different warring states of japan

Chapter 1458 The Good Swimmer Died of Drowning

Chapter 1458 The Good Swimmer Died of Drowning

Kosaka Masanobu thought deeply.

"Holding high the righteousness of the Kanto without war, restricting the Kanto samurai to negotiate within the framework of the Kanto Chamber of Commerce, and ensuring the peaceful development of the Kanto eight prefectures is the new Kanto strategy set by His Highness Jinda.

His Royal Highness Uesugi has always expressed support for the new strategy, and the Uesugi family's retainers have also benefited a lot from the new review system. The Uesugi family has no reason to continue to be our enemy. "

Takeda Shingen chuckled, interrupted Kosaka Masanobu's thinking, and said directly.

"Uesugi Terotora didn't want to destroy Jindaden's strategic plan, she just wanted to kill me.

I have a feeling that she already knows about Rena's existence. "

Kosaka Masanobu turned pale with shock.

"Impossible! Absolutely impossible! If Her Highness Uesugi already knew about the existence of the Young Master, why didn't she tell Jin Dadian?"

Takeda Shingen looked at Rena, who was laughing and washing her face in the distance, and said calmly.

"She, like me, understands Jindadian's temperament very well. She knows that if Jindadian finds out about the existence of the child, she will never do anything to the child.

If you think about it carefully, if Uesugi Terutora knew of Rena's existence, he would definitely know what happened in Yantian City back then.

With her infatuated love for Jin Duodian, how can she allow me and my scoundrels to continue living in this world?
But she didn't dare to let Jin Duodian know about this, worrying that Jin Duodian would be soft-hearted and hinder her from achieving her goal.

Therefore, she can only plan in secret, hoping that during the gap period when Jin Taden is not in Kanto, she will attack the Takeda family in one fell swoop and kill Reina and me. "

Kosaka Masanobu turned pale when he heard this.

"Your Highness, then you can't provoke Oda Tokugawa!

Behind us is His Majesty Uesugi, who is full of hostility. Once she seizes the opportunity for us to send troops to the Tōkaidō, she will definitely put you in a situation where you are surrounded by enemies. "

Takeda Shingen smiled wryly.

"If I don't do it, I'm waiting to die.

The Great Review of the Guandong Chamberlain has connected the entire Guanbazhou samurai family, and there is no shortage of admirers of Jindadaon.Uesugi Terotora is not doing anything now, because she is still looking for allies.

The standing council will be officially launched in the spring of next year. As permanent members, Katsutake Shima and Yukimori Yamanaka are loyal followers of Tsutaden, and they may not be bewitched by Terotora Uesugi.

And the one-year non-permanent director Sanada Nobushige, Masanobu, do you remember her?That half-grown girl who was crying in front of the coffin and was forced by me to humiliate Jin Duodian back then.

She is also in a terrible situation now, and has become the master of Xishangye, holding a territory of tens of thousands of stones.

And the Hojo family has always been dissatisfied with my occupation of the Suruga country. The Hojo clan still holds the Imagawa clan, the governor of the Imagawa family, in the political hands of the Hojo clan, and there is no need to find another excuse to send troops to the Suruga country.

What should I do if Terutora Uesugi convinces these people to attack my Takeda family together after they have fully coordinated?
If I don't kill Tokugawa Ieyasu first, when I am surrounded and suppressed by the Kwantung Allied Forces, the Tokugawa family will follow suit, enter the Suruga country, and instigate the rebellion of the Suruga people. Will I still have a way out? "

Kosaka Masanobu was speechless when asked, and could only sigh.

"It's a future that is besieged on all sides."

Takeda Shingen smiled.

"When I decided to give birth to Rena, I had already thought through the worst situation in the future, and the current situation is not the worst.

I held General Ashikaga's imperial book in my hand, and I participated in the siege of Oda Nobunaga in the name of the shogunate.

There are several forces holding back Oda Nobunaga. As long as I can quickly break through Tokugawa Ieyasu, I can find a way out of the predicament.

Nobunaga's siege network is the most important thing in the world today. As long as I send troops, Jintaden, who is nearby, will definitely pay attention to me.

Therefore, I must firmly seize this opportunity and mobilize troops after the spring plowing next year. I must defeat the Tokugawa family and forcibly open the Tokaido.

Only by winning the two countries of Yuanjiang and Sanhe, and the strength is strong enough, can the Takeda family withstand the pressure from all directions and make the enemy dare not act rashly.

I, have no choice. "

Kosaka Masanobu was silent. She looked at Takeda Shingen, who was talking eloquently, and couldn't help thinking that even though she had already understood the predicament of today, Takeda Shingen was still determined to give birth to Rena. Is this love?
Although Takeda Shingen seldom mentioned Yoshigin Shiba, but how much did she love Yoshihiro Shiba in her heart, that she was willing to take the initiative to step into such a desperate situation?

She gambled with her own life and the family property that was more precious than her own life, and she would definitely give birth to this child that belonged to Shiba Takeda.

Kosaka Masanobu looked at Rena in the distance and shook his head.

"Your Highness, you are suffering too much."

Takeda Shingen laughed.

"It's worth all the hard work to get the little angel Linnai and watch her grow up day by day.

By the way, do you still remember Anji Anayama? "

Kosaka Masanobu nodded.

"Is that the one you sent to suppress the old leader of the village of Yantian City and supervise the Anzhi of Dongxin Xianfang?
Didn't you deprive her of her position and let her go back to the Xueshan family and think about it behind closed doors? "

Takeda Shingen said.

"Anji Anayama is a very good Ji warrior, but it's a pity that he was young and naive, and he didn't know he was being used by others.

Sanada Yutaka did not forget to cause trouble for me when he was dying, that is, a young man like Anayama Yasuji who has not experienced wind and rain would believe that the Sanada family immediately fell apart due to civil strife right after Sanada Yutaka died.

Yasuji Anayama actually wanted to join forces with the Sanada family of Toshin to attack the Sanada family of Nishi Ueno. Do you think this is ridiculous? "

Kosaka Masanobu said.

"Isn't this the case with civil strife in the Wu family? Just after the death of the family governor, the heirs began to attack each other. It's not surprising that Anayama Anji misjudged this matter."

Takeda Shingen shook his head.

"Sanada Yutaka's life was rough, and he went through untold hardships to be able to return to his hometown in his later years. Naturally, he had to make arrangements for his funeral before he dared to close his eyes with peace of mind.

Higashinobu Sanada's family will follow me, and Sanada Nobushige will follow Tsutaden. No matter what happens in the future, the descendants of Sanada will be able to survive this troubled world steadily. Sanada Yutaka is really good at calculating.

Poor Anji Anayama is too immature, she was driven back to Anayama's house by me, and she was scolded by Anayama Nobukun for nonsense, and she was driven to Nishi Ueno to ask Nobushige Sanada for the crime of arbitrarily quarreling. "

Kosaka Masanobu was surprised.

"Is Anayama Nobukun trying to force this niece to death?"

Takeda Shingen sneered.

"It took Sanada Nobushige only three years to climb from Matsushiro Sengoku to the high position of Nishi Ueno Lord, which is a miracle.

All the people under her command are brave and good at fighting, and they are known as the warriors of Sanada, the first soldier in the Kanto, and they are one of the elites in the Kanto Servant.

This time, Nobushige Sanada was again promoted by the Kanto Chamber of Commerce and became one of the three non-permanent members of the first executive council.

Do you think Anayama Nobu-kun would offend the hot new boss of the Kanto waiter for a niece who made a mistake?

It's a pity that Anayama Nobukun also underestimated Nobushige Sanada, the little girl who cried so hard that she almost peed her pants in front of the Yantian City Spirit, has now become a powerful person, worthy of the name of Nobushige.

Anji Anayama went to Minowa Castle, and wanted to apologize in front of Nobushige Sanada, but was stopped by Nobushige Sanada, and was accepted into the Sanada congregation. "

Kosaka Masanobu said solemnly.

"Anji Anayama is one of the best young people of Kaizhong's generation, so he was entrusted by His Highness to guard Yantian City.

Such talents were all pulled away by Nobushige Sanada, and it was indeed Nobushige Anayama who mishandled them. "

Takeda Shingen chuckled.

"Xin Fan, Xin Fan, she was a minor girl back then, but she took this name after Yantian City, guess why?"

Kosaka Chang's confidence trembled.

"Is she resenting you, Your Highness?"

Takeda Shingen smiled and said nothing.

Kosaka Masanobu already knew that the situation of the Takeda family was very dangerous. No wonder Takeda Shingen decided to go to Luo after the spring plowing. He really had no choice.

But the two didn't know that Takeda Shingen still took the situation too optimistically, and the reality was even crueler and worse.

Takeda Shingen didn't know.

Hojo's political admiration, Yoshihiro Shiba, already knew about Rena Takeda's background, and decided to help Terutora Uesugi to encircle and suppress the Takeda family.

Takeda Shingen didn't know.

Both Shima Katsutake and Yamanaka Yukimori have a physical relationship with Shiba Yoshigin, and their love for their lord is not inferior to Uesugi Terutoro.Once these two Kanto masters learned the truth, the consequences would be disastrous.

Takeda Shingen thought that he had obtained the shogunate's righteousness Shangluo with the shogun's imperial letter, and Uesugi Terutora would inevitably shrink back and miss the best opportunity to encircle and suppress the Takeda family.

However, if the power figures in the Kanto, such as Hojo Shizheng, Shima Katsuo, Yamanaka Yukimori, and Sanada Nobushige, unite and support Terutora Uesugi.

Will the Kanto side still watch Takeda Shingen calmly go to Luo, and easily expand the territory?

Good swimmers drown.

Takeda Shingen, who advocates Sun Tzu's art of war and has always planned before acting, she miscalculated this time.


Echigo Country, Kasuga Mountain City.

Outside the castle tower, Nobushige Sanada yawned lazily, attracting the gazes of Shimakatsu Takeshi and Yamanaka Yukimori.

She smiled.

"His Highness Uesugi came to see us, what is the matter? He woke me up before dawn, and I haven't slept enough."

Seeing Sanada Nobushige's lazy and rogue appearance, Yamanaka Yukimori turned his eyes away as if he didn't hear her, Shima Katsuki wanted to speak a few words, but he opened and closed his lips, but he didn't speak in the end.

Although Sanada Nobushige's appearance is inappropriate, she is no longer the hairy girl of the past, but a big boss in the Kanto waiter. Except for Yoshihiro Shiba, it is really inconvenient for others to reprimand her.

The Wu family valued interests, but even more so on strength. A real boss does not need to be bound by etiquette, unless he is facing a higher-ranking person.

In the eyes of Yamanaka Yukimori and Shima Katsumon, Sanada Nobushige is already a powerful samurai who is qualified to sit on an equal footing with them, so his tolerance is naturally much higher.

Moreover, Yamanaka Yukimori and Shima Katsumo were also puzzled, Uesugi Terutoro specially called the three of them to Kasugayama Castle, why?
It was the twelfth lunar month of winter, and the mountains of Echigo Kingdom were covered by heavy snow, so it was not the time to walk around and socialize.The reason why the three of them appeared here at the same time was for the big review in Spring.

Although the list of members of the first standing council has been finalized, the procedure still needs to be authorized by the Kanto Chamber of Commerce's big review, that is, it has to wait for the decision at the big review in the beginning of spring.

Because it was the first standing council, there was a lot of waste to be done in the initial period, so the six directors gathered in the imperial hall early to get together first.

Unexpectedly, Uesugi Terutoro actually sent someone to invite three of them to Kasuga Mountain City to have a talk, which made the six directors puzzled.

Ever since Yoshihiro Shiba returned in the fall, Terotora Uesugi, as the other end of the Echigo duopoly, has not come out to express his position for a long time.

Because of Uesugi Terutoro's acquiescence, the Uesugi family forces began to actively participate in the Kanto Chamber of Commerce Review, gaining a firm foothold on this new platform.

But on the eve of the establishment of the standing council, Uesugi Terutoro suddenly called three directors to meet, and everyone was puzzled.

I wonder why Terutoro Uesugi chose this time to speak out. Does he have any special requirements for the Standing Council?
I am even more puzzled why Uesugi Terotora chose these three of the six directors. What do they have in common?

In the first executive council, Yukimori Yamanaka, Katsumo Shima, and Asohide Okuma were the permanent directors hand-picked by Yoshihiro Shiba.

As for Nobushige Sanada, Changji Ogasawara, and Ujiji Oda, the three were appointed as non-permanent directors for a one-year term after a game between all parties.

Uesugi Terotora asked Yamanaka Yukimori, Shima Katsumo, and Sanada Nobushige to go to Kasugayama Castle. There are permanent and non-terminals. The selection criteria make it impossible to guess her mind.

Outside the castle tower, the three of them were thinking about their own concerns, waiting for Uesugi Terutora to summon them.Soon Banner came and invited the three of them in.

Following Banner into the meeting hall, they saw a huge screen blocking their eyes. The three of them glanced at each other and bowed to the ground together.

Uesugi Terutora's voice came from behind the screen, she said.

"Recently, I have been exposed to the wind and cold occasionally, and I am a little afraid of the wind. I hope you will not be offended."

Nobushige Sanada smiled and spoke first.

"His Royal Highness Uesugi's daughter's body, please take care of it.

After the foreign minister returned, he asked someone to send some dried matsutake, which was soaked in the dining room and then cooked into porridge to make a medicinal meal.This thing is the most nourishing, and Jin Duodian is also full of praise. "

Shima Katsuo couldn't help but give Sanada Nobushige a glance. She, who has always been upright and upright, couldn't bear the sight of the mountain monkey's pervasive drilling.

Before that, Nobushige Sanada took the opportunity to offer dried matsutake to Yoshihiro Shiba.

Not only did he cheat the merchant ship's warehouse share with the bitter drama, so that the dried matsutake can be sold in recent years, but he also publicized the dried matsutake that Jintaden loved to eat, attracting attention and earning a lot of money.

Now, Nobushige Sanada is no longer the poor monkey in the mountains, but the Nishi Ueno boss who got rich overnight.

Sanada Nobushige brought the Nishi Ueno Samurai family together to make a fortune through dried matsutake and kapok cloth, and the Nishi Ueno Samurai family headed by Nobata Nobuya was bought by Sanada Nobushige and officially accepted her.

Nobushige Sanada, who gained a firm foothold in the Nishi Ueno area through the large coin distribution, has made up for his political and economic shortcomings. With the fierce fighting power of the Sanada crowd, he has become a force in the Kanto servants.

Because of the hardships of life, the mountain people samurai family who are not afraid of death have made a fortune, and it seems that they have become a new samurai group that is more powerful than the Echigo samurai group.

(End of this chapter)

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