different warring states of japan

Chapter 1433 Plan ahead for new developments

I have heard a lot about the mountain city and the castle tower.

Facing Ishida Mitsunari who bowed to the ground, Yoshihiro yawned in disrespect, and his face flushed suddenly, a little embarrassed.

Fortunately, Ishida Mitsunari was clever and pretended to care about changing the subject, helping Yi Yin to cover up his unseemly appearance.

"Your Majesty didn't rest yesterday, okay?

You are the Zijinliang of the shogunate, the mainstay of recent years, and the expectation of all people. Please take care of your health. "

Yiyin smiled embarrassingly, and moved his body a little, only to feel his waist sore.

"Last night, the moon was shining brightly in the sky, and the stars were shining. I couldn't help but watch the stars until dawn. It's because I slept less, which made Hime Ishida laugh."

Ishida Mitsunari looked ashamed and choked up.

"Your Majesty has a lot of things to do every day, and it's rare to steal half a day's leisure. I still have to come to see you and disturb me. It's an unforgivable sin."

Yiyin rubbed his thigh with a wry smile, what Wanji?Lao Tzu and Ji Ji couldn't move anymore.

In the past few years, Maeda Yili has nothing to do in Sibo, he can only devote himself to training soldiers and horses, practicing martial arts, and his body and strength have become more and more ferocious.

Although there is no trace of the beauty of the spring breeze overnight, Yiyin still has lingering fears, his thighs are trembling, and his muscles and bones are almost scattered by the girl.

Alcohol is a gut-piercing poison, and sex is a bone-scraping steel knife. The ancients did not deceive me.

Yoshiyin shook his head to get rid of the wild thoughts in his mind, fixed his eyes on Ishida Mitsunari, and asked.

"Ishida Hime, why are you asking for an interview this time?"

Although Ishida Mitsunari's Shibachu Foundation is based in Duomenshan Castle, but this is a period of war mobilization, and non-military matters are not discussed for the time being.

It is common sense that big things are not as important as war.

Yoshigin didn't think Ishida Mitsunari would be confused about the importance. It must be very important for her to bother herself about the Shibazhong Fund at this time.

Ishida Mitsunari bowed solemnly and said.

"It's not right to talk about the smell of money during the war to pollute the ears of the king, but I discussed with Lord Takada Yono, and I feel that this matter should not be delayed.

Takada Yono-sama is blocked by the war in Sakai Port, it is not convenient to come to meet you, so I can only speak to you, please forgive me. "

"Well, it's okay for you to say."

"Your Majesty, the winter closure of the Hokuriku Road trade route is approaching, and the operating income has almost been calculated.

The total market trade volume of the Hokuriku Road trade route this year is about [-] million kan. "

Yi Yin frowned.

"Three million guan? A little less than predicted years ago."

Ishida Mitsunari nodded.

"Hey, the trade volume predicted by Mr. Takada Yono and I at the beginning of the year should be around [-] million guan, which is indeed less."

Yiyin thought for a while and said.

"Is it because this year's war has dragged down the operating income, resulting in unsatisfactory operating income?"

From Oda Nobunaga's attack on Echizen with troops, to the tug-of-war between Asai Asakura and Oda's three families in Omi, coupled with the many turmoil in Settsu, the Miyoshi family is now attacking the two countries of Izumi and Hanoi.

There has been no peace in the past few years. Although the Hokuriku Road trade route has been invested by various parties and can be unimpeded during wartime, it is still affected by the war to some extent, and it is normal that the growth rate is not as expected.

Ishida Mitsunari sighed.

"Master Takada Yono and I really want to think so, but the reality makes us not too optimistic.

Since the opening of the Hokuriku Road trade route, the scale was about [-] kan in the first year, [-] million kan in the second year, [-] million kan in the third year, and [-] million kan in this year.

Your Excellency, the total volume of trade in the Kanto and Kansai logistics markets is about [-] million. The growth rate of this total volume is very slow, and we dare not expect too much.

Therefore, the expansion of the Hokuriku Road trade route is probably approaching its limit. "

Ishida Mitsunari spoke frankly, and Yoshihiro couldn't help frowning upon hearing this.

What Takada Yono and Ishida Mitsunari mean is that the scale of the Hokuriku Road trade route is close to the total volume of Kanto Kansai logistics trade.

Even if there is no war, the expansion rate will slow down and stagnate, and the responsibility cannot be shifted to recent wars.

Yiyin thought about it carefully, and it was indeed the truth.

From 200 guan to 100 million guan, it is a 50% growth rate.One million guan to two million guan is a [-]% growth rate.From two million to three million, it is a [-]% growth rate.

Taking advantage of the collapse of the Tokaido trade route, the Hokuriku trade route quickly accounted for 60% of the total trade volume of [-] million Kan within four years.

This is jaw-dropping growth that could not have been expected to last in the long run.Today's Hokuriku Road trade route is close to the limit, and has lost the imagination of high-speed gold digging.

If you compare Hokuriku Road to a stock, it will gradually change from a growth stock to a value stock. It is difficult to develop at a high speed, and it can only operate stably.

Ishida Mitsunari said in a deep voice.

"Your Majesty, Takada Yono-sama has already helped the Shiba family take advantage of the expectations of the Hokuriku Road trade routes from various forces in recent times.

If the development of the Hokuriku Road trade route slows down in the future, although everyone will not be too disappointed, it will be very difficult for the major forces to revolve around Shiba's house like they are now. "

Yiyin nodded in understanding.

Just like stocks in the high-speed growth period, the market will give a valuation much higher than its own value. This is the expectation of investors for the future, and there are few opportunities to buy at a low price.

Therefore, investors will tend to accept the high premium at the time of purchase, hoping to digest these premiums during the rapid development and make their investment worthwhile.

The high premium that the Hokuriku Road trade route brought to the Shiba family was not only economically cheap, but also political and military additional benefits.

Politically, Ishiyama Honganji has always been on the side of the Shiba family, allowing Yoshigin to maintain a good relationship with the most difficult Buddhist sect, the Ichiko sect.

The shogunate samurai family, and even the samurai family in recent years, have always maintained a politically friendly attitude towards the Shiba family in order to share the dividends of the Hokuriku Road trade route.

Especially after the shogunate group headed by Ise Sadakyo poured sewage on Shiba Yoshiyin, and was kicked out of the Hokuriku Road trade route by Takada Yono, fewer people would deliberately make things difficult for Shiba's family.

In terms of military affairs, several forces in recent times have been avoiding conflicts with the Siba family and are willing to mediate with the Siba family.

Because the Shiba family is helping everyone make money, they will naturally receive preferential treatment.

The purpose of war is to grab money, food, and land. Who would smash his wallet for the sake of war?

The economic base determines the superstructure. Once the development of the Hokuriku Road trade route slows down and the imagination is lost, the cooperation between other forces and the Shiba family may not be as harmonious as it is now.

After all, contradictions have always existed.

As long as the interests are large enough, everyone can temporarily put aside the conflict.But if the benefits become less, the previously covered up contradictions will resurface.

Yoshihiro sighed, the slowdown of the development of the Hokuriku Road trade route is indeed a troublesome problem.But economic development is like this, it is impossible to maintain a high speed forever, he can only accept the reality.

Takada Yoshino and Ishida Mitsunari were able to face this problem calmly, which gave Yoshihiro a little bit of expectation for them.

"After your discussion, did you gain anything?"

Ishida Mitsunari said.

"I have discussed with Takada Yono-sama for a long time, and we feel that as early as this winter, we will come up with a new development plan, which must continue the expectations of several recent forces for economic development.

This year, we can use the recent wars as an excuse to temporarily dispel everyone's concerns about the slowdown in the development of the Hokuriku Road trade route.But if the growth rate next year is still unsatisfactory, everyone will lose confidence.

Therefore, I have no choice but to come here to bother you, and hope to get your support to make a new development plan this winter and implement it as soon as possible. "

Yiyin applauded.

"Very good, you and Takada Yono can take the initiative to share my worries, which is very good.

So how do you think about the current difficulties in the development of the Hokuriku Road trade route?What new development plans do you want to present to me? "

Those who do not understand the military are often prone to make the mistake of underestimating logistics and military supplies.In fact, equipment depends on money, soldiers depend on salaries, and the elite are all fed with supplies. There is no military without money and food.

The development of the Shiba family to this point has a lot to do with Yoshigin's unintentional opening up of the Hokuriku Road trade route.

Counting all the powerful feudal clans of the martial arts family, they can develop and grow, and the female dominates one side, all of which cannot do without the support of economic strength.

For example, the Takeda family's Koshu gold, and the Hojo family's Izu gold, their families really have mines, and Sunpu Castle, the commercial hub of the Tokaido, provides material transactions, which can be easily exchanged for military supplies.

Uesugi Huihu has a stronger foundation, Echigo state-owned gold and silver mines, sun-dried salt and hemp, and its economic strength is second to none in Kanto.Therefore, the Echigo samurai are well-equipped and brave in battle, and they are a strong army in the Kanto.

The Imagawa family occupies the Three Kingdoms of the East China Sea. Junfu City was once the most important logistics hub in the Kanto and Kansai regions, earning countless money by relying on the Tokaido trade route.

The Oda family controls the trade hub of Shimoowari, and also has a share of the Tokaido trade route, which is why Oda Nobunaga has the confidence to rise.

The Miyoshi family monopolized the maritime trade in the East Seto Inland Sea, and the Rokaku family relied on the vast plains of Omi and the water transport trade of Lake Biwa. These two were once the most wealthy and powerful clans in recent times.

In the final analysis, although the expansion of a strong vassal requires the reign of the Ming Lord, but to be able to truly run a big business, you must also have a solid economic fundamentals.

The Shiba family has long been extinct, and Yiyin is poor and empty. Only recently Siba received the [-] koku and earned it back from fighting for the shogunate.

If it weren't for a coincidence to get through the relationship between the major forces in the Hokuriku Road, and to convince the samurai along the way, and to meet Yoshimoto Imagawa's surprise attack and beheaded in Ozaza by Oda Nobunaga, the Tokaido Road was in chaos.

The Hokuriku Road logistics line running through the Kansai and Kanto, a large market with a trade volume of up to [-] million guan, is not so easy to succeed.

But even with the help of great opportunities, the Hokuriku Road trade route has entered a mature stage after four years of development, and there is no bonus from the rapid development period for the Shiba family to take advantage of the outside world.

In the minds of the shareholders of various forces investing in the Hokuriku Road business route, the value of a fast-growing business route is completely different from a mature and stable business route.

The former is a gold mine that is getting bigger and bigger, which can make everyone willing to make concessions to the Shiba family, because the rapidly developing Hokuriku Road trade route will give them more benefits.

The output of the latter is a nearly stable stock with slow growth. If the Shiba family eats more, others will eat less, and everyone's attitude naturally turns to penny-pinching.

Originally, the Shiba family used the Hokuriku Road trade route to win over Mukomune, a difficult giant, as well as the large and small shareholders of Sakai Port, Kyoto, and the port business towns along the Hokuriku Road.

The success of Yiyin's death several times, and even further progress, cannot be separated from the sincere support of these local bosses.

But now, with the decline in the growth rate of the Hokuriku business route, these people's attitudes towards the Shiba family are likely to change. This is a big issue involving the reassessment of all aspects of politics, military and economy.

Therefore, Yoshihiro hopes that Takada Yono and Ishida Mitsunari can give him a good idea.

After all, Yoshino Takada, a business prodigy, has already given him many surprises, which makes Yoshihiro unconsciously full of expectations, hoping that she can bring him another big surprise.

Ishida Mitsunari bowed his head in thought for a while, organized his words, and spoke slowly.

"Sir Takada Yono proposed a bold plan, which is divided into three projects. The specific draft plan is still under consideration. As long as you are interested in trying it, we will submit it to you as soon as possible.

To put it simply, it is the monetization of food stamps, the securitization of trade routes, and the financialization of land. "

Yi Yin frowned.

"Takada Yono what does this mean?"

Takada Yono's plan was too bold, and Ishida Matsumoto didn't dare to report his name, but just blocked Takada Yono from the front, because the plan was really appalling.

Ishida Mitsunari smiled wryly.

"It is said that Lord Yono Takada learned some economic theory from the Nanban people in Sakai Port. It seems that in the hometown of the Dutch people, everything can be financialized and securitized and converted into currency.

That currency means money. "

Yi Yin nodded.

"I know about currency, and I also know about finance and securities. Just tell me, what does Yono Takada want to do?"

Of course, Yiyin understands the meaning of currency, finance, and securities. He lived in a modern society in his previous life, so he still has the most basic financial common sense.

But he couldn't figure it out, Gao Tianyang learned some crooked ways from the Dutch.

The Dutch in this era were at the forefront of the economy. The world's first speculative activity was created by these red-haired devils, commonly known as the tulip bubble.

Takada Yono was already very courageous and had a natural business acumen, after being instructed by the Dutch, what weird idea did she come up with?
Yiyin thought for a while and said.

"I remember that Southern barbarian named Lilu, Agot, is a Dutchman."

Ishida Mitsunari sighed.

"Your Majesty has a really good memory. It is the Dutchman who asked you for help in Sakai Port."

Yi Yin nodded.

Can he not remember?The three beauties with protruding fronts and backward curls were disturbed by Takada Yono without even touching them.

This high-ranking person is so good that he can't even figure out a B, sometimes it's really boring.

Yi Yin sighed.

"Let's not talk about the southern barbarians, Takada Yono's new economic plan, the monetization of food stamps, the financialization of land, the securitization of trade routes, what exactly does she want to do?"

In fact, Yiyin is also a little apprehensive. Monetization, financialization, and securitization always feel that it is not a serious thing. Let’s listen to what Ishida Mitsunari has to say.

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