different warring states of japan

Chapter 1430 Stand on the side of justice

Chapter 1430 Stand on the side of justice

Takada Yono looked at Miyoshi Yasunaga who was frowning, and said slowly.

"As far as I know, Matsunaga Hideo persuaded Araki Murashige that the non-aggression agreement between the Settsu Congregation and the Miyoshi family no longer exists, and the Settsu Congregation may attack the Miyoshi army southward at any time.

Hideji Hatano of Tanba Kingdom was worried that Miyoshi's family would invade again, and was persuaded by Ninagawa's relatives to agree to cooperate with Shiba's family to fight against Miyoshi's family together, and mobilization is underway.

Hosokawa Motosuke and Mibuchi Haruhito, the two bosses, are in Izumi and Hanoi to integrate the overall situation, and they want to lead the army from Shiba into the country to fight.

Together with His Highness Hatakeyama of Nanhanoi, the four coalition forces of Sibahata Mountain Hosokawa Mibuchi were formed.

As for Master Changjue, the head of Xingfu Temple in Yamato Buddhist Kingdom, she also ordered Tsutsui Junkei to mobilize the nun corps on the grounds of guarding against the Miyoshi family, and informed Hatakeyama Takamasa, hoping to enter Nanhanoi to participate in the war. "

Miyoshi Kangchang was upset when he heard that, and said irritablely.

"Why are these nuns in Yamato Buddhist Kingdom restless?"

Takada Yoshino smiled without saying a word.

Tsutsui Junkei of Yamato Kingdom has always had bad intentions. The last time Shiba Yoshihiro went to Kanto, she took the opportunity to cut off the supporters of Kofukuji Nagakaku's Ni Corps, which almost overturned Kofukuji's orthodoxy.

If Miyoshi hadn't gone to Luo, the ancestors were murdered, and Shiba Yoshigin hurried back from Kanto, the head of Kofuku Temple probably wouldn't be able to survive.

Although Tsutsui Junkei was so frightened that he withdrew his troops because of Shiba Yoshigin's return, Kofukuji's head still had lingering fears, and he held onto Shiba Yoshigin's thigh tightly and refused to let go.

This time Shiba Yoshigin came back again, Kofukuji Changjue simply ordered Tsutsui Junkei to send troops.

The last time Miyoshi invaded, Ten Rivers and One Cun detoured south to attack, almost occupying Yamato Buddhist Kingdom.

Therefore, Xingfu Temple Changjue had a very good reason to participate in the war. After all, she was also a victim of Miyoshi's attack, so it is reasonable to prevent it before it happens.

Seeing Miyoshi Yasunaga flustered, Takada Yono added with a smile.

"By the way, in addition to paying for Zahezhong to come, I also invited Genlaizhong to go north to help the Lord.

After all, I don't lack this money. "

Miyoshi Yasunaga's eyes darkened and he became dizzy. This time, Miyoshi's family really hit a hornet's nest.

Authorized by the shogunate, the anti-Miyoshi encirclement network composed of Shiba Yoshigin as the general general and Shiba Ling as the core is far more powerful than Ashikaga Yoshiaki's inexplicable Nobunaga encirclement network.

The forces joining the anti-Miyoshi camp include Hatano in Tamba country, Araki in Settsu country, Hosokawa in Izumi country, Mibuchi in Hanoi country, Kofukuji in Yamato country, Zaga and Nerai people in Kii country.

This is to mobilize all the forces in the entire western and neighboring countries. The total mobilization force exceeds two million shi. It has been a long time since the shogunate has shown such a crushing strength.

The current Miyoshi family is not the Miyoshi family of the time of the Miyoshi and Four Sisters. There are only Awa, Sanuki, and Awaji Three Kingdoms, and there are constant civil strife.

Even if Miyoshi Changqing was in power back then, he had to deal with the anti-Miyoshi coalition forces with two million shi.The current Miyoshi Yoshitsugu is mediocre and incompetent, what qualifications does he have to fight Shiba Yoshitsune?
Even Miyoshi Nagayoshi, who is only a woman, retreated with hatred in front of Shiba Yoshigin, and Miyoshi Yoshitsugu was afraid that Miyoshi's family would be ruined in this war.

Miyoshi Kangchang was panicked in his heart, but he refused to show timidity, she said.

"Jin Duo Hall has a high prestige, I can understand that all parties are willing to save face.

However, in the history of coalition forces going to war, more people are not necessarily a good thing. The demands of all parties are different, and it may not be possible to form a joint force.

Jindadian has never intervened in the affairs of Tamba and Setjin, and has no relationship with the local samurai.It's okay to let them wave their flags and shout a few times, but they may not be willing to fight against Miyoshi's family with real swords and guns.

Zahezhong and Genlaizhong were at odds with each other. When His Highness Miyoshi Changqing hired them, there was a dispute before sending out troops, and they had to divide the troops to advance. This was one of the reasons for Yamato's defeat.

There are constant disputes between nuns and secular people in Yamato Buddhist Kingdom, and everyone knows the head of Kofuku-ji Chokaku and Tsutsui Junkei.Whether or not Tsutsui Junkei will be willing to fight under the decree of Kofukuji is still unknown.

I have also heard a little about the dispute over the heirs of the Mibuchi and Hosokawa families. It might not be a good thing for the Shiba family to unite with these two families, right?

As for Hatakeyama Takamasa, the famous prodigal daughter, I won't say much.

Takada Hime, you can't scare me. "

Takada Yono smiled slightly, and Miyoshi Yasunaga deliberately emphasized that he was not frightened, which means that his words really frightened her.

"Master Kang, what you said is the truth, I don't deny it. But don't forget, the one who was invited out by the shogunate this time is my lord.

My lord is the Elder Genji, the Ashikaga Army God, the holder of the Hachiman Tai Niang Yubai Banner, the incarnation of Bishamonten, and the chosen one praised by the samurai family.

Do you think the problems you mentioned are problems in the eyes of my master?
It is true that my master has no friendship with the Tamba Settsu samurai family, but if the Miyoshi family can participate in the Hokuriku Road trade route, will the Tamba Settsu samurai family not invest?
I can tell you that not only have they invested money, but the amount of investment is quite a lot.

This time, the Miyoshi army launched an attack along the Yodo River, avoiding the Settsu Kingdom on the north bank, and only attacking the Izumi and Hanoi countries on the south bank.

Because the Yodogawa water transport ships were forced to transport by the Miyoshi family, the operation of the Hokuriku Road commercial road has been greatly disturbed.

There is also Miyoshi's breach of the agreement, resulting in the closure of the Hokuriku Road Commercial Road and liquidation, divesting your investment, which is another huge expense.

It is late autumn now, and it is about to enter the year-end settlement of the winter closure of Hong Kong. These losses will be included in this year's annual report.

I estimate that after the provision for impairment, the annual net profit of Hokuriku Commercial Road will drop by about [-]%.

Because of Miyoshi’s relationship, the rate of return of all shareholders of the entire Hokuriku Road Commercial Road has dropped by [-]% this year, and this does not include the loss of fixed assets such as post shops and shops in the war.

It is easy to destroy and difficult to build, and the reconstruction of many businesses is also very expensive.

What you think is different, should not exist.Everyone probably wished that Miyoshi's family would leave as soon as possible so that they could do business peacefully and make money.

This distaste for the Miyoshi family is not limited to the samurai families of the Tanba and Setjin countries. There is also a lot of investment from Kyoto, and there are also a lot of investments from the Yixiangzong, and there are also large and small samurai from all over the world participating in dividends.

Taking people's money is like killing their parents. Guess how many people hate Miyoshi's family now? "

Miyoshi Yasunaga was silent, she really wanted to say, it was Oda Nobunaga who made the first move, it was Ashikaga Yoshiaki who summoned Miyoshi's family, can't all the blame be thrown at Miyoshi's family, right?
But now Oda Nobunaga is running on his own, and Ashikaga Yoshiaki shamelessly denies it, and Miyoshi Yoshitsugu is still brainstorming and broke into Izumi and Kawachi.

This account has become a muddled account. All that everyone can see is that Miyoshi's family is killing people and setting fires in Xijin, preventing everyone from making money.

Seeing that Miyoshi Yasunaga's forehead was sweating profusely, Takada Yono wanted to make up for it.

"As for the sectarian discord that Mr. Kangda is worried about, and the internal strife between the Hosokawa and Mibuchi families. Please rest assured that with my master in charge, no one will dare to mess around.

Venerable Jueshu of Enli Temple, Master Changjue of Xingfu Temple, and Venerable Xianru of Shishan Hongan Temple all issued edicts to support my master's proposal to restore near-peace.

Tiantai sect, Shingon sect, and Yixiang sect are the three most powerful exoteric sects in recent sects.

Regardless of whether it is the Dahe nuns, the Zahezhong, or the Genlaizhong, they all belong to the Buddhist lineage in the final analysis, and they must show a correct attitude in front of the big right and wrong, or they will be cut off from the Buddhist sect.

As for the Hosokawa Mibuchi family and the Hatakeyama family, do you think that with my lord sitting in charge personally, who would dare to obey?

The local power faction, led by my master, has always been united as one.Even if there are some bumps and bumps, they are harmless small conflicts in peacetime.

But now it's a war, and if something goes wrong during the battle, no matter who is involved, they will be dealt with by military law and their heads will fall.

I believe they will know the seriousness, so that my master will not have the embarrassment of tearing Ma Su down. "

Miyoshi Yasushi wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and said.

"Takada Hime, you don't have to scare me.

Sanhao’s family was cheated by the general this time, but there were still [-] nails on the wrecked boat. If we really had nowhere to go, we would smash Xijinji to pieces, plunder a lot of treasures and return to Shikoku, and never come back.

Please also tell Jin Duodian, don't deceive others too much. "

Seeing her tough on the outside and soft on the inside, Gao Tian Yangao couldn't help laughing.

"I'm just a small magistrate, so I'm not qualified to talk about strategic plans in front of the lord.

You think too highly of me, Master Kang.I feel worthless for you, so I am willing to say a few more words of nonsense.

Miyoshi Yoshitsugu is not the master of the Ming Dynasty, she is doomed to stab a hornet's nest by making Ling Zhihun attack the two countries of Izumi and Hanoi, and she is going to drag Miyoshi's whole family to die.

My lord is the leader of a powerful local faction in the shogunate. How can the Shiba family tolerate her when she attacks the territory of a powerful local faction?

By the way, speaking of Shikoku, I heard that the Nagamune family of Tosa Kingdom has been looking for a way to visit Shangluo, and wants to do their part for the shogunate and take care of Tosa affairs on their behalf.

The Miyoshi family wants to smash, smash, loot and burn, and then return to their hometown in the four countries to enjoy the blessings. Aren't they afraid that the Xijinji samurai family whose homeland is broken will fight back angrily and cooperate with the samurai family of the four countries?

Mr. Kang Chang, my lord always insists that peaceful development is the way out for the Wu family. Please don't have such terrible thoughts of breaking the jar and embarking on the road of anti-government that is the enemy of the Communist Party. "

Miyoshi Yasunaga's hair stood on his head, she didn't know whether Takada Yono was really scaring her, or if he really had contact with Nagamune's family.

The Miyoshi family is weak, and the situation in Shikoku is not good. In particular, the rise of the Nagamune family in Tosa has become a new threat.

If Dang Changzong's Gabu family had contact with the shogunate, the rear of Miyoshi's family would be even more uneasy.

After being repeatedly refuted by Takada Yono, Miyoshi Yasunaga's mentality became more pessimistic, but she also heard Takada Yono's intention of wooing.

Miyoshi Yasunaga felt that Takada Yoshitsune was separating Miyoshi Yoshitsugu from the Miyoshi family both inside and outside, so she asked tentatively.

"His Highness Miyoshi Yoshitsugu did not do it properly this time. Poor His Highness Changqing's foundation, I'm afraid it will really be destroyed in this battle."

Seeing her pick up the quarrel, Gao Tianyou knew that Miyoshi Yasunaga was a little moved, and immediately said while the iron was hot.

"Master Yasuda, Miyoshi Yoshitsugu is Miyoshi Yoshitsugu, Miyoshi's family is Miyoshi's family.

As the leader of the Sanhao family, you should be responsible for the rise and fall of the family business, instead of being foolishly loyal to the fatuous family governor and sighing that you can't save the Sanhao family. "

Miyoshi Kangchang knew it in his heart.

Sure enough, she guessed right, Takada Yono just wanted to win him over and break down the resistance of Miyoshi's family from within.

Then should I jump off the wrecked ship of Miyoshi Yoshitsuji in time for the future of the Miyoshi family?

"Takata Hime, if you have something to say, you might as well speak up."

Takada Yonoichi bowed.

"My lord takes benevolence and righteousness as his heart, and often teaches us the principle of fighting with weapons.

Miyoshi’s invasion has caused the people of Hequan and Hanoi to be displaced. If the armies of the two sides collide, the lands in the west and near will repeat the smoldering smoke of the past.

For the sake of the people, I implore Miyoshi Yasunaga to stand on the side of justice.

As I said just now, it is easy to destroy and difficult to build. We have managed to make money in a peaceful way all these years. Why should we spoil the harmonious overall situation for the personal desires of one or two ambitious people? "

As he said that, Takada Yoshino separated the liquidation documents of Miyoshi's family on the case file one by one.

"As long as everyone can live a good life, money can continue to be earned, do you think this is the truth?

This is Miyoshi Yoshitsugu's investment in the Hokuriku Road trade route, this is yours, Mr. Yasunaga, this is yours, Mr. Ataka Nobuyasu, this is. . "

Right in front of Miyoshi Yasunaga, Takada Yoshino listed out the stack of liquidation documents that belonged to each of Miyoshi's important officials.

Miyoshi Yasunaga was amazed in his heart, Takada Yoshino, the Shibajiacho, was really good at pursuing. It turned out that she had already prepared to divide Miyoshi Yoshitsugu and the rest of the Miyoshi family in terms of investment.

As long as Miyoshi Yasunaga nodded and agreed, her investment would not need to be liquidated, and she would continue to enjoy the dividends of the Hokuriku Road trade route, without being forced to withdraw from this cornucopia by Miyoshi Yoshitsugu.

Miyoshi Kangchang thought for a while and said.

"I think, I can try to convince Lord Nobuyasu Ataka."

Nobuyasu Awaji is the leader of the Awaji clan. Her mother Toyasu Anzai was killed by Miyoshi Changqing, and she has already had a rift with the family.

Now fighting ahead are the Awa and Sanuki people led by Shinohara Nagabo, and the Awaji people of Ataka Nobuyasu will not get the benefit of victory.

Miyoshi Yasunaga has a personal relationship with Ataka Nobuyasu, and in the face of Shiba Yoshiyin's upcoming powerful offensive, she is sure to persuade Ataka Nobuyasu to abandon the dark side and turn to the bright.

Takada Yono naturally picked up the liquidation documents of Miyoshi Yasunaga and Ataka Nobuyasu, stacked them together, and threw them aside, then bowed deeply and said.

"For the sake of peace in Xijinji, Master Kang, please be more considerate."

Miyoshi Yasunaga struggled in his heart, his gaze became firm, and he bowed back and said.

"Jindadian is a noble person, which is deeply admirable. Everything is for the peace of Xikinji, and the foreign minister is obliged to persuade Anzhai Nobuyasu to stand on the side of justice."

The two stood up together and looked at each other with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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