different warring states of japan

Chapter 1460 The Intolerable Truth

Chapter 1460 The Intolerable Truth

Not only did Uesugi Terotora want to listen, but Yamanaka Yukimori and Shima Katsuo also wanted to listen.

Although she didn't know that Yamanaka Yukimori, Shima Katsumo and Shiba Yoshigin had skin-to-skin relationship, but she knew that these two had cares about Shiba Yoshihiro that a courtier shouldn't have.

If they want to get their support and send troops to attack the Wutian family, they must first know what their beloved lord has experienced in Yantian City.

At both ends of the screen, the eyes of the three were focused on Nobushige Sanada.

At this time, Sanada Nobushige couldn't help trembling slightly, as if he had returned to that time and place again, and turned back into that helpless little girl again.

She swallowed a mouthful of saliva and smiled dryly.

"His Highness Uesugi, I don't quite understand what you mean."

Nobushige Sanada was like falling into a spider's web, knowing it was futile, but still couldn't help struggling.But the more she struggled, the tighter the cobweb tightened, bringing her new despair.

Uesugi Terutora behind the screen smiled coldly and said lightly.

"Yeah, don't you know?
So, you don't know about Takeda Shingen's humiliation of Jinda Temple, and you don't know about Takeda Shingen's pregnancy with evil seeds.

You don't know anything, you just watch those things happen in front of your eyes as if they never happened, don't you?
Nobushige Sanada, you are truly an excellent Hime samurai.No wonder Jin Duodian values ​​you so much and rewards you generously time and time again, just because you are always able to not know things that you shouldn't know. "

Nobushige Sanada's mind went blank, and Uesugi Terutoro's cynicism towards her did not make her respond.She froze on the spot, just grasping those two words tightly in her mind.

"Evil seed... Evil seed? What evil seed?"

In Uesugi Terutoro's indifferent voice, there was irrepressible anger.

"When Takeda Harunobu captured the Suruga country in the autumn, he picked up a baby girl on the way back to the Kai country, adopted her as an adopted daughter, and named her Reina.

Afterwards, Takeda Harunobu became a monk in Kai country, under the name of Shingen.But this was just a cover-up, the baby girl was her child born in Junfu City, that summer.

Oh, the laws of nature and ethics, pregnant in October.

In this way, Takeda Shingen conceived this child around Yantian City in the autumn of one year earlier.I'm curious, after Takeda Shingen was defeated, how could he still find a man leisurely?
Nobushige Sanada, you were in Yantian City at that time, can you help me clear up my doubts? "

Every word Uesugi Terutora uttered turned into a sharp blade, cutting through Sanada Nobushige's defense line with one knife, and turning back the unbearable scenes in her heart.

Nobushige Sanada's eyes were out of focus, and what she saw was not the screen that hid Uesugi Terutora's figure, but the unbearable memories of the past.

The pictures that she thought she could not remember clearly were playing back in front of her eyes like a slide show at this moment.

In the last scene, she huddled in front of the coffin and wept. Takeda Shingen pulled Shiba Yoshigin into the room with a tyrannical expression, and then Kosaka Masanobu entered. .Nun Tianhai also went in. .

Nobushige Sanada's knees went limp, and he knelt down on the ground, whimpering uncontrollably, and the desperate cries echoed in the room.

"Beast! Beast!!!"

Seeing Nobushige Sanada's uncontrollable violent reaction, Terotora Uesugi finally couldn't help poking his head out, and vomited in the basin beside him.

In the past few years, she has been hiding a trace of luck in her heart.

She hoped that the minister of color would lie, and that Takeda Shingen's humiliation of Yoshihiro Shiba was a lie fabricated by minister of color for her own future.

But today, that last sliver of luck was completely extinguished by Sanada Nobushige's reaction.

Uesugi Terotora now only feels so sick, she has been tortured by morning sickness for three months, at this time she began to vomit habitually again.

But at this time, her gaffe did not attract any attention from the other three present.

Sanada Nobushige knelt on the ground and knocked on the tatami, as if only doing so could ease the pain in her heart.

She really doesn't know!I really don't know that Takeda Shingen, a beast, not only led people to humiliate Shiba Yoshigin, but also gave birth to a child!
On the other hand, Yamanaka Yukimori and Shima Katsuo were terrified by the sudden situation in front of them.

Yamanaka Yukimori subconsciously looked at Shima Katsuo. After the battle with Kawanakajima, it was Shima Yoshigin who personally took people to Yantian City to pick up Shima Yoshigin after the Kawanakajima battle.

Dao Sheng's face sank like water, and he shook his head slightly.

When she arrived in Yantian City, Yoshihiro Shiba had been captured for more than ten days. If such a tragedy really happened, everything that should have happened has already happened, so what would she know.

Thinking of Shiba Yoshigin's gentle smile the moment he saw him, Shima Katsuki's heart trembled suddenly. What did he experience at that time?
An uncontrollable anger rose from the bottom of his heart, Shimakatsu walked up to Nobushige Sanada, grabbed her collar with both hands, and pulled her up from the ground.

"His Highness Uesugi is asking you something! Speak! You speak! Tell me, is it true? Is it true! You bastard!"

At this time, Sanada Nobushige no longer had the wildness of the past, he was hesitant like a child who had done something wrong.

She turned her head to avoid Shima Katsumaki's angry eyes, her voice was hoarse from shouting, and she wailed like a young animal.

"I really don't know, I really don't know about that kid!

That day, in front of Takeda Nobushige's spirit, the three of Takeda Shingen and the others handed over Tsudaden. .Ten days later, I saw Jin Duodian again, not much earlier than you!
In those days, Tsudaden has been imprisoned in the residence of Takeda Shingen, sorry. .I'm really sorry. .I do not know. . "

Before Nobushige Sanada could finish his words, Shimakatsu's fierce fist had already hit her on the cheek, so powerful that it almost knocked her out of the air.

Sanada Nobushige rolled a few times on the tatami, then got up numbly, and assumed the posture of Dogeza, ignoring the rapidly red and swollen cheeks and the blood oozing from the corners of his mouth, he kowtowed vigorously.

"I'm sorry! I'm very sorry! I didn't protect Jinda Temple! I'm really, really sorry!"

There was a hint of crying in Sanada Nobushige's voice, but it didn't make people feel pity for her.After reacting, Yamanaka Yukimori rushed up and was about to kick her on the head.

Shimakatsu grabbed the unsuspecting Yamanaka Yukimori and threw her aside.

Yamanaka Yukimori immediately got up and said furiously.

"Bageya Road! What are you doing!"

Dao Shengmeng roared back not to be outdone.

"Ba Ge Ya Lu! You kicked her head, are you going to kill her!"

Yamanaka Yukimori's eyes were red.

"Even if I kill her! It's not enough to make up for her mistake! She has kept it from us for so long! She deserves to die!"

Shimao Katsuki widened his eyes in anger.

"You kill her now! How are we going to explain the cause of her death to the outside world!

You want everyone to know what happened to Jin Duodian in Yantian City?Do you want to tell everyone about the existence of that villain Takeda Shingen?
If you kill her, the West Ueno land will be in chaos immediately!How can we settle accounts with that beast Takeda Shingen! "

Shimakatsu punched Nobushige Sanada fiercely, and she was already awake a lot at this time, and she finally understood why Uesugi Terutoro wanted the three of them to come over.

Uesugi Terutora wants to kill Takeda Shingen, but she is not strong enough alone, she needs the help of Shimakatsu Takeda and Yamanaka Yukimori.And Nobushige Sanada is the witness who helped her tear apart the truth.

Yamanaka Yukimori was yelled at by Shimakatsu, and gradually calmed down.

She may not care about the life of Nobushige Sanada, or whether the Sanada people will rebel, but she is absolutely unwilling to let more people know what Shiba Yoshigami experienced in Yantian City.

Yamanaka Yukimori glanced at Nobushige Sanada, whose forehead was already bleeding from knocking, and cursed.

"Stop! You idiot! How can you explain to your subordinates when you go back with your head smashed! Isn't that embarrassing enough!"

While Yukimori Yamanaka reprimanded Nobushige Sanada, Shimakatsu turned his gaze to the screen.

Behind the screen, Terutor Uesugi, who had already vomited, resisted the burning sensation in his esophagus, wiped the corner of his mouth with a white towel, and said coldly watching the dispute between the three on the other side of the screen.

"Is it all enough?"

Shimakatsu said coldly.

"Your Highness Uesugi, I need a reasonable explanation."

Uesugi Terutoro felt that her mouth was still acidic, and she subconsciously clutched her stomach, with a hint of kindness in her eyes.

"I want Takeda Shingen and her evil seeds to disappear from this world, and I want you to help me."

Yamanaka Yukimori and Shima Katsuki glanced at each other, and decisively bowed deeply to the screen together.

"Hi!" X2
The three Hime warriors who had skin-to-skin relationship with Shiba Yoshigin were already dazzled by anger, but Sanada Nobushige's weak voice came from a corner of the room.

"That child... I mean Takeda Shingen is indeed worthy of death, but that child is the blood of Jintaden, should we think about it again?"

The eyes of the three women were fixed at the same time, Yamanaka Yukimori and Shima Katsuo looked at Nobushige Sanada who was speaking at the same time, their eyes were as sharp as a sword.

Behind the screen came Uesugi Terutoro's indifferent voice.

"There has never been any evil species. The reason why the Takeda family was destroyed is because Takeda Shingen destroyed the righteousness of the Kanto without war.

The peacekeeping mechanism of the Kanto Servant is activated, and the Kanto Samurai will unite as one to eliminate the ugly Takeda Shingen.

Jin Duodian is busy these days, so he doesn't need to worry about this little matter.Isn't the new system of the Kanto Chamber of Commerce established to help Jindadian share the responsibility? "

The three people present understood what Uesugi Terutora meant. No wonder this one has been holding back, and now she has brought three people to reveal the truth. It turns out that she has been waiting for Shiba Yoshiyin to leave Kanto.

Yamanaka Yukimori and Shima Katsumo sized each other up, hiding it from Shiba Yoshigin?Don't let him know about the evil seed?Is this good?

The room fell silent for a moment, and after a while, Yukimori Yamanaka bowed slightly to the screen.

"His Royal Highness Uesugi, I hope this matter will stop here and no more people will know about it."

Uesugi Terutora snorted coldly.

"Don't worry, apart from me, only the three of you know about this matter. However, I don't know how many people in the Takeda family know about it."

Shimao Katsuki interjected.

"His Highness Uesugi said just now that Takeda Shingen violated the principle of peace in Kanto. May I ask what happened?"

Uesugi Terutora said.

"The Hojo Clan learned from within the Takeda family that Takeda Shingen had received an imperial letter from General Ashikaga, and planned to go to Luo after the spring plowing, attack the Tokugawa family, and participate in Nobunaga's siege.

The ten countries in the Kanto region are all territories under the direct control of the General of the Kanto region, and Kai is also among them.

Takeda Shingen didn't respect the imperial orders of General Kanto, but respected General Ashikaga's Imperial Letters, destroying the righteousness of Kanto without war, and his heart can be punished!

As long as she dares to raise troops to go to Luo, it is a violation of the imperial order of no war in the Kanto. The Standing Council of the Kanto Chamber of Commerce should immediately activate the peacekeeping mechanism and cooperate with me in using troops to crusade against the unjust Takeda! "

Uesugi Terutora's reason for using troops is actually very far-fetched.

Let’s not talk about whether the imperial order of no war in the Kanto applies to recent wars. Just because she used Takeda Shingen’s Shangluo as an excuse to directly send troops to crusade, it is already a crime of wanting to punish without teaching.

It stands to reason that even if Takeda Shingen violated the rules, the Kanto Chamberlain should send envoys to dissuade him, and the ceremony should be done first.

But Uesugi Terotora wanted to seize the opportunity of Takeda Shingen Shangluo and the empty territory of the Takeda family, and attack the Takeda family in one fell swoop. The three people present knew her true intentions.

That is to kill Takeda Shingen and her evil species before Shiba Yoshigin reacts, and uproot the Takeda family, turning the scandal of this evil species into a groundless rumor.

Sanada Nobushige sat up, wiped the blood from his mouth, and said.

"The high mountains in the Koshin Mountains are not so easy to fight. Even if the standing council is persuaded by the three of us and the Kanto servants fully support it, it will be difficult for you, Your Highness Uesugi, to quickly defeat Takeda."

Uesugi Terutora said coldly.

"That's my business, I'll ask you if you deserve to cooperate?"

Yamanaka Yukimori thought for a while and said.

"If the attack on Takeda will lead to a stalemate, and this matter will eventually be dragged to Junshang, then what's the point of us attacking the Takeda family?
It's better to let the king know the truth from the beginning and ask him to decide it himself. "

Uesugi Terutora was silent for a moment, then said.

"The Hojo clan has agreed to cooperate with me. When we enter the Takeda family's territory from Beixin and Nishi Ueno, the Hojo family will work together in the Suruga country to cut off the return route of Takeda Shingen."

Shimao Katsuki looked at the screen fiercely and asked.

"The Hojo family is a hungry wolf who can't get enough to feed. What conditions did His Highness Uesugi use in exchange for His Highness Hojo's cooperation?"

Uesugi Terutora said.

"I promised her that I will help the Hojo family gain a firm foothold in the Great Review. There will also be a non-permanent member of the next Standing Council, and I will support her."

Shimao shook his head violently.

"The Hojo family asked for too little, which is weird."

Uesugi Terutora said impatiently.

"I don't know what Hojo Shizheng is thinking, but she sent a letter of appointment written in her own handwriting, and the picture and seal letter on it can't be fake!
The Hojo family is also a big name now. If the Hojo clan government really wants to betray Takeda Shingen, then she will wait for us to take revenge.

Do you think she would do that for Takeda Shingen? "

Shimao Katsuo also thinks that the Hojo clan is not so stupid, but the Hojo clan is so diligent and proactive in helping, so Shimao Katsuo feels that there must be something strange in it.

A little bit of benefits from the Kanto servants bought the Hojo clan government?is it possible?The Hojo family has a big business, and the Hojo Clan's eyelids are not so shallow.

Perhaps, the Hojo clan wanted to seize the opportunity to seize the Suruga country?

(End of this chapter)

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