different warring states of japan

Chapter 1434 Monetization of Spo Food Stamps

Ishida Mitsunari said solemnly.

"Your Majesty, Takada Yono-sama wants to repeat the cooperation model of the Hokuriku Road trade route.

Since the rebellion of the eight generations of generals in recent places, there have been endless wars, people's livelihood has been destroyed, a large amount of copper coins have been deposited in soil warehouses, and the market has been depressed.

The construction of the Hokuriku Road commercial road was made possible by Mr. Takada Yono who brought in a large amount of investment in order to grow rapidly.But for those earth warehouses, they are eager for a big project worth investing in.

As long as we can find new economic growth points and replicate the high-growth and high-return Hokuriku trade routes, those earth warehouses are of course willing to continue to lend us money, and they also have their own needs. "

Yoshida agrees with Ishida Mitsunari's words, and this is indeed the truth.

Capital has the instinct to increase in value, and capital that cannot increase in value will be eliminated by other capitals. This is the fear engraved in the genes of capital.

Those who hold capital are easily swayed by capital, and embark on the road of greedy pursuit of value-added, even if they sell the rope that strangles them, they will not hesitate.

This is the materialization of people driven by capital, and it is also the inevitable result of people being alienated.

In recent years, as the political and economic core of the island country, it was also the most frequently contested area in the troubled times of the Warring States Period.

In the recent lands ravaged by repeated wars, the capital held by famous martial arts families and monastery sects can only stay in the soil warehouse, and they dare not use it to borrow money to invest in value-added.

Because capital is afraid of risks, and war is the biggest risk.

If you lend to the Wu family, if you lose the battle, the whole family will die, and the loaned money and food will be gone.Lending to merchants, the caravan went bankrupt due to misfortune, and the money and food lent out disappeared.

As for lending to civilians, their ability to resist risks in troubled times is even worse, so they might as well lend to Wu Family merchants.

Therefore, in the eyes of these earth warehouses in recent days, the Hokuriku Road Commercial Road is really an irreplaceable investment project of high quality.

With the military prestige of Yoshihiko Shiba in charge, and the joint maintenance of the samurai sects along the way, everyone sits in line to share the fruit, and Dokura can lend money to Yono Takada to develop the Hokuriku Road trade route with peace of mind.

Whether it is the safety of capital or the rate of return on investment, it is a peerless deal that cannot be found anywhere on the island.

The Shiba family did take a lot of advantage in the development of the Hokuriku Road commercial road, but such a high-quality project is rare, and the various soil warehouses cherish it very much and are willing to cooperate and support it.

Only in this way can all parties share benefits and coordinate politically, militaryly and economically, and cooperate with the Shiba family to develop the cake of the Great Hokuriku Road trade route.

Ishida Mitsunari said.

"Master Yoshino Takada said frankly that since the Hokuriku Road commercial road project has matured and it is difficult to continue to grow at a high speed, then we will find a few new projects that are safe, reliable and fast growing.

Anyway, everyone is familiar with it, and the cooperation is also very pleasant.As long as there are high-quality projects, all parties will definitely be willing to maintain a good relationship with us and continue to make a fortune with the Sipo family.

The key to all of this is whether we can replicate the high-speed development dividends of the Hokuriku Road trade route, so as to tempt the various forces that are now cooperating. "

Yiyin thought for a while, then nodded.

"I understand what Takada Yono means.

But a huge market with a trading volume of [-] million is not easy to find. If the volume is not large enough and the benefits are not enough, those earth warehouse vampires are very cunning, and they will not do business at a loss.

The various forces behind the earth warehouse are not easy to fool, if there is no satisfactory return, they will not easily enter the game. "

Ishida Mitsunari looked a little confused and said.

"I also feel that there is no second such a cornucopia as the Hokuriku Road trade route.

But Mr. Takada Yono said, since we can't find it, then we have to find a way to cultivate it ourselves. "

Yi Yin frowned.

"Cultivation? Monetization of food stamps, securitization of business routes, financialization of land... I seem to understand what she is going to do.

How Takada Yono thinks about it, please tell me carefully. "

Ishida Mitsunari subconsciously rubbed her temples, as if trying to squeeze something out of her mind beyond the understanding of the times, she said.

"The first is the monetization of food stamps.

Ever since the Guandong Servant Office began to issue food stamps, this thin piece of paper has been targeted by merchants.

After the Sibozhong Fund followed up with the issuance of food stamps, businessmen from all over the world flocked to Sibo food stamps, and there have been businessmen buying food stamps from Warrior Ji at a premium. "

Yi Yin interrupted.

"Wait a minute, I remember that food stamps are only allowed to be used by Hime warriors who are eligible to obtain food stamps, and the relevant Siba-made Uchihime warriors, Otai people, and Sanada people can go to the granary to exchange them.

What's the use of those merchants wanting this thing, and they can't exchange it for food. "

Ishida Mitsunari smiled wryly.

"Jin Duodian, you underestimate those merchants, of course they have a way to exchange them.

They only need to find a Ji warrior who is qualified to exchange when they want to exchange, and they can complete the exchange with some hard work.

After all, it is not written on the food stamp who this food stamp belongs to. The granary only checks the authenticity of the grain stamp and the qualifications of the redeemer, and does not limit the number of redemptions, let alone check the source of the grain stamp. "

Yiyin shook his head with a wry smile.

"It's because I underestimated these merchants, so they are using food stamps as banknotes?"

The concept of banknotes was not uncommon in ancient times. There were Jiaozi in the Song Dynasty, Baochao in the Ming Dynasty, and banknotes among the people, all of which were paper currencies circulating in the commodity market.

It’s just that the ancient dynasties didn’t have the concept of maintaining credit currency, and they didn’t know that the essence of currency is to separate from commodities and fix special commodities that serve as general equivalents.

Therefore, the Ming and Qing dynasties issued paper money indiscriminately, which led to the rapid depreciation of paper money, and its value in the commodity market was extremely low.

Therefore, precious metals such as gold, silver and copper coins are still used as mainstream currencies in the market.

The food stamps in the Kesipo system are different. The food stamps are linked to the annuity grain of the Sibo family and can be counted as a rice-based currency.

Moreover, Sibo food stamps also have the advantages of being difficult to forge, stable in value, easy to exchange, and easy to carry.

Compared with the uneven and low-quality copper coins in the existing market in the island country, the gold and silver pennies that cut corners, and the Sibo food stamps that can be exchanged for grain from the granary at any time, actually have a high currency value.

In order to crack down on counterfeit food stamps, Spoel leaders in various places have also implemented a strict law of chopping a grain of rice.

As long as a fake food stamp is found, everyone on the entire counterfeit line will lose their heads.This decree greatly deterred counterfeiters and increased the cost of counterfeiting food stamps.

In addition, Sibo food stamps are well-made, difficult to forge, and easy to identify. It is almost impossible for merchants to receive fake food stamps, so they can naturally hold them with confidence.

Now is the period of war, the price of rice has risen three times a day, and the customary price comparison in the traditional market, which has always been exchanged for two stones of rice, has completely failed.

However, Siba food stamps belonged to Warrior Ji's annuity Lumi, which was low-priced rice purchased from friendly forces in various places with the credit of Siba's family. It maintained a stable value of the amount of rice on paper, and it was impossible to shrink.

If the Shiba food stamps really cannot be exchanged for the amount of rice on the face value, it will hurt the interests of the Siba Jiaji samurai.

This is undermining Shiba Yoshiyin's solemn promise to all Shiba Jiji warriors, and the political impact is immeasurable, so the Shiba family will never allow the exchange of food stamps to be short of money.

In order to facilitate the exchange of food stamps by the Shibajiaji samurai, a large number of granaries have also been established in Shiba collars in various places to exchange food stamps.

In recent days, Shiba is in Yamato and Iga, Owari is in Mino and Owari, and Kanto is in Echigo and Ueno.

These Spo collars have covered a large part of the internal commercial circulation of the island country.

Merchants who make money by taking the Hokuriku Road trade route do not need to travel too far to exchange food stamps for food. In the process, they only need to pay a little hard work to Ji Wushi who helps to exchange.

Coupled with the advantages of paper money being easy to carry, Sibo food stamps can be said to be the best currency that island merchants can currently find.

Ishida Mitsunari sighed.

"Let's not talk about you, my lord, I manage the Sibo Zhong Fund and I'm in charge of issuing food stamps, and I didn't expect these businessmen to pursue Sibo food stamps so much.

You don't know that the Sibo food stamps in the world have been fired at a [-]% premium. A grain stamp of one stone can be exchanged for brown rice of one stone and a half from the merchant, and there is no market for the price.

Not long after the food stamps were issued, many Ji warriors in the Shibo establishment were still relatively cautious, unwilling to exchange too much, preferring to keep the food stamps at home as food.

There are very few Sibo food stamps in circulation in the market, and most food stamps are regarded as high-quality assets by merchants and used as collateral for borrowing funds, so the circulation is very scarce.

I think that if this continues, the exchange rate of food stamps will be doubled by merchants sooner or later. "

Yiyin was dumbfounded when he heard that, are these businessmen crazy?

They exchanged two stones of brown rice for food stamps with a denomination of one stone, and when they exchanged it, they had to pay the hard work of Ji Wushi who helped to exchange it, which was another extra expense.

Yi Yin couldn't help asking.

"Aren't they doing business at a loss?"

Ishida Mitsunari sighed.

"Your Majesty, how can those profiteers do business at a loss, they are very good at calculation.

Originally, two shi of brown rice was exchanged for two stones of money in the market. They exchanged the money for brown rice, and then bought food stamps.

After a while, frequent wars caused food prices to soar, and the usual money might not even be able to exchange half a stone of brown rice.

However, the food stamps in the hands of these merchants have not depreciated. Whatever the face value is, you can definitely get back as much food, which is very stable.

Doing business with food stamps can guarantee the certainty of income, and you are not afraid of shrinking profits or even losing money due to fluctuations in rice prices. "

Yiyin was speechless. Sure enough, he was still a profiteer with an active mind. The owner of the food stamps himself didn't expect so much.

Agricultural society is based on agriculture, and land is the most important means of production, because only land can grow food.The so-called economic strength, in the final analysis, means that whoever has more food is more powerful.

Sibo food stamps are tantamount to setting up a rice standard with a stable currency value. Originally, they were only circulated in a small area within the Sibo organization for the distribution of benefits.

Unexpectedly, the extra value of the food stamps was discovered by the merchants, and with the help of the exchange loopholes in the food stamp system, they were taken out and used as currency.

Yiyin shook his head, what is this?

"So, Takata Yoshino is jealous of the merchants who use the premium of the food stamps made by the Shiba family's reputation, and decides to simply monetize the food stamps, and let the Shiba family eat the currency bonus?"

Ishida Mitsunari nodded.

"Your Majesty is wise, that's what Takada Yono-sama means.

Now that the monetary value of food stamps has been dug out by merchants, why not make it bigger by ourselves?
If we can unite the forces of the Hokuriku Road trade route to unify their recognition of food stamps, and even restrict certain high-quality goods on the Hokuriku Road trade route to be purchased with food stamps, it will be a huge profit.

After all, the corresponding food behind the food stamps was purchased from friendly forces.We can buy more grain, and according to the stock in the warehouse, we can add the number of food stamps to supply the market.

The premium between the face value and the actual value of food stamps is up to us, and we can even take the initiative to raise the value of the currency.

And the forces of the Hokuriku Road trade route that we cooperate with can also buy and sell food, trade them with a part of discounted food stamps, and let them get food stamp appreciation bonuses through the appreciation of food stamps. "

Yiyin fully understands that the monetization of this food stamp is actually pulling the partners of the Hokuriku Road business route to collect seigniorage tax together.

It is still the same as the Hokuriku Road business road, where the fruit is distributed in rows, and everyone has money to contribute money and power to contribute, share the seigniorage, and pluck the wool of the merchants.

Merchants do business and suffer from price fluctuations caused by wars.The Shiba family provided food stamps with a stable currency value, with the endorsement of various forces on the Hokuriku Road trade route, and the merchants were also happy to pay the seigniorage.

A stable currency can guarantee their income. As for the seigniorage, it is nothing more than a protection fee on the economic level, which can be counted as the cost of doing business. When grafted into the selling price, the merchant has no loss.

The most insidious part of Takada Yona's whole plan is to use discounted food coupons to buy food from friendly forces.

If she really managed to do this, it would mean that Shibo used the paper printed by himself to exchange the grain harvested by other people's hard work.

Even if only part of the food stamps are used to offset the purchase of food, it is enough to make the Sipo family make a fortune.After all, no matter how much Sibo's food stamps are touted, they are only rich on paper, and only food is real wealth.

Takada Yono has done a wicked thing, but Yoshihiro really hopes that Takada Yono can get this done, even if it is a little bit more profitable, it doesn't matter.

Because as long as the various forces still hold Siba food stamps in their hands, they definitely don't want Siba's family to end.If Shiba's family is gone, the food stamps in their hands will become waste paper, and they will lose everything.

Yiyin thought for a while, then shook his head.

"Difficult, it is very difficult to get all parties to accept food stamps. The Tucang stewards are all professionals who are proficient in business. They are well aware of the value of food in times of war. It is very difficult to exchange paper for food.

Merchants need currency with a stable value to do business, and they are very flexible. Once the limelight is not right, they will find a way to clear the food coupons in their hands and reduce losses.

But it is difficult for the soil warehouses of the various forces. They have no need to do business, and food stamps are not a necessity for them, but very hot.

Now is the troubled times, who can guarantee that the Shiba family will not fall into the troubled times.How could they bet their wealth on the long-term prosperity of the Shiba family.

Gao Tianyang is treating others as fools, no one is stupid. "

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