Chapter 1459

Sanada Nobushige has already tasted the sweetness, this time she wanted to repeat the old trick in front of Uesugi Terutoro, and the whole person fell into Qian's eyes.

Katsutoshi Shima is 100% sure that this guy will send some dried matsutake to Terotora Uesugi when he returns home, and then publicize the dried matsutake that Tsutaden and His Highness Uesugi like to eat, and continue to increase the price to make a fortune.

I don't know who taught Mountain Monkey how to do business. The method of hype is really like the profiteers over there in recent days, not like the honesty of the people in Kanto.

Shima Katsuki glared at Sanada Nobushige's philistine behavior regardless of the occasion, and Uesugi Terotora behind the screen was also taken aback for a moment.

In terms of identities, Yukimori Yamanaka, the deacon of the Kanto Chamberlain, and Katsumo Shima, the deputy leader of Shiba Kanto, didn't speak. The wild monkeys in the mountains rushed out to answer, which is indeed a bit rude.

Yamanaka Yukimori glared at Nobushige Sanada, bowed and said.

"His Highness Uesugi is ill, please rest more. I don't know if you called the three of us here today, what is your order?"

Sanada Nobushige shrugged, not caring about the dissatisfaction of Shima Katsumo and Yamanaka Yukimori.Although Uesugi Terutoro ignored her, she decided to send a few boxes of matsutake when she went back to forcefully settle the matter.

The bosses of the Guandong Waiting Office disliked him, and they would not rub a single hair off her.

Sanada Nobushige's mind is very clear, her position is carried by the Sanada group of warriors who dare to die, and the Nishi Ueno samurai who are greedy for her benefits and are willing to hang out with her.

There are tens of thousands of people, all kinds of strange things.Nobushige Sanada owns tens of thousands of stones of land, more than [-] people, and thousands of samurai families. Naturally, each has his own thoughts.

She didn't understand Shiba Yoshigin's difficulties before, but now she understands a little bit.It is not easy to balance the conflicting demands of so many people and prevent them from fighting among themselves.

The demands of the samurai families in various parts of West Ueno are different, and the only thing they have in mind is to make money, and they are all miserable bastards living in poverty in the mountains.

The mountain people do not lack martial arts, what they lack is money, food and supplies.As Master Ching Hai said, there is no shame in making money with a thick skin, but it is a real shame to be the boss who cannot support his subordinates.

Although Sanada Nobushige has not been in contact with Miyoshi Qinghai for a long time, he has been deeply influenced by her thinking.

The Miyoshi family grew their family business step by step by controlling the shipping trade in the Seto Inland Sea and the commercial market in Sakai Port.

Without commercial interests, relying on Shikoku's little land income, how could the Miyoshi and Four Sisters have the strength to punch Hosokawa, kick Ashikaga, and almost go to power, causing the shogunate to kneel down and call mother.

Miyoshi Qinghai is the big boss Miyoshi Masayasu who controlled Sakai Port for the Miyoshi family back then. She knows best how to hype the commodity market.

That's why she was able to play flowers in a short period of time, turning waste into treasure in the mountains and wilds, and creating special products, which made the economy of Sanada Nobushige's territory flourish rapidly.

Nobushige Sanada, who was used to being poor since he was a child, has never seen such a trick of a merchant to make money. In an instant, Miyoshi Qinghai was shocked as a heavenly man, he obeyed his advice, and he was focused on making a lot of money.

The Nishi Ueno samurai family ignored Sanada Nobushige at the beginning, but now they call him the boss with a straight face.

It's not that they are not reserved, it's that Nobushige Sanada gave too much, and they were full.Life is all about eating and drinking, so who can have a grudge against money and food?

Uesugi Terutoro is not interested in reprimanding Sanada Nobushige for his careful thinking, Uesugi Terutoro is enduring the discomfort to meet the three of them at the moment.

The surprise of being pregnant at the beginning was gradually smoothed out between morning sickness and morning sickness.The discomfort of the first three months before the first child made even a strong warrior like Uesugi Terutor shout out.

Uesugi Terotora originally wanted to take advantage of Shiba Yoshiyin's absence in Kanto to speed up his pace and get rid of Takeda Shingen and her evil seed.

However, Yoshihiro Shiba has been away for three or four months, and the situation has changed drastically in recent days, but Uesugi Terotora has been dizzy all day long, vomiting during pregnancy, and can't get anything done.

For this reason, she had to live in seclusion, and her control over Uesugi's retainers became weaker.

Outsiders thought she was cooperating with Yoshihiko Shiba's reform of the Kanto Office and kept silent on purpose, but in fact she just felt uncomfortable and didn't want to take care of things.

Uesugi Terutora once asked several Ji Wushi who had given birth to children in private, but he had never heard that giving birth was so troublesome.

With Warrior Ji's physical fitness, except for the three days before and after giving birth, he can ride a horse and cut people without any problem, so he should be like a normal person.

Whose warrior Ji gave birth to a child with a blunt knife like his own, and suffered every day?
Uesugi Teruhu thought about it, and could only curse secretly that his enemy was harming others, and it was all because Shiba Yoshigin's seeds were unusual.

No wonder, when Takeda Shingen gave birth to his child, he stayed in Junfu Castle for half a year without moving, probably because he suffered too much and could only lie down to recover his strength.

But even though Uesugi Terutoro complained every day that her ten-month pregnancy would not delay her business, she actually had deep expectations in her heart.

This kind of seed has not yet formed, and there has been such a big commotion.If it is really born, I don't know what an outstanding child it will be.

For the sake of the child, I had to rest assured to raise the baby for three months. It was not until these days that Uesugi Terotora felt a little relieved, and he had the strength to convene Yamanaka Yukimori, Shima Katsutomo, and Sanada Nobushige in the palace.

Yamanaka Yukimori asked her what she wanted to find someone for?Naturally, it is to kill Takeda Shingen and her evil species!
Terotora Uesugi covered her mouth with one hand and her stomach with the other. Recently, she felt uncomfortable no matter whether she was sitting or standing. Now she was sitting for a long time and felt a little uncomfortable.

But in order to attack the Takeda family, she had to meet with the three of them. This matter was not only her personal likes and dislikes for Takeda Shingen, but also related to the future of her children.

After Ashikaga Yoshiki died, Shibo Yoshigin became a monk and practiced, and he has not been married so far.

Although Teru Uesugi has been thinking about the possibility of getting married with Yoshihiko Shiba, she has faintly felt Yoshihiro Shiba's rejection of the marriage.

Uesugi Terotora can understand Shiba Yoshigin's scruples, because there are too many people inside and outside Shiba's family who covet Shiba Yoshiyin's beautiful family business.

The matter of Shiba Yoshiyin's marriage is already a major event that will affect the future direction of the world. It is too involved and must be careful.

Now that he has skin-to-skin relationship with his beloved and is still pregnant with a child, Terotora Uesugi is no longer as eager as before to force Yoshigin Shiba to accept marriage.

After she became pregnant, her mind changed a little.

In the past, Uesugi Terutora was all about getting along with Shiba Yoshigin in a legitimate way.But now, there is another concern in her heart, which is the child conceived in her arms.

The evil species of Takeda Shingen is a daughter, that is to say, that evil species is the eldest daughter of Shiba Yoshiyin.

If Terutora Uesugi failed to formally marry Shiba Yoshigin in the end, even if she gave birth to a daughter, it would be Shiba Yoshigin's second daughter, not the first daughter.

If Yoshihiko Shiba really never married, then all his children would be young or old, regardless of his concubines.

Shiba's family business is getting more and more prosperous, and Terotora Uesugi cannot allow the evil seed of Takeda Shingen to inherit this huge wealth, and the ranking is still ahead of his own children.

Takeda Shingen, the beast who humiliated Shiba Yoshigin and forcibly took away his seeds, why is her evil seed closer to the inheritance of Shiba's family than the crystallization of love between himself and Shiba Yoshigin?

Terutor Uesugi couldn't figure it out. She wanted to change this unreasonable order and use the sword and gun in her hand to help her daughter seize the future.

This matter is also simple to say, as long as Takeda Shingen and her evil species are killed, it will be fine.

Uesugi Terutoro believes that in this matter, Uesugi's retainers have common interests with himself, and the retainers will definitely try their best to help him.

The Echigo samurai group that once rejected Shiba Yoshigin back then has been completely convinced by this samurai man.

If the Shiba family's increasingly prosperous family business can be inherited by the children of Uesugi Terutora and Shiba Yoshiyin, the Uesugi retainers will definitely get huge benefits from it.

This income is enough for Uesugi's retainers to fully support Uesugi Terutora, and kill Takeda Shingen and her evil seed at all costs.

But now, the problem facing Uesugi Terutoro is not the support of Uesugi's retainers, but the reforms made by Shiba Yoshigin in Kanto.

The new thought of Shiba with peaceful development as the core has been recognized by the Guan Yashu samurai family. The reform of the Kanto Chamber of Commerce is in full swing, and institutions such as the Great Review and the Standing Council have been established one by one.

Under the righteousness of no war in Kanto, Uesugi Terotora wanted to turn back the wheel of history and send troops to conquer the Takeda family. This is not an easy task.

Because the imperial order for no war in the Kanto was issued by the Kanto general Ashikaga Yoshiji, theoretically the Kanto general's direct jurisdiction is the Kanto ten countries, that is, the land of Kanto eight states plus the Izu country and the Kai country.

Therefore, Takeda Shingen's Kai Kingdom is also part of the Kanto No War Imperial Order in terms of political division, but Uesugi Terutora's Echigo Kingdom is not within the compulsory scope of the Imperial Order.

In a narrow sense, this is the area covered by the Kanto without war.

In a broad sense, Shiba Yoshigin had already prevented Date Masamune's expansion by intervening in the Ou War.Therefore, the framework of No War in Kanto actually applies to the entire Pan-Kanto region.

If Uesugi wants to go to war, he must first break the truce limit set by Shiba Yoshigin. To facilitate Takeda's conquest, two conditions must be met.

First, Takeda Shingen first violated the righteousness of the Kanto without war, making her lose the protection of the armistice agreement.

Second, in the Kanto Chamber of Commerce's large review, the Standing Council must judge Takeda Shingen's foul politically, triggering the countermeasures of the peacekeeping system, and making Terotora Uesugi famous.

Only in this way can Terotora Uesugi use the absolute power of the entire Kanto system and Kanto servants to quickly crush Takeda Shingen.

Takeda Shingen is not a weak person. To kill Shiba Yoshigin before she can react, you must rely on the full strength of the entire Guan Yashu to strike quickly, without delay.

Therefore, Uesugi Terotora needs allies, many powerful allies, to help her achieve her wish.

Facing Yamanaka Yukimori's request for instructions, Uesugi Terutoro was silent for a while, as long as he remembered what Takeda Shingen had done to Shiba Yoshigin, the already uncomfortable feeling of vomiting became stronger.

Uesugi Terutora's eyes were burning, and her eyes seemed to pierce the screen in front of her eyes, nailing Nobushige Sanada to the ground.

"Nobushige Sanada, what happened in Yantian City?"

Sanada Nobushige's face, which was still smiling just now, suddenly froze.

Yamanaka Yukimori frowned slightly. She is the deacon of the Kanto Chamber. Although her real power is not that great, her status is not low.

Terutora Uesugi skipped her answer and asked Nobushige Sanada directly, which is also very rude.

Yamanaka Yukimori couldn't help complaining in his heart, what happened to Uesugi Terotora today, was he assimilated by the wild monkeys from the mountains?It's really disrespectful.

But when Yamanaka Yukimori turned his eyes to look at Sanada Nobushige, he found that Sanada Nobushige, who was fearless and fearless, was already pale, and he was stunned and speechless on the spot.

Yamanaka Yukimori thumped in his heart, thinking about Uesugi Terutora's question.Yantian City?Which Yantian City?What happened recently?
On the other hand, Shima Katsuo reacted faster, looking at Nobushige Sanada and asked.

"Yantian City? Is it about the former Yantian City Daianayama Anji?"

Nobushige Sanada came back to his senses, a trace of blood returned to his face, and he spoke with a dry smile.

"That guy, he's a pretty good warrior Ji, but he's a bit stupid, and he got screwed over.

Anayama Nobukun asked her to come to me to end the provocations caused by the Eastern believers. She uttered nonsense in front of me, and she was very unwilling to lose, and then she was ready to apologize by harakiri.

But everyone knows that I, Nobushige Sanada, have always convinced others with virtue, so how could I let her die in an unclear manner.I simply spared her life and asked her to follow me and learn to be smart. "

Shima Katsuo and Yamanaka Yukimori shook their heads together, and Sanada Nobushige was saying something nonsense again.Convince people with virtue?The mountain people in the Sanada group are the most rebellious, they only take advantage of it and not lose it.Germany?De a p.

I don't know what rogue method Sanada Nobushige used to make Anji Anayama no longer wash away his humiliation with death, but that would definitely not be a good idea.

Seeing Yamanaka Yukimori and Shima Katsuki showing disdain, they no longer pursue it.Nobushige Sanada breathed a sigh of relief secretly, she almost scared her to death just now.

The three words Yantian City are the scars that Nobushige Sanada has hidden in her heart. She herself is unwilling to touch or think about it.Fortunately, Terutora Uesugi was talking about Anji Anayama, so he almost misunderstood.

Just when Nobushige Sanada breathed a sigh of relief, there was a whisper from behind the screen that made her tremble, as if from hell.

"What is Anji Anayama? No, I'm talking about Yantian Castle, the Yantian Castle of that year, the Yantian Castle where Kawanakajima fought.

Nobushige Sanada, you must have forgotten, right?No, you will never forget, otherwise you would not have named yourself Xinfan.

Because you want to remember it firmly for the rest of your life and never forget it, right? "

Terutora Uesugi didn't know exactly what happened in Yantian City that year.

She only knew that Takeda Shingen had humiliated Shiba Yoshigin in Yantian City and stole his seeds through the hapless man who had been silenced by Iroko Minami.

Although Terutora Uesugi didn't know the details, she was sure that Nobushige Sanada knew.

Shiba Yoshigin disappeared after the Battle of Kawanakajima, was rescued by Sanada Nobushige, and was captured by Takeda Shingen together in Yantian City.

Originally, Terutora Uesugi didn't care about the name of Nobushige Sanada, but after she connected the whole thing together, she felt strange.

Takeda Nobushige is the beloved sister of Takeda Shingen, and also the highest-ranking samurai of the Takeda family killed by Yoshihiro Shiba in the Kawanakajima battle. Takeda Shingen held the funeral for Takeda Nobushige in Yantian City.

The Sanada family is an affiliated samurai family of the Takeda family, and Nobushige Sanada took the name of the Yuanfu. Don't you know how to avoid the taboo?

At that time, Takeda Shinshige had just died and Takeda Shingen was in grief. The name Shinshige was like a provocation to Takeda Shingen.

Even if Nobushige Sanada is ignorant and messing around, will that old fox Sanada Kotaka not understand?So why did Nobushige Sanada insist on taking the word Nobushige, and even ran away from the Sanada family for this?
Terotora Uesugi seemed to have found the key, cleared the fog, and wanted to present the tragedy that happened that year to everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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