different warring states of japan

Chapter 1423 The Tathagata has a measure in front of the seat

Ashikaga Yoshiaki had a good idea, but she didn't know that in Shibo Yoshigin's mind, the Ashikaga Shogunate was already a thing of the past.

Whether it was the cold reception he encountered in Kyoto or the major system reforms in Kanto, Shiba Yoshiyin has really found his own path, that is, Shiba's new thought of peaceful development.

Since Yoshihiro left Kyoto and accepted Akechi Mitsuhide's policy of keeping a low profile, the possibility of him joining forces with Ashikaga Yoshiaki completely disappeared.

He will not be fooled by Ashikaga Yoshiaki again because of his guilt towards Ashikaga Yoshiki.So Duoji Warrior followed him to eat, it's not enough to be stupid once, do you want to do it again?
Last time it ran away from Takatora Todo, who was not firm in his stance, but this time I don't know who to run away.

It's impossible for Yiyin to sleep all his core officials to ensure their centripetal force towards him, right?Even if his body can bear it, the conflicts among the important ministers will be extremely intensified.

Therefore, this crumbling Ashikaga shogunate Yoshigin didn't want to help him, and he couldn't help him.

This time he came forward to mediate the siege of Mount Hiei, mainly out of political, economic and military considerations, and made a deliberate move.

First, politically.

He, the elder of Genji, needs to take over the banner of the shogun who was completely destroyed by the fool of Ashikaga Yoshiaki, and maintain the respect of the world's samurai for the pillar of the samurai family, the descendant of the Genji Kawachi.

General Ashikaga can collapse, but the political ecology of the samurai regime established by Hanoi Genji through two generations of shogunate, rooted in the hearts of samurai all over the world, cannot be collapsed.

If the entire ecology is brought down by Ashikaga Yoshiaki, and the idea of ​​Hime Samurai other than Hanoi Genji's direct descendants can also be the co-lord of the samurai family sprouts, then what else does Yoshigin, the elder Genji, have to do?

At that time, the real chaos will start in the world, with females vying for the throne, and it is not known how many people will be called emperors and how many people will be called kings.

Once the five-hundred-year-long political tacit understanding of the samurai families in the world is broken, Oda Nobunaga organizes the Oda public ceremony, and then whoever makes a public ceremony, the credibility of the Hanoi Genji lineage will be completely over.

At that time, cats, dogs, and old tortoises will be able to run out and claim to be the shogun, pretending to be the descendants of the Genji family, sitting north and south, and founding a mansion and building teeth.

So Yoshigin had to come forward and let the samurai family know that although Ashikaga General died, there were still people carrying the archway of the Hanoi Genji's descendant, and not all grandsons could be the pillars of the samurai family.

Second, from an economic point of view.

The Hokuriku Road trade route has become the material basis for the development of Shiba's new ideas, and it is an indispensable and important piece of the puzzle for Giyin to reform the samurai system.

In recent days, there has been a chaotic battle from Sakai Port to Tsuruga Port, almost surrounding the Yodogawa and Lake Biwa water transport logistics lines of the Hokuriku Road trade route.

There is nothing wrong with the neighboring countries of Kii, Yamato, Tanba and other neighboring countries that are far away from the lifeline of the Hokuriku Road trade route!
Capital is the most risk-averse, and war is the biggest risk, which will make capital stay away regardless of cutting meat.

The Hokuriku trade route has remained stable until now, mainly due to two reasons.

On the one hand, it is because the Tokaido commercial road is more chaotic. The main logistics lines in Kanto and Kansai are Hokuriku and Tokaido. The Zhongshan Road is rugged and has no water transportation, and the cost is too high.

The capital has no choice but to temporarily stay on the Hokuriku Road trade route.It's better than bad, you can only choose the one that is not too bad.

On the other hand, it is also Takada Yono's superb method, using debt to tie up all the forces involved in the investment.

After all, I owe too much money, and I rely on the annual share dividends to repay it in installments, and I borrow it after repaying it.The creditor is even more afraid that you will hang up suddenly, lose all your money, and the war will be chaotic for a while, so you can bear it after thinking about it.

But Yiyin cannot be taken lightly because of these two reasons, capital is the most fickle.

If capital finds that the recent wars show no signs of easing, but intensified, then who can guarantee that capital will not flee?

The two stalls in Kanto and Kansai are spending money everywhere, but they all count on making money from the Hokuriku Road trade route.

The Shibachu Foundation, the Samurai Giri Promotion Association, which one is not made out of a budget, waiting for the money and food to be burned, this bottomless bloody mouth, no amount of money thrown into it is enough to fill it.

Yiyin can't afford to gamble, he needs a lot of money, so he must do something to appease the capital.

It's like the crazy IPO in the exchange, stepping on the capital market to the ground to draw blood, the slogan that can be promoted is always the starting point of the bull market, everyone hurry to buy the bottom.

Although this metaphor is not appropriate, the truth is the same.At some point, confidence is more important than facts, so you have to lure the idiot in to take the deal.

It is impossible for Yiyin to really stop the battle of Oda's siege network. Even if he mediates the first time, there will be a second, third time, and sooner or later they will have to fight again.
That is a strategic plan that is a matter of life and death for each daimyo, and it will never stop for a few dollars from the Hokuriku Road trade route.

But he can create an image of himself striving for peace. Since the world in the future is destined to become more and more chaotic, capital must find a relatively safe place, right?

Looking around the world, there is no place that is safer for capital appreciation than the Hokuriku Road trade route and Shibo Yoshihiro.

As long as this kind of atmosphere can be created, the Hokuriku Road trade route will be stable, Shiba Yoshiyin will build the samurai lighthouse, and Xanadu will have money and food.

Finally, militarily.

The Miyoshi family once again invaded the two countries of Izumi and Hanoi. Although the second generation of Miyoshi Yoshitsugu did not have the strength of the four sisters of Miyoshi Changqing, the panic caused by the comeback of the Miyoshi family was indeed great.

The local powerful faction of the shogunate, as Yoshigin, is on the top of the political hills in recent days. He cannot tolerate the territory of Hatakeyama Hosokawa Mibuchi being invaded by foreign enemies.

In particular, the Izumi Hosokawa family was once on the verge of genocide, and the Izumi country was almost defeated by the Miyoshi family. The Izumi Hosokawa retainers were full of fear of the Miyoshi family, and they might not last long.

And this is also an opportunity for Yoshihiro. At the beginning, he took advantage of the fear of the Miyoshi family from the Izumi Hosokawa retainers, successfully integrated with the Hosokawa Mibuchi family, and became the leader of the local powerful faction.

Time has passed, and the past two years have had too many good times, and the Hosokawa Mibuchi family began to feel restless again.

The two heirs of the family, Hosokawa Fujitaka and Mibuchi Fujihide, jumped out to make trouble one after another, and it was inconvenient for Yoshihiro to deal with them ruthlessly. The Miyoshi family came at a good time.

The threat of the Miyoshi family reappeared. As long as Yoshigin can come forward to solve the foreign aggression, the panic-stricken Hosokawa Mibuchi family will inevitably move closer to the Shiba family and rely even more on the Shiba family.

Therefore, Yoshihiro needs to perfectly mediate the siege of Mount Hiei to reach an armistice agreement.

Then, in the name of the righteousness of the shogunate, with the prestige of successful mediation, he called on all the nearby samurai forces that he could summon to drive out the Miyoshi family again.

The smoother Yiyin's war against Miyoshi's family was, and the smaller the losses, the better it would be for his prestige in recent days.

This is a political battle that must be won beautifully.Before starting the battle, Yiyin must make complete preparations and strive to kill with one blow.

The truce agreement of Mount Hiei is the starting gun for him to return to recent days and preside over the overall situation.

To sum up, the relief for Mt. Hiei is out of Yoshigin's own needs. He is not interested in Ashikaga Yoshiaki's unrealistic fantasies, and Ashikaga has no possibility of joining forces.

Compared with Takaoka Keitomo, the Ashikaga envoy, Yoshigin is more interested in Takeda Nobutora. Why is this old woman still staring at her, her eyes are a little loose, what is she thinking?

Yiyin asked softly.

"When did Master Takeda come to Kyoto?"

Nobutora Takeda was awakened by Yoshigin's words, smiled embarrassedly, and said.

"I've lived in Kanto all my life. When I get old, I'm tempted. I want to come and have a look. I've been on this road for a year or two, and I met a good friend, Kitabata Gujiao, in Nanyise.

Entrusted by her, Shangluo Jingdu pays respect and greetings to you, Jin Dadian. I myself have always admired your virtues and longed to meet you.

I don't want you to go away to the Kanto for a year, so I will find a job in the shogunate to make use of my spare time.With the care of the adults in the shogunate, life is very comfortable. "

Yiyin frowned slightly.

"Hokubata Gujiao? Is the retired governor of the Kitabata family of the Ise Kingdom, the famous swordsman?"

Takeda Nobutora nodded.

"It's her.

After His Highness Oda quelled the chaos in the Ise Kingdom, Kitabata Kokyo abdicated and handed over the position of family governor to His Highness Oda's third sister, Kitabata Xinbao, who now lives in seclusion in Misase Valley. "

Takeda Nobutora's words were cryptic, but Yoshigin understood as soon as he heard it.

Abdicating the throne to the virtuous is nothing more than a decent surrender, allowing Oda's blood to inherit the family, at least to keep the family business and family name, and the family and retainers can still live and eat under the name of the Beibata family.

Yoshigin couldn't help laughing, Oda Nobunaga's reputation is really bad.

Kitabata Gujiao had already donated all his family and property, and he was worried that the Oda family would kill the donkey, so he asked Takeda Nobutora to come forward and come to his seat to find insurance.

From Yiyin's point of view, this is not a bad thing. It shows that the Yili character set that he worked hard to manage has been recognized by more and more samurai.

It is difficult to find people. .Looking for Yiyin, when all martial artists in the world reach this consensus, his influence will spread to sixty-six countries in the world, so why not do it.

Yi Yin said with a smile.

"The strength of the Beibata family is very good, but the Beibata Gujiao is willing to give up power and retreat to seclusion, so that the people of Nanyise will not suffer from the war. It is indeed a noble character."

Takeda Nobutora's eyes lit up, and with Shiba Yoshigin, the elder of Genji's four words, the safety of Kitabata Gujiao is stable.

She quickly bowed and said.

"Being praised by Jindadian, I believe Kitabata Gujiao will be very pleasantly surprised. I will write to her when I get back to make her happy."

Shiba Yoshiyin smiled and said nothing, the more Takeda Nobutora looked at the man in front of him, the more he felt pleasing to the eye, and he couldn't help thinking of his daughter and granddaughter.

She secretly sighed, it would be great if Takeda Shingen could marry this man as a matchmaker. Now that she is hiding it like this, if the matter of the illegitimate daughter is exposed in the future, God knows what will happen.

But she really didn't have the guts to let Takeda Nobutora break the matter by herself.

Shibo Yiyin's reputation is growing day by day, and he is the hope of all martial artists in the world.His personality is sacred and inviolable, and Takeda Nobutora dare not make mistakes in front of his majesty.

How did the unfilial girl get wet when she did that?What a bastard, even a fairy can do it, beast.

Takeda Nobutora buried his daughter Takeda Shingen in his heart, but Takaoka Keitomo was a little anxious.

She, the real envoy of the shogunate, didn't say a word, but the fake envoy Takeda Nobutora diverted the topic to an unknown place.

Takaoka Keitomo bowed and said.

"Jin Duodian, Lord General asked me to bring you a message, I hope you..."

Yiyin spat in his heart, daydreaming, and looked to the side at Master Jueshu.

Master Jue Shu was actually more anxious than Keitomo Takaoka, Yoshiaki Ashikaga squatted in Nijo Castle and was depressed, but her life was not in danger, compared to the tens of thousands of lives on Mt. Rui who were still under the threat of weapons.

At this moment, Jian Yiyin was a little impatient to listen to the nonsense of the shogunate envoys, so she interrupted Takaoka Keitomo with a blunt Buddhist chant.

Takaoka Jingyou was taken aback for a moment, and then smiled in embarrassment.

The Takaoka family is an old samurai family in the Omi Kingdom, and has a deep relationship with various Buddhist sects. The Mitsui Temple in the territory is the contact hub for the various sects of Omi Buddhism.

After the Oda family occupied Minami Omi, the Takaoka family broke away from the triangular retainer sequence and switched to Oda Nobunaga.

But the Takaoka family still kept a mind, let Takaoka Keitomo return from Mitsui Temple, and seek refuge in Ashikaga Yoshiaki, the trusty general, leaving a way out for his family.

Gao Gang Jingyou was originally the host of Mijing Temple Guangjingyuan. It stands to reason that Master Jueshu should not show his face to Gao Gang Jingyou, no matter whether it is for the face of Gao Gang's family or Mijing Temple.

But because of the crisis surrounding the siege of Mount Hiei, Venerable Jueshu has no interest in the filthy affairs within the shogunate at all, and she is only thinking about Enryakuji's own vital interests.

Seeing that Venerable Jueshu stepped forward to be a villain, Yiyin slowly came out to be a good person, he laughed.

"Master Jueshu calm down, Takaoka Ji is just speaking for the general."

Seeing Shiba Yoshiin who got cheap and behaved well, Venerable Jueshu said in awe.

"Jin Duo Dian's words are wrong, this is the root hall, in front of the seat of Medicine Master Tathagata, it is a place beyond the Three Realms and not in the Five Elements.

Regarding the secular affairs of the shogunate, please be cautious in your words and deeds, so as not to lose face in front of the Tathagata. "

These words seemed to educate Yiyin, but in fact it was Jingyou Sao Takaoka who helped Yiyin stop her from talking.

Sure enough, Jingyou Takaoka bowed and apologized, and stopped talking, but felt sad in his heart.

If Ashikaga Yoshiki was in power back then, and the ancestor Odaisuo went up to the mountain to talk about things, would Master Jueshu be so tough as to separate the relationship?

In the final analysis, it was Ashikaga Yoshiaki's shogunate that was in a mess. This general led the people of the Ashikaga family into the ditch. Even the old nun on Mt. Hiei dared not take the shogun seriously.

Yiyin smiled and sang the oboe with Venerable Jueshu.

"The Venerable Master's words are serious, but what you said is also correct.

I have already retired from my residence and returned to my residence, and I have become a monk to practice, and I really do not have any position in the shogunate.No matter what the general wants to say, I will politely decline it, so it's okay not to listen. "

The worst thing about Yiyin is that he has completely withdrawn from the Kyoto shogunate.

The representative of the local power faction on the bright side of the shogunate is Takamasa Hatakeyama, and Mitsuhide Akechi is the diplomatic service sent by the Shiba family to Kyoto as a local pro-vassal.

Ashikaga Yoshiaki wants to talk to him, so he can do my business with both hands.

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