different warring states of japan

Chapter 1425 Master Jue Shu offers light

Yiyin sat in the quiet room, closed his eyes and meditated.

Today, he can be regarded as being taught by the Yanli Temple Sect.These noble nuns are really a model of power inbreeding, arrogant and stupid.

The Tiantai sect is close to Kyoto, and most of the Gaoni who have been enlightened in the past are descendants of the rich and powerful in Kyoto.A samurai family has a family style, and a sect has a family history, both of which are used to distinguish between noble and humble.

The eight-hundred-year-old Enryaku-ji Temple in Mt. Hiei has degenerated to the point of heinous degeneration, whether it is the authority of faith, political wisdom, or the military power of the mountain master.

And in the hands of these stupid guys, they are still guarding the wealth accumulated by the Tiantai Sect for nearly a thousand years.No wonder Oda Nobunaga couldn't forget it after he participated in the Mount Hiei Buddhist Association.

As the saying goes, poverty produces evil.

Oda Nobunaga is famous for two million stones, but she is determined to spread military power to the world, and she may be the most money-deficient person in the world.

The black eyeballs can't see the silver, how much of the surrounding mountain is aimed at the Asai Asakura allied forces this time?How much is it for Sen Kecheng that dead man?Or can't help but get angry when you see money?
Those bald donkeys of the Tiantai sect still clutched their pockets tightly when disaster struck, and were stingy with those few copper coins.

A few sensible people like Master Jueshu can't lead the idiots of the entire sect.Hieizan Enryakuji Temple is so stupid, even if it can pass the current test, it will still cause trouble sooner or later.

In fact, Yiyin doesn't care how Tiantaizong dies in the future.He didn't come here this time because he was willing to protect these old nuns who have no vision, but because he was considering his own interests.

Tomorrow, if Venerable Jueshu cannot unify the opinions within Yanli Temple, Yiyin will go down the mountain without hesitation.

Anyway, he has reached an agreement with Oda Nobunaga and Asai Nagamasa. As long as Asai Asakura's coalition forces retreat, the pressure on Enryakuji Temple will be greater than it is now.

Don't think that Oda Nobunaga is the only one who hates this group of ignorant nuns. Asai Nagamasa spent so much money to hire a mountain mage who is useless at all, and she is also very upset.

Don't be afraid to spend more money, but be afraid to spend money in vain.The most uncomfortable thing is spending money and not getting things done.How did the mountain sorcerer who has been so powerful in recent years be reduced to the bird he is now?Asai Nagamasa is really disgusting.

Yi Yin was thinking about something in his heart, the door was gently opened, Gamo Shigo bowed and said.

"Jin Duo Dian, Venerable Jue Shu is here to visit."

Yiyin looked up at the sky, the sun was just past noon, and it was only an hour since he walked away from the root hall, and he felt that Master Shu's movements were faster than he imagined.

"Please come in."


After a while, Pusheng's village respectfully ushered in a person, who was the Venerable Jueshu with kind eyebrows and kind eyes.

As soon as she entered the room, she clasped her palms together and said.

"The mountains are poor, the Zen room is simple, and there are many mistakes. Please forgive me from Jin Duodian."

Yiyin glanced at the duplex tatami under his feet, looked up at the vermilion lacquer solid wood beams, turned the blue and white porcelain teacup in his hand, and said with a smile.

"Master Jueshu is too polite, what do you want to teach when you come here now?"

Master Jue Shu bowed his head and said.

"Zindaden is compassionate and cares about the common people in the world, so he went back to recent days without hesitation, and worked hard for Mount Hiei for tens of thousands of people.

Just now in the fundamental middle hall, Guangjingyuan was unable to comprehend your kindness for a while, and then spoke out rudely, embarrassing Yanli Temple.

Now, she has understood Jin Duodian's kindness, and she is very ashamed and regretful. "

Yi Yin said lightly.

"Really? I didn't expect there to be such a dull person in Yanli Temple. I don't want to see her again."

Venerable Jueshu sighed with sadness on his face.

"It is true that Jin Duodian will not be able to see her again. She is too ashamed to be enlightened. She has passed away in the root hall just now."

Yiyin was so surprised to see that, pardoning the Master, this old nun is cruel enough, but she said it out of her mouth.

"I didn't expect that I would let a generation of Goni die with a few casual remarks. I feel uneasy."

Venerable Jueshu shook his head, with a double meaning.

"This is the choice of self-awareness, and it has nothing to do with Jin Duodian, so don't take it to heart.

In the practice of Buddhism, this stinky skin is also a burden. Throwing away this body will lead to positive results, and only if you give up can you gain. "

Yi Yin nodded.

"The Venerable Master's Dharma is profound, and he is willing to be taught."

Master Jue Shu said with a smile.

"Awakening to go west to Lingshan, Jingguangyuan presides over Kongxuan, Jinduo hall is willing to go with me to Jingguangyuan, remembering the deceased to go to the pure land."

Yiyin was a little puzzled, his enlightenment was dead, and the obstacles to the negotiation were cleared away. If Master Jueshu didn't ask him to continue negotiating, what's the point of pulling him on a tour?
But he remained calm and smiled.

"I have long heard that Jingguangyuan is the temple of Master Zuicheng, and it is a scene of Zhiguanyuan in the east pagoda of Yanli Temple. Today, I am honored to visit with the master. I am very happy."

Master Jue Shu smiled slightly.

"It's fine if you're happy, and please ask Jin Duodian to condescend to move."


Jingguang Temple was built in imitation of the Zhulin Temple in Wutai Mountain in the Tang Dynasty. Master Zuicheng sent Tang to seek Dharma, and the place where he practiced was Mount Wutai.

Yiyin followed Venerable Jueshu forward, with a group of Ji warriors and nuns hanging far behind him, deliberately keeping a distance for the two superiors to chat privately.

Guangjingyuan is well-known, but the lintel is unexpectedly simple. The solid wooden gate opens the mountain path, and hundreds of red-leaf trees are planted on both sides.At this time, it is late autumn, the red leaves are everywhere, and the scenery is elegant and quiet.

Yiyin couldn't help sighing.

"It's a good red leaf hunt."

Master Jue Shu laughed.

"Jingguangyuan was built in imitation of the place where people practiced in the mountains in the Tang Dynasty. It looks simple, but in fact it is full of knowledge.

A hundred steps ahead of the Red Leaf Mountain Road is the Treasure Pavilion, where the treasures kept are an eye-opener for Jin Duodian. "

Yiyin smiled and said nothing, he somewhat understood the purpose of Venerable Jueshu for bringing him here.

Enli Temple had severely offended Yi Yin, the elder Genji who had a growing reputation among the samurai family, because of the outrageous remarks made by Guangjingyuan before.

At that time, not only the nuns of the Enryakuji Temple were present, but also the two shogunate samurai, Takeda Nobutora and Takaoka Keitomo. Most of this incident has already been reported to Kyoto.

If because of this matter, Yi Yin will be worried and the Wu family will hate him, it will not be a good thing for Tiantai Sect, Master Jue Shu must find a way to remedy it.

The Tiantai sect is not always strong. When they come out to play, they always pretend to be grandsons. Especially in the long history of [-] years, grandsons really do not pretend to be less.

When the Ashikaga shogunate was the most powerful general of the third, fourth, and fifth generations, Hieizan pretended to be his grandson, and was severely punished.Because of offending the shogun, Nemoto Nakado was even burned once.

Now, Master Shan was defeated and Mount Hiei was besieged, Master Jue Shu had to be more careful.

Therefore, before resuming the negotiation, she had to compensate Yiyin first, and let Yiyin calm down. After coming to Jingguangyuan to see the scenery, she would probably offer treasures.

In this regard, Yiyin is very interested.

Who knows how many good things are hidden in Yanli Temple, a thousand-year-old ancient temple. Yiyin has no psychological barriers to take things from these bald rich men.

Yiyin is very interested in opening his eyes. He is now one of the most powerful people in this island country, and he has the experience of his previous life to support his vision.

Venerable Jueshu seemed to be confident, what was it that made her so confident, she thought it would surprise Yiyin.

Facts have proved that Yiyin is still superficial.These big nuns are really rich in taste, rich in height, and rich in Yiyin's imagination.

Looking at the nine sets of armor of different colors in front of him, Yi Yin's eyes became straight.

This treasure pavilion in the mountain looks like a Buddhist hall, Yiyin and Venerable Jueshu walked into the hall together, and the rest stayed outside.

On the front of the main hall is a set of fiery red armor, which is gorgeous in style and fully equipped. There are four sets of armor on the left and right sides, a total of nine sets.

Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, gray and black, nine colors of large armor, beyond Yiyin's imagination.Even though the industry was developed in his previous life, he had never seen such a precious item. It really looked like armor from an anime.

Yiyin couldn't help but stretched out his hand, and stopped in mid-air, turning his head to look at Master Jueshu in embarrassment.

Master Jueshu smiled and said.

"Jinduo Temple can be tasted at will."

Yi Yin sighed.

"Wu family can't see this kind of precious armor, it makes the master laugh."

After finishing speaking, Yiyin stepped forward and touched the big red armor in the middle. It is a layered iron sheet, which looks heavy and full of metal feeling. It is visually thick and powerful, and has an extraordinary momentum.

The most surprising thing is that the iron sheet was dyed somehow. The paint color is red and pure, with metal-like reflections and no rust spots at all.

Master Jueshu behind him seemed to have seen through Yiyin's mind and explained.

"The armor pieces of these nine pieces of armor are made of Qianchao forging steel, and the special paint on them is specially made for the makeup of Buddha statues. The nine colors are solid, radiant, and will not rust."

After carefully observing the big armor, Yiyin subconsciously shook his head.

Although the style of this large armor is eye-catching, it is flashy and unsuitable for actual combat.Because the war mode applicable to these large armors is too old.

During the period of the Kamakura Shogunate, the way the samurai fought was still that a Ji samurai led the Sanwuji to ride the Shichihachiro party, and went into battle on horseback with a bow.

Warrior Ji from both sides would often call for a one-on-one battle, and half an hour could be wasted just to report the names of their ancestors to each other.

At that time, the mainstream tactic was Yabusame. Head-to-head combat started from horseback riding and archery until dismounting and hacking the opponent to death, and the big armor was the most suitable armor for bowing and archery.

The classical and romantic way of warfare of Ji warriors ended in Mongolia.

In order to resist the incoming Mongolian army, the Kamakura shogunate mobilized a large number of Ji warriors to fight on Kyushu Island. With the help of kamikaze, they finally repelled the Mongolian attack.

The arrival of the Mongols brought two important changes to the Wu family.

First, the Kamakura shogunate collapsed.

The imperial family system during the Kamakura shogunate period was a rather simple contract of rewards for the public. Ji warriors fought for the public, and the shogunate rewarded the land.

The shogunate has always been very restrained in mobilizing the imperial family to serve the public. Because the shogunate does not have much land in its hands, it has been scrounging to get rewards.

But the Mongols were too powerful, and the Kamakura shogunate no longer cared about how to reward Ji warriors after mobilizing a large number of them.

If the Mongols are not repulsed, the Kamakura shogunate will be gone, and who cares about the consequences.

As a result, the Mongols were repelled, and the Kamakura Shogunate soon disappeared because they were overthrown by the angry Ji warriors because they could not afford the reward.

This is also a major reason why General Ashikaga voluntarily abandoned the imperial family system and switched to the guardian system after the establishment of the Ashikaga Shogunate.

If you can't afford to support too many Yu family members, then don't raise them at all.Leaving the local imperial family in charge of the guardian daimyo, the Ashikaga shogunate only pays the central imperial family salaries, increases revenue and reduces expenditure.

It was good at the beginning. General Ashikaga owned more than [-] imperial stores in the world, and the local guardian daimyo helped to take care of them. General Ashikaga only collected money, regardless of local expenditures, and lived a good life for a few years.

But as time went on, things got worse.The local power expanded, and slowly swallowed up the Ashikaga family's imperial materials in two hundred years.

To this day, Ashikaga Yoshiaki of Nijo Castle can't even pay the salary of the Ashikaga Hui, and he is ridiculed as a poor public.

Sure enough, if you come out to play around, you will have to pay it back sooner or later.How cool it was then, how miserable it is now.

Second, the innovation of the samurai war mode.

The Mongols were the evil stars of that era, a terrifying military group that killed the entire Eurasian continent, so they would not play any heads-up with the Ji warriors of the island country.

Warrior Ji ran to the front of the formation and asked for a ride, but was often turned into a hedgehog by the rain of arrows, and he also got a stupid conclusion.

The art of war of the samurai quickly matured in this anti-Yuan war.Since then, the war mode of a Ji warrior riding a horse and carrying a bow with a dozen followers like an outing has slowly disappeared.

And the Buddhist nun corps, which continued to maintain the one-on-one style of play, was also left far behind by the samurai.

In addition to Yiyi Kui, whose organizational strength is beyond the charts, the samurai family is now Master Diaoshan and Master Nara.

And the big armor suitable for bow and arrow in that era was gradually replaced by armor that was more defensive against weapons such as spears, bows and arrows, and iron cannons, until the peak of the samurai armor was sufficient in this world.

But having said that, the large armor may be the most elegant and elegant armor.

A large number of various decorations used by samurai to express themselves have been added to the wide pocket, making the big armor as beautiful as a peacock spreading its tail.

Because the war at that time was more about warrior Ji showing his bravery. Whether the armor defense of single-handed archery was strong or not was not as important as showing his heroic posture on the battlefield.

Unlike the various equipment used in the battles of later generations, the pursuit of defense is light and durable, which is conducive to long-term combat. How good-looking can that thing be?
Touching the handsome red armor that reflects light again, Yi Yin sighed and withdrew his hand.

He is a person who has fought in wars, so of course he knows that the nine sets of nine-color armors are just a look, but they look really expensive.

"Precious treasures, it's a pity that they can't go to the battle."

Master Jueshu behind him observed his words and expressions, and saw that Yiyin really liked these big armors, and was also very proud of them.

Sure enough, men just like gorgeous things, even peerless men are not exempt.It seems that I made the right offering this time.

Master Jueshu said with a smile.

"Jin Duo Hall, these are ritual vessels, they were not originally used for battle, and it is not convenient to see blood, they are only used for ritual purposes.

Take a closer look, what's so special about the armor in the middle of this big armor? "

Yiyin observed carefully and found that there are layers of iron sheets, some of which are light in color, and these light red iron sheets faintly form a word.


The Venerable Jueshu said proudly.

"Yes, it is indeed a word of benevolence.

There is a word in the middle of the armor of these nine sets of armor, which are benevolence, righteousness, propriety, wisdom, faith, loyalty, filial piety, fraternity, and tolerance.

The combination of these nine sets of ritual utensils is the treasure of Jingguangyuan, the nine virtues of light. "

Yiyin looked around in astonishment, and indeed there was a word on the chest of each piece of armor, he couldn't help complaining secretly.

It turned out to be a sacrificial vessel enshrined in the Buddhist hall, no wonder it looks fancy but not useful.Bright Nine Virtues?It sounds like a second grader, so why not call him Emperor Guangming?

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