different warring states of japan

Chapter 1415 Nobunaga Yoshiyin On Buddha

Yiyin is still in a daze, he is being licked by countless people day and night, could it be that he has also become a licking dog unintentionally?This sudden realization made him unable to accept it all at once.

On the other hand, Oda Nobunaga didn't understand the nouns from his previous life in Yoshihiro's mouth, but he only had a half-knowledge.So she naturally didn't understand the tangled expression on Yiyin's face.

The two fell silent at the same time, and they both chose to skip this embarrassment and get to the point.

Oda Nobunaga said.

"Zinda-den, just this morning, the messenger from Nijo Castle had already boarded Mt. Hiei.

It is said that Akechi Mitsuhide persuaded our troublesome general to ask her to issue an order that Buddhism is a pure place and that warriors should not disturb the Buddha in their battles. "

Yiyin nodded slowly, feeling very relieved in his heart.

Akechi Mitsuhide is a bastard, he still knows the importance of doing things.As soon as she came back, she took the initiative to invite Ashikaga Yoshiaki to set the tone and settle the hidden dangers for her mediation trip.

Yi Yin said.

"Mt. Hiei is very close to Kyoto, if there is a war here, Kyoto will inevitably be affected.

Miyoshi goes to Luo, and the disaster in Kyoto is not far away.The shogunate took precautions before it happened, and it was very appropriate for the general to take the initiative to calm the situation. "

Oda Nobunaga sneered.

"Sure? Yoshiaki Ashikaga secretly wrote the imperial letter against Oda, and Tendai Sect helped her take the letter out of Nijo Castle, and then Ichiko Sect passed it around.

Asai, Asakura, Rokkaku, and Miyoshi, all the powerful feudal vassals in the past few days, were all connected together by Ashikaga Yoshiaki, and they besieged me.

Jin Dadian, do you call this appropriate? "

Yiyin said coldly.

"Your Highness Oda, why don't you tell me why the General needs the help of the Tiantai Sect to spread the news?

The Royal Order of the Palace promulgated by you yourself first included nine articles, and then added five articles. There are a total of fourteen articles that severely restrict the general's rights.

No one has ever dared to treat a general like this!
Even though the name of the mountain was in full swing back then, Hosokawa had power over the shogunate, and Rokkaku Dingyai held a black hat ceremony for the general, Miyoshi Changqing vainly tried to become the leader of the shogunate and control the shogunate.

They didn't force General Ashikaga to call Yumu!Not to mention trampling the face of the pillar of the Wu family on the ground!Before blaming the general, please see what you have done! "

Oda Nobunaga roared with an unknown fire from the bottom of his heart.

"Isn't she asking for this!
It was her, perfidious.Backstab you, the person who wholeheartedly helped her to the position of general without asking for anything in return!
It was her, watching with cold eyes.Watching you being tainted by gossip, making you bleed and shed tears for the Ashikaga family!
It's her, greedy for power and position.Ignoring your good intentions of assisting the shogunate, but joining forces with me, a foreign feudal clan, to drive you out of Kyoto!
Ashikaga Yoshiaki's predicament today is her own fault. It is caused by her incompetence and incompetence. It has nothing to do with me!

Even if I, Oda Nobunaga, such an idiot is sitting in the position of General Ashikaga, sooner or later someone else will come to deal with her! "

Yoshiyin looked at Oda Nobunaga coldly.

"Have you said enough? Is it relieved to despise the general and the shogunate?

If you, Oda Nobunaga, are as capable as you say, why did you fall to where you are today?
Ashikaga Yoshiaki stupid?Are you not stupid?Arrogant self-importance, making enemies everywhere, and already trapped in a situation where you are surrounded by enemies, you still don't know how to reflect?

You know you can't do anything, you know I'm here to help you, and you still put on a show in front of me, who are you going to show it to?

Where is your usual sense and wisdom! "

Oda Nobunaga pursed his lower lip, there seemed to be flames burning in his eyes, Yoshigin's words were too heartbreaking.

She doesn't care what anyone thinks of her, she can be flexible, she can calculate the gains and losses, and make the choice that is most beneficial to herself.

However, she just doesn't like to accept sympathy, charity, and help from Yoshihiko Shibo.Because she cared about the man in front of her, and she didn't want him to see her embarrassment and failure!
Oda Nobunaga sneered.

"Are you here to help me? Or to help Asai Nagamasa, or to help those arrogant bald donkeys on Mount Hiei?"

Yi Yin said calmly.

"I'm helping you, and I'm helping Asai Nagamasa, the Venerable Jueshu, and helping Jinji restore peace."

Oda Nobunaga couldn't help laughing.

"Huh, peace? What a disgusting word.

Tsuda-den, have you ever seen the Buddhist meeting in Mount Hiei?I was lucky enough to participate once and it literally left me dumbfounded.

Those bald donkeys lit the imported sandalwood bought with a lot of money, and they wore cassocks made of silk and satin, sitting cross-legged on the unbelievably soft futons.

On the resplendent palace, the roof is made of gold tiles, the Buddha statues are covered with gold leaf, and the nuns with solemn treasures talk about compassion for all living beings, talking nonsense, which does not help the reality at all.

During the Buddhist meeting, I had three meals a day. Although each meal was meat-free, there were so many vegetarian dishes that I couldn't see them all, and the taste was even more memorable.

Hahaha, compared with these well-educated gonis, high-level warriors like you and me are simply beggars on their knees!

Those poor Ji warriors under our command are even worse than beggars. They have to go to the fields to help during the busy farming season to ensure that they don't starve to death.

Not to mention the peasant women in the fields in the countryside, who buried their heads in the loess all day long, their backs were dry, cracked and deformed in the sun and deep bends, but they never ate the rice they grew, and lived half-starved all their lives.

Jinda-den, do you think what is needed these days is peace?Do the sixty-six countries in the world need peace?

Peace means nothing to the poor and hungry. What they need is to change all these injustices! "

Yi Yin shook his head and said.

"What do you want to change? What can you change? Burn Buddhist monasteries, take nuns' wealth?
It's just transferring wealth from some people to others. Is this what you call change?
Since ancient times, the majority of common people have always supported a few nobles, and this world has never changed.

Even if there is a genius born in the sky, who can suppress it for a while, is willing to share the world with the people of the world, and forces those in power to serve all beings, so what?In the end, it is not a return to the old road of history.

Your Highness Oda is greedy for the riches of the monastery, and you want to steal money and food to use as military resources. What is the difference between the way you talk about change in front of me, and those hypocritical nuns who talk about mercy?
Do not want peace to change?Is the world after you changed it still the world of Wu Family?If the whole world is no longer owned by the Wu family, what does your so-called change mean to me? "

Yi Yin had already thought about it when he participated in the Stone Mountain Buddhist Association. If Oda Nobunaga, a local turtle, saw the beautiful life of the nuns in the island country, her eyes would turn green, and she would like to snatch them all away.

Zongzong has always followed the low-level route, and it costs hundreds of thousands of copper coins to hold a Buddhist meeting, which can be called extravagant.

The Tendai Sect, known as the top sect in the world, will only hold a more luxurious Buddhist meeting in Kyoto, which will open the eyes of Oda Nobunaga, a country bumpkin from Owari.

This time she was besieging Mt. Hiei, so she might not have taken advantage of the fire and grabbed the nun's vote to make up for her loss.

After all, the relationship between the Oda family and the Tiantai Sect and the Ichigo Sect has been completely broken. If this is the case, there is no need to consider the feelings of the other party.

They robbed money and food as military expenses, and then continued to fight like a snowball, constantly expanding their territory.what is this?Classical militarism?
Today, Yoshida Nobunaga robbed the Tiantai sect, and Yoshigin stood by.The next day she robbed Xiangzong, Yiyin still turned a blind eye.When she grabs her head, there will be no one to help her.

Militarism is addictive, and this kind of female hooligan with the ambition to conquer the world cannot get used to it.

Yoshino put all his heart into creating the Shiba New Life Movement and building a paradise for the samurai family, not for the purpose of being robbed by this female hooligan.

Oda Nobunaga could not help but snort when he saw that Yoshigin was trying his best to defend those nuns who hated him.

"Zindadian is worthy of being the elder of the Genji family, and he always has the world of the samurai in his heart.

It's just that these monastery forces have been a cancer in the world since the emperor's court era.The fields of temples are regarded as privately owned by the sect. They do not abide by the law, do not collect land taxes, and wantonly expand their territories.

If things go on like this, is this world still a martial arts world? "

Yoshigin glanced at Oda Nobunaga who was speaking generously, and said calmly.

"Your Highness Oda, I'm here to quell the war, not to hear you speak ill of the monastery."

Oda Nobunaga laughed and said.

"Speaking of bad things, Katsushige Yamashina told me an interesting Buddhist story a while ago."

Yi Yin frowned.

"Shanke Shengcheng? Is it the Southern barbarian knight who served you with allegiance?"

Oda Nobunaga glanced at Yoshigin and smiled.

"Jin Duodian has a deep memory of this Southern barbarian."

The long gun and iron cannon tactics of the Oda family are the Spanish military technology brought by Yamashina Katsunari, how could Yoshihiro not pay attention.

He smiled slightly and said.

"The story told by the Nanban man, Shanshishi Katsunari, must be a lie to slander Buddhism. Nanban religion is not compatible with Buddhism. Your Highness Oda should not listen to one side and believe in another."

Oda Nobunaga raised his eyebrows and asked.

"Is Jin Duodian listening or not?"

"All ears."

Oda Nobunaga nodded in satisfaction, recalled the story, and spoke slowly in organized language.

"This story is about the Western Paradise of Ultimate Bliss. One day, the Buddha glanced casually and saw a sinner in hell who was being tortured and crying.

The Buddha calculated with his fingers that although this sinner was full of sins, he had once had a thought of benevolence and let a little spider go.

So, the Buddha let down a thin spider thread from the Paradise, all the way down to the eighteen hells, which can hang over the heads of sinners.

The sinner was overjoyed, and climbed up and up along the spider thread, hoping to use the spider thread to climb out of hell.

But when the sinner was climbing, countless sinners below him also began to grab this life-saving spider thread, trying to climb up.

The already slender spider silk bears the weight of one person, and it is already crumbling, not to mention that there are countless sinners in hell, and they all want to escape to heaven.

The sinner is in a hurry, she cried.

This is my spider silk!Not your spider silk!let go!Let me go!
The Buddha, who watched all this in the Land of Ultimate Bliss, thought that the sinner had no compassion, so he withdrew the spider thread and let the sinner fall into hell again.

Tsudaden, what do you think of this story? "

Yiyin said calmly.

"His Highness Oda deliberately told me this story, so naturally I would like to ask for your advice."

Oda Nobunaga looked at Yoshigin with a smile and said.

"How arrogant."


Oda Nobunaga's eyes gradually turned cold, and he turned to look in the direction of Mount Hiei.

"Jin Duodian, the cruelest thing in this world is to give hopeless people a glimmer of hope, and then take away that glimmer of hope.

The Buddha's unintentional glance, a spider's thread at hand, can be retracted because a sinner's words are not in line with his intentions.

But was the sinner wrong?

No, that was indeed his spider thread. He didn't even attack the sinner who was trying to climb it, but just stopped it with words. What's the crime?

But the Buddha can therefore judge a person's goodness and a person's evil, give and take, and do whatever he wants.That's not arrogance, what is that?
When the sinner loses his spider silk and returns to hell, how desperate should he be? "

Yiyin remained silent.

Oda Nobunaga seems to be talking about Buddha, but he is actually satirizing those arrogant high-ranking nuns on Mount Hiei.

This story sounds like admonishing believers, criticizing self-interest, and guiding altruism, but when you think about it carefully, it is another story with endless aftertaste.

The Buddha is high above, using a spider's thread to judge the character of a sinner, and throwing him into hell again with peace of mind, what a cruel act.

It's like Emperor Hui of Jin who asked why he didn't eat minced meat, naive and terrifying.

Whether it is the Buddha in the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss or the emperor aloft, they are seriously separated from the masses and cannot see the suffering at the bottom. They really think that the courier who runs the order first has a golden helmet to wear.

Although they look like ordinary people, they are not actually a species with ordinary people.

The story of Oda Nobunaga comes from Yamashina Katsunari, a knight of the order trained by the Nanban religion, the elite of the elite.

The story she chose is naturally derived from Buddhist scriptures, which can be compared to murder.Sure enough, the person who knows you best will always be your enemy.

With such a person accompanying Oda Nobunaga, if Oda Nobunaga still has a good impression of the various Buddhist forces, that would be a great joke in the world.

Yoshigin was very moved by this story, but he couldn't stand with Oda Nobunaga to criticize those high-ranking nuns.

Because the temple is really rich, and a large amount of investment in the Hokuriku Road business route comes from the soil warehouses that manage the wealth for the temple.

Yiyin needs money from the nuns and needs to develop the Hokuriku Road trade route.Even if you know that nuns are moths and leeches, so what?
The nuns are the richest group of people on the island. They are completely different from the militaristic warriors. They understand the principle that money makes money.

Talking about ideals and beliefs, how to attract monastery funds?When attracting investment, you can't talk about doctrine, you can only talk about profit.

It wasn't that Yiyin wanted to support those nuns, but they were too rich, so he couldn't go up to him just because of Oda Nobunaga's words and offend his benefactor, right?

He's not like Oda Nobunaga, what's all about yours is mine, so what the hell is this?

Yiyin was silent for a long while, and uttered a sentence against his conscience.

"Thousands of suffering people in the world are the most suffering, and they still don't regret nine deaths and fall into the dust.

Since they are sinners, they should be reformed in hell, and after reforming, they should come out and be human again.Don't think about taking shortcuts, hard work will not be let down, and hard work will eventually pay off. "

After finishing speaking, Yiyin felt the bitterness on the back of his tongue, insincerely speaking, so he couldn't help but add something.

"The world is full of suffering, the only way is to cross over by yourself, praying to gods and worshiping Buddha is all delusion.

There has never been any savior, nor do we rely on gods and Buddhas, we can only rely on ourselves to save ourselves. "

Oda Nobunaga glanced at Yoshihiro, seeing his insincere words, couldn't help but chuckle.

"What Jin Duodian said is true."

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