different warring states of japan

Chapter 1422 Nian Ancient Temple Yanli Temple

Enryaku-ji Temple in Mt. Hiei is the head gate of the Tendai Sect, and the abbot of Enli-ji Temple is called the head of the Tendai Sect.

The name of Enliji Temple comes from the year name of the emperor's court, and it was bestowed by the emperor the year after the temple was built.The word Yanli comes from the Later Han Dynasty, which is called Husband Xiongjing Niaoshen. Although the technique of Yanli is not the theory of typhoid fever.

There are two major temples in Tantric Buddhism in the island country, namely Enryakuji Temple on Mount Hiei and Kongobuji Temple on Mount Koya, both of which are famous temples and ancient temples that have been passed down for nearly a thousand years.

Compared with the Tendai sect of Mount Hiei, the Shingon sect of Koyasan has less ambitions for secular affairs. It may be that it is farther away from the center of Kyoto and exists more as a place of exile for political losers.

The old and new teachings of the Shingon sect were divided, and the new school moved west to the root of Waka.However, the old sect annexed the lineage of the Hosho sect of Xingfu Temple to the east, and entered the Yamato Buddhist Kingdom.

The old and new factions are in the east and west of Jiyi Kingdom. Although there are disputes in doctrine and mutual persecution, they are generally peaceful.

However, the Tiantai sect was in the vortex of the political center of the island country, and beliefs and political interests were entangled, and it had never been peaceful.

The earliest civil strife was the contradiction between the Yuanren Sect and the Yuanzhen Sect. Since the Yuanzhen Sect withdrew from the mountain gate and established its own sect, Youde Gaoni, who was dissatisfied with the Tiantai Sect, left generation after generation.

The founders of the recent Nichiren Sect and the Pure Land Sect were all from the Tendai Sect, but the Tendai Sect could not tolerate them, and eventually turned against each other.

Therefore, although Mount Hiei is known as the Buddha of the Island Country, which means that all Buddhism in the world comes from Mount Hiei, the reputation of the Tendai Sect has not been very good.

Buddhism in the island country comes from the Celestial Dynasty, and the Yanli Temple, which can be built for [-] years, is not followed by the improved Song Dynasty Buddhism, but the earlier Tang Dynasty Buddhism, which is closer to the original teachings of India.

After the Buddhism of the Celestial Dynasty experienced the extermination of Buddhism by the Three Wus and one sect, it was completely discouraged when Buddhism in the Song Dynasty took shape.

The Buddhism in the Han and Tang Dynasties of the Chinese Dynasty was somewhat similar to the old sects such as Tiantai Sect. They liked to enclose the land for tax exemption, and raised a few nuns and the court to make a difference.

The mountain mage of the Tendai sect of Mount Hiei has been violent since the emperor's court, and he was physically destroyed if he could not distinguish the teachings.

Fighting with the Yuanzhen sect who broke away from the Tiantai sect, and fighting with the Nara master of the Buddhist orthodoxy of the Yamato Kingdom, and intervening in the government by the way, from the emperor to the ministers can't do anything about them.

The emperor's court was already weak in force, and part of the reason for introducing Buddhist ideas was also to use Buddhist fanatic nuns to resist foreign enemies with faith.

And Mount Hiei was originally the emperor's court that originated in the Nara Basin, and it was an extension of the defense line that developed to the northern Kyoto Basin.

Enryaku-ji Temple is located in the Sakamotoguchi area, hidden in Mount Hiei. In mythology, it is called the gate of ghosts. The mountain mage is the guardian who resists the ghosts of the north and protects Kyoto behind him.

And this ghost refers to the indigenous hairy people of the island country that originated in Kanto.

When the emperor's court became stronger and counterattacked the Guandong to seize the territory of the Maoren, Ji Wushi's early version of the attendant, and their future leader, General Zhengyi, gradually stepped onto the stage of history.

And Master Shan, who once assisted in protecting the Emperor's court, has gradually become a scourge around Kyoto and a headache for the Emperor's court.

In the end, the emperor sent his heir to Mount Hiei as a nun.

Since you can't deal with Master Shan, you can simply join Buddhism and let your blood become the head nun. This is also a solution.

After the rise of the samurai regime, they looked down on these thousand-year-old nuns who were close to the emperor's court.

The Kamakura shogunate supported the Linji sect, a branch of Zen with strict discipline, and established the nun system, Kamakura Gozan, in order to use nuns to control nuns.

It's a pity that the Kamakura Shogunate died not long after Kamakura Five Mountains opened for business.

When the strongest general of the Ashikaga shogunate, the third generation of Ashikaga Yoshimitsu came to power, once again built the Five Mountains of Kyoto, and continued to pull up the Rinzai sect and the Tiantai sect.

It is a pity that after the death of Ashikaga Yoshimitsu, the shogunate no longer has a strong general who promises everything.

From then on, the Tendai Sect trembled again, kicking the Ichiko Sect, punching the Nichiren Sect, and taking advantage of the civil strife in the shogunate, went down the mountain and burned all the gates of the Nichiren Sect.

The Buddhism of the world saw it in their eyes and kept it in their hearts. Since then, the Tiantai sect has been embarrassed to talk about the Lotus Sutra.Although the Nichiren sect fled everywhere, they were able to confidently call themselves the Fahua sect.

By the time of Ashikaga Yoshiki, General Ashikaga's family was already weak.

The father of Ashikaga Yoshiki, the former Odaisho believed in the Tendai Sect, and had a very good relationship with Mount Hiei.It's hard to say whether this piety is out of faith or to help her daughter maintain the stability of the shogunate.

When Ashikaga Yoshiki was murdered, the former Odai was killed, and Oda Nobunaga raised his troops to Luo, the Nichiren sect re-flashed its own Buddhist banner and entered Beijing, seriously stabbing the self-esteem of the Tendai sect.

This is the crisis in which the Enryakuji Temple Cult took the initiative to participate in the samurai war, causing the death of Oda's important minister, Mori Kasunari, and Oda Nobunaga's furious encirclement of Asai Asakura's coalition forces and Mount Hiei.

Enryakuji Jueshu, who was holding a Buddhist meeting in Kyoto, was devastated, and rushed back to Mount Hiei overnight to preside over the overall situation, oh no, he rushed back to Mount Hiei to take the blame.

Just when she was at a loss, Shiba Yoshigin came back from Kanto, visited Oda Nobunaga and Asai Nagamasa, and boarded Mount Hiei under the banner of a peaceful settlement, and came to Enryakuji Temple.

Master Jueshu was pleasantly surprised, and opened the gate to welcome this elder Genji. The treatment he enjoyed was even better than that of General Ashikaga.

Faced with Master Jueshu's hospitality, Yiyin could only sigh, what a drama that lasted for a thousand years, what an unstoppable Yanli Temple.


Venerable Jueshu opened the gate of the mountain, and respectfully led Shibo Yiyin into the root hall.

This Hieizan Enryaku-ji Temple is divided into three centers: the east tower, the west tower, and the Yokogawa. The main hall of the main hall gate is located in the east tower.

Here is resplendent and resplendent, with vermilion red pillars, accompanied by nuns, which is a scene of a paradise imitating the style of Tang Dynasty.

The root hall is the central building of Zhiguanyuan in the East Pagoda. It has never received outsiders, and only enshrines the incense of Buddhas and gods such as Pharmacist Tathagata, Sun Moonlight Bodhisattva, and Twelve Gods.

The inside of the hall is paved with stones, the outside is high and the inside is low, and the ever-burning lamp is set up for thousands of years, illuminating Yanli Temple, the origin of Buddhism in the island country.

Master Jueshu's reception of Yiyin here is already the highest respect of Tiantai sect for him.The Yanli Temple religious group did not object, it seems that they are really afraid.

In the hall, Medicine Master Tathagata sat down, Yiyin and Jueshu sat on the left and right futons.

Yiyin scanned the audience, seeing that the Daoist Gaoni were still dignified, but their gazes focused on him were scorching.It turns out that these nuns who have achieved success in cultivation are also afraid of death.

In addition to the seemingly peaceful but actually flustered nuns of the Yanli Temple religious group, there are also two women dressed as Ji warriors in the hall, which are particularly conspicuous.

As soon as Yiyin's gaze caught them, they kowtowed together to show their respect.

Venerable Jueshu quickly explained.

"This is an envoy sent by the general."

The leading warrior Ji bowed and said.

"Your servant, Takaoka Keitomo, I have seen Jin Dadian, and you are blessed and safe.

This is my Deputy Envoy, accompanied by Mr. Takeda Nobutora. "

Hearing Takeda Nobutora's name, Yoshihiro was taken aback. This hale and hearty old woman is actually Takeda Shingen's mother?

he asked.

"Is this Mr. Nobutora of Kai Takeda's family?"

Takeda Nobutora bowed and said.

"It's the foreign minister, Jin Duo Dian Wan An."

Looking up at Shiba Yoshigin, who was seated by Yakushi Tathagata, Takeda Nobutora couldn't calm down for a long time.

The golden body of the Buddha statue painted with gold and powder is shining brightly, and the handsome man under the seat is like a golden boy before the Buddha, with a dignified appearance and a dusty temperament, unlike ordinary people.

That [-] meter height overwhelmed everyone present, making him stand out from the crowd.

Nobutora Takeda remembered that this man should be over [-] years old, but his face was full of the youthfulness of a [-]-year-old boy, as if time had never passed through the blooming season.

Thinking that he is the biological father of his granddaughter, Takeda Nobutora's mood became more and more complicated.

That bastard daughter of mine is really a blessing, to be able to communicate with such gods and figures in a simple way, and even get the seeds, it is really worth dying for.

Let Takeda Nobutora be [-] years younger, and it's hard not to be moved when he sees this flowery boy.

It's alright for that stinky daughter to get married to such a peerless beauty. I hope it doesn't kill the Takeda family.

Takeda Nobutora's heart turned a thousand times.

When she was the governor of the Takeda family, she was considered a hero of the generation.It's just that he prefers to use violence, and is willing to use military force at the expense of people's livelihood, so he will be replaced by his hypocritical daughter.

Compared with her, Takeda Shingen is more reliable in doing things, planning before moving, and wins people's hearts by building water conservancy, and turns the Kai country, which she barely unified by force, into a real whole.

Over the years, Takeda Nobutora was expelled, and seeing the prosperity of the Takeda family, the resentment towards his daughter's exile gradually faded away.

Especially after knowing the existence of Rena, the granddaughter, Takeda Nobutora couldn't hate him even more because of the feeling of being separated from each other.

This is the story of Takeda Nobutora traveling around the world and helping Takeda Shingen recruit Shima pirate leader Keilong Obama in Ise country.

Oda Nobunaga sent troops to crusade against Kita Ise, beat the rabbits and captured Kitabata Gujiao in Nanyise, and forced Kitabata Gujiao to retire, and handed over the Kitabata family business to his third sister Oda Xinbao.

Takeda Shingen, who had a good relationship with Kitabata Gujiao, persuaded her that Oda Nobunaga had a surly temper, and she should find another way out and ask for help from the benevolent and trustworthy Shiba Yoshigin.

With Kitabata's entrustment and curiosity about Shiba Yoshigin, Takeda Nobutora came to Kyoto.

But at this time, Shiba Yoshigin had already had a falling out with Ashikaga Yoshiaki, retired to his residence, and then went to Kanto to put out the fire.

Takeda Nobutora couldn't see Shiba Yoshigin, she was old and too lazy to run around anymore, so she simply found a job in the shogunate, thinking that there would always be a chance to meet Shiba Yoshigin in the future.

Kai Takeda's family is not low, and Takeda Shingen is recognized by the shogunate as the guardian of the two countries of Kai and Shinano, with a stone height of nearly one million daimyo.Her mother came to Kyoto to retire, and the shogunate had to give face.

Ashikaga Yoshiaki gave Takeda Nobutora a companion status to facilitate her life in Kyoto.

Although the shogunate at this time was rotten, Ashikaga Yoshiaki couldn't even pay the salary of Ashikaga Huizhong, and the false name of companions naturally didn't have any benefits.

But Takeda Nobutora didn't care, she and Takeda Shingen reunited, and Takeda Shingen's living expenses for the old lady's pension would never be less.

Kai Takeda's family has developed very well these years, and the snobs in Kyoto also bowed their heads and complimented this old woman.

Takeda Nobutora actually lived very happily in Kyoto, traveling every day, without being affected by the confrontation between the shogunate and the Oda family.

After all, behind her is a powerful Takeda family, and the people sent by Oda Nobunaga to Kyoto will not trouble her.

Recently, Takeda Nobutora finally waited until Shiba Yoshigin returned to Kanto, and went to Mount Hiei to mediate for the truce.

She went to Nijo Castle to ask Ashikaga Yoshiaki to be an envoy and hurried up the mountain, and happened to be at Enryakuji Temple with Shiba Yoshigin.

At this time, Takeda Nobutora was staring at Yoshigin's face full of emotions, making the real Ashikaga envoy Takaoka Keitomo sweat on his head, what the hell is this old woman here for?
Takeda Nobutora's eyes stared straight at Yoshiyin in a daze, not to mention Takaoka Keitomo sweating, Yoshiyin was also frightened by seeing it.

Take a closer look at the appearance of Takeda Nobutora, it is about six or seven points similar to Takeda Shingen, and he was also a beauty when he was young.

Yiyin looked at her, and couldn't help but think of the fond memories of the three people's in-depth exchanges in Yantian City.

Thinking back now, apart from the fact that he was not free, those days were really the most glamorous experience after time travel, which made Yiyin feel nostalgic.

On the side, Takaoka Keitomo didn't know about these dreamy pasts between Yoshigin and the Takeda family, but he was just worried that Nobutora's rude behavior would annoy Shiba Yoshihiro.

Takaoka Keitomo's visit this time is actually to deliver an olive branch to Shiba Yoshihiro on behalf of Ashikaga Yoshiaki.

Although Ashikaga Yoshiaki himself is incapable, but a stack of imperial documents was distributed everywhere, which made Oda Nobunaga feel the foundation of Ashikaga General's family ruling the world for two hundred years.

But in doing so, Ashikaga Yoshiaki actually overdrawn General Ashikaga's little credibility left, and the gains outweigh the losses.

Moreover, the army of the Oda family is fighting, and there are troops everywhere from Nanjinjiangpu to Yamashiro.Oda Nobunaga is really in a hurry, the Miyoshi family can kill the general, but the Oda family can't?

If the Oda army marches into Kyoto, how many days can General Ashikaga's Ashikaga family, who can't even pay their wages, last?

Ashikaga Yoshiaki himself didn't expect that Nobunaga's siege net could create such a big storm.

Asai Asakura Liujiao Miyoshi's family is now riding a tiger, and Oda Nobunaga did not bow his head like Ashikaga Yoshiaki thought, but instead used the vigor to besiege Mount Hiei.

If there is a big war, not to mention what will happen to Mt. Hiei, Kyoto will definitely be affected by the war.

At that time, no matter who wins the battle, General Ashikaga will lose his prestige and the shogunate will be reduced to a decoration.

Ashikaga Yoshiaki inevitably regretted it in his heart. In this battle of Nobunaga's siege that spread to more than half of the surrounding area, the Ashikaga shogunate and her general were the biggest losers.

At this time, Shiba Yoshigin rushed back from Kanto to mediate the war. Akechi Mitsuhide visited Nijo Castle, hoping that the general would authorize Shiba Yoshigin to mediate the siege of Mount Hiei in the name of the shogunate.

Once Shiba Yoshigin succeeds, at least on the surface, the shogunate will take the lead and reach an armistice agreement. At least for the time being, Ashikaga Yoshiaki's face will be saved, and the crisis in Kyoto will be resolved.

And after this chaotic battle, Oda Nobunaga, who has lingering fears, will definitely face up to the influence of the shogunate and learn to respect the shogunate, right?
At least, this is how Ashikaga Yoshiaki comforted himself and hypnotized himself.

Therefore, the goal of Keitomo Takaoka's visit here is, on the one hand, to recognize the justice of Shiba Yoshigin's mediation on behalf of General Ashikaga, and to support his moral foundation.

On the other hand, after suffering from Oda Nobunaga, Ashikaga Yoshiaki finally realized how powerful this Owari country bumpkin is, hoping to bridge the rift with Shiba Yoshiyin.

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