different warring states of japan

Chapter 1482 Distressed Akechi Mitsuhide

Chapter 1482 Distressed Akechi Mitsuhide
Yoshiyin never thought of defeating the Oda family and killing Oda Nobunaga, because he really couldn't do it.

Oda Nobunaga now owns a territory of three million koku. Not to mention the newly conquered territories in the periphery, the core of the Nobi Plain has a million koku. The innovation and centralization requested by Oda Nobunaga has already been completed.

Whether it is the economic power of Leshi Lezuo, the political suppression of the Wu family, or the military reform of the separation of peasants and soldiers, they are all on the right track.

Not to mention anything else, just the combination of long spear and iron cannon tactics taught by the female knight of the Southern Barbarians to the Oda family, coupled with the endless supplement of ashigaru personnel, Oda Nobunaga is invincible.

The depth of the territory of three million stones gave Oda Nobunaga enough confidence to be defeated without being defeated.The power transformed by innovation allowed Oda Nobunaga to quickly regain his vitality and pull up a new army.

How could Yiyin kill the Oda family?Just relying on those loose warrior alliances with different ideas in your own camp?Stop dreaming!
In the traditional samurai military system, the warrior Ji is the core.It takes at least ten years for a Ji warrior to be born, educated, and enter the battle in Yuanfu.

Without Ji Wushi as the backbone, the traditional samurai team would have no combat effectiveness.Warrior Ji is the core of the army, the root of the enfeoffment of territories, and the basis for the martial arts to rule the world.

The vassal group of the traditional samurai family, that is, the Ji warrior group, has suffered a devastating blow, and no matter how many territories it has, it will fall apart. Now the story of Chuan Yiyuan.

However, Oda Nobunaga broke the tradition, used a large number of ashigaru, and even created a pawn clan, allowing ashigaru to take on low-level samurai positions such as ashigaru head, replacing Ji Wushi as the backbone of the grassroots.

She has embarked on a new path that can rapidly increase her own strength without relying on Warrior Ji.Although it is only a small step, it has already burst out with great power.

This is not because the lord is lucky enough to enter one or two civilians by accident, making an exception to change the fate of a few people.Oda Nobunaga systematically improved the status of civilians and broke the military monopoly of the samurai.

This incident made the samurai group very angry and fearful, but it made the Oda family's military strength unique and strongest in the troubled times.

After all, civilians are like leeks in the field, crop after crop.It only takes three to six months for the Oda family to retrain a batch of spears and iron cannons, and their strength is not too bad.

As for Yiyin, how many Ji warriors could he afford to die?

There are sixty-six countries in the world, Shigao has [-] million people, and the population is [-] million. The Wu family group has only [-] to [-] million people.

Excluding men and children, even including the old and young, there will not be more than [-] or [-] Ji warriors who can go into battle.

With the iron cannon, a southern barbarian weapon, coupled with a super-long spear, the ashigaru, who was born as a commoner, already has the possibility of confronting the Ji samurai who has received [-] years of samurai education.

Although four or five ashigaru might not be able to fight a well-trained Ji warrior, the two sides fought in formation, and the long guns and iron cannons were enough to make up for the weakness of ashigaru in combat strength, and there was also the advantage of population.

The Oda family can afford to die in ashigaru, at worst, if they stick to it for half a year, another group of troops will emerge.

What about Shiba's house?Can Yiyin's appeal make the Samurai family risk their family fortune and fight for their lives with the Oda family again and again?

It's hard to beat Oda Nobunaga, but Yoshigin can at least try.But to forcibly eliminate the Oda family with a mature innovation system, I am afraid that Oda Nobunaga will push back in the end and use the crowd tactics to kill him alive.

Yoshiyin has a clear understanding of this point, and Akechi Mitsuhide also praised Yoshiyin for having such a clear understanding.

The only weakness of the Oda family is their death and internal collapse.

Oda Nobunaga's innovation is not popular, and the Oda vassal group is also very disgusted as a samurai group.But Oda Nobunaga is too strong, and the Oda retainers can't resist, they can only endure.

If one day, Oda Nobunaga suddenly dies unexpectedly, what will be the future of the Oda family?
Innovation has been difficult since ancient times. Without the persistence of several generations, the fire of innovation will be extinguished at any time due to the counterattack of conservatives.

During the Warring States period, all countries were seeking to reform and strengthen the country, and only the Qin State persisted in the end, and only the survivors of Qin Shihuang Fen VI unified the six countries.

Akechi Mitsuhide secretly glanced at the master, Oda Nobunaga doesn't even have a child now, and he doesn't touch his husband Nokun, his mind is only thinking of conquering Shiba Yoshigin.

If Oda Nobunaga died suddenly, the Oda family's seemingly invincible situation would collapse in an instant, and the Oda retainers might divide their luggage and return to their respective Gao Laozhuang.

Unless the Oda retainer group produces another outstanding genius who inherits Oda Nobunaga's ambition and unifies the princesses again, how is that possible?
Akechi Mitsuhide said solemnly.

"Your Majesty, His Highness Oda has never forgotten you, even a blind person can see his subjugation. She is also longing for a big battle to completely conquer you.

The Shiba Oda battle can be a life-and-death battle.But I hope you will allow me to go to the Oda family to turn this battle into a dignified battle between the nobles.

Just as Oda Nobunaga longed to become the elder of the Taira family, he wanted to marry you to complete the confluence of Genpei.We might as well give her this fantasy, and let her rest in peace waiting for you to gather an army and fight against it.

As long as His Royal Highness Oda thinks that this battle is to conquer your body and mind once and for all, then she will sit and watch you gather your army, set up an array to fight with you, hoping to defeat you on the battlefield.

In this way, both you and the world are in her pocket. "

Yi Yin raised his eyebrows, Akechi Mitsuhide is full of bad things, really shameless.

"Will Oda Nobunaga agree?"

Akechi Mitsuhide said solemnly.

"Oda Nobunaga has always had fear and desire for you in his heart.

A peerless overlord like her who is extremely confident and wants to unify the world will definitely want to win you on the battlefield to prove her majesty.

Whether as a political opponent or an emotional opponent, she hopes to completely beat you. . "

Akechi Mitsuhide didn't continue, because Yi Yin had already signaled her to stop, and he understood.

Yoshigin glanced at the well-behaved Rena in his arms, and at Masanobu Kosaka who was looking strange, and couldn't help sighing.

What the hell is this life of my own, a blue-faced disaster?Embarrassed by Oda Nobunaga's inexplicable desire to conquer, Yoshigin's anger gradually turned into embarrassment.

He walked past Mitsuhide Akechi with the child in his arms, and walked out of the meeting hall.

"Akechi Mitsuhide."


"Do as you wish."


Yiyin left with the child, and Akechi Mitsuhide didn't look at the people around him, picked up Takahashi Husong's head, and walked out of the meeting hall.

Quickly walking out of the atrium, Akechi Mitsuhide grabbed a follower and said in a deep voice.

"Call Fujibayashi Muku to see me, immediately! Immediately!"


I have heard a lot about the mountain city, and I am wise in the inner room of the courtyard.

Akechi Mitsuhide said solemnly to Fujibayashi Muku who hurried over.

"I need information on Kanto.

First, the matter of Rena, the young master of Takeda.Second, the current situation of Uesugi's family governor, Teritoro.

When I go to Azuchi City and return to Kyoto, the information should be on my case, the more detailed the better! "

Fujibayashi Muku was taken aback.

The Kanto affairs of the secrecy group are in the hands of Saizo Kirigakure, who is a disciple of the San Taifu of the Hundred Lands, not the Fujibayashi family.It may not be easy to quickly obtain real and detailed information on the Kanto region.

Seeing Fujibayashi Muku not speaking, Akechi Mitsuhide said irritably.

"Is there a problem?"

Fujibayashi Muku hesitated and bowed.


Although he didn't know what happened, but seeing Akechi Mitsuhide's mood was so bad this time, Fujibayashi Muru didn't want to make trouble.

Although Kirigakure Saizo is a disciple of the San Taifu of the Hundred Lands, he is already at the level of Jonin and has formed his own line in Kanto.Fujibayashi Muku asked to share information through official channels, and she should not refuse.

Moreover, Fujibayashi Muku sensed from Akechi Mitsuhide's attitude that something serious must have happened to Shiba's family.

In the face of real military and political affairs, Kirigakure Saizo did not dare to conceal information, and refused to provide it to the wise Mitsuhide faction in charge of foreign affairs.

Although the secrecy group is divided into the Hyakuji faction and the Fujibayashi faction, they are all loyal dogs raised by Shiba Yoshigin, and Kirigakure Saizo will be able to tell the difference.

Waving his hand to signal Fujibayashi Muku to go to work quickly, the irritability in Akechi Mitsuhide's heart not only did not weaken, but became more intense.

In the wooden box on the document was the head of Gaoqiao Husong, which had been pickled with lime, and her body was in the coffin outside the door.

To deal with Oda Nobunaga, Akechi Mitsuhide still has some confidence in his heart.As long as Oda Nobunaga does not let go of his obsession with Shiba Yoshigin, Akechi Mitsuhide has the confidence to continue dealing with Oda Nobunaga.

What really disturbed Akechi Mitsuhide was the Kanto incident.

Over the years, Akechi Mitsuhide has been focusing on recent affairs, ignoring the Kanto affairs. He did not expect that he would fall into the Kanto accident today.

The strategy of keeping a low profile and biding our time is definitely over, and Oda Nobunaga is nothing more than biting the bullet and fooling around.But the matter of Takeda Rena made Akechi Mitsuhide very disturbed.

Shiba Yoshigin was in a hurry and was in a hurry. He obviously ignored many logical details, but Akechi Mitsuhide grasped it sensitively.

Although Akechi Mitsuhide didn't know how Takeda Shingen gave birth to the lord's child, it was unnatural for Uesugi Terutora and the Kanto Servant to attack the Takeda family without telling the lord.

Akechi Mitsuhide is not worried that Uesugi Terutora is crazy because of love, she is worried about Uesugi Terutora her. .Did you also have a child of the lord?

It's not a problem for Esper Yoshigin to hate Takeda Shingen.But if Terutora Uesugi was fighting for the future for his own children, Mitsuhide Akechi's scalp would be completely numb.

Seeing that the strategy of keeping a low profile and biding our time has come to an end, has the strategy of dove occupying the magpie's nest also failed?
Yukimori Yamanaka, Katsumo Shima, you useless things!Don't think that I don't know that you have all climbed into the bed of the lord, but why are your stomachs so unbearable!
How did Uesugi Takeda, such a powerful foreign domain, get the seeds and give birth to a child?
if. .if. .What the hell. .The strategy of the dove occupying the magpie's nest has turned into the annexation of Shiba's family by foreign domains. What face does Akechi Mitsuhide have to continue berating Fang Qiu in front of the lord, pretentious?
The more he thought about it, the more frightened he became. Akechi Mitsuhide wished he could grow wings and fly to Kasuga Mountain City in Echigo Country to see it with his own eyes before he could feel at ease.

But at this time, feeling powerless, she could only ponder how to deal with Oda Nobunaga while anxiously waiting for Fujibayashi Muku's information.


Azuchi Castle, Castle Tower.

Oda Nobunaga looked at the dead head of Takahashi Toramatsu in the wooden box, and he didn't fly into a rage at the first moment, but he couldn't recover.

It may be because Yoshihiro Shiba has been forbearing in the past few years, or it may be that the wind has been too smooth recently, and this sharp slap was caused by Oda Nobunaga.

Oda Nobunaga's eyes flicked back and forth three times between Takahashi Toramatsu's head and Akechi Mitsuhide's elegant smile, and a surge of anger surged from the bottom of his heart to his forehead.

"How brave!"

Oda Nobunaga took down the sword from the knife rack beside him, and drew it to chop off at Akechi Mitsuhide's neck.Akechi Mitsuhide was always looking into her eyes, with a look of generosity.

In the end, Oda Nobunaga's mind flashed Shiba Yoshigin's handsome face, and the knife still failed to cut off.

She didn't understand, what was Yoshihiko Shibo thinking?Doesn't he know the consequences of killing Takahashi Husong?Why did he break with himself so relentlessly?

Of course, Oda Nobunaga couldn't kill Akechi Mitsuhide before he figured out his question.She barely held back her anger, put the knife on Akechi Mitsuhide's neck, and sternly reprimanded him.

"Bastard! Do you really think I dare not kill you!"

Akechi Mitsuhide felt relieved.

What she was most worried about was that Oda Nobunaga's eyes turned red and he would kill people first regardless.Then even if she is eloquent, she can only die aggrieved.

Since Oda Nobunaga behaved fiercely, it means that he has not lost his mind and is willing to give a chance to speak. Akechi Mitsuhide knows that he will not die.

But on the surface, Akechi Mitsuhide is a sad smile that life is boring and he doesn't want to live.

"Your Highness Oda, please kill me.

You entrusted me to persuade Jindadian, but I failed to do it well. Takahashi Husong, who was with him, made insulting remarks and was killed by Jindadian in anger.

There is no hope for the confluence of Genpei, Shiba Oda will have a big battle.The world is in turmoil, and the most hopeful is to work together to calm the troubled times. The two heroes who ushered in a new era are about to draw their swords against each other.

It is difficult for me, Mitsuhide, to realize my ambition in life, and I have nothing to love in life, so I beg you to give me a good time! "

Seeing Akechi Mitsuhide's heartbroken, life would be better than death, Oda Nobunaga was at a loss.

She didn't notice that Akechi Mitsuhide described himself as a lobbyist of the Oda family and Takahashi Husong as a follower, and was already secretly changing the concept.

Looking forward to Akechi Mitsuhide's trip, and waiting for Shiba Yoshigin's cooperative reply, Oda Nobunaga, who is eager to expel Ashikaga Yoshiaki and wholeheartedly builds his own Oda Gongyi, is really confused.

Akechi Mitsuhide is the Shiba Shigemin who is closest to the Oda family, and also the relative cousin of Oda Nobunaga's husband, Nokun. In the past two years, he has helped Oda Nobunaga to ease many recent political conflicts.

Even at the critical moment of Kanazaki's retreat, Akechi Mitsuhide asked Kuchiki's family to help lead the way, and quickly returned to Kyoto with Oda Nobunaga from the trail.

To be honest, Oda Nobunaga wanted to reuse Akechi Mitsuhide.Akechi Mitsuhide was a fanatical supporter of the Shiba-Oda Confluence, and later he further proposed the idea of ​​the Genpei Confluence.

Although Oda Nobunaga is dubious about her, he still hopes that she can really persuade Yoshiyin to marry Bai Fushuai and reach the pinnacle of life.

Seeing that Akechi Mitsuhide wanted to die with all his heart, Oda Nobunaga was even more numb and couldn't use the knife anymore.

What kind of taboo did Takahashi Toramatsu commit so that the generous and benevolent Shiba Yoshiyin, regardless of Oda Nobunaga's face, hacked him to death?

Oda Nobunaga's heart was like countless ants crawling repeatedly, so manic that he felt uncomfortable.

She ruthlessly threw the knife in her hand, stabbing it into the tatami beside her and shaking it from side to side.Then sit back on your main seat, take two deep breaths, and calm down.

"Tell me! What's going on!"

Akechi Mitsuhide hehe in his heart.

The more he doesn't say anything, the more Oda Nobunaga becomes suspicious, and he is reluctant to kill himself, the bridge of Oda Shiba's communication and the tool to realize the merger of the two.

As long as Oda Nobunaga still covets Shiba Yoshigin in his heart, Akechi Mitsuhide's unique value is still there, and he can continue to jump left and right.

Seeing that Oda Nobunaga calmed down, Akechi Mitsuhide got rid of the hidden danger of being impulsively killed, he also let out a deep breath and said sadly.

"This time I went to Duowen Mountain City, Jin Duo Hall made things difficult for me, I was very puzzled.

Takahashi Husong is young and impatient, relying on your surname status, he uttered wild words over me and disrespected Jin Dadian.

Before I could react, Jin Dadian had already signaled Gamo Clan to kill her with a single knife, not giving her a chance to save her. "

Oda Nobunaga was even more puzzled, she asked.

"Jin Duodian is not a violent person. What happened? Where is Takeda's hostess? Did she arrive at Duowen Mountain City first, or did you arrive first?"

Akechi Mitsuhide sighed.

"Wisdom is no more than Oda Nobunaga. Takeda Zhinv did have a meal earlier than me. It was at that time that Jindadian changed his attitude towards you."

Akechi Mitsuhide kept hinting that he was subtly telling Oda Nobunaga that the Genpei merger was originally a joke, but Yoshigin's attitude suddenly changed.

Oda Nobunaga was restless after hearing these words, she tapped the tatami impatiently with the paper fan and shouted.

"Stop talking nonsense! What the hell is going on!"

Akechi Mitsuhide's expression darkened.

"Takeda's daughter is named Reina, she looks two or three years old, and the Takeda family calls her an abandoned baby and adopted daughter, but she is actually the biological flesh and blood of His Highness Takeda and Tsutaden."


(End of this chapter)

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