different warring states of japan

Chapter 1426 Added Buddhist Patronus

Chapter 1426 Added Buddhist Patronus

The cultural spirit of this island country, which loves to go to extremes, can be clearly seen on these nine sets of armor, which is quite romantic in the animation of the previous life.

A group of big nuns didn't want to eat fast and chant Buddha, so they came up with nine sets of armor and ritual utensils that looked enjoyable but were useless. Is there something wrong in their minds?
Also, it looks really expensive.

Whether it is the iron sheet of thousands of wrought steel, or the paint of special pigments, plus various decorations that show might and power, and the special technique of iron sheet penetrating characters.

From top to bottom, from left to right, they are all interpreting a word, rich and powerful.

Yiyin made a rough calculation, not mentioning the cultural value of religious ritual vessels, just looking at the manufacturing process, this set of Nine Virtues Armor Buddha Treasure ritual vessels is more than [-] to [-] guan, right?
Is Tiantai sect going to give this set of ritual vessels to himself?Oda Nobunaga only received [-] guan, and his set of ritual utensils is much higher and more expensive than those Aduwu.

The Tiantai sect really thinks highly of themselves, and the Tiantai sect really looks down on Oda Nobunaga.

Yoshiyin looked at Master Jueshu with complicated eyes, always feeling that the old nun was making a mistake, the same mistake Ashikaga Yoshiaki had made.

Those who look down on Oda Nobunaga will be unlucky sooner or later.

Venerable Jueshu didn't know what Yiyin was thinking, she just thought that Yiyin was shocked by the magnificence of the Nine Virtues Armor, and was still proud and showing off.

"Jinduo Hall, this set of Nine Virtues Armor is a ritual vessel based on the Five Constant Eight Virtues. It enshrines the brilliance of human nature, so it is called the Nine Virtues of Light."

Yiyin suddenly realized that he thought it was these big nuns who committed the second grade.Unexpectedly, it turned out that they were so educated that they were in the second grade.

The island country was deeply influenced by the Celestial Dynasty. The innovation of the Imperial Court and the introduction of Buddhist ideas were all obtained by sending Tang envoys to study in the Tang Dynasty.

The influence of Tang and Song culture on the island country was deeply rooted, especially after the three generations of general Ashikaga Yoshimitsu slaughtered the emperor and ministers, Shintoism died out, and the local culture completely collapsed.

One of the two legs for the advancement of the entire island culture, the Shinto culture inherited by the emperor was cut off, and only the crutches of the Buddhist sects continued to hold high the banner of Tang and Song culture, struggling.

Tiantai Sect claims to be a fusion of Zen, Jing, Vinaya, and Esoteric. In fact, it is based on Esoteric Buddhism. It was passed down from Wutai Mountain. Later, influenced by the Buddhist Pure Land thought in the Song Dynasty, the Pure Land Sect was born.

Later, the Pure Land Sect, which was split from the Pure Land Sect, was the Ichigo Sect. It went further and more locally, desperately went down to the grassroots, and controlled it to the village entrance, forming the dreaded Yixiang Yikui.

The core of Tiantai Sect is still conservative, and it rejects these emerging local sects. This is the biggest reason why Tiantai Sect is criticized by other sects.

The founders of the local sects came from Mt. Hiei, but everyone’s attitude towards the Tiantai sect is hehe, old garbage that likes to destroy the body.

The five constants and eight virtues mentioned by Master Jueshu are the core ideas of the Celestial Dynasty culture, three cardinal principles, four dimensions, five ethics, five constants and eight virtues.

Not to mention the three cardinal principles, four dimensions and five ethics, the b-style of this set of bright nine-color armor is reflected in its concretization of the five constants and eight virtues.

The five constants refer to benevolence, righteousness, propriety, wisdom and faith.The Eight Virtues refer to filial piety, fraternity, loyalty, faith, propriety, righteousness, honesty, and shame.

And the characters on the chest of the Guangming Nine Virtues Armor are benevolence, righteousness, propriety, wisdom, faith, loyalty, filial piety, fraternity, and tolerance.

To put it simply, benevolence, righteousness, propriety, trustworthiness and wisdom are public virtues, loyalty, filial piety and fraternity are private virtues, and then the integrity and shame are subtly removed, and the unique forbearance of the island culture is added to create these nine bright armors of nine virtues.

In other words, it is the brilliance of human nature that Tiantai sect believes, the bright nine virtues can be shameless, but they must be tolerant, and I don't know whether these big nuns are blackmailing themselves or black warriors.

Thinking of this, Yiyin couldn't help laughing. As the most cultured group in the island country, the nuns who started secondary school really understand black humor.

From this point of view, the scarlet red armor is enshrined in the center of the Buddhist hall because it symbolizes the core character of benevolence in the Chinese culture, so this scarlet red armor is the head of the bright nine virtues armor.

Yiyin let out a deep breath, and couldn't help sighing secretly, it's terrible to be educated, you can put flowers on any stage.

Seeing that he understood, Master Jue Shu said with a smile.

"Jinda Temple has traveled thousands of miles to save tens of thousands of people on Mount Hiei from suffering. I implore you for this set of nine-color armor sacrificial utensils."

Yiyin shook his head with a righteous face.

"I'm here for peace, not for money. The Venerable Master doesn't need to be like this."

Even though he liked this set of Nine Virtues Armor with extremely high personality in his heart, Yiyin still refused righteously on the face of it.

With his status today, even if he receives a gift, he has to carry it.If you are willing to accept a gift, it is to save face for others. Whether you can accept it or not depends on the performance art of the gift giver.

Master Jueshu was not surprised, she continued.

"Jin Duodian misunderstood, this is not a gift from our sect, but the Buddha's light suddenly appeared in the Treasure Pavilion yesterday, which is amazing.

I didn't know the reason at first, but it wasn't until you came to visit me on the mountain that I suddenly realized that it was the Buddha treasure who recognized the Lord, and the opportunity that belonged to it had arrived. "

Yiyin couldn't help laughing, he felt that Master Shu's ability to talk nonsense in a serious manner was no worse than that of a high-level martial artist who played with politics.

He pretended to be surprised and asked in cooperation.

"Is there such a thing?"

Master Jueshu chanted the Buddha's name and said solemnly.

"For those who are destined for Buddha's crossing, the armor of the Nine Virtues shines brilliantly, and it must be reflected on you.

You never burned in front of the Bishamonten statue, and was respected by Ji Wushi as the reincarnation of Bishamonten.

Bishamonten is the King of Heaven and the patron saint of Shimen. He is famous for his blessings and virtues, and he also shows his face as the God of Martial Arts and the God of Wealth.

You see, these qualities are all reflected in you, not a poor nun's random guess.

The Bright Nine Virtues Armor is the treasure of the Buddha of Shimen, a magic weapon enshrined by incense and fire. It will release the light of Buddha when you go up the mountain, and it must be destined for you.

There is a Buddhist saying that if you sow a good cause, you will get a good result, and if you sow a bad cause, you will get a bad result.The Tiantai Sect did not dare to stop the search for the Lord of the Buddha Treasure, and wished for this fate to be facilitated. "

Yiyin sighed, a man of culture is a man of culture, and this truth makes sense. It turns out that gift giving is not called gift giving, it is called meeting by chance.

he laughed.

"In this way, it seems inappropriate if I don't accept it."

Master Jue Shu shook his head.

"It was originally waiting for you here, this is a chance, how can you accept it.

The poor nun said a word, the opportunity has come, the Buddha treasure recognizes the Lord, and the Jinduo Hall cannot be let down. "

Yi Yin nodded.

Venerable Jueshu is also cunning. She repeatedly emphasized that Bishamonten is the patron saint of Buddhism, and it is God's will that the Buddha treasure recognizes the Lord.

But there is no love without a reason in this world, and behind the generous gift of Tiantai Sect, there must be something to ask for.

So what is Master Jueshu going to do?Did Guangjingyuan's enlightened stupidity make the Tiantai Patriarch feel uneasy?
She is working hard for the continuation of the sect, and hopes that in the future, when there is a greater crisis in Hirui Mountain, Yi Yin can give Tiantai Sect another hand like today.

That's why she hinted that Yiyin is the incarnation of Bishamonten, that he is the patron saint of Buddhism.

The Tiantai sect is the leader of Buddhism in the island country. If Yoshigin is publicly recognized as the incarnation of Bishamonten, wouldn't he be reduced to a heretic like Bailian?

Yanli Temple is an orthodox Buddhist sect, Master Jueshu has no face to play that set of supernatural tricks, she can only use the Buddha treasure to recognize the master as a hint, this old fox who wants both face and face.

However, Yiyin did not reject it.

Being recognized by the Tendai sect as the incarnation of Bishamonten can further deify the status of Yiyin.

Just like Hachiman Tainiang Yubaiqi's appeal to the Kanto samurai family, the incarnation of Bishamon Monten can increase his weight in the hearts of Buddhists.

The ruling class of the island country is nothing more than the samurai group and the nun group, both of which are being impacted by the collapse of the chaotic order.

The tradition of the samurai family was torn apart by the revolutionary daimyo of the Warring States Period, and the Buddhist sects were full of fear of the Southern Barbarian religion that came from overseas.

As the strongest king of the conservative faction, Yiyin was placed high hopes by the traditional forces, and it was reasonable and reasonable to push him to the altar step by step.

Peaceful development, what a beautiful vocabulary.

As long as the order is restored, there will be no innovation or subversion. Only minor repairs that are not painful or itchy, the ruler can sit firmly on the top of the pyramid and enjoy thousands of offerings.

Therefore, the people who support Yiyin's policy the most are the traditional high-ranking warriors and sect leaders. They are the vested interests of the old era, and they are the group of people who least want to see social changes.

The advent of a new era means that new interest groups will emerge.

And the old and decayed interest groups will be ruthlessly thrown into the garbage dump of history because they cannot adapt to the new rules. They will never swallow their anger and admit defeat, and will do their best to fight back.

The struggle between old and new interest groups can never be humility and concession, but will be accompanied by bloody running-in and reorganization until a new balance is reached.


Under the authorization of Ashikaga Yoshiaki, Yoshigin, on behalf of the shogunate, mediated for Asai, Asakura and Oda on behalf of the shogunate, and signed an armistice agreement.

Afterwards, Oda Nobunaga let go of the siege, Asai Asakura's allied forces retreated northward, and Master Kakushu of Enryaku Temple also breathed a sigh of relief.

The crisis of the siege of Mt. Hiei passed in this way, but the recent days at this time are still not peaceful.

The Ichikozongs in various places received the decree from Master Xianru, and the conflict between the Oda family and the Ichikozong temple broke out completely.The Liujiao mother and daughter took the opportunity to join forces with Yixiang Yikui to start again.

Ichikui is like a spark, blooming everywhere in the Oda family's territory. The most serious areas are Nagashima Ichikui in North Ise and Rokkaku in South Omi.

Oda Nobunaga led his troops to turn their guns from Mt. Hiei, and headed back to Nan Omi Bei Ise, preparing to solve the trouble in his own territory first.

On the other hand, Asai Nagamasa, who had safely withdrawn from Mount Hiei to Otani Castle, received the news that Masaru Isano had been betrayed by Hashiba Hideyoshi, and Sawayama Castle fell into the hands of the Oda family.

Shocked and angry, Asai Hisamasa, regardless of Zhu Ji's dissuasion, insisted on punishing the hostage father of Masahiro Isano who stayed in Xiaogucheng.

After receiving the news, Masahiro Isano was devastated, and Hideyoshi Hashiba stepped in and made her make up her mind to write a letter against Aguan Zhenzhen of Yamamoto Yamashiro.

Yokoyama Castle and Sawayama Castle have already fallen. If Yamamoto Yamashiro also falls to the Oda family, all the important towns on the three sides of Otani Castle will be pulled out, and the strategic dilemma of the Asai family will be even more severe.

However, Asai Nagamasa could not accuse Oda Nobunaga of violating the armistice agreement, because Masaru Isano took refuge in the Oda family on his own initiative, not because of the Oda family's attack.

She could only be anxious and suspicious of every important member of Asai's vassals, worried that the next defector would appear, and the loose Kita Omi Samurai alliance was on the verge of disintegration.

As for Yoshigin, after lifting the siege of Mt. Hiei, he immediately started to clean up Miyoshi's house that had invaded again.

Taking advantage of the prestige of peacefully resolving the Hieizan crisis and mobilizing all his forces, Yoshihiro vowed to teach the Miyoshi family an unforgettable lesson and further raise the extraordinary evaluation of himself by the recent samurai families.

The bright Nine Virtues armor sent by Enli Temple was transported across Kyoto to Duowen Mountain City. The gorgeous armor swaggered through the market, blinding everyone's eyes.

Venerable Tiantai Zong Xianru deliberately revealed the great armor of the Buddha treasure, implying that Yiyin is the incarnation of Bishamonten, and this news is constantly spreading among people coming and going.

Bishamonten is the king of Tamon, and Yoshigin's residence is called Tamon Mountain Castle. This kind of coincidence has caused people to discuss and be suspicious.

These days are areas with strong Buddhist traditions, and the Tiantai sect has had a great influence on traditional Buddhists.

Under the deliberate promotion of Master Jueshu, Yiyin's image in recent days has also begun to deify. Although this is out of the needs of the Tiantai Sect's own interests, Yiyin has also benefited a lot.

The current Yoshigin, with the Hachiman Tainiang Yubai Banner in his left hand, represents the patron saint of the orthodox Genji samurai family, and the bright nine-color armor in his right hand represents the patron saint of Bishamonten Buddhism.

He is becoming less and less like a person, and more like a god in this world.

The more rumors spread, the more mysterious they became. In the end, some foolish men and women even shouted the slogan that the God of Light came to the world, which made Yiyin shake his head and smile wryly when he heard about it.

And Oda Nobunaga, who saw the Guangming Nine Virtues Armor with his own eyes, was furious, and the [-] guan that he got just now became unsavory, you bastard of the Tiantai sect!

Compared with Yiyin's gains, Oda Nobunaga felt that he was sent away as a beggar by Master Jueshu, which was really deceiving.


No matter how angry Oda Nobunaga is, at this time she has no energy to turn around and settle accounts with the nuns of Mount Hiei, so she can only hold her grudges in her heart.

Yoshigin is also returning from Mt. Hiei to Dumonsan Castle, and at the same time, orders are sent to the Quartet.

As the saying goes, if the leader says a word, the subordinates will break their legs.Akechi Mitsuhide in the Shiba Mansion in Kyoto took Yoshigin's letter and lamented that the lord has really become more and more mature in doing things.

Yoshigin's order to her was to cut off the shogunate's moral support to the Miyoshi family, and to contact the Oda clan samurai families in the near west to form a joint force to encircle and suppress the Miyoshi army.

Oda Nobunaga didn't have the energy to go to Dongjin to make troubles for the time being, so she just left this mess to Yiyin.

Yoshihiro and Oda Nobunaga reached a tacit agreement, and naturally they will bring powerful samurai from the Oda faction, such as Matsunaga Hideo, Mibuchi Fujihide, and Araki Murashige, into the anti-Miyoshi alliance to strengthen their momentum.

Poor Miyoshi Yoshitsugu, she participated in Nobunaga's siege net because of Ashikaga Yoshiaki's Gououchi, and led the Miyoshi army back to Jinji again.

If Ashikaga Yoshiaki was silenced by Yoshihiro, and the shogunate refused to admit it, what is the justice for Miyoshi's family to return to Japan?Turned back into a traitor again?

Being disturbed by Yoshigin, the siege of Mt. Hiei was lifted, and the Asai and Asakura families signed an armistice agreement, tantamount to temporarily withdrawing from Nobunaga's siege.

Ishiyama Honganji will never be an enemy of the Shiba family. It seems that the master is an old friend of the Shiba family, and is also the largest shareholder of the Hokuriku Road Commercial Road in recent years. He has made a fortune with the Shiba family.

Izumo doesn't have to turn against the water to help the Shiba family fight the Miyoshi family. As long as Ishiyama Honganji is willing to remain neutral, the Miyoshi family will be completely isolated.

This is tantamount to Shiba Yoshigin, Shiba Hosokawa, Mibuchi Hatakeyama Ninagawa and other local powerful factions of the shogunate, plus Matsunaga Hideo, Mibuchi Fujihide, and Araki Murashige besieging the Miyoshi family together.

Miyoshi Yoshitsugu will be so depressed to find that this is not Nobunaga's siege network, but Miyoshi's siege network!
(End of this chapter)

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