different warring states of japan

Chapter 1297 1 Reassurance Pills

Chapter 1297 A Reassuring Pill
Naoe Jinggang swallowed his saliva, kowtowed on the ground.

"Zindadian said yes.

The Naoe family was entrusted by His Royal Highness Uesugi with the important task of the Hokuriku Road trade route. Seeing that Naoe Tsuko Town is changing with each passing day, even the Tokaido Junpu Castle under the Imakawa family's rule was no different.

Such a good day must be cherished. "

Naoe Kanezuri behind her kowtowed, waiting for Yoshiyin's trial.

Yiyin put down the tea soup and said with a smile.

"What are you doing, you all got up and talked, I just chatted with you casually."

Naoe's mother-in-law and daughter-in-law got up tremblingly, and Yiyin looked at them and said.

"I heard that His Royal Highness Uesugi is raising armaments, and will mobilize the army after the autumn harvest to counterattack the Sano leader?"

Naoe Ketsuna smiled wryly.

"That's true."

Yi Yin frowned.

"The drought continues unabated this year, and the two consecutive years of poor harvests have weighed heavily on every family.

His Royal Highness Uesugi suffered a lot in Shimosoguo, and it is a bit hasty to force troops to fight again at this time. "

These words came to Naoe Jingzuna's heart. She is the person in charge of Uesugi's administration, Uesugi Terotora squeezed places, and the pressure of transporting supplies was on her shoulders, but what could she do?
Naoe Ketsuna sighed and said.

"The defeat of the subordinates is not a crime of war.

Who would have thought that Mori Jingguang and Sano Masatsuna would dare to make trouble without thinking of the kindness of their lord.

My lord is furious, and his decision to punish the ungrateful is understandable. "

Yi Yin said.

"It's understandable, but the timing is not ripe enough. Kanto suffered a severe drought last year, and this year there was a plague of locusts again. It's not the time to make a big move.

Masazuna Sano deserves to die, but what did Keihiro Mori say?She ran to the Hojo family, and His Royal Highness Uesugi actually wants to join forces with the Hojo family alliance?

Boss Naoe, I have been thinking for ten days and ten nights, but I still can't figure out why Uesugi-sama wants to form an alliance with the Hojo family? "

Naoe Ketsuna was dumb and remained silent.

Yi Yin continued.

"His Highness Uesugi's alliance with the Hojo family is nothing more than that, she also cut off the cheap supply of the Takeda family and free salt, causing the Takeda family to backlash.

Now the believers of the Takeda clan are trying to test Nishi Ueno, and Nagano Yesheng, the boss of Nishi Ueno, just died of illness, and there is no leader in the group.

The Hojo family in the south was aggressive, and almost all the new leaders and ministers of Musashi, Shimono, and Shimoso Three Kingdoms were lost, and Shima Katsumoto's big Hu collar was put on the front line.

The samurai families of Shimono and Hitachi formed their own Eastern Clan, and the Satomi family begged for peace with the Hojo family to show weakness.

The Echigo samurai family was already surrounded by enemies in Kanbashu, and His Highness Uesugi was still determined to fight the Sano leader at this time.

Boss Naoe, teach me, how should I understand? "

Following Yoshigin's complaints, Naoe Keitsuna lowered his head lower and lower, and was about to hit the tatami again.

Seeing her mother-in-law being embarrassed, Naoe Kanesuke couldn't bear it, so he bowed and interjected.

"Dian Jin Duo, it's not that mother hasn't persuaded my highness.

It's just that Elder Sebu Katsushi died in battle, and Minister Sebu really coerced public opinion and clamored for revenge, but his mother couldn't stop him. "

Yiyin fixed his eyes and said.

"His Highness Uesugi just listened to Seiko's honest words and followed her around?"

Naoe Kanetsugu nodded with a wry smile.

"We don't know what's wrong with the lord. After the defeat of Xia Zong, the lord originally intended to accumulate strength and wanted to fight the Hojo family again.

After Minister Kese had an audience with the lord in Numata City, the situation got completely out of control.

The Lord suddenly decided to join forces with Hojo, destroy Takeda, and attack Sano. His attitude was extremely firm, and it was useless to persuade anyone. "

Seeing that Naoe Kanezugu's complexion turned bitter, Yoshihiro thought silently.

This thing is indeed very strange.

Uesugi Terotora is also a talented military genius. Although she lost a game in Shimosoguo because of her aggressiveness, she still has a lot of cards in her hand, so she won't give up on herself.

What exactly happened that made her suddenly make an extremely irrational and wrong decision, throw away all the good cards in her hand, and fight indiscriminately.

The betrayal of Jingguang Maoli was actually caused by Terotora Uesugi himself.

When Yoshihiro Shiba quelled the Echigo rebellion, he beheaded the mother of Keihiro Mori.Maori Jingguang held a grudge, and secretly obstructed the Battle of Chuanaka Island, causing Yiyin to fall into the battlefield.

Because Keihiro Mori has a special status in Kashiwazaki, Uesugi Terotora temporarily endured this matter.Transferring her to Stable Bridge City was also to take her out of the Baiqi Plain and find a reason to kill her.

But Uesugi Terutoro was too confident. She didn't expect that Mori Keihiro would collude with the Hojo family to take the lead. When she attacked Xia Zongguo, Uesugi's army was cut off.

If it weren't for Dao Shengmeng's Dahu leader who raised his troops in time, he would contact Zhuji from the Kanto Office and go south to rescue.

Keihiro Mori of Stable Bridge and Masatsuna Sano of Sano joined forces to cut off the back road, and Terotora Uesugi's army was likely to be closed and beaten by Hojo's family in Shimosoguo.

It stands to reason that Terotora Uesugi should hate Jinghiro Mouri more, and kill her first.

But Uesugi Terutora let her go south to join Hojo's family, and followed Irocho Mitsumi's suggestion to fight Sano, what's the matter?

Minister Color really made a big mistake in the Kawanakajima battle, and was abandoned by the two giants of Echigo.

If it wasn't for her mother, Katsunage Irobe's ability to exchange her with Sano Ling's meritorious service, this guy would still be moldy in Beixin.

The more Yiyin thought about it, the more confused he became. He looked at the helpless Naoe mother-in-law and his daughter-in-law, and sighed.

"Yeah, how could Your Highness Uesugi listen to the nonsense of Shiro?"

Naoe Ketsuna shook his head and said.

"I don't know, I just know that Minister Irobe is actually going to participate in the Sano leader's attack to avenge his mother Katsunaga Irobe.

She just wanted to use Sano to lead the attack and take back the Guanbashu territory that the lord granted to the Sebe family.

In addition, Tocho Nagao and Shigeru Yura have contributed to the Gosho alliance, and they are also very active now, and they will follow the lord to go to the Sano Territory. "

Yiyin sneered.

"Either they are short-sighted or have ulterior motives. These people are too selfish."

Naoe Jinggang took a deep breath, looked up at Yoshiyin, and summoned up his courage to ask.

"My lord was deceived by traitors, and he made a big mistake, and the Kanto Raiders failed halfway.

Foreign ministers dare to ask Jin Duodian, will you continue to support my lord? "

Yoshigin scolded Uesugi Terutora for a long time, his disappointment was beyond words.

Naoe Ketsuna couldn't help but feel uneasy, but he had to ask.Her foundation is in the Uesugi family, and her wealth comes from the cooperation of the Uesugi Shiba two families.

If Shiba Yoshiyin is completely disappointed with Uesugi Teruta and chooses to break up, the loss of the Naoe family will be extremely heavy.

Today's Shiba Yoshiyin has gained a firm foothold in the Kanto region. In terms of power, he is supported by the various concubines in the Guandong Chamberlain, and in terms of reputation, he is admired by Wanji in the Kanto region.

To put it in a scary word, Shiba Yoshiyin already has the confidence to part ways with Uesugi Terotora, and his choice is enough to determine the rise and fall of the Uesugi family.

Yoshiyin looked at the uneasy Naoe Ketsuna, and said slowly.

"I will not abandon Your Highness Uesugi."

Naoe's mother-in-law and daughter-in-law's eyes lit up at the same time, and new expectations appeared in their desperate hearts.

Yiyin's face reflected a holy brilliance, and said solemnly.

"Life is precious, family property is even more expensive, if it is for righteousness, both can be thrown away.

After His Highness Uesugi welcomed me into Echi, he sincerely shared the territory with me.Without the full support of His Highness Uesugi, it would be impossible for me to gain a firm foothold in Kanto.

His Majesty Uesugi and I have conspired to achieve great things and advance hand in hand.Even if she makes a big mistake this time, I won't act against the wind, do that unrighteous act, and abandon her. "

Naoe Ketsuna suppressed his excitement, kowtowed to the ground and said.

"Jinda hall is high righteousness! The foreign ministers respect!"

Yiyin looked at her and sighed.

"The reason why the martial arts world is getting more and more chaotic is because Ji warriors have problems in their thinking. They are all loyal and loyal, and they are all interested in their hearts. How can this world be peaceful?

I appeal to the martial arts of the world with righteousness, just to let all the martial arts understand.The righteousness of the Wu family is invisible and intangible, but it really exists, and it is worthy of respect and upholding by the Wu family.

Only when everyone acts in accordance with righteousness and principles can the world be peaceful, and there will be long-term peace and stability, which is the paradise of the Wu family.

No one can stand without faith, His Highness Uesugi treats me sincerely, and I will naturally fight side by side with her to overcome difficulties together.

I am frank and honest with you, it is not that I hate His Highness Uesugi, but His Highness Uesugi made a serious mistake this time and must lead her back to the right path.

In troubled times, if you are not careful, you will be smashed to pieces, so you can't be too stubborn in doing things.

After two years of severe drought in Kanto, the land of Kanbashu has long been devastated, and the country of Echigo is also overwhelmed.This battle cannot be fought any longer, and if it continues, the foundation of the Echigo samurai family will be broken.

I will go south and personally persuade His Royal Highness Uesugi to stop the conquest and recuperate, hoping that she will stay silent for several years.

Mrs. Naoe, I also hope that you can understand my painstaking efforts and persuade the adults of the Uesugi retainer group to accept my proposition. "

Yoshiyinka took great pains to chat with Naoe's mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, hoping that Naoe Ketsuna would come forward and help him unify the thinking within the Uesugi retainer group.

It's just that going south to persuade Uesugi Terotora to give up the attack was useless.The Wu family group is not the master who has the final say. The following warlords, large and small, are all a community of interests who share a share.

At the beginning, Yoshihiro exported the domestic contradictions of Echigo to the outside for the Kanto strategy, and united the Echigo samurai by opening up the cakes of Guan Yashu.

Now, the Kanto strategy was messed up by Terotora Uesugi, in order to prevent the Echigo Samurai from backlash, Yoshigin needs to give them a new hope and temporarily stabilize them.

He didn't speak of soldiers for several years, and after the famine was over, he accumulated strength to go south to attack Guanbazhou, which was a hope he gave to Uesugi's retainers.

On the one hand, Yoshigin used the Samurai Giri Promotion Association to infiltrate Sekiyachi, and on the other hand, he maintained the spirit of the Echigo Samurai to conquer Sekiyachi.This is both soft and hard, preparing for the future.

After all, system tasks can be delayed for a while, not for a lifetime.Uesugi Terutora is unreliable bastard, if one day she drank to death and the mission failed, Yoshihiro would be wronged by this ugly b.

He dare not expect Uesugi Terutora to live longer than himself. In the next few decades, he will continue to try, work hard to complete the system tasks, and find a way to restore Kanto to a clean world.

If the system must cause trouble, then in the end, you can be an old ugly b with peace of mind, at least Yiyin himself has worked hard.

What Yoshihiro said was righteous and awe-inspiring, and Naoe Ketsuna also rushed to his forehead and said with a bow.

"I assure you, I will definitely convince the important officials of Uesugi's retainers to let them understand your good intentions.

My lord, I'm counting on you. "

In the past two years, Naoe Jinggang's power has risen sharply. With one hand, he is in charge of the Hokuriku Road business route, and with the other hand, he is holding the tax rebate review of the second public.

In Uesugi's family, any samurai who wanted to eat more and get more food had to give Naoe Ketsuna some face.

The Kanto strategy was turned into a mess by Uesugi Terutora, and the Uesugi retainers were actually more afraid that the Kanto servants would take the opportunity to split Echigo and go out independently.

Now with Shiba Yoshigin's persuasive words, Naoe Ketsuna felt relieved, and the Uesugi retainers behind her also breathed a sigh of relief.

The Hokuriku business route was unexpectedly prosperous, and the increase in profits satisfied the greed of the Echigo Samurai Group.The Kanto strategy is temporarily blocked, and everyone is willing to save for a few years, and then follow up.

The only variable is actually Uesugi Terutoro's own wishes.

Uesugi Terutora's Nagao clan was rescued by Yoshigin in the Battle of Kawanakajima, and the side near Hatakemoto who was directly under her was very powerful. She was powerful and firmly grasped the power of Uesugi's family.

This time, she bumped into the south wall and refused to turn back. The Uesugi retainers could not stop this powerful family governor.If Yiyin can persuade her, everyone will be happy to obey her orders and wait for a few years.

Yoshiyin understood Naoe Keiguna's meaning, he had a confident face on the surface, but doubts in his heart.

What happened to Uesugi Terutora?What should I do to bring this reckless dragon back?

Summer goes to autumn, and the weather in early autumn has not turned cold, but the temperature difference between day and night has begun to increase.

In Naoejin, Yoshiyin met with Okuma Asohide, Naoe Keigun and other Ji warriors, and shouted to the Kanto Office and Uesugi's retainer group to express their views.

He resolutely defended the clear position of the Echigo duocratic politics, and temporarily stabilized the Echigo Samurai group that was afraid of each other because of Uesugi Terutora's defeat.

Temporarily abandoning the idea of ​​conquest by force, Yoshihiro began to form the Samurai Giri Promotion Association, preparing to use soft knives to grind people, and peacefully change Guanbashu.

Before going south to finish Terutora Uesugi, he first went back to the Imperial Pavilion under Kasugayama Castle.

Imperial Pavilion, Inner Court.

Yiyin watched the autumn leaves turn yellow and gradually became bleak.

The autumn harvest season is approaching, and there is not much time left for him. He must rush to Numata City as soon as possible to dissuade Uesugi Terotora.

But he still hasn't figured out why Terotora Uesugi suddenly changed his strategy drastically.

Behind him, Saizo Kirigakure knelt on the ground, and Sasuke Sarutobi knelt behind him.

Yiyin asked slowly.

"You don't know either?"

Wu Yin just hid and kowtowed to the ground, and said.

"very sorry!

I can only be sure that His Royal Highness Uesugi changed his strategy after the meeting with Minister Shiro.

But no one knows what they talked about. If they can find a chance to pry the seiko's honest mouth, maybe they can get some useful information. "

Yi Yin shook his head and said.

"No, the color minister can't move."

The former Irocho Minami was just a poor guy who made a mistake in Kawanakajima and was expelled from the Odai people, and was insignificant.

But now, Katsunaga Irobe is dead, and Katsunaga Irobe is already the governor of the Irobe family, inheriting Katsunaga Irobe's position in the Uesugi family.Hastily attacking her will have a very bad impact.

Yoshigin sighed, he wanted to get some useful clues from Kirigakure Saikura before going south, so as to adjust his attitude towards Uesugi Terotora.

But now it seems that there is only one way to see the tricks, but Uesugi Terutora is too weird this time, I don't know if she will still fall for her beauty trap.

(End of this chapter)

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