different warring states of japan

Chapter 1429 Rookie pecking pig teammates

Chapter 1429 Rookie pecking pig teammates

Thinking of Mibuchi Haruhito who was still pretending to be ill in Koriyama City, forcing Jinsiba to lead troops to rescue his family, Nizi Shengjiu smiled wryly.

The sisters Hosokawa Motojo and Mibuchi Haruyuki are also dead. If they have nothing to do, they will see their two daughters causing trouble for the Shiba family.

Hosokawa and Mibuchi's two families are strong outsiders, but for their deep roots in the shogunate, what's the use of the Shiba family in wooing them?

The shogunate is full of such useless things, and the Hosokawa Mibuchi family is actually the most powerful among them, and they are cited as arms by the Shiba family.

This is really desperate, and what is even more suffocating is that Shiba Yoshiyin is doomed to be with this group of pig teammates because of his family background.

People cannot choose their origin.To take advantage of the descendants of the famous family, one must swallow the bitter fruit of being with the idiots of the famous family. The gift of fate has already marked the price, so there is nothing to do.

Shiba Yoshigin can't be an individual who dares to betray his own class, can he?If he really has such a high level of consciousness, the world of female venerables can tolerate him, how can 404 allow him to act recklessly?
This is not over yet, Maeda Yili continued to say angrily.

"His Majesty Hosokawa Motonsō is highly respected. I dare not say right or wrong. But Hosokawa Fujitaka and Mibuchi Tohide also wrote to me separately, thinking that the representatives of the Hosokawa Mibuchi family contacted me about military affairs.

Niziji, is there anyone in the Hosokawa and Mibuchi family who keeps their word?Why is it that disasters are imminent, and there are many political parties, and the coalition forces are of great importance. Who am I joining forces with? "

Nizi Shengjiu also had a headache.

Since Mibuchi Fujihide bought mercenaries to ambush Hosokawa Fujitaka, the Hosokawa Mibuchi family has been completely in chaos.

Haruhisa Mibuchi didn't know how to choose between the two daughters, so he was so cowardly that he hid in Shenglong Temple City and pretended to be sick.

Hosokawa Motochang is quite responsible, he wants to maintain a balance between the two heirs, and keep the internal stability of the Hosokawa Mibuchi family.

But Hosokawa Fujitaka's ability is obviously much stronger than Mibuchi Fujihide's. Mibuchi Fujihide, who gradually fell into a disadvantage, stomped his feet cruelly, and simply took refuge in Oda Nobunaga, making the situation completely out of control.

Hosokawa and Mibuchi are actually one body, but on the surface they are divided into two families. Mibuchi Fujihide is the guardian of Kitakanoi. With her refuge, Kitakanoi's land is nominally included in the Oda family's sphere of influence.

No matter how smart Hosokawa Fujitaka is, does she have the guts to put her hand into Oda Nobunaga's pocket?With Oda Nobunaga's temperament, can Fujitaka Hosokawa have good fruit for doing this?

Before the Oda family was so arrogant, Hosokawa Fujitaka didn't dare to mess around.

But at this time, Oda Nobunaga was too busy to take care of himself, Shiba Yoshihiro was invited to preside over the affairs of Nishikinji, which was a great opportunity for Izumi Hosokawa's family to take back Beihanoi.

Hosokawa Fujitaka and Mibuchi Fujihide wrote letters, not fighting for the right to lead the coalition forces, they were fighting for control of the land of Beihanoi.

The military serves politics, and the infighting between the Hosokawa and Mibuchi families will seriously affect the military operations of the coalition forces.Maeda Yili knew this very well, so he felt upset.

Nizi Shengjiu smiled wryly.

"Actually, Akechihime once wrote to me, hoping that I can face up to Hosokawa Fujitaka's status as the orthodox heir of the Hosokawa Mibuchi family."

A gleam flashed in Maeda Yoshiki's eyes.

"This guy with a sweet belly and a sword, she wants to support Fujitaka Hosokawa?"

Nizi Shengjiu sighed.

"Maeda Hime, we are all colleagues, don't hurt others."

Maeda benefit sneered.

"Did I said wrong thing?"

Nizi Sheng was speechless for a long time.

Maeda's interests and Akechi Mitsuhide's strategic conflicts, emotional rivals, the contradiction is getting deeper and deeper.I'd better stand far away, so as not to be splashed with blood from the stabbing of these two people.

Nizi Shengjiu changed the subject.

"The matter of Hosokawa Sanbuchi's family is not for you and me to intervene, and we can only ask the emperor to decide.

As long as you and I make proper military and logistical preparations and wait for the king to come back to preside over the overall situation, we will be meritorious.

However, the Miyoshi army has already invaded the Izumi and Hanoi countries, and the Hosokawa and Mibuchi families are still fighting among themselves, which is inappropriate after all.

You might as well hand over the two letters between Hosokawa Fujitaka and Mibuchi Fujihide to Mrs. Mibuchi Haruka, and ask her to figure it out.

Although the Shiba family has an irresistible relationship with the Hosokawa Mibuchi family, military affairs are serious and meticulous, and no nonsense is tolerated.

We can also delay the request of the Hosokawa Mibuchi family to send troops, and wait for the king to return. "

Maeda Yili glanced at Nizi Katsuhisa, this good old man probably got a headache from Sanyuan Haruto these days, and wanted to send this giant Buddha away as soon as possible.

Thinking about it carefully, Nizi Shengjiu's method is indeed good.

Hosokawa Motochang and Mibuchi Haruyuki have been repeatedly asking the Japanese leader to send troops to rescue Izumi and Hanoi.

The identities of these two elders are higher than that of Nizi Shengjiu and Maeda Yili, so it is not easy for them to refuse firmly.

This time, the two letters between Hosokawa Fujitaka and Mibuchi Fujihide just gave Jinji Shiba an excuse to delay time, and by the way let Mibuchi Haruto leave and go back to educate the two daughters who were fighting among themselves.

It's not that the Siba leader has refused to send troops in recent days, and the Hosokawa and Mibuchi families have continued to fight among themselves. Before Maeda benefit sent troops, the two families must give an explanation, right?
Maeda benefit nodded.

"Just do as Niziji wants, I'll go and ask the boss Sanyuan Qingyuan later, does she still care about those two noisy daughters?

Ask her to go back and consolidate the internal opinions of the Hosokawa and Mibuchi families. If it can be delayed for a while, the Lord should be back by then. "

Nizi Shengjiu breathed a sigh of relief, as expected such a villain would have to be taken by a bastard like Maeda Yili.I'm too embarrassing, the old woman Sanyuan Qingyuan is playing a scoundrel, I really have nothing to do.

After solving the headaches of Hosokawa and Mibuchi's family, both of them seem to be in a better mood.

Maeda benefit said.

"I heard that the big nun of Yanli Temple gave you nine pieces of Buddha treasure armor, and they are transporting them to Duowen Mountain City."

Nizi Shengjiu nodded.

"That's right, the nuns from Mt. Hiei are escorting them with great fanfare, displaying Buddhist treasures along the way, attracting countless people to cheer in surprise."

Maeda profit is very interested.

"I hope that it will be sent to the territory of several Sibos earlier, so that I can take a look at it before dispatching troops, and see what a great treasure it is.

By the way, where will these Buddhist armors be sent to Duowen Mountain City? "

Nizi Shengjiu said.

"Your Majesty has issued an order, and it will be enshrined in the Jinduo Hall.

The Jinta Hall in Duomensan City was originally a pure ashram for the king to practice as a monk. I originally thought about whether I should go to Xingfu Temple to ask for a Bishamonten to come back and enshrine.

This time, Enli Temple sent Buddhist treasures, which happened to be enshrined in Jinduo Hall, which killed two birds with one stone, and saved me from disturbing Xingfu Temple again. "

Maeda benefit smiled.

"You can figure it out, the other Buddhist halls are dedicated to Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, how did you think of inviting Bishamonten back?"

Nizi Shengjiu said frankly.

"Your Majesty fought fiercely with Miyoshi's family back then. He survived the fire in front of the Bishamonten seat, performed miracles, and was praised by the samurai as the incarnation of Bishamonten. What's wrong with me inviting the statue of Bishamonten?
In Buddhism, Bishamonten is also known as the Tamon Heavenly King. The Tamon Mountain where the Duomen Mountain Castle is located was originally named by various schools of Nara Buddhism citing Buddhist scriptures.

Now, even Hieizan Tendai Sect recognizes Junshang as the incarnation of Bishamonten, and Buddhists all over the world will later recognize Junshang as the incarnation of the heavenly king. "

Maeda benefited and rubbed his head, unable to speak for a while.

Thinking of Shiba Yoshihim, whom she admired wholeheartedly, who used to share the bed with her, has become the Buddhist king in the hearts of the world, she is both happy and worried.

It is joyful for the one you love to be noble and pure, and to be respected by all the people in the world.But when she thought of the person she loved being put on the altar by the world, she couldn't help worrying about her own way of becoming a family.

Shibo Yoshigin is now a monk, and originally had a chance to return to secular life.But if he is really enshrined as a god by the world, is there any possibility for him to return to the world as a mortal in the future?
Nizi Katsuhisa naturally didn't know the joys and sorrows in Maeda Yili's heart. She was really happy when she thought that she would send away that crying old Haruhito Mibuchi later.


Sakai Port.

The Oda family retreated in embarrassment, and the Miyoshi family once again took over the customs office in Sakai Port with their heads held high.And the chief officer of the customs office appointed by Miyoshi Yoshitsugu is still Miyoshi Yasunaga, a big brother of the family.

Miyoshi Yasuchang returned to his familiar post, tried his best to stabilize the panic of the merchants in Sakai Port, and wanted to raise supplies for the Miyoshi army to fight.

She didn't have time to deal with Tsuda Muneji, the Oda family's running dog in Sakai Port, and she didn't have time to visit Shibajiacho, Takada Yono, and wanted to wait until everything was on the right track.

But she didn't go to Takata Yono, but Takata Yono took the initiative to ask her to talk.

The two met in the courtyard of the Shinsengumi, and the gorgeous tea party Miyoshi Yasunaga thought did not appear, only a stack of liquidation accounts for the Hokuriku Road trade route was presented to him.

Looking at the ledgers on the case, Miyoshi Yasunaga's face darkened.

"Takata Hime, what do you mean?"

Takada Yoshino smiled slightly.

"Master Kang, you and I are old acquaintances, so I won't hide it.

These accounts are about the investment and income of the adults of the Miyoshi family in the Hokuriku Road trade route. I have asked the followers to calculate clearly and liquidate all your shares.

Here are all the accounts, you can have the followers of Miyoshi Family review them.We are friends, and I will add another [-]% to the price, so you won't suffer. "

Miyoshi Yasunaga did not speak, Takada Yono patted the accounts on the table and sighed.

"Please understand my difficulty.

The shogunate has officially authorized my family's lord to punish and expel Miyoshi's family for their disrespectful behavior of invading Jinji again.

Right now, the Hokuriku Road trade route must follow the will of the shogunate. I can no longer use the investment of the Miyoshi family, so let's get together and disperse. "

The business of Hokuriku Road was started by Yono Takada. She knew very well the importance of subordinating economy to politics.

The Shiba family and the Miyoshi family are going to war. As Shiba's retainer, Takada Yono must stand on the side of the Shiba family. This is a political attitude and there is no choice.

But when you come out to do business, the most important thing is reputation.She calculated all the investment and income of Miyoshi's family, and returned [-]% of the compensation.

The most important thing is that the investment of the Miyoshi family is not much, so Takada Yono can calmly raise funds and kick the Miyoshi family out of the Hokuriku Road business route.

If it was replaced by the investment of Ishiyama Honganji Temple, the number would be huge, and it would be liquidated and divested at once, and Takada Yono would also have a headache.

Miyoshi Kangchang looked embarrassed and said.

"Takada Hime, the Miyoshi family's dispatch of troops this time is a summon from the General's Gououchi."

Takada Yono sighed.

"However, Lord Gongfang has already denied the existence of the Imperial Book, saying that she has never written a letter to Miyoshi's family.

Now the shogunate returned to Jinji with the Miyoshi family breaking the agreement, and asked my lord to be responsible for the expulsion. How can you let me, a retainer, do well? "

As soon as Ashikaga Yoshiaki was mentioned, Miyoshi Yasunaga became angry. This general is not as good as a male cousin, which is a shame to the samurai family.

she snapped.

"Takada Hime, are you really going to do something so extreme? You know, it's my Miyoshi family who controls Sakai Port now!"

Takada Yono sneered.

"Why, is Master Kang trying to intimidate me with military might?

I have already requested assistance from Ishiyama Honganji Temple. Sakai Port is not peaceful recently, and the Shinsengumi needs some guards.

Apparently the Venerable Master agreed to my request, Shigehide Suzuki of Zaga Congregation accepted my employment and was on his way to Sakai Port. "

Miyoshi was taken aback.

She was confused just now, and almost forgot that Ishiyama Honganji Temple is the largest investor in the Hokuriku Road trade route in recent days, so how could the Master allow the Miyoshi family to move Takada Yono?
This time, the Miyoshi family was able to successfully repel the Oda family.On the one hand, Asai Asakura's coalition forces entered the Yamashiro country, almost cutting off Oda Nobunaga's logistics line, forcing Oda Nobunaga to return.

On the other hand, it was also because of the intervention of Ishiyama Honganji Temple that he joined forces with the Miyoshi family to attack the Oda family, causing Oda Nobunaga a lot of losses.

Ishiyama Honganji Temple is the main gate of the Ichigo Sect. The Ichigo Sect temples in the area of ​​Shishan are powerful, and their influence spans the Three Kingdoms of Settsu, Izumi and Hanoi.

The lessons learned from the embarrassing retreat of the Oda family are not far away. The Miyoshi family is not willing to have a bad relationship with Ishiyama Honganji, which will attract the hostility of this group of religious lunatics.

Miyoshi Yasunaga had to hold back his anger and said patiently.

"We are all friends, so naturally I will not use force to ruin our friendship.

Takada Hime, please believe me, the Miyoshi family came back this time, really entrusted by the general to help the shogunate deal with the Oda family. "

Seeing that she was subdued and her attitude eased, Takada Yono sighed.

"Master Kang Chang, you have to understand that the lies of these people are the truth in the world.

The general denied it categorically, and the shogunate issued an explicit order to expel them. It is a foregone conclusion that Jin Dadian is in charge of the anti-Miyoshi war. This is not something you and I can stop.

Instead of thinking about Sanhao's family, you should think more about yourself. You and I are also close friends. I really don't want to see you end in misery. "

Takada Yoshino invited Miyoshi Yasunaga to come here today, not only to cut off with Miyoshi's family, but also about the interests of the Hokuriku Road trade route.

She also wanted to convince Yasunaga Miyoshi to make a contribution to the Shiba family's counterattack.

Sanhao Kangchang's eyes flashed.

"how do I say this?"

Takada Yoshino shook his head and said in a low voice.

"Master Kang, in this nearby place, there are quite a few people who dislike Sanhao's family.

Before Miyoshi's family was able to go smoothly, it was because the shogunate was in chaos and no one was in charge of the overall situation.Now that my lord has come forward to give orders, all parties have also found their backbone. "

(End of this chapter)

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