different warring states of japan

Chapter 1432 The emperor has a minister to accompany him

Maeda Yili was a little nervous, did he act too disappointed just now, making Jun Shang aware of something wrong?
Just as she was about to confuse the matter with a playful smile, Yiyin spoke first.

"Li, I want to entrust this battle to you, and you will be the general of the anti-three good coalition forces."


"What? You don't want to?"

"No, it's not, it's just that the anti-three-good coalition forces have almost swept all the forces in the entire Western and Nearby, so how can I be qualified to be the general?
Not to mention Hatano of Tanba country, Araki of Settsu country, Tsutsui of Yamato country, Zaga and Nerai of Kii country, these outsiders who have different ideas.

Even Hatakeyama Hosokawa Mibuchi, the three local powerful families who are close to the Shiba family, will not convince me.

Only when you come forward to sit in the town can everyone be convinced and bow their heads to obey orders. "

Yi Yin shook his head and said.

"The Shiba family already has three Shiba lands, except for the Owari Shiba land of the Toshi family, which is deeply embedded in the Oda family's territory, and the two Kanto lands are too far away, which always makes it difficult for me to take care of them.

The situation in recent days has become more and more weird. Nobunaga's siege net created by the general made all the powerful samurai in recent days jump out and besiege the Oda family.

I don't believe that Nobunaga's encirclement network will disappear because of a paper agreement. As long as Oda Nobunaga's ambition is not extinguished, if the encirclement network fails for the first time, there will be a second and third time sooner or later.

If I was not in Japan at that time, and I was presiding over important affairs in Kanto, and the chaos in recent days suddenly got out of control, how would the Shiba family react?
In recent days, the safety of Siba has to be guarded by someone. The Hokuriku Road trade route and the Shibachu Fund are the sources of welfare pensions. These are the vital interests of the Siba family, and I cannot afford to lose.

Benefits, I hope you can take on more important responsibilities for the Shiba family and become the military ballast of near-peace.

After this turmoil, the Hosokawa and Mibuchi families will definitely move closer to me.The strength of the Hatakeyama family is weak, and they have long followed my example.

If the four Shibahata and Hosokawa Mibuchi families can strengthen their alliance militarily, together with the surrounding forces that are friendly with our Shiba family, they can form a coalition again at any time to safeguard our interests.

If you can resist the responsibility of the anti-three good generals for me, you will have the qualifications to lead the coalition forces.

In the event of an emergency in the future, even if I am beyond the reach of the Kanto, I can authorize you to form a coalition again to protect the peace of the near future. "

Yoshihiro decided to compensate Maeda's interests by promoting her from the military chief of the Jinjisibo region to the military chief of the entire Jinjisibo forces.

In recent days, Shiba's collar has only [-] shi, and it is impossible for Yiyin to increase knowledge and practice for Maeda's interests, which will destroy the balance of power among the important officials of the Shiba family.

And the peaceful development route advocated by Yiyin made it impossible for him to use force to expand the territory and use expansion to increase the knowledge and action of important ministers.

Fortunately, the Shiba family is the best among traditional guardian daimyos, and Yoshigin can promote Maeda's interest in terms of traditional status and give her alternative compensation.

It is different from the centralization method of the Sengoku daimyo in the troubled times who desperately expanded their territory and concentrated power to implement a military dictatorship.The territorial mobilization power and actual influence of traditional martial arts are actually not consistent.

During the period when General Ashikaga was most powerful, he only owned [-] imperial materials, but it allowed the world's samurai to be used by the Ashikaga family.

The same is true for other famous samurai families, such as the Rebellion of the Eighth Generation Shogun, the Hosokawa family, one of the three chiefs, and the Yamana family, one of the four chiefs, confront each other, and each draws forces far beyond their own.

This is the political ecology of the traditional samurai guarding the daimyo. According to their own interests, powerful samurai from various places choose to join the Hosokawa faction and the Yamana faction to attack each other.

As a representative of the traditional samurai family, Shiba Yoshihiro could not wantonly annex the local samurai families and reform the political system like Oda Nobunaga. That would be cutting off the roots of the Siba family.

His approach is still to unite powerful warriors who have the same interests as his own, and fight in the same camp for a common goal.

But in this chaotic world where rituals and music are broken, warriors who yearn for traditional order actually have no choice.

Ashikaga Yoshiaki, the current general, is a good-for-nothing. Besides Yoshihiro, who else can they turn to?
Therefore, during the Eight Generation Shogun Rebellion, the traditional samurai could still choose between the Hosokawa family and the Yamami family, both for the sake of righteousness.

But today, it seems that all the shogunate's righteousness is in the hands of Yi Yin. If the traditional samurai want to maintain order and interests, they can only actively or passively join the Shiba camp.

In this way, the power of the generals of the Sibo faction has been very powerful in recent days.

If Yoshihiro appoints one person to be the military chief who protects the interests of the Shiba camp in recent times, then this person's power is almost unlimited in theory.

The major events of the country lie in sacrifice and Rong.To ensure the stability of the regime, the two most important points are righteousness and conquest.

Yiyin asked Maeda Yili to take charge of the military in recent areas, in order to promote Maeda Yili to the position of the number two figure in recent areas.

He made this determination for two main reasons.

One is that Maeda's interests have always been reserved and loyal, and Yiyin must give sufficient returns.

In recent years, Maeda interest has actually been neglected.Even if she didn't care about it herself, the Iga Maeda Samurai Group who ate with her would not be convinced.

This subject comes from the fellow villagers of the four counties of Shimoowari, and they are very united.It is the most important military group in Siberia in recent days, and it is impossible for Yiyin to ignore their dissatisfaction.

From an emotional point of view, Yiyin also hopes that Maeda's benefits can go further. Why doesn't Ji Wushi, who is so loyal, reliable and capable, not reuse it?
Second, Yiyin really needs a military officer in several aspects to help him.

He has been made passive by the chaotic situation in recent times twice, and has to turn back from Kanto, which has negatively affected Kanto affairs.

As the saying goes, there are only three things.

Yiyin can't always deal with it passively. He needs some contingency plans so that he can be more calm when encountering emergencies.

Akechi Mitsuhide was the first to be excluded among the few candidates he could trust.

This black-bellied girl walked alone several times, which made Yiyin very uncomfortable.Yiyin was reluctant to kill her, but he didn't dare to give her too much power, lest she would lead her into a ditch one day and be unable to get up.

Nizi Shengjiu is a good candidate, but Nizi Mountain has formed a party, and everything must be considered together.

Yamanaka Yukimori has already become the deacon of the Kanto Office in Kanto, and now that the power of the Kanto Office has increased greatly, she has also risen with the tide.

Nizi Shengjiu has been the acting official of Sibo in recent days, and Yiyin must consider the balance of power, and it is impossible to give more power to a party in Nizishan.

Although Takada Yoshino has made great achievements that surprised Yoshihiro several times, her shortcomings are also very obvious, that is, she is high in business and lacks military achievements.

The Wu family group is a violent group after all.

No matter how good Takada Yono is in making money, Ji Wushi will not obey her.The samurai believe that the guns in the hands can be dismounted from the hips, and the new iron cannons are more popular than Takada Yono.

After all the calculations, only Maeda's interests are the most suitable.

The emotional entanglement also allowed Yiyin to trust her and rest assured to hand over the military power in recent areas to her.As long as she still has Cao Yiyin's heart, Yiyin will not worry about her loyalty.

Thinking about it, Yoshiyin subconsciously scratched the palm of Maeda Rishi's hand with his little finger, making her itch from the palm of her hand to her heart. Looking at Yoshiyin's handsome face, she couldn't help being dazed and wet.

Although Maeda Yili was distracted by Yiyin, he still didn't dare to agree easily.

"Your Majesty, my background is too low, it is really difficult for me to do this job."

Recently, the samurai family, especially the shogunate samurai family, valued the family background the most.

Miyoshi Changqing was born in the housekeeper of the Hosokawa clan, and wanted to control the shogunate in the name of the leader, but was strongly opposed and despised by the samurai of the shogunate.

Yoshihiro wants to let the coalition army led by Maeda benefit include the top nobles of the three leaders like Hosokawa Hatakeyama, and there are countless descendants of other famous families. How can she not be afraid?
Maeda Toshiki's mother is the concubine daughter of the Takigawa family, and the family is poor.

As soon as the mother died in battle, the father was starved to death.If it weren't for his adoptive mother Maeda Toshihisa who came to see the family of his old comrade-in-arms, Maeda Yili would have starved to death.

Back then, Oda Nobunaga wanted to replace Maeda Toshihisa with his own Maeda Toshiie as the heir of the Maeda family. One of the reasons was that Maeda Toshihisa had no heirs, and his adopted daughter Maeda's interests were overwhelming.

Maeda Toshihisa was forced to abdicate, and Maeda's interest was tantamount to changing from the direct stream of the Maeda family to a branch of the common stream, and his status was downgraded.

The Takikawa family and the Maeda family are both natives of Owari. In recent years, the samurai family has seen their eyes higher than the top. Even Oda Nobunaga has been complained about as an Owari countryman, let alone a small local turtle like Takikawa Maeda.

Maeda Lili doesn't even count as the descendants of the little native turtle, but only the descendants of the branch family, how can he command those famous nobles of the shogunate?

If it was just him being humiliated, Maeda Yili would not be afraid.But she was afraid of disappointing Yiyin's expectations, and even more afraid of making Yiyin lose face and be humiliated.

Maeda Yoshiki thought about it and said again.

"Your Majesty, please think twice."

Seeing her timid look, Yiyin was a little unhappy.

I have slept with you, so I feel sorry for you, and I will do everything possible to give you a chance to climb up.Instead, you pushed back and forth, wasting my efforts.

If those idiots and famous families in the shogunate are reliable, Yiyin is of course willing to give them a chance.But they have neither ability nor loyalty, so Yoshihiro can only use Maeda to benefit his own person.

Seeing Maeda Yiyi looking forward and backward, Yi Yin knew that it was useless to persuade him with good words, and he had to use aggressive methods to deal with this guy.

Yiyin pretended to be helpless and sighed.

"I thought you could share my worries for me, but now it seems that I didn't think carefully and made it difficult for you.

In fact, this battle is not difficult to fight. Akechi Mitsuhide contacted all parties in Kyoto, suppressed the general, and pulled the Tanba and Settsu people over.

Yono Takada also made a lot of achievements in Sakai Port. On the one hand, he got the support of Ishiyama Honganji Temple and hired Zagashu and Neraizho.

Both of them are doing very well, since you don't want to be the chief general, then I can't force it.I'll be in charge of the overall situation, and you'll be the striker.

Don't worry too much about the war, the war may be over before you reach the enemy's formation. "

Maeda benefit stared wide-eyed, these news are the latest information that Yoshihiro got along the way, she naturally didn't know.

Unknowingly, these entrant competitors have already been involved in this matter?
Thinking of this, Maeda Yili couldn't help feeling flustered.

She is the chief military officer of the Sibo Territory in recent days, and she knows the current situation of the war best.If it is true what your majesty said, Sanhao's family may collapse just after the battle, so what's the matter with her?

After waiting for two years, I finally got a chance to perform meritorious service.But before he could do anything, he was cut off by Akechi Mitsuhide and Takada Yono, how could this work!
Maeda Yoshihiro looked at him with a smile on his face, and couldn't help showing a wry smile.

She knew that this might be the emperor's method of aggressiveness, but the anger surged up in her heart, and she couldn't suppress it.

At this time, Maeda Yili would still be concerned about his humble background, and worried that those famous families in recent years would be disobedient.

Thinking that I have slept with a god like Shiba Yoshiyin twice, those useless descendants of famous families are considered p!Where are they worth worrying about?Have they ever slept with Shibo Yoshigin?

As soon as Maeda Lili gritted his teeth, he really wanted to be the general of the anti-Miyoshi coalition.

But she had rejected Yiyin just now, and it was hard to ask for it again, so she could only look at Yiyin with the intention of begging for mercy.

Seeing that she was subdued and looked pitiful like a domestic dog about to be abandoned by her master, Yiyin chuckled.

"What? Figured it out?"

Maeda Yili didn't have the time to care about face at this moment, so he nodded quickly.

"I figured it out, I figured it out, I am willing to share the worries of the king."

Seeing her flushed face and pitiful look of embarrassment and fear of missing a good opportunity, Yiyin couldn't help stretching out his finger and tapping her forehead.

"You, I really don't know what to say about you."

A little annoyed by Yoshihiro's intimate gesture, Maeda Masayoshi bowed his head and whispered.

"I don't want to lose."

Yiyin froze for a moment, tapped her forehead again, and said softly.


You have been guarding the borders of the past few years for me, so I naturally understand that it is not easy for you.

Don't worry, since I said that I will help you to be the general of the Anti-Three-Good Coalition Army, I will naturally help you solve the troubles and will not make it difficult for you.

You, as long as you are a good military officer, you will be fine. "

Yoshiyin's soft voice passed by his ears, causing a warm current of courage to grow in Maeda Yili's heart, and he blurted out a word without going through his brain.

"Do well, is there any reward?"

Yi Yin was stunned, and Maeda Yili realized that his words were too ambiguous, so he waved his hand quickly and said.

"I didn't mean that, no."

Looking at Maeda Masaru's blushing pretty face, Yoshihiro glanced at her protruding figure, and suddenly felt a desire, and moved his index finger.

He glanced at the guarding Spocki warriors in the distance, bowed his head and said in Maeda's ear.

"Come to the castle tower tonight and talk to me."

Maeda Rishi's body froze, and she clearly felt that Yoshiyin blew air on her pierced ears, and when he left, he slightly touched the corner of her mouth with his lips, like a kiss but not a kiss.

But because Yiyin deliberately avoided the sight of Ji Wushi in the distance, and hid on the other side of Maeda Yoshiki's body, others could not see Yiyin's small movements.

For a moment, Maeda Yoshiki's breathing became a little heavier.

"Your ruler has an order, and your servants should accompany you."

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