the concentric group is different. They are Shiba Yoshigin's guards, so of course they are included in the establishment of Shiba's retainers, and they must be the first batch to receive the annuity.

As long as Ishida Mitsunari is not a fool, he will definitely include Tongxinzhong in the first batch of annuity list, and enjoy the annuity treatment first.

Yoshihiro dispatched Naomasa Ii, who oversees the Shibachu Foundation, to be No. [-] in the group.Ishida Mitsunari didn't give Tongxin a little bit of sweetness, did he want to make trouble for himself?

Tongxinzhong holds two sets of money and food, and every year, not counting other income, there is a net income of more than ten stones of brown rice.

A Ji warrior who knows how to do a hundred stones can barely be counted as a middle-level martial arts family, and the annual income of four princes and six people is only forty stones.In order to have enough food, the whole family had to go to the fields to plow the fields.

A Tongxinzhong has more than ten stones of brown rice as a year-end bonus every year. What kind of treatment is this?The Tongxinzhong Group is also a training base for reserve cadres of the lord's cronies, and has a bright future.

Warrior Ji, who was able to join the Concentric Congregation, was either optimistic about his future, or because of the super high treatment.How could this group of people not be positive, how could they not be loyal?
In Yiyin's view, Gamo's township's worries were completely unnecessary.

The prosperity of the world is for profit, and the world is for profit.As long as the boss can fight and is willing to spend money, the Wu family is the best eagle dog in the world.

These warriors of the island country who are full of muqiang plots are the group of people who know how to be dogs best in the world.Obey the strong and do things with money.

Yiyin thought about it, his mind gradually became dizzy, and he slowly fell into a dream.

He knew that the dream of himself and Ashikaga Yoshiki in another timeline hadn't been finished yet, and that dream would definitely come again.

Silly x author silly x dream, endless.

Where did you dream about before?It seems that I was having sex with someone in Edo, and was caught by Ashikaga Yoshiki who rushed over?
Oops, does the film affect the relationship between husband and wife?Will Kanto and Kansai be split?Alas, it's all because I'm too handsome, [-] centimeters too long, it's a crime.

Yiyin was thinking wildly, and fell asleep in a daze.For a long while, there was a murmur in sleep.

"Yihui, don't hit her, hit me if you want to hit her..."


Inside the shogunate, there is intrigue.

At Tofukuji Temple, Asai Nagamasa came with his husband, and Oda Nobunaga warmly entertained his younger siblings and his wife.

At the family banquet, Oda Nobunaga assured Asai Nagamasa that the Asai family's efforts will definitely be rewarded handsomely.

Following Shigeharu Takenaka's suggestion, she promised to donate a batch of grain to Asai's family after the autumn harvest, and hinted at Nagamasa Asai.

She is willing to stand on the side of the Asai family, deter the samurai families of the three new counties of Kita Omi, and fully support Asai Nagamasa's collection of military food and service, so as to truly control the entire Kita Omi.

Seeing Oda Nobunaga standing up for his wife, the city lord immediately put aside his previous dissatisfaction with his sister, and was moved to tears.

My sister still cares about me, how could she really want to force my wife to death?
Of course, Asai Nagamasa was not as innocent as the lord of the city, but the conditions offered by Oda Nobunaga were far beyond her expectations.

It was originally thought that Oda Nobunaga would give up several villages in Minami Omi symbolically to give the Asai family some sweetness.But Oda Nobunaga's idea is to find another way, which makes Asai Nagamasa even more excited.

For the Asai family, the land of Minami Omi is indeed a tasteless one.There has been a long-standing grievance between the northern and southern Jinjiang martial arts, and it is uncomfortable for both sides to take advantage of the boundary to dominate the other side.

But the three counties of Takashima, Inugami, and Aichi are different. These three counties were originally the land of Kita Omi, but they were snatched by Liujiao Dingyai.

The Asai family is holding the three prefectures in spite of their name, but they can't benefit from it and enrich their own strength. This is Asai Nagamasa's biggest heart problem.

The Asai vassals are not doing charity. Seeing that the samurai family in the new three counties eat and drink spicy food, they work hard to serve the Asai family. Why?
If the issue of military and food service in the three counties is not resolved, the Asai family's rule in Kita Omi will not be stable, it will always be sitting in the crater, and it may erupt at any time.

Oda Nobunaga's delivery of food can only be used for emergencies, but she is willing to use the force of the Oda family as a backing to help Asai Nagamasa deter the three counties and complete the internal integration of Kita Omi.

With such a large piece of carrot hanging in front, Asai Nagamasa's face brightened instantly, he sang with the mayor, and complimented Oda Nobunaga.

Oda Nobunaga was originally crazy on his own, but now that he is being praised by his younger siblings, he immediately raised his tail and put on a show.

A family banquet, the host and guest enjoy themselves.

Oda Nobunaga and the city lord are joking with each other, talking about the embarrassing things when they were young.Asai Nagamasa looked curiously at the side, watching them reveal each other's faults.

At this time, a person walked in lightly from the outside, it was the leader of Oda Nobunaga's surname, the extremely beloved Mori Ranmaru.

Oda Nobunaga looked up, and Mori Ranmaru approached her ear and was about to speak.

The mayor was just blushing and in a good mood, when he saw them whispering, he was immediately unhappy and yelled.

"Sister! What do you want to hide from me and Nagamasa?"

The mayor didn't care about acting coquettishly, but Asai Nagamasa wanted to avoid suspicion, so as not to embarrass Oda Nobunaga, and softly scolded.

"No nonsense!"

The city lord pursed his lips and remained silent, aiming at Mori Ranmaru.Mori Ranmaru trembled all over, not daring to move, and looked eagerly at Oda Nobunaga.

Before he got married, the eldest son of the Oda family, the city lord, was the family's incarnate devil king, relying on Oda Nobunaga's favor, he has always been arrogant and domineering.

His temperament is similar to Oda Nobunaga's, and he holds grudges the most.Now that she is married into the Asai family whom Oda Nobunaga valued, it is even more difficult to offend.

Although Mori Ranmaru was deeply favored by Oda Nobunaga, he didn't want to hate the prince, so he had to look at the lord pitifully.

Oda Nobunaga saw her look so pitiful, he couldn't help but patted her face affectionately, and the mayor stuck out his tongue to express his disgust.

Being public is an elegant matter of the Wu family. Although the city lords and other men don't like it, it can't stop the high-level Wu family from loving to play with their pets.

Who made men depend on women to live their lives since ancient times, so what if they can't get used to it?I can only laugh with Huang Lian in my mouth, and have fun while suffering.

Oda Nobunaga laughed.

"Say it, don't hide it, there are no outsiders here."

Mori Ranmaru was a little hesitant, she knew some inside information, and it was really hard to mention this matter in front of Asai and his wife, so she hesitated to speak.

Before Oda Nobunaga said anything, the city lord scolded with raised eyebrows.

"If you tell me, just say it!"

He couldn't see these pets selling double-headed dragons the most. My sister said they were from my own family, so this little boy would show off!

Mori Ranmaru said with a wry smile.

"I have found out what the main hall asked me to inquire about. The Imperial Palace was indeed ill, and it was the day I returned to Kyoto."

Before Oda Nobunaga could speak, Asai Nagamasa had already lost his voice.

"Is the Imperial Palace sick? Is it seriously ill?"

When the mayor heard that it was Oda Nobunaga who was investigating Shiba Yoshiyin's affairs, his face immediately dropped.Seeing that Asai Nagamasa was so concerned, his complexion became even uglier.

Asai Nagamasa was also concerned about chaos, and just blurted out, he knew he had made a slip of the tongue.She smiled awkwardly, and explained to Oda Nobunaga.

"His Highness Ashikaga Yoshiaki lacks the title, this time the shogunate is re-established, and the power transfer of the general's succession is indispensable, and the imperial platform presides over the overall situation.

If there is something wrong with him, this matter will be troublesome. "

Oda Nobunaga nodded, she didn't think much about it.After all, Yoshihiko Shiba has a different identity, holding a royal sword and a golden seal, attracting the attention of martial artists all over the world, and his safety has too much to do with it.

However, the city lord secretly glanced at his wife, curled his lips, and cursed inwardly to hide his displeasure.

It's just Oda Nobunaga's thoughts, the city lord is very clear.No matter how big his heart is, he should know that there are some things to avoid after he slapped him twice.

Especially this time, Oda Nobunaga sincerely helped his wife.If the relationship between the two broke down because of his jealousy, he wouldn't even be able to cry.

For the sake of his beloved wife, and for his future life in Asai's house, Shi Jun insisted on grievance in his heart, gritted his teeth and remained silent.

Nagamasa Asai, for you, I'm really suffocated.If you dare to forgive me in the future, I will die for you.

(End of this chapter)

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