different warring states of japan

Chapter 1233 May this moment be eternal

Chapter 1233 May this moment be eternal

After saluting, Naomasa Ii got up and went to prepare, muttering.

"Just know how to eat, are you a pig?"

Seeing the little interaction between the two girls, Yiyin felt warm and bitter at the same time.This girl Xue Nai is really spoiled by herself, she doesn't know how to be afraid when she sees herself getting angry.

Yiyin looked towards Gamo's village and said.

"Shixiang, you go outside and keep an eye on it, I want to chat with Xue Nai alone."


Looking at the back of Gamo's hometown leaving, Yiyin said in his mouth.

"Xue Nai, how should I deal with you? It's really nerve-wracking."

Xue Nai looked at the master inexplicably, as if she really didn't know what was wrong with her.

Seeing her like this, Yiyin got angry.

"Why are you pretending to be innocent! Don't you really understand what you have done?"

Shino sticks out her tongue.

"It was seen through by the lord."

Yiyin felt that he was about to explode, and thumped the tatami with his right hand.

"Don't pretend to be cute! Answer me! Takada Yukino!
You are very capable now!To engage in assassination, you know how to play white terror, right?You join forces with Yang Nai, she contributes money, you contribute, and the entire Kyoto is made into a mess!

Tell me, do you still have me as the lord in your eyes?Don't listen to my orders at all!Your courage is really big enough! "

Xue Nai looked at Yiyin who was angry, his usual cute expression gradually changed, and finally looked at Yiyin with an affectionate look, which made Yiyin's heart tremble.

"The lord is finally afraid of me and my sister? Are you starting to worry that you can't control us?

Then, why don't you deal with our threats like you did Maeda Misaki, Maeda Toshiie and the others? "

Yi Yin heard Hanmao stand on his head, and said sharply.

"What nonsense are you talking about!"

Suddenly there was a sound outside the door, and the footsteps of Pu Sheng's village gradually faded away, as if they had gone outside the court.

Yiyin was embarrassed, what does this mean?
Just when he was distracted, Xue Nai suddenly reached out and grabbed his wrist, covering her heart.

"Xue Nai knows, Xue Nai has always been very clear."

Yiyin struggled a few times, but Xue Nai held onto his hand tightly, unable to struggle.He felt uncomfortable being stared at by Xue Nai's scorching eyes, he turned his head and said.

"Let go! There are no rules!"

Xue Nai shook her head slowly.

"The general said, I can like you in the future."

Yiyin said violently.

"When did I hear what Ashikaga Yoshiki said!"

Xue Nai looked at Yi Yin.

"I have a knife, my sister has money, isn't the lord worried about us messing around? Aren't you afraid of us already?

Why don't you do that to me?still. .you don't like me "

Yi Yin looked at Xue Nao who was as sharp as a sword in front of him, it seemed that he had never really seen this little girl clearly.

"Xue Nai, I like you, but not the kind of liking you think. What I like about you is..."

Xue Nai shook her head, interrupted Yi Yin's words, and said.

"I don't want it, I want the Maeda Toshiie kind, I want the Maeda Toshiya kind, I want that kind."

Yiyin is sweating on his head. He obviously has a career without special effects. A straw man is equal to a wormwood. He is always pure and innocent. Why is he guilty at this moment?

"How did you know?"

Xue Nai said seriously.


Yi Yin's teeth were sore, he only found out today that the most terrifying person in his team turned out to be Xue Nai, a seemingly harmless girl.

This girl has the special power to break through the limits of the human body, and also has the determination and keen intuition to ignore the rules, which is really too dangerous.

"Xue Nai, intuition may not be accurate.

We are human beings, not wild beasts. We need to use our brains to do things, and we need to know how to think properly.If you mess around like this, sooner or later you will die ugly. "

Yukino seemed to be thinking, and her expression became dull again.

"Does the lord like me?"

Yi Yin sighed.

"I said, I like it, just like the kind of girl who treats me..."

Xue Nao interjected.

"If you like me, fuck me."

Yiyin was stunned, fuck?

He was born in a famous family, and now he is expensive in the Imperial Palace.In this life, he has been abused quite a lot, but in front of him, there is really no one who dares to say such vulgar words.

Yiyin said angrily from embarrassment.

"Where did you learn the vulgar language!"

Before he finished speaking, he was already stunned.

Xue Nai in front of her had tears in her eyes, looking at herself watery.He put Yiyin's hand covering his heart to his cheek, and stroked his tears.

Yi Yin's heart softened.

Sin, I always feel that something is wrong.My emotions seemed to be played by this little girl in the palm of my hand, and I had no ability to resist.

Yiyin hardened his heart and said.

"Xue Nai, it's really not good..."

Before he finished speaking, Xue Nai had already leaned forward, offered her cherry lips, and blocked his words.

Yiyin's body froze, Xue Nai put her hands around his neck, and whispered in his ear.

"My lord, love me, okay?"

Yiyin swallowed, his eyes turned from blank to gentle.He could feel that Xue Nao's body was trembling slightly, and she was not as strong as it appeared on the outside.

He sighed, put his hands on Xue Nai's back, and hugged her tightly like comforting a flustered little animal.

"I really can't do anything about you, but I seem to have never been able to do anything about you.

Xue Nai, are you really stupid or fake? "

The candlelight in the room was blown out by the sound of the two falling down.

Outside the courtyard, Kamo Shigo seemed to feel something, and looked back at the closed door.

At this moment, Naomasa Ii came over with a plate in his hands, but was stopped by Gamo Shigo.

"Don't go in, the Lord is talking to Takata Hime."

"Lord Gamo, I'm just delivering food to Yukino, and I'll be out right away."

Gamojigo shook his head seriously at her, Ii Naomasa seemed to understand something, and looked at the closed door behind Gamojigo.

She didn't seem to be able to believe it, and cast her pleading eyes on Kamo Shigo, wanting a negative answer.Gamo Shixiang ignored her and looked into the distance.

Ii Naomasa nodded in confusion, turned around and left.

Her hands holding the tray couldn't help shaking, and she spilled the miso soup specially prepared for Yukino, and it stained her clothes.

But Naomasa Ii didn't seem to feel it at all, and just walked out in a daze.She stopped suddenly, and looked back at the courtyard again, her eyes were a little sore.

Hate!Yukino is the most annoying!

Not long after Ii Naomasa left, another person rushed over.

Gamo Shigo squinted her eyes and carefully looked at the figure walking in the dark. The face that should be in the courtyard appeared in front of her, and she couldn't help being surprised.

But she immediately came back to her senses and asked.

"Is Takada Yono-sama?"

Yang Nai came over and nodded towards Gamo Shixiang with a tired face.

"Master Gamo, it's me."

After receiving Yoshihiko's order in Sakai Port, Yoshino didn't know the latest situation in Kyoto, and felt very uneasy.So, she came here day and night, and just arrived in the capital, she came to see the lord.

The two saluted each other, Yang Nai said eagerly.

"Is the lord there? Can I see him now?"

Pu Sheng Shi Xiang hesitated and said nothing, Yang Nai saw her strange expression, his heart suddenly moved.

Looking at the closed door, she seemed to sense something.Maybe it's the telepathy between sisters, or maybe it's a woman's intuition.

She asked suddenly.

"Yue Nao... Is she in there?"

Gamo Shixiang didn't speak, she really didn't know what to say.

From her awkward expression, Yang Nai seemed to have got the answer, showing a bitter smile.

"I'm going in."

Gamo Shigo shook his head resolutely.


Yang Nai gritted his teeth and repeated.

"I'm going in!"

Gamo's Township sighed.

"Please don't embarrass me."

Yang Nai's eye circles gradually turned red, and said sadly.

"Then you can kill me with one knife."

After finishing speaking, she walked around Gamo's Township and opened the door.She moved very slowly, as if she didn't want to accept this reality.

Gamo Shixiang could stop her completely, but at this moment, for some reason, there was a trace of sympathetic sadness in Gamo Shixiang's heart.

She silently watched Yang Nai who stepped into the courtyard, dazed.


Yang Nai walked on the stone path in the courtyard, stepping up the steps of the porch step by step.

The courtyard under the moon is not completely dark, but some light from the moonlight is reflected.

Although the candles were extinguished in the room, the moonlight shone on the paper sliding door, and the dark shadows in the room could still be seen faintly.

Yang Nai sat silently in a corner of the porch, with his eyes wide open, staring at the two entangled shadows.

Tears kept falling from her eye sockets, and the originally unclear shadow became more and more blurred.

Her shoulders shrugged, her whole body trembled, but she bit her lower lip, refusing to make a sound.

It's like going back to the beginning, that night in Owari.She and Yukino were outside the house, silently watching Oda Nobunaga face Shiba Yoshiyin. .

The shadows in the room suddenly stopped, and Yiyin's voice sounded.

"what happened?"

Xue Nai replied lightly.

"To the restroom."

Yiyin seemed dazed for a moment, he really couldn't do anything about Xue Nai, there was something wrong with this little girl's brain circuit.

Going to the bathroom at this time?Is this time to go to the bathroom?Is it time to go to the bathroom?
The two shadows separated, the sliding door was opened a little, and Xue Nai walked out from inside, she didn't seem surprised by Yang Nao's existence.

Although Yang Nai deliberately lowered his footsteps and suppressed his breathing and crying, Yukino, who is proficient in swordsmanship, still felt her presence.

Behind him, Yiyin called out.

"come back quickly."

He seemed to have something to say, and he didn't have the difficulty he had before.Heh, man.

Xue Nai hummed lightly, and walked towards her sister who was kneeling in the corner of the porch.

Yang Nai tried desperately to wipe away the tears, she was too stubborn to show weakness, but the tears kept pouring out with disgust, making her efforts all in vain.

Xue Nai walked in front of her, squatted down, and whispered in Yang Nai's ear.

"Sister, are you crying?"

Yang Nai stared at her intently.

"Did you come to see me laughing?

I know, no matter what I do, I can't catch up with you.The lord just spoils you and pampers you, no matter what I do, I can't compare to you.

I will never be able to catch up with you, and I will never get the kindness my lord treats you. "

Yang Nai's voice was very soft, with a crying tone, revealing deep resentment, jealousy, and despair.

Xue Nai stared blankly at her sister who was on the verge of collapse, then suddenly stood up and stretched out her hand to hold her.

Yang Nai is not a swordsman, and his physique is far inferior to that of Xue Nai who practices swords every day.Although he struggled hard, he was forcibly pulled up.

She was afraid that Yiyin in the room would notice that she didn't know how to face the lord, so she could only curse in a low voice.

"Xue Nai, what are you going to do? You have already got what you want, and you still want to continue to humiliate me?"

Xue Nai suddenly hugged Yang Nai, turned around and changed places with her.

"I hope my sister is as happy as I am."

After finishing speaking, she gently pushed Yang Nai out, opened a sliding door towards the room, and pushed it through.

Yang Nai was caught off guard, pushed a few steps away by her, and then heard Yi Yin's voice.

"It's so slow, come in quickly."

Yang Nai froze all over, the voice of the lord was not as majestic as usual, but revealed a rippling taste instead.

She swallowed her saliva, looked at Xue Nai, and saw that her sister was smiling at her, as if she was saying something.

Go ahead.

Yang Nai's head was in chaos, he raised his foot subconsciously, and took a step into the sliding door.

She looked back at Xue Nai, she couldn't figure out what this silly sister was thinking.She suddenly realized that the stupid one among the sisters seemed to be herself.

Yang Nai was still hesitating, when suddenly his sleeve was pulled, and a force pulled him in, it turned out that Yi Yin couldn't bear it anymore.

The black shadows in the room were entangled again, but at this time, the person outside the door turned into Yukino.Seeing her sister disappear in the room, Xue Nai looked at the moonlight with a lonely expression.

After an unknown amount of time, a voice of doubt suddenly came from the room.

"Impossible, it's impossible for my Yukino to be this big? You are...Yangnao? Ah!"

Yiyin was so angry that he opened the sliding door, and saw Yukino admiring the moon at a glance.The moonlight spilled into the room, Yang Nai sat there shyly in disheveled clothes.

This scene made the well-informed Yiyin unconsciously a little dizzy.

He looked at Xue Nai bitterly, and cursed.

"You're messing around again!"


Xue Nai was dumbfounded, this time she was really dumb.She didn't know that her sister would come, it was a coincidence, not deliberate.

Yiyin didn't care so much, he was ashamed and angry now, and became angry from embarrassment.

On weekdays, he pretends to be a holy man in front of the two sisters all day long, with a sacred and inviolable appearance.Now it's all revealed, so coquettish.

Looking at Yi Yin who was blushing, Yang Nao mustered up the courage to grab his arm.

"My lord, I love you, is that okay?"

Looking down at the shy Yang Nao, she has a pretty face and a hot figure.Compared with the headache-provoking Ping Xue Nai, Yi Yin's index finger moved even more.

Yi Yin sighed.

Now that it's over, what else is he pretending to be?Stop pretending, showdown, I'm a show!
Staring fiercely at Xue Nao who had a cute face, Yi Yin suddenly felt warm in his heart.

The three of them have walked together all the way, and finally fulfilled the relationship that was unclear and chaotic, and may this moment last forever.

In the warm atmosphere, Xue Nai suddenly tilted her head and said.

"Should I go shopping?"

Yiyin was stunned.

"buy what?"

Xue Nai gestured with her hands.

"It's the kind with both ends. My sister and I will learn from it, so the Lord won't have to be too tired."

Yang Nai lowered his head, his ears were red.Yiyin also reacted, pointed to the outside of the courtyard, and said viciously.

"go out!"

Then, he turned around and closed the door, shutting himself and Yang Nai inside.

Xue Nai stared blankly at the room, suddenly showed a sad smile, and walked out slowly.

She is not without jealousy, what happened today is a shock to Yi Yin and Yang, so why not her?

Taking advantage of the darkness, Xue Nai walked out of the courtyard.

Pu Sheng looked at her silently, Xue Nai said.

"I want to go out and get some air."

The heart of Pu Sheng's Township is also a mess. It was Yang Nai who went in just now, and now it is Xue Nai who came out. What do you think of the master?

She couldn't figure out whether her current emotion was anger or jealousy, so she just nodded indifferently.


On the periphery of Shipo's mansion, the big hall was carefully filled with gunpowder and projectiles for iron cannons, ready for it.

Ueno beside her was holding a two-and-a-half-inch long spear, muttering ferociously.

"Takata draws his sword, die! Die! Die!"

(End of this chapter)

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