different warring states of japan

Chapter 1424 Really shameless

The only thing Yiyin clings to is the identity of Elder Genji.

The elder Genji, the pillar of the samurai family, and the general of the shogunate progressed from the three-level relationship of the Genji clan, the samurai group, and the head of the regime, and established the leadership of the Hanoi Genji's descendants over the world's samurai families.

Although Yoshigin took the initiative to take off the Ashikaga family's Odaisho, he took advantage of Ashikaga Yoshiaki's unethical and immoral behavior to call himself the elder of Genji.

Ashikaga Yoshiaki bullied the widow who drove away his sister, and he had no face to refute Yoshigin, so he could only pretend to be stupid and ignore him.And the more disappointed the samurai were with Ashikaga Yoshiaki, the more they recognized Shiba Yoshigin, the elder Genji.

Yoshigin is tantamount to taking away part of the Hanoi Genji's descendant status from the general Ashikaga Yoshiaki, making Ashikaga Yoshiaki suffer a dumb loss.

He can claim to ignore the shogunate and evade his rights and obligations to the shogunate.Because he, as the elder of the Genji clan, dictates everything in the world, and has nothing to do with the shogunate.

Yi Yin's words were reasonable and restrained, and the eloquent Gao Gang Jingyou couldn't help being silent after hearing this, and could only blame his stupid general for not doing anything.

Righteously and confidently cut off the olive branch Ashikaga Yoshiaki handed over, Yoshigin brought the topic back to the siege of Mount Hiei, and said to Master Jueshu.

"The Venerable Master said rightly that those who are outside the Three Realms are outside the Three Realms and are not in the Five Elements.

Mount Hiei's status is detached, why should he participate in the war of the samurai and break the tacit understanding between the samurai and the sect.

I don't quite understand this point. "

When Yiyin came up, he pre-empted the attack, pointed the finger at Master Jueshu, and pushed the responsibility for the siege of Mount Hiei to Tiantaizong.

He promised Oda Nobunaga that he would seek compensation from Enryakuji Temple for her.There must be an explanation for this matter, otherwise, with Oda Nobunaga's character of wanting to save face, it would be difficult to sign the armistice agreement.

Master Jueshu was very embarrassed, let alone Yiyin didn't understand, she didn't understand either!
She just went to Kyoto to attend a Buddhist meeting and left Mount Hiei for a while.

Who knew that the idiots of the Enryakuji Temple would accept bribes from the Asai family and send troops down the mountain to participate in the siege of Mori Kecheng.

What's even more embarrassing is that Asai Asakura's allied forces and Master Shan fought together, but they still failed to take down Sakamoto Castle, but only killed Mori Kasei.

It was only because the coalition forces failed to capture Sakamoto Castle that Oda Nobunaga was able to quickly counterattack, blocking the Asai Asakura coalition forces that lacked depth in Mount Hiei, causing the Tendai sect to be devastated and confused about the relationship.

Not to mention that the mountain mages of Mt. Hiei never interfered with government affairs. This kind of downhill involvement in politics has been done since [-] years ago, and the mountain mages have done a lot.

Even when Genpei was in trouble, Master Shan dared to protect Genji's widow, Minamoto Yoshitsune, against Tohira Kiyomori.

But the problem is that times have changed. The Ni Corps has long been no match for the Ji Warrior Corps.
So being blocked in a corner by Yiyin's words, Venerable Jueshu really didn't know how to answer.

If this battle is won, the Tiantai Sect will be able to stand up and say, we just went down the mountain to fight, what the hell!

But now that he lost the battle and was besieged by people, Yanli Temple had no choice but to pretend to be a grandson, hoping to make big things smaller and small things smaller.

Venerable Jueshu was silent for a while, clasped his hands together, bowed his head and said.

"This is all the responsibility of the poor nun, and the poor nun is willing to take responsibility and let the Oda family handle it.

But for the lives of tens of thousands of nuns on Mount Hiei, please be merciful and find a way out for them. "

Venerable Jueshu has been the head of the Tiantai for so many years, so he is naturally a powerful person who can keep the bastards of the sect under control.

She knew that it would be useless to quibble at this time, so she simply lowered her posture to the lowest and sincerely begged Yiyin for help.

How can it be possible to say that you are at your disposal?
Venerable Jue Shu is the head of the Tiantai Pope, if Oda Nobunaga is really arrogant enough to convict her and enforce the law, it will completely trample the face of all Buddhist sects in the world.

Even if Oda Nobunaga went crazy and Yoshihiro traveled all the way from Kanto to mediate, it would be impossible for the Emperor Tiantai to suffer such humiliation.

If that happens, the embarrassment will not only be felt by Master Jueshu, but also Shibo Yoshihim.

Venerable Jueshu was sure of this point, so he humbly gave Yiyin enough face.

Yiyin secretly praised Venerable Jueshu in his heart, this old nun is indeed upright, and she is subdued in what she says, so that Yiyin can make terms with peace of mind.

"Master Jueshu said it again, Mount Hiei is the father mountain of Buddhism in the island country, His Highness Oda naturally knows how to respect it.

However, the Tiantai sect violated the principle of non-interference between the samurai sects and must compensate the Oda family for their losses.

Fifty thousand guan, what do you think? "

Yiyin's asking price is not too much. In order to test the position of Ishiyama Honganji, Oda Nobunaga asked Xianru to pay [-] guan in military expenses to show his support.

Although he was rejected, it can be seen that the masters of these big sects are really rich.

Mount Hiei sent troops to participate in the attack on Sakamoto Castle, which resulted in the death of Oda's chief minister, Mori Kasari. This feud is not small.

Fortunately, Sakamoto Castle did not fail, and Asai Asakura's allied forces did not substantially break the Oda family's defense lines in Kyoto and Minami Omi. This enmity is not deep enough to be resolved with money.

Fifty thousand crowns is equivalent to the entire net worth of a wealthy businessman in Sakai Port.As one of the three wealthy merchants, Sohisa Imai was only worth a hundred thousand kan before joining the Shiba family.

Yiyin is helping Oda Nobunaga hit Enli Temple hard. Although this money cannot completely calm Oda Nobunaga, it can at least ensure that she will no longer settle accounts with the bald donkey of the Tiantai sect.

After all, it was a lot of money, and Oda Nobunaga was fighting all day long, so she was short of money.For the sake of money, and with Yiyin as a guarantee, the test of Tiantai Sect is considered to have passed.

Hearing Yiyin's lion speak loudly, Master Jueshu heaved a sigh of relief.

Although [-] guan is not a small amount, Tiantai Sect is not a small family, and things that can be solved with money are not a problem.

Seeing that Venerable Jueshu's expression relaxed, and he was about to agree to Yiyin's conditions, a senior nun from the Yanli Temple sect in the temple was in a hurry.

She stepped forward and said.

"My lord, wait a minute."

Yiyin and Venerable Jueshu looked at the man together, Master Jueshu couldn't help showing anger in his eyes, and scolded.

"Bold, I'm talking to Jin Duodian, how dare you come out and make noise!"

Yiyin watched coldly, never expecting Master Jueshu to lose his composure like this.

How did he know that it was the high-ranking nun in front of him who took money from Asai's family and encouraged the religious order to send troops while Master Jueshu was away, which caused this disaster.

The reason why this person is anxious is because she knows very well that if the compensation is finalized, it must be paid by her and her faction.This disaster was caused by them, and of course they paid the price.

If it was [-] to [-] guan, she would bear it and recite it, but it was a total of [-] guan!

Fifty thousand guan may not be a particularly large number for Yanli Temple, but for her faction, it is a painful number.

Especially because of her, such a loss of money happened. How can she gain a foothold in the faction in the future?

Spreading faith may be the second most expensive thing in the world, second only to fighting. There are few people in the world who care more about money than nuns.

For the sake of their faith, the Nanman Sect has braved the wind and waves to bring goods that are half sold and half given away.Yixiangzong's nuns stationed in the village, accompanied the villagers to cultivate the fields and spread the faith.

Throwing out [-] guan at once, the whole faction would hate this nun to death, so she didn't care about it and rushed out to stop it.

Now that she has no way out, she can only bite the bullet and say.

"Zindadian said well that the samurai sects do not interfere with each other, so when the Oda family went to Luo, why did the army unfurl the Buddhist flag of the Nichiren sect?

It was His Highness Oda who intervened in the sect's affairs first, not our Tiantai sect who provoked troubles, and I would like to ask Jin Dadian for a lesson. "

Venerable Jue Shu's face froze, even though she had worshiped the Buddha for many years, her anger was still hard to restrain.

And Yiyin sneered, and asked the man.

"May I ask what is the name of this master? What position does he play in Yanli Temple?"

The man was unable to get off the tiger, and he bowed and replied.

"The poor nun awakened, and the Jingguangyuan presided over it."

Yiyin nodded, it turns out that this nun has a lot of background, no wonder she dared to speak wild words and embarrass Master Jueshu in public.

Yanli Temple is the temple built by Master Saicheng, and Jingguang Temple is the temple of Saicheng.This enlightened nun guards the door of the founder of Yanli Temple, so her status is naturally not low.

But Yiyin will not let her be used to it, the Tiantai sect must surrender, which is the prerequisite for signing the armistice agreement.

The three armies of Oda Asai and Asakura insisted on not mentioning it. There must be an explanation for Master Shan's attack on Sakamoto Castle, otherwise this matter will not be over.

Oda Nobunaga is angry about his family's loss, while Yoshigin wants to maintain the dignity of the samurai world.

The sectarian power of the monastery is a chronic problem that has caused headaches for all the regimes of the island country.

What is the most important thing to maintain power?It's finance, any government has no money, you can say Jill!
Most of the financial expenditures of the ancient regimes were military expenditures, and the foundation of maintaining the regime was to maintain violent institutions, that is, to raise soldiers.If you can't afford to support soldiers, what kind of political power are you talking about?
Monastery sects are vampires who do not pay taxes, and nuns also like to secretly accept offerings from believers and accept more land with a smile.

The island country is so small, and there is only so much land that can be farmed. If the nuns take it away, there will be fewer Ji warriors.

Whether it is the emperor's court or the shogunate of the samurai family, they all want to restrict the sects of the temple, but in this desperate island country, faith cannot stop it.

The birth of the lower-class untouchables means that they will suffer for a lifetime. If you don't give the untouchables some mental anesthesia, how can they be willing to obediently be slaves to the upper-class people for the rest of their lives?

Therefore, the regimes of the past dynasties were very annoyed by the sectarian power of the temple, but they had a real need, so they could only use it and prevent it.The tacit understanding of non-interference between the martial arts sects is also due to this complicated psychology.

The Tiantai Sect is not a newcomer like the Yixiang Sect. Yanli Temple, which has lasted for [-] years, naturally knows the rules.If you broke the rules, you should pretend to apologize and let everyone step down.

Yiyin's visit this time was to pass the ladder to the Tiantai sect so that Venerable Jueshu could use his donkey to descend the slope.

But this enlightened nun really didn't know how to flatter her, and acted like a rascal who violated the rules of the Oda family first, which made everyone unable to step down.

Yiyin sneered.

"Enlightenment, this Dharma name is good, but this person is really not enlightened.

You said that the Nichiren sect's Buddhist flag was unfurled in the Oda army, which is a provocation to the Tendai sect.Then I entered the Tao and believed in the Shingon sect, and sitting here, am I also tarnishing the fundamental hall of the Tiantai sect?

Forgive Master, Tiantai Sect is revered as the head of Buddhist sects, but it is by no means the only one!

I don't think your temple has reached a consensus yet, so I will excuse you first.

Today, I will rest overnight in your temple. If your temple doesn't have a unified and clear attitude tomorrow, I can only go down the mountain with regret. "

After finishing speaking, Yiyin walked straight out, unwilling to stay any longer.

Seeing Yiyin walking so simply, Master Jueshu was a little surprised and flustered.

She quickly winked at a high-ranking nun at the side, and that person immediately chased him out.

"Jin Duo Hall, please go slowly, I will guide you to the quiet room of the guest room."

The nuns were amazed that Yiyin left so resolutely, and there was a commotion.The mediator who came to help the siege was blown away, how should the tens of thousands of Oda warriors under Mount Hiei deal with it?

Venerable Jueshu glanced at Juewu, who was pale, and narrowed his eyes.

At this time, a burst of laughter suddenly exploded in the hall, and the loud sound shocked everyone.

It turned out that it was Takeda Nobutora who laughed so hard that tears overflowed.She wiped her tears with her sleeve and stood up.

"Then I won't accompany you first, and I'm rushing down the mountain to write a letter to Beibata Gujiao, I can't delay.

Haha, enlightenment, what enlightenment do you feel, hahaha, dog p enlightenment! "

Takeda Nobutora turned around and left. She wanted to get closer to Shiba Yoshigin, but she was afraid that she would not be able to help revealing Takeda Rena's life experience, so it was better to go down the mountain earlier to make peace.

She ridiculed the nuns of the Tiantai sect in public, and she was not afraid of retaliation.

The relationship between Tiantai Sect and the Takeda family is very deep, and Master Tianhai has long gone to the country of Kai to preach.

Now Takeda Shingen is a monk and still holds the post of nun of the Tendai Sect. Although it is only a means of the Tendai Sect to win over the Takeda family and has no real power, his status is very noble.

Given the strength of the Takeda family in the Three Kingdoms, and a little bit of disrespect from Takeda Nobutora, the Tiantai sect's nuns can only have group selective tinnitus and can't hear anything.

Afterwards, Takaoka Jingyou stood up and bowed, and said.

"Then I'll take my leave too. The general is still waiting for my reply in Erjo City."

Yoshiaki Ashikaga's olive branch to Yoshihiko Shiba was declined, and Keitomo Takaoka had to rush back immediately to inform the general. As for the internal conflicts of the Tendai sect, she was not interested in getting involved.

Watching the members of the Wu family leave one by one, Master Jue Shu's face sank like water, and the rosary in his hand moved faster and faster.

Jue Wu, who caused the trouble, clasped his hands together, bowed his head in silence, and the nuns whispered to each other, and the humming sound became more and more noisy.

In the end, Venerable Jue Shu smashed the rosary in his hand to the ground, and all the nuns were shocked, and they all looked at this master with profound cultivation skills.


Produced in Tianzhu, the rosary beads made of sandalwood and red sandalwood are very valuable, and the master Jueshu smashed the string with hatred and scattered all over the ground.

A red sandalwood Buddha bead rolled down to Juwu's knee and caught her eyes.She sighed helplessly, as if she had already understood her fate.

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