different warring states of japan

Chapter 1416 The strongest pair in the world

Shiba Yoshigin and Oda Nobunaga have completely different views on this samurai chaos.

Born in a daimyo family, Oda Nobunaga, who has received a complete samurai education, hates being restrained, and longs for approval because of his parents' alienation.

She wants to change the world, so that this world, which she doesn't like no matter what, can become a little more pleasing to the eye.She wanted to let her deceased parents and her murdered sister understand that she was right.

But the living can never convince the dead, and she has been obsessed with the goal of becoming the world's people all her life, because only by becoming the unique person can she prove her right to the dead.

Yoshigin, who comes from a different world in modern society, does not have Oda Nobunaga's lofty aspirations, and is not as stubborn as her to compete with himself.

Because Yiyin knows the future, history is a cycle, and the only lesson that human beings can learn from history is that they will never learn a lesson.

He has seen the disintegration of the body, the opening of the body, the most magnificent period of passionate burning in human history burned out little by little, and then returned to the reality of firewood, rice, oil, salt, soy sauce, vinegar and tea.

If history is destined to return to the original track, then as an ordinary person, Yiyin chooses to follow the trend, what's wrong?If you can't fight back, you have to learn to have fun with the pain.

In Yoshiyin's view, Oda Nobunaga's path to the world is ridiculous.

Don't do porcelain work without diamonds.No matter how you look at it, Oda Nobunaga doesn't have the supernatural power of raining in the sky and growing hair on the ground.

As far as her extremely utilitarian classical militaristic approach is concerned, what can really be changed?The best result is nothing more than death and death.

Yiyin is very calm. It is not shameful to be an anti-winter leader in ancient times. He respects the process of history, does things in line with the current status of productivity development, and does not deliberately pursue advanced primary stages.

As the clearest beneficiary of the samurai tradition and the most stubborn bastion household of the ruling class, Yi Yin put forward the slogan that the interests of the samurai should be given priority.

He wants to represent the samurai class, whose population is only one-tenth of the island country, to squeeze the other nine-tenths.Become a samurai, integrate into the samurai, represent the samurai, and finally become a part of history.

Although it is very helpless and boring, the life of ordinary and unconfident mortals is so vulgar.This is the route that has been proven by history, and it is the route that is most in line with the feudal samurai society.

But his choice is completely opposite to Oda Nobunaga.

Oda Nobunaga is an extremely utilitarian reformist, and Yoshigin is a disillusioned conservative. The contradiction between the two is like two sides of a coin.

With a century of wars, the order of the shogunate gradually disintegrated. The two routes of traditional guardian daimyo and innovative Sengoku daimyo gave birth to two representatives at the end of the road, Shiba Yoshigin and Oda Nobunaga.

One wants to protect the privileges of the Wu family, and never allow the Wu family's rule of the world to be shaken.One wants to break the glass ceiling between the civilians and the samurai, and release the power of the majority.

Two people who should be incompatible, but because of that unforgettable memory, one is affectionate and the other is soft-hearted. This makes the ruthless politics superimposed on the heart of the heart, making the future even more chaotic.

Where will the world end up?Conservative or innovative?The two people who were not talking to each other froze the topic again, and the room fell into an awkward silence again.

After a while, Oda Nobunaga spoke first.

"It's just an interesting story, if it's not true, it's not hurtful, so don't pay too much attention to it.

Jindadian, do you really want to mediate and rescue Mount Hiei? "

After some venting, the strange emotion in Oda Nobunaga's heart eased.After readjusting her state, she calmed down and turned back into that utilitarian samurai daimyo again.

From a strategic point of view, the passive situation of the Oda family being beaten everywhere must be changed.Oda Nobunaga needs time to adjust his deployment, and also needs an armistice agreement to paralyze the enemy and strive to defeat them all.

With the prestige of Yi Si Bo Yi Yin, he is of course the most suitable middleman for this peace negotiation.At this time, he also got rid of the emotional melancholy, and said solemnly.

"The recent chaotic wars have hurt the prestige of the shogunate.

Now that the general has sent people to Mount Hiei, I naturally have to do my part to try to resolve the crisis in Mount Hiei peacefully. "

Akechi Mitsuhide's operation in Kyoto made Ashikaga Yoshiaki take the initiative to persuade him to make peace. This gave Yoshigin's mediation a shogunate background and a moral basis, but he also had a worry.

Looking at the smiling Oda Nobunaga, Yoshigin asked seriously.

"The armies of the Oda family and the Asai Asakura family retreated after reaching an agreement. The two sides stop here and sign a non-aggression treaty, okay?

Enryaku-ji Temple on Mount Hiei rashly participated in the samurai war this time, breaking the unspoken rule of the sect not to participate in the samurai war. I will ask the Venerable Jueshu of the Tendai Sect to compensate the loss of the Oda family, is it possible?
I hope His Highness Oda can understand my difficulties, expose this matter, and not seek revenge.

If I come forward to broker an agreement, you will continue to attack the Asai family when you are relieved, embarrassing the Tiantai sect, and I will be very disappointed. "

Oda Nobunaga laughed.

"Zinda hall is worrying too much.

You should already know the news that Ishiyama Honganji and my Oda family are fighting against each other.

The Ichigo sect has many temples in Ise Omi and two countries, and has a very strong influence. Today, Minami Omi and Liujiao mother and daughter are constantly instigating riots.

To tell you the truth, at this time, Nanjinjiang and Beiyise are full of wars. After I go back, I don’t know how much work I will have to do to get rid of these hidden dangers.

Even if I intend to fight against Nagamasa Asai and seek to trouble the Venerable Jueshu, I will be powerless, and it is even less likely that I will break the contract and disappoint you Jin Daden. "

Yiyin thought about it, and it was true.

Oda Nobunaga had too many troubles to solve. She was kicked out by Ishiyama Honganji Temple in Settsu Country, and she didn't even have time to pay attention to the affairs there.

Minami Omi's mother and daughter Rokkaku have come out of Ishibe Castle several times to make trouble, each time at the critical moment of Oda Nobunaga's confrontation with the enemy.

If this hidden danger is not removed first, Oda Nobunaga will not be in the mood to go to war again.

The appeal of the Liujiao family has also been gradually exhausted in the failed riots. It is the best time to uproot this thousand-year-old family.

Oda Nobunaga also said just now that even an old courtier like Kamo Kenhide no longer listens to the mother and daughter of Rokkaku.

Now there is a group of Minami Omi local samurai who are dissatisfied with the Oda family's land inspection policy, and they are still making trouble with the Liujiao family. They don't understand Oda Nobunaga's temperament too much, and they will die sooner or later.

Yoshigin still doesn't know that Oda Nobunaga has given Shibata Katsuie and Sakuma Nobumori a clear attitude. Minami Omi is keeping the land and not leaving anyone. These troublesome local samurai will not be alive for a few days.

And the problem of always Zong is even more troublesome.

The Ichigo sects of Minami Omi and Kita Ise are very powerful, Mitsui Temple is connected to the Quartet, and Nagashima Castle is geographically difficult, which one is not a tough one?

Oda Nobunaga wants to clean up the hidden dangers in his own territory, which is not something that can be done in a short time.Therefore, she really has no time to trouble Asai Nagamasa for the time being.

Oda Nobunaga saw that Yoshigin was still thinking, and said with a smile.

"Don't worry, Jin Duodian, you came back from Kanto to mediate, and worked around for the near peace, I deeply admire you.

I can assure you that as long as Asai Nagamasa does not use troops against me, I will never draw my sword first. "

Looking at Oda Nobunaga's swearing face, Yoshihiro nodded slowly.But how did he know that Oda Nobunaga was fooling him.

Although Oda Nobunaga is troublesome now, she will never let Asai Nagamasa go, because traitors are far more hateful than enemies.

Oda Nobunaga confided in Asai Nagamasa, married her close brother to her, and helped her suppress the three northern counties who didn't listen to him, but in the end he encountered the most unforgivable negative alliance backstab.

Oda Nobunaga's character of vengeance, how could she swallow this breath, let alone allow the person who betrayed her to live a little longer.

Oda Nobunaga assured Yoshigin that he would never fire the first shot.

But the problem is, Yokoyama Castle in Kita Omi is in the hands of Hashiba Hideyoshi, and the heartland of Asai's territory is always threatened by the Oda army of Yokoyama Castle. How long can Asai Nagamasa endure?
Moreover, Oda Nobunaga has received good news from Hashiba Hideyoshi, and there is already a clue about the relationship between Nesao and Yamashiro's Isano Motomasa.

Once Sawayama Castle changed hands, the only outlying town supporting the Asai family's core territory would be Yamamoto Yamashiro, behind Kotani Castle and Aguan Sadao.

The Oda army in the southeast two directions can break into the largest plain in Kita Omi at any time, and the Asai family who lost the ridge line of defense has no danger to defend, and this is the main grain-producing area of ​​the Asai family.

Asai Nagamasa had no choice but to take the initiative to take back Yokoyama Castle.She can't put her family's safety on an agreement that may be torn up at any time, can she?
Nobunaga Oda would not have fired the first shot, but she would have forced Nagamasa Asai to do so, so she could bypass the guarantee to Shiba Yoshiyin.

Yoshigin always felt that there was something hidden in Oda Nobunaga's eyes.But Oda Nobunaga has already given him a guarantee, and Yoshihiro himself needs to restore peace soon.

After thinking about it, he still decided to believe in the sincerity of Oda Nobunaga, so he said.

"In this case, I will go to Mount Hiei and be a lobbyist for Oda Nobunaga."

Yiyin didn't want to mention the issue of Yixiangzong and Tiantaizong.

With Asai Nagamasa standing in front of him as a buffer, the Hieizan Tendai Sect would not be impacted by the Oda family.

While Ishiyama Honganji Temple is in Settsu Country, Oda Nobunaga is now beyond reach.As for Honganji Temple, who seemed to be remotely controlling other places, Issei Zong was in a dilemma with the Oda family, and Yoshihiro didn't bother to take care of it.

Oda Nobunaga seemed satisfied, she bowed and said.

"Then I'll leave it to the Temple of Jindo.

By the way, after the Miyoshi family occupied Sakai Port, they did not launch an attack on the Settsu country, but turned their heads south and entered the two countries of Izumi and Hanoi.

I heard that Mr. Mibuchi Haruhito was sick and went to Siba Ryo for help, so I begged Jin Daden to help. Is there such a thing? "

Yoshiyin glanced at Oda Nobunaga, and knew that she had no good intentions.

Oda Nobunaga has temporarily lost the ability to go on an expedition to the Settsu country due to the constant disputes in Omi and the difficulty in stabilizing the logistics line.

Therefore, she did not mention the distribution of benefits on the Hokuriku Road trade route in this conversation, which was the condition Mitsuhide Akechi agreed to her when he persuaded her to give up attacking Tsuruga Port.

At that time, Oda Nobunaga, who went to the Echizen Kingdom in the north, was full of spirits.

She thought that she could control Sakai Port and Tsuruga Port, and the Yodogawa, Kyoto, and Lake Biwa along the way were also within her sphere of influence. She deserved a large benefit from the Hokuriku Road trade route.

But now, she was driven out of Tsuruga County by Asai Asakura's coalition forces, and Sakai Port was forced to give up retreating. The besieged Oda Nobunaga no longer had the confidence to make any terms with Shiba Yoshiyin.

Whether it is the Ishiyama Honganji Temple or the Miyoshi family who landed, she can only passively defend in the Yamashiro country, which is very difficult.

However, Oda Nobunaga can't let Miyoshi's family grow bigger in Settsu, Izumi, and Hanoi, and may even raise troops to Shangluo to threaten his control of Yamashiro and Kyoto.

Oda Nobunaga needed someone to help her block the advance of Miyoshi's family and ease the pressure from the west side of Kyoto.

Yoshigin of course understood that Oda Nobunaga wanted to share the pressure with her, using himself as a gunman.But if this is the condition for Oda Nobunaga to obediently sign the armistice agreement, Yoshigin is more than happy to agree.

Because Yoshitsugu Miyoshi's attack on Izumi Hanoi and the two countries is absolutely intolerable to Yoshihiro.

Miyoshi Yoshitsugu thought that he avoided the hard stubble of Araki Murashige, and he was pinching the soft persimmons of the Hosokawa Mibuchi family.

But she forgot that Hosokawa Mibuchi and his family were members of the powerful local faction of the shogunate. Today, when the prestige of the shogunate is gradually collapsing, Yoshihiro cannot allow the alliance of the local powerful faction to also disintegrate.

What's more, Nanhanoi's Hatakeyama Takamasa is the current head of the shogunate, and that person is a core member of the upper echelon of the shogunate who Yiyin single-handedly promoted.

If Yiyin doesn't care about Miyoshi Yoshitsugu's intrusion this time, he won't come out to mess around in the future.

Hatakeyama Takamasa held a high position in the shogunate, but he bowed his knees to Yoshiyin. Such a loyal dog could not protect him. Who would be willing to be a dog to Yoshiyin in the future.

I don't know who gave Miyoshi Yoshitsugu the bad idea to make her reconcile with Araki Village, the leader of the Settsu Kingdom, and turn around to attack the territory of the powerful local faction of the shogunate. Is it really Yoshigami who is easy to bully?
If this is left alone, no one will take seriously the prestigious name Yoshigin has built in recent days, the golden signboard of the Ashikaga Army God.

Hearing Oda Nobunaga's temptation at this time, Yoshigin just said indifferently.

"I have already written to Miyoshi Yoshitsugu, inviting her to visit Yodogawa. I hope she will not disappoint me too much. I also miss those old friends of Miyoshi's family."

Oda Nobunaga couldn't help laughing.

At that time, the three good friends of Changqing and the four sisters went to Luo with one heart, and Sanuki Awa gathered together the martial arts elites of the three countries, but Yoshin Shiba, who was just a fledgling, led a group of savage Ji samurai to fight all over the place.

I don't know what kind of madness Miyoshi Yoshitsugu got to provoke Shiba Yoshigin.Those samurai under her command can pee their pants in fright just by hearing Shiba Yoshigin's name.

Oda Nobunaga said sincerely.

"That was really a highly anticipated meeting."

Shiba Yoshigin has a good relationship with Master Xianru, and the two largest shareholders of the Hokuriku Road Commercial Road are the Shiba family and Ishiyama Honganji Temple.

The Miyoshi family is at war with the Shiba family. It would be good if Ishiyama Honganji didn't help the Shiba family. It will never help the Miyoshi family against the Oda family like last time.

Using Shiba Yoshigin to block the threat from Nishisettsu, Oda Nobunaga can finally clean up the hidden dangers in the territory with peace of mind, concentrate on dealing with Asai Nagamasa, and then step by step remove the Asakura family and the Tendai sect.

As if they had a tacit understanding, Yoshihiro and Oda Nobunaga looked at each other, seeming to have a thousand words to say, but also seemed to have nothing to say, and finally looked away.

Ever since Yiyin asked for help to save his family on the night when Zhang Guo destroyed his family at the end, the two of them have never been truly honest. They have always had their own concerns and demands.

But this pair of men and women are the two most powerful men in the whole world, they have a tacit understanding both in bed and off the bed, and they cooperate happily.

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