different warring states of japan

Chapter 1232 She Must Die

Chapter 1232 She Must Die

"Yeah! I'm fighting with you!"

With red eyes, Kiyosato drew out his sword and rushed towards Takata Yukino, the figures of the two passed by.

A line of blood spurted out from Kiyosato's chest, she fell to the ground, her eyes widened, and she stretched out her hands unwillingly.

This time I ventured out just because I was worried about him and wanted to see him.

Takata Yukino looked back at Kiyosato who was still struggling, and Isamu Kondo who had already stepped up reminded him.

"My lord, your face..."

Takada Yukino wiped his finger on his cheek, and there was a little blood stain on his finger.

"It's okay, I was just scratched a little by her blade."

Isamu Kondo looked at Kiyosato who was still struggling to crawl, and sighed.

"I didn't expect that some of these dudes could hurt you, my lord. This person's swordsmanship..."

Takada Yukino shook his head and said.

"Her sword skills are terrible, but her belief in wanting to live is strong."

Takada Yukino walked up to Kiyosato, and held up the Mikazuki Munekin in her hand.

"You have to understand that in this world some mistakes cannot be forgiven.

If, behind this blood-stained knife and the life of a victim, he can no longer be humiliated and bury those pasts, I will raise the knife without hesitation.

Um. .You made me feel weird, I seem to have too many words today. "

Takada Yukino's eyes were fixed, and he slashed down with a knife.

Until the end, Kiyosato did not give up, she kept moving her body, trying to escape.Her hand was always stretched forward, and she seemed to be calling someone's name.

After the knife, Takada Yukino looked at Kiyosato's body that was no longer struggling, and silently wiped Mikazuki Muneki with a white towel.

Behind him, Isamu Kondo handed over a piece of Heavenly Execution Paper with both hands, Takata Yukino took it, and threw it on the ground.

"In the next life, be more peaceful."

The four people who turned to leave suddenly stopped.Takada Yukino looked around, they were already surrounded.

A person came out from the corner of the street, it was San Taifu of Baidi, and bowed to her.

"Master Takada, the Imperial Palace wants to see you."

Takata Yukino looked at her for a while and asked.

"It was all arranged by you?"

The third wife of a hundred places smiled triumphantly.

"Your Excellency, you have been avoiding us. As a last resort, I have no choice but to make a small plan."

Takada Yukino pointed at Kiyosato's body and said coldly.

"Use this person?"

The San Taifu of Baidi glanced at the corpse and said indifferently.

"You hid very deeply in the capital, and you will only show up when you are punished by heaven.

As a last resort, I had no choice but to use people from the shogunate's security team as a trick to find you. "

Takada Yukino stared blankly at the proud San Tai Fu.

"How did you use her?"

The third wife of the hundred lands smiled lightly.

"She has a childhood sweetheart fiancé, and I tried to find a way to tell her the false news that his fiancé was seriously ill, but she ran out of the mouse hole in a hurry without thinking much about it.

What a fool.

Don't talk about these miscellaneous matters, Mr. Takada, the Odaisuo has been very angry these days, if you continue to mess around, it will not do you any good, please come back with me. "

Takata Yukino looked at the San Tai Fu who was threatening him faintly, and suddenly slashed.

San Taifu of Baidi only felt a blur in front of her eyes, the blade had already skimmed her scalp and chopped off half of her hair.The hair spread out in the air, as if dancing lightly.

The San Taifu of Hundred Lands said angrily.

"Master Takata! Don't mess around!"

Takata Yukino put the knife back into its sheath, bent down and picked up the Tenju paper on the ground, half of the paper was already stained red with Kiyosato's blood.

She was silent for a while, crumpled the paper into a ball, threw it on the third husband of Baidi, and bounced back.

"Qingli's fiancé, where does he live?"

San Taifu's expression is uncertain, this Takada Yukino is simply crazy!
If it hadn't been for knowing that the Great Royal Terrace loved her very much, San Taifu Baidi, who had lost half of his hair, would turn his back on her right now.

Takata Yukino, who didn't hear the answer, looked up at San Taifu Baidi, and the sharp eyes made San Taifu Baidi tremble subconsciously.

At this time, another person walked out of the shadows, bowed and said.

"It's just in front of the town, and the house number is Yukishiro's house."

The corner of San Taifu's eyes twitched, and he coldly glanced at Tengbayashi Muku who came out to answer without authorization.

Takada Yukino nodded, picked up Kiyosato's body, and said.

"Go back tomorrow, now, I have one more thing to do."

She hugged Qingli's body and walked towards San Taifu Baidi, San Taifu Baidi gritted her teeth and walked away sideways.

The three of Isamu Kondo followed and walked out. When they passed by Santai Fu, Isamu Kondo gave her a thumbs up and made a provocative gesture of cutting his throat.

Although Mibu Wolf is a hopeless desperado, he also despises the leaders of ninjas who have no bottom line like San Taifu of the Hundred Lands.

The third prince of Baidi snorted coldly, but did not dare to move.Facing the lunatic Takada Yukino, she also panicked.

Watching the four of them walk away, San Taifu turned around and sneered at Fujibayashi Muku.

"Fujibayashihime, you are fine."

Fujibayashi Muku bowed respectfully as if he didn't understand her sarcasm.

"My lord is full of praise.

The feelings of Odai-san towards Mr. Takata are unusual, those of us who are ministers must know how to share your worries and do things carefully.

As long as Mr. Takada is willing to go back, it's fine for us to suffer a little grievance. "

San Tai Fu touched the missing half of his hair and snorted coldly.

"If she doesn't go back to Sibo Mansion tomorrow, it's up to you!"

Fujibayashi Mukuro said in a low voice.

"No, Mr. Takata is an honest person."

The third wife of Baidi looked at Tengbayashi Mulan coldly, always feeling that her words were a bit harsh.

Fujibayashi Muku maintained a respectful attitude and lowered his head.Under the moonlight, Fujibayashi Muku's entire face was buried in the shadows, and her expression could not be seen.


As the night darkened, Kiyosato hid before, in a house in another town in Kyoto.

Daguan suddenly turned over, waking up the people around him.

Ueno approached and asked in a low voice.

"what happened?"


As he spoke, Daguan picked up the knife and leaned against the door.The other Ji warriors stood up quietly and picked up their swords silently, all eyes were on the wooden door.

Suddenly, there were several knocks on the door, three times, two times, three times, it was the signal they had set.

Daguan relaxed slightly and asked in a low voice.


"I, Ise Zhenxing."

Daguan opened his eyes wide, the person who came was Ise Zhenjiao's daughter, Ise Zhenxing?

She gestured to the guarding Ji warriors behind her, and slowly opened the door.

Ise Zhenxing was indeed the only one outside the door, she bowed slightly and teased.

"His Majesty Odate, you are really in a mess."

The corner of Daguan's mouth twitched, and he pulled her in, not forgetting to look outside a few times before closing the door.

A group of people breathed a sigh of relief, and someone lit a candlestick.The candlelight was weak, and the expressions of the concubines were faintly visible in the dim light.

Ise Zhenxing sat down just now, but Daguan said in a cold voice.

"How did you find us?"

Ise Zhenxing looked around at the Si warriors and said.

"Hime Odate, you're offended by what you just said. They are all colleagues in the shogunate, and we have close contacts on weekdays. Is there anything you need to hide from me?"

Daguan glanced at the concubines indifferently, knowing that someone must have leaked the news to Ise Zhenxing.

But at this time, she wasn't interested in fussing over so much, so she asked directly.

"What are you here for?"

Ueno on the side also said angrily.

"Are you here to see our joke?"

Ise Zhenxing looked at the two leaders and said with a sigh.

"Kiori is dead."


Ueno subconsciously raised his voice, then closed his mouth tightly.

Daguan licked his lips and said bitterly.

"You idiot, I told her not to go out, but she just wouldn't listen."

Ueno asked in a deliberately low voice with anger.

"She just left for half the night, how do you know she's dead?"

Ise Zhenxing shook his head.

"Takada Batosai left the body at the door of Yukishiro's house, and Bajun's crying could be heard two streets away."

Ueno's eyes were red and he cursed.

"Takada Batosai, you bastard!"

Daguan looked at Ise Zhenxing calmly and said.

"What about you? What are you here for?

You didn't join the shogunate security team, let alone the rumors, so why come here to join in the fun? "

Ise Zhenxing shook his head and said.

"Don't be so unfeeling, I am also a friend of Kiyosato, everyone is a friend.

In the past few days, Takata Batosai has killed twelve people, oh, including Kiyosato, the number is thirteen.

How long are you going to hide?Don't you go out for the rest of your life?

A group of older women are hiding in a broken house, unable to eat or sleep well.Don't you feel flustered when you smell this smell? "

When Ueno stared, he was about to lose his temper.Daguan grabbed her, looked at Ise Zhenxing and said.

"Don't use aggressive methods, just speak straight."

Ise Zhenxing said solemnly.

"We all know who Takada Batosai is, and she won't listen to anyone's explanation. Even if the shogunate and the Shiba family join forces to suppress her forcibly, this matter is not over yet.

Your future will be lived in fear until she comes to you with a knife.There is only one way to solve this matter. "

Daguan squinted his eyes, looked at the eloquent Ise Zhenxing, and said with a sneer.

"Ise Hime, you are really your mother's good daughter, you are almost carved out of the same mold."

Ise Zhenxing's face froze, and she looked at Daguan with a cold face.

"What do you mean by that?"

Daguan shook his head, his expression indifferent.

"It doesn't matter, at least what you said makes sense.

Takada Batosai will not let us go, we want to get rid of this nightmare, the only way is to kill her.

So how are you going to convince us to die?All of us combined can't beat her!
Back then, in the sword room competition, she killed ten swordsmen with superb swordsmanship by herself.In the past few years, her swordsmanship has improved and become even more powerful.

We have self-knowledge, we are not capable of killing her. "

Odate's temptation made Ise Zhenxing laugh.It's a pleasure to communicate with smart people.

"You are going to kill her, not to compete with her in swordsmanship, how can it be so difficult?

I have prepared iron cannons, bows, and spears for you.It's just a mere swordsman. If you shoot an arrow from a distance, you'll shoot him down, and if you get close, you'll be stabbed to death.

I checked, and there are three or five of them every time they travel.It should be because they are worried that the whole group will be dispatched, and their whereabouts will be easily exposed.

As long as you seize the opportunity, it is not difficult to kill Takata Batosai. "

Daguan looked at her and said.

"It seems that you have already found an ambush site for us?"

Ise Zhenxing nodded and said.

"In the past few days, the Siba family has turned over the entire Kyoto to find someone, and Takata will not be able to hide for long, so he must return to Shiba's mansion.

I will send someone to keep an eye on Sipo Mansion, as long as she goes, I will tell you to guard the perimeter.

When she comes out. . "

Daguan said coldly.

"What if she is locked up by the Royal Platform and won't come out?"

Ise Zhenxing smiled.

"Even if we want to shut it down, it will be after Mibu Wolf has been properly arranged. Don't worry, you have a chance to send her to the underworld.

Think about Kiyosato, think about Matsuda-sama, think about the relatives and friends who have died tragically in the past few days.Are you going to be cowards for the rest of your life, or heroes for a while? "

Odate was silent, and Ueno beside him couldn't bear it any longer and held Odate's shoulder.

"Go ahead! Hime Odate, we can't walk around Takata Batosai forever!"

Daguan glanced at the concubines, everyone's eyes were full of desperate ruthlessness.

She knew that Ise Zhenxing had bad intentions, but at this time, she had no other choice.

"Okay, bring the bows, arrows, iron cannons, and long spears, and prepare some more sets for us."

Ise Zhenxing laughed.

"No problem, I'll go back and get ready."


Ise Zhenxing walked out of the house, and a few figures flashed at the corner of the street, following behind her.

She beckoned, and one of them came forward.

"Little Lord."

Ise Zhenxing said in a low voice.

"Keep an eye on them, and we must deal with them after the incident is over. This matter must not be implicated in the Ise family!"



On the Yodo River, Takada Yono looked towards the direction of Kyoto.

"How long will it take to get to Kyoto?"

The entourage behind him replied respectfully.

"My lord, according to the current speed of the boat, we can reach Kyoto at midnight tomorrow."

"It's too slow, find a way to go faster."



The sun rises.

In Shiba's mansion, Yoshigin received the news from the confidentiality team that Takada Yukino would be back today.

He was a little relieved, and ordered to go down after breakfast, and as soon as Takata Yukino came back, he brought her to see him.

But he didn't expect to wait until the sun went down and the lights came up.

Looking at Takada Yukino who kowtowed to the ground in front of Shi Shi with a calm face, Yi Yin asked while holding back his anger.

"Why did you come back so late?"

Xue Nai said dumbly.

"I was busy last night and slept during the day.

Before returning, I arranged for Mibu Wolf and others to work for tonight, and continued to search for hiding insects.So, a little late.

My lord, have you had dinner yet? "

The corners of Yiyin's eyes twitched, seeing that Xue Nao looked fine, he felt his blood pressure go up.


Xue Nai looked at him blankly and said.

"I haven't eaten yet, I'm a little hungry."

The string called reason in Yiyin's brain snapped instantly.He couldn't help but stepped forward, slapped Xue Nai's head with a palm, and roared angrily.

"Eat, eat, eat! Eat a p! Do you know what you did!"

Yukino scratched her head innocently.


Then she bowed solemnly, looked at Yiyin with both eyes and said.

"Master, those who speak ill of you have shut up. As long as Xue Nao is around, they will never dare to speak again."

Looking at Xue Nao's eyes full of joy without any impurities, Yi Yin's eyes were sour and his heart softened.

"You little fool..."

Glancing at Kamojigo and Ii Naomasa sitting beside him, Yoshigin said.

"Naozheng, go get some food for Yukino."

Ii Naomasa was taken aback for a moment, thinking he had heard it wrong.

This guy Xue Nai has messed up the capital and caused such a lot of trouble for the Imperial Palace Office, so he still wants to eat?eat p?
Naomasa Ii was still in a daze, but Yukino spoke carelessly.

"I want a bowl of white rice with two pieces of pickled radish. Is there any dried fish in the kitchen today? If you have one, bring me two."

Yukino seemed to be asking for credit for ordering food. Naomasa Ii was embarrassed when she heard that, and subconsciously looked at the lord.

Yiyin sighed helplessly and nodded.

(End of this chapter)

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