different warring states of japan

Chapter 1296 Concentric Secretariat

Chapter 1296 Concentric Secretariat

Yiyin is very interested in the food stamp system proposed by Daxiong Chaoxiu.

The annuity distribution of the Sibozhong Fund will be fully launched in various places in Siboling in the next few years.

This time, Yiyin personally watched over the distribution of annuities received by Sibo in Duowen Mountain City.

But in the future, there will be more and more places where food will be distributed, Kanto, Owari, and nearby Shiba collars, Yiyin can't keep an eye on it by himself.

In case some of the Ji warriors down here had their brains twisted and tampered with the distribution and transportation to turn Yiyin's benevolent government into an evil one, he wouldn't even be able to cry.

And Da Xiong Chaoxiu proposed the method of distributing food stamps, which made Yiyin's eyes shine.

If the form of distribution of food stamps can be realized, it is only necessary to build a transit granary in Spoland, and the local Spojiaji samurai can exchange food stamps for annuity grain.

This eliminates new problems caused by too many intermediate links, such as wastage, such as ink corruption, and it is also convenient to send people to supervise and manage.

Yiyin looked at Daxiong Chaoxiu with softer eyes, this concubine is a talented person, it really works better if she taps her.

Daxiong Chaoxiu feels a little relieved when he sees Yiyin's approval.Dazang Chang'an on the side remained calm, but he didn't know what was going on in his mind.

Ina Chuji was a little distracted, thinking about the specific content of the first phase of the Tonegawa diversion project, the funds and the construction site needed to be carefully considered.

She ignored the secret rivalry between Daxiong Chaoxiu and Dazang Chang'an. She is an expert in water conservancy, and it is difficult for her to climb to the top management position.

But her talent has already been enshrined in Yiyin's heart, and the big leader will not allow others to bully her at will, and his stand is getting more and more detached.

The three concubines had their own thoughts, and an audience slowly came to an end.


After San Ji left, Yi Yin sat on the main seat and closed his eyes to rest his mind. Pu Sheng came in lightly and bowed.


Yi Yin opened his eyes and asked.

"what's up?"

"Noe Ketsuna and Naoe Kanetsugu are here, and I hope to be able to meet the lord."

Yi Yin smiled and said.

"The mother-in-law and daughter-in-law came so quickly, it seems that they are in a hurry."

Naoe Ketsuna is an important minister of the Uesugi family, the leader of the generations, and an old courtier who has been with the main family since the time of the Nagao family in Fuchu.Naoe Kanetsugu is her new wife, who inherits the famous family business.

This pair of mother-in-law and daughter-in-law belong to the pro-Shiba faction of the Uesugi family, because the interests of the Naoe family are too tightly tied to the Shiba family.

Naoe Kagetsuna is the leader of the Uesugi Monarchs of the Hokuriku Road Commercial Road, and Naoe Kanesuke is in charge of the Naoe Tsuguan Office, which is directly in touch with the Kanto Service Office.

To put it simply, the Naoe family is the negotiator responsible for the cooperation between the Uesugi family and the Kanto Service Office. They have benefited from the cooperation between the two to open up the Hokuriku Road business route and the formation of the Echigo duopolitical politics.

Because of this, the relationship between Naoe's mother-in-law and Shiba Yoshigin is too deep. Once the Echigo duo's political cooperation collapses, the Naoe family will suffer heavy losses.

As soon as Yiyin arrived in Zhijiangjin, they must have got the news.It's just that the Sanji of the Guandong Servant's Enforcement Office will meet first, and it's inconvenient for them to come.

As soon as Sanji left, they asked for an interview. They were holding a stopwatch, which showed how anxious they were.

Yi Yin smiled and said.

"Shixiang, sit down first, I have something to tell you."

Gamo's Township hesitated.

"The two Naoe-samas?"

Yi Yin shook his head and said.

"Let them dry first, don't worry."

Naoe's mother-in-law and daughter-in-law have made too much profit in the past two years, and the explosive expansion of the Hokuriku Road business route has made the Naoe family's position in the Uesugi retainer group skyrocket, and both money and power have been harvested.

Because Uesugi Terutora walked alone, the Kanto Raiders fell short.The resentment of the Kanto Office is very heavy, and rumors are rampant in Echigo.

Yoshihiro came back this time to protect Uesugi Terutoro with determination, and to suppress Okuma Asohide is to suppress the anti-Uesugi faction inside the Kanto Office.

However, Terutoro Uesugi was focused on counterattacking, and he had already begun to prepare to send troops to the Sano leader. This did not conform to Yoshihiro's new strategy of peacefully transforming Guanbashu with peace as the most important thing.

Yoshihiro needs supporters within the Uesugi family to help him persuade Terutora Uesugi to let go of the idea of ​​conquest by force.

The Naoe mother-in-law and daughter-in-law are in charge of the Uesugi Shousuke and the Naoe Tsuguan Office. They are the biggest beneficiaries of the cooperation between Shiba Uesugi and the help he needs.

The more you want to get the support of the other party, the more you have to appear calm and easy to negotiate.So Yiyin first used his identity to cool off the two of them, so as to seize the initiative to meet later.

When the lord spoke, Gamo Clan naturally obeyed the order and sat down respectfully.

Yiyin looked at her and said.

"It was very hard work for Sibo to follow me around.

Just now Okuma Chaoxiu asked me for instructions, saying that the people of Shimoeshiyudai wanted to change the food benefits and directly distribute brown rice of equivalent value.

Tongxinzhong also enjoys the same treatment as Yutai people, do you think the concubines under his command can accept it? "

Gamo's hometown thought about it.

"The food and benefits of the Guandong Servant really made the Concentric Consort Zhuji grateful.

However, due to the severe drought in Kanto, Zhuji's family and friends were all starving, and they really couldn't bear it, and couldn't eat the food bestowed by the lord.

In fact, in the past two years, the people of one heart followed the action of the Lord, and they rarely stayed in one place.Dietary benefits have long been charged to Mr. Daxiong Chaoxiu's daily account, and regular withdrawals of white rice or brown rice five times.

This time, Lord Daxiong Chaoxiu just wants to change the practice into a written rule. I think it is feasible, and all concubines of the same heart will also be grateful for your sympathy. "

Yi Yin nodded and said.

"It's really hard work for these half-grown girls to follow me.

The ten stones of brown rice per year for the benefits of the Odai people and the six stones of brown rice for the Sibazhong Fund annuity should be enough to reward them for their efforts. "

Pusheng's hometown kowtowed to the ground and said.

"Master Tianen, sixteen stones of brown rice a year, the harvest is guaranteed in drought and flood, that is a blessing that they can't cultivate in a few lifetimes."

When the warrior family became an official, the grassroots Ji warrior had a salary of [-] shi, and after making meritorious service, he would be given grace, promotion and knowledge and practice.It seems that the salary is generous, but it is not enough at all.

Warrior Ji's salary includes self-raised armaments, knives, spears, bows, bows and arrows, and the purchase and maintenance of war horses will swallow up most of the salary. Warrior Ji who owns the land of knowledge and action must also undertake military food and service.

After careful calculation, the wages of the middle and lower class Ji warriors are not enough to feed the whole family, and many warriors have to go to the fields to farm and participate in labor.

As for the benefits of Spoelstra's concentric group, it is a net income other than salary.One person enjoys sixteen stones of hard-core crops of brown rice, and they may not be as happy as they are in a thousand stones.

A Ji warrior's annual ration is almost two stones, and half of that for her husband and children.Sixteen stones of brown rice is enough for the whole family to live a life without worrying about food and clothing, not to mention the rewards of military merits.

Yiyin laughed.

"Before, I asked you and Tongxinzhong to prepare to take on greater responsibilities, and Tongxinzhong will inevitably expand its establishment in the future.

The newly-promoted Tongxin Zhongji samurai will be able to get a portion of the Shibazhong fund, and will no longer enjoy the benefits of the royal family.

If everyone gets a share of benefits in the Guandong Service Office, I'm afraid it will really destroy the Guandong Service Office. "

Gamo Shixiang nodded, expressing his understanding.

Before, Yiyin had a serious talk with Gamo's Township in recent days.He gave Gamo Chou the right to select the establishment of the Shiba family, and gave the right to supervise the Shibazhong Foundation to Naomasa Ii.

These two powers are too great, the task is too heavy, and the expansion of Tongxinzhong is imminent. As long as Gamo Clan Township comes up with a complete set of selection regulations, the number of Tongxinzhong will usher in a wave of expansion.

The reorganized Tongxinzhong is not only the guard of Yiyin, but also the central core of Yiyin. Its functions include talent selection, financial supervision, ideological training, and official dispatch.

And Sibo Ling is more like a local military region scattered in various places, and the various Sibo retainers are local warlords, large and small.

Since then, Tongxinzhong has been Yiyin's central army, an important tool used to check and balance the local military regions and maintain his supreme power.

The game between the central army and the local army will happen sooner or later.

Therefore, the number of concentric congregations will not be small, and personnel will even be deployed in and out, becoming an area where the central and local governments infiltrate each other.

Before the expansion of the Concentric Congregation, Yiyin needs to pick up the original Concentric Congregation, that is, the Kanto Loli Congregation headed by Gamo Chougo and Ii Naomasa, to form the Central Army of the Central Army.

He proposed that the Tongxinzhong who enjoy the benefits of the Guandong Servant can only be the current quota, which is what he means.

On the one hand, ten stones of brown rice per person per year. After the expansion of Tongxinzhong, the number of people is too large, and the Kanto Office really cannot afford it.

On the other hand, it also elevates the status of the Lolita who enjoy this treatment in disguise, and assumes greater responsibilities.

Gamo Shigo obviously understood, she said.

"What the lord said is that this rule should be set earlier, and the number of Tongxinzhong who enjoy the benefits of the Kanto Chamber is limited to the current [-] people, and there will be no increase."

Yiyin nodded.

"They are all of one mind, and the first movers have extra benefits, which always seems unfair and will make the latecomers unconvinced.

Let's do this, select the most loyal people from the concentric crowd to form the secretariat, and be responsible for the most core affairs.The number of personnel is thirty, temporarily held by the current Tongxin Ji warriors.

I can trust those girls under your command, and they will be reused in the future. It is impossible to stay in the secretariat forever.

You have time to make plans for the selection mechanism of the secretariat in the future, so that the latecomers can also have hope for advancement. "

Gamo Shigo nodded.

This is Yiyin’s latest instruction on Tongxinzhong’s future plans.

The Tongxin Congregation in the outer circle is the buffer zone for talent circulation between the central and local governments, and the secretariat in the inner circle is the cronies in the bag carefully cultivated by Yiyin.

Observe from the outer circle and select from the inner circle to form a benign mechanism to cultivate reliable talents who are loyal to the center of Sibo, and finally delegate the leadership of Sibo to check and balance local forces.

Yiyin has been repeatedly sold for three or four years in this troubled world, and finally he has gained some experience from playing.

Through the strategy of dove occupying the magpie's nest, the Shibazhong Foundation and the Samurai Giri Promotion Association use blood, interests, and righteousness to bind the inner, middle and outer samurai groups from close to distant, and promote a new line of samurai revival.

The Sibo family then built the Concentric Congregation into a central authority to form a benign interaction with the local forces in the Sibo territories and achieve a dynamic balance.

In the end, build a new type of samurai interest group with Shibo Yoshihiko as the core, with blood occupying various places, the central government leading the localities, grass-roots Ji warriors sharing benefits, and externally having a righteous name.

Yiyin thought for a while, then let out a deep breath, if he could really make such a Shiba family, he could be a little relieved, and would no longer be tricked everywhere. .Bar?

He said to Gamo's Township.

"It's almost there. Bring Naoe Ketsuna and Naoe Kanatsugu to the tea room. They should be waiting impatiently."



In the tea room, Yiyin watched the tea master perform with relish.

In fact, he couldn't understand this so-called elegant art at all, but this tea man was quite attractive, and he tried his best to show off, and the visual effect was good.

The Zhijiang mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, who were impatient and had to wait patiently to watch tea with him, finally waited until the tea master offered the tea soup, and bowed to leave.

Yiyin picked up the tea and said slowly.

"Zoejin seems to be getting more and more prosperous, and the level of this tea master is almost catching up with the cultured people in Kyoto."

Naoe Ketsuna complimented.

"It's all because Jindadian opened up the Hokuriku Road trade route, which has benefited all people and made immeasurable merit.

In the past two years, Naoetsu has been building a lot, and it has also attracted many cultural people to live in the port town. It is indeed getting more and more lively. "

Yiyin laughed.

"The Hokuriku Road trade route was built by everyone's concerted efforts, and I just talked about it.

All the families along the way were willing to give me a little bit of noodles, and with the help of a talented person like Mr. Naoe Ketsuna, the Hokuriku Road trade route was prosperous.

I came here from Sakai Port this time, and I saw a thriving commercial town along the way, and there were hordes of cargo ships.

Yono Takada said that the number of caravans participating in Hokuriku this year is more than the sum of the previous two years. Seeing the formation of a market with a scale of millions, both Shiba Uesugi have benefited a lot. "

Naoe Ketsuna, even though he was in a hurry, was moved by the scene Yoshigi painted, and couldn't help nodding his head.

"That's right, the income from the Hokuriku Road trade route has already exceeded the land income of the Echigo Kingdom.

After a few years of good management, even if Echigo domestic resources such as gold, silver, hemp salt and other resources are added, it will not be as lucrative as Hokuriku. "

Yi Yin sighed.

"Yes, this is the harvest of Shiba Uesugi's painstaking efforts, and we must work together to maintain and cherish this hard-won good day.

Boss Naoe, tell me, is this the truth? "

Naoe Jinggang was backhanded by Yiyin and took the first army, so he had nothing to say.

As the direct handlers of the Hokuriku Road trade route, the Naoe family has earned a lot of money in the past two years, and they are valued by the Uesugi vassals because of their mastery of the Uesugi Monarchs and the Naoe Tsuguan Office.

With all the face and face, and the power and status have risen, who would not cherish such a good life?
However, Uesugi Terutora, the lord, acted arbitrarily and did not listen to persuasion at all.

She messed up the Kanto Raiders single-handedly, and dissent was rampant within the Kanto Servant.Shiba Yoshiyin rushed back at this time, and any fool knew that he was here to ask the teacher for his crimes.

Shiba Yoshigin returned to Japan last winter, and spent more than half a year overthrowing the Rokkaku and Miyoshi families, re-supporting a new Ashikaga general in Kyoto, and restoring the operation of the shogunate.

The Kanto side doesn't know how powerful Oda Nobunaga is, and most people attribute the credit for the re-establishment of the shogunate to Shibo Yoshihiro.

Coupled with the Hachiman Tai Niang Yubai Banner in his hand, it even more deified his personal image of invincibility, benevolence, righteousness and integrity.

Facing Yoshiyin Shiba, who is revered by the Kanto samurai like a god, even if he just politely complained to Naoe Ketsuna, Naoe Ketsuna felt pressured.

(End of this chapter)

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