different warring states of japan

Chapter 1483 Uesugi Miyuki Comes into the World

Chapter 1483 Uesugi Miyuki Comes into the World

Let's not listen to Akechi Mitsuhide's eloquent tongue, how he uttered nonsense in front of Oda Nobunaga whose face was turning green.In fact, she didn't know what to do in her heart, and she didn't know how Takeda Rena came out.

It was this Takeda hostess who came from the Kanto all of a sudden, and instantly set off a turbulent sea, causing a big hole in the strategy of keeping a low profile that was about to be completed step by step.

Maybe even Takeda Shingen himself didn't expect that the trump card of his daughter would have such great power.

Yoshihiko Shiba had endured this group of medieval idiots for too long, and at the moment he saw his own flesh and blood, old and new grudges welled up in his heart, and no one could stop him from expressing his father's love.

Yiyin angrily beheaded Zhitian's surname, and became his daughter in a rage. In recent days, Sibo led a strong mobilization to prepare for Shangluo, and the whole recent few days were dumbfounded.

At the same time, the letter sent by Yoshihiro to Kanto, along with the Hokuriku Road trade route to Echigo country, also set off a new political storm in Kanto.


At the turn of spring and summer, Kasuga Yamashiro Residence, Honjo Shino and Naoe Ketsuna stood in the courtyard, sweating profusely.

In the early hours of this morning, Uesugi suddenly felt severe pain in his abdomen, and his amniotic fluid broke.

It was a good day, and Uesugi Terutora, who knew that the child was about to be born, had actually already ordered everything.But the hardships of having a child are still beyond her imagination.

A few steady women were busy inside, and pots of hot water were brought into the house, which turned into pots of blood and came out. Honjo Shino and Naoe Jingzuna, who were guarding the perimeter with soldiers, were sweating coldly.

Is it so difficult to have a baby?It's not that Warrior Ji has never given birth to a child. When has he seen such a painful scene?

They couldn't understand that the combination of Yoshihiko Shiba's seeds from the male world and the female world was unexpectedly intense.

Takeda Shingen was also tortured to death, and he couldn't breathe for more than half a year.Today, it's Uesugi's turn to experience this feeling.

Uesugi Terutora was howling inside, and the two were anxious outside.

In recent days, Shiba Yoshiyin's urgent delivery has come, and they must let Uesugi Terotora know as soon as possible that the Takeda attack by the Uesugi family and the Kanto Office has aroused Shiba Yoshiyin's extreme anger.

But now, the two of them are even more afraid that something will happen to Terutor Uesugi.When did the little thing of giving birth become so dangerous?Could it be that Yoshihiko Shiba's seed is so insane?

Uesugi Terotora has been pregnant since early autumn last year, and until now, has been hiding it from the outside world.Not only Shiba Yoshigin didn't know about it, but few of Uesugi's retainers knew about it.

Shino Honjo and Ketsuna Naoe were afraid that Terutora Uesugi would die in childbirth like this, and the Uesugi family would really be in chaos.

Fortunately, their torment was finally over. There was a loud cry of a baby, followed by a cry of joy from Granny Wen.

"Great joy! Great joy!"

Honjo couldn't resist stepping into the room, followed by Naoe Ketsuna.

A huge screen is erected in the room, lest the outside wind blow to the body of the parturient and cause discomfort.

The two walked around the screen, only to see Terotora Uesugi in a state of distress as if fished out of the water, and the girls were carefully wiping her sweat.

Although Uesugi Terutoro looked sluggish, his life did not seem to be in danger, and the two finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Naoe Ketsuna stepped forward, knelt beside Terutora Uesugi's bed, and said in a low voice.

"Your Highness, something serious has happened. Recently, there has been an urgent letter from Jin Duo Dian."

Uesugi Terutora glanced at her, ignored her, and said weakly to Wenpo.

"Show me my baby."

The steady lady stepped forward cautiously, lowered her body by half, and brought the child in her arms to Uesugi Terutoro.

Uesugi Terutora frowned and said.

"Why does it look like a little monkey, it's so wrinkled and ugly."

Ben Zhuang also came up together and said with a smile.

"Your Highness, babies are born like this. It will look better after a few days."

Uesugi Terutora nodded slightly and asked.

"Is it female or male?"

The stable woman said in a low voice.

"Return to Your Highness, it's a princess."

Uesugi Terutoro looked at the child with tender eyes, as if there was nothing more important in this world than this child.

"Daughter... let's call her Miyuki.

After all, the first time I met his father was when I arrived in Japan in the middle of winter, before the heavy snow on the Hokuriku Road closed the road.

That is really a lot of snow, such a beautiful person. "

Naoe Ketsuna and Honjo Mino had the same expression on their faces, they looked at each other, they thought the same thing without saying a word.

At this moment, Uesugi Terutora suddenly asked.

"Boss Naoe, what did you want to say just now?"

Naoe Ketsuna replied with a serious face.

"A letter from Jin Duo Temple, full of anger."

Uesugi Terutora twitched the corner of his mouth.

"tell me the story."

Naoe Ketsuna recounted Yoshigin's letter written by Gamo's township, with strong words, and said worriedly.

"Your Highness, the Guandong Chamberlain should have also received a letter from Jindadian. The matter has come to this point, and it seems that the Takeda Conquest cannot continue."

Uesugi Terutoro's eyes were a little lax, and he didn't know whether it was exhaustion or disappointment.

"Takeda Shingen acted resolutely, I didn't expect her to send the child to Duomen Mountain City so quickly, and there was no delay in taking the sea route.

She really understands Yoshigin Shiba too much, too much, this bastard. "

Uesugi Terutoro slowly closed his eyes, as if he was so tired that he couldn't help falling asleep.

Ben Zhuang actually asked in a low voice.

"Your Highness, what shall we do now?"

Uesugi Terutora chanted in a low voice.

"Pianpian handsome young man, met him at first sight in Kyoto. Thousands of miles ups and downs without hesitation, he became a beauty in anger.

He really cared about the evil of the Takeda family, and he even blamed me for that bastard that shouldn't exist.He is right, he has done too much for me, I do not know good from bad.

Haha, it’s because I don’t know what’s good or bad, hahaha. "

In Uesugi Terutoro's closed eyes, a tear slowly seeped out, and slowly slipped from the corner of the eye to the side of the ear.

Neither Naoe Ketsuna nor Honjo Shino dared to ask any more questions, but just bowed their heads in silence.

This matter is not about Shiba Yoshigin, Takeda Shingen, and Uesugi Terutora, the personal emotional issues of a man, two women and two children, but involves the future of Shiba Takeda and Uesugi's three powerful vassals in the world.

Although Shiba Yoshigin is a widow, he and Ashikaga Yoshiki have no bridal chamber, let alone an heir to inherit the huge family business of the Shiba family.

Whether it is the crystallization of Uesugi Terutoro's self-proclaimed love, or the seed that Takeda Shingen forced Yoshihiro to obtain, they are essentially illegitimate daughters.

The Shiba family is extinct, leaving only Shiba Yoshigin as the only child. These two children may be involved in the inheritance of the Shiba family. Who would dare to talk nonsense.

The Shibo family is the ancestor of Ashikaga who changed her husband, and the heirs were demoted from the descendants to the concubines.In terms of family status, the noble lineage of the Shibozong family is second only to the Ashikaga family.

And Shiba Yoshigin, a samurai man, revived the Shiba family, which can be called a miracle.

The Kai Takeda family inherited Kai, a well-known Genji family, and the Yamauchi Uesugi family inherited the Kanto ruler, and was the second largest person in Kanto. The bloodlines of these two families are not weak.

Yoshiyin Shiba, who has his own flesh and blood, will definitely not choose the route of adopting a daughter to inherit. The coveted power of the Shiba family may really be cheaper than the Takeda family or the Uesugi family.

Not to mention, the mothers of these two children are all famous martial arts heroes in the world, and they are powerful and famous. They naturally have to think about the future for their children.

Uesugi Terutora dropped out of the Kanto Office to send troops to attack Takeda Shingen's superior situation, and it seemed that success was on the verge of failure. A few letters from Shiba Yoshikin were enough to make those in the Kanto Office change course.

Takeda Shingen was indeed resourceful. When he found out that he was under siege just now, he immediately sent his daughter to Shiba Yoshigin, so that the siege on the Kanto side ended without a problem.

With the fact that Uesugi Terutoro gave birth to a daughter exposed, the people in the Kanto Waiter will not go to the thunder for Uesugi Terutoro.As long as you are not a fool, you should understand the reason why Uesugi Terutoro wants to kill the Takeda family.

The dispute between the two illegitimate daughters is too involved, even noble officials like Naoe Ketsuna and Honjo Minano dare not talk too much, and can only wait for Uesugi Terutora to make a decisive decision.

They just knelt and sat beside Uesugi Terutor's bed, watching the girls rushing in and out, cleaning Uesugi Terutor's body, changing clothes, and feeding rice soup.

I don't know how long it took, but the child started crying again, Wen Po said in a low voice.

"Your Highness, Your Highness is hungry."

Uesugi Terutora opened his eyes and looked at the child carefully, and then said to the two important ministers who were waiting.

"Find me a Daoist Goni. It must be Shingon sect. I want to become a monk and practice."

The two were taken aback, Uesugi Terutora is going to become a monk?Must also be a Shingon sect?By the way, Shiba Yoshigin is the Shingon sect who entered the Tao.

Benzhuang actually asked.

"What is the meaning of this, Your Highness?"

Uesugi Terutora said lightly.

"Back then, I had an appointment with him. If he had no fate with me, I would become a monk and use his Dharma name of Qianxin to spend the rest of my life alone.

He wants to break his friendship with me for Takeda Shingen and her evil seed.good very good.

Since he can be so heartless, why should I be obsessed with it.Today I have Miyuki, and I have another sustenance in my heart. I will no longer be attached to love, so I will enter the Shingon sect and fulfill the oath of the year.

Write a letter to Yoshihiro Shiba for me, telling him that I met an abandoned baby girl on my way out today and decided to adopt her as an adopted daughter, named Uesugi Miyuki.

I will establish Uesugi Miyuki as the successor, enter the Shingon sect, and become a monk.From then on, I became Kenshin Uesugi Terotora.

Didn't he, Sibo Yiyin, want to break up with me and go our separate ways?Let him figure it out, I, Uesugi Kenshin, no, yes, care! "

Seemingly exhausting her last strength, Uesugi Terutoro didn't want to talk any more, she waved her hand to signal the two important ministers to leave, and asked Wen Po to bring the child closer to feed Nao.

Naoe Keizuna and Honjo Minato walked out of the room in confusion, looking at each other.

This is also called not caring?

Using Shiba Yoshigin's legal name, follow the old path of Takeda Shingen.Picking up an abandoned baby and making a young master are all excuses that Takeda Shingen used when he gave birth to Takeda Rena.

Just spread it out like this, can Shibo Yoshihiro not know that Uesugi Miyuki is his seed?The whole world will know that Uesugi Miyuki is Shiba Yoshigin's seed!
Uesugi Terutora. .No, if she wants to call Uesugi Kenshin now, she almost pastes the words love and hate on the letter and draws it on Shibo Yoshihiro's face.

You Shiba Yoshigin dared to yell at me for the sake of the evil son of the Takeda family, what a coincidence, I also have your daughter here now, what are you planning to do without warning?
Come, let me see and see!

The two old ministers shook their heads. They didn't dare to judge this matter. The love between their children is irrational. God knows what will happen in the end.

Benzhuang really hesitated and asked.

"Master Naoe, what should I do with the letter His Highness wants us to send?"

Naoe Ketsuna sighed.

"It's better for me to write for His Highness, and attach a letter of greetings from me by the way, I just hope that Jin Duo Palace will not be impulsive.

Shiba Uesugi made an alliance, watched and helped each other, and loved each other more than gold. If this really fell out, it would be of no benefit to anyone. "

Naoe Ketsuna's words sounded weird, but Honjo Mino nodded seriously, approving.

Terutora Uesugi gave half of the Echigo Kingdom to Yoshihiro Shiba, and he was extremely generous. There were also resentful people among Uesugi's retainers back then.

But today is different from the past. Over the past four or five years, the life of the Echigo Samurai family has become better and better, and it is inseparable from Shiba Yoshiyin's business management.

To be honest, in addition to being a good fighter, Uesugi Terutora is just a passable wall-pasting level when it comes to internal affairs and economy.

Had it not been for Shiba Yoshiyin to sort out the internal affairs for her, coordinate the conflicts between the upper, lower, and lower parts of the country, and develop the interests of the Hokuriku Road trade route, the Echigo Samurai Group would have been blown up.

The Echigo samurai family is getting better and better as the days go by. Who wants to see the Shiba Uesugi family turn their faces, the Echigo duopolitical structure breaks down, and everyone returns to the precarious old samsara?
Moreover, Uesugi Terutora gave birth to Shiba Yoshiyin's daughter, the biggest hidden danger of Echigo's duopolitics, and the long-term stability of the relationship between the two parties seems to have a good solution, let alone break up.

Ben Zhuang actually nodded.

"It's so good. I'm going to trouble my lord for your hard work. I will cooperate with all my strength so as not to cause any bad misunderstandings."

Uesugi Terutoro is angry, but Uesugi's retainers can't follow their emotions. Honjo really only hopes that Shiba Yoshigin can coax his arrogant lord.

Come to think of it, Shiba Yoshigin cared so much about the daughter who was forced and humiliated by Takeda Shingen. His own lord, the daughter who was born in love, would not harden his heart and not care, would he?

Honjo Shino is the number one boss of Uesugi Naotomi's side of the Bannermoto faction, Uesugi Kenshin's most trusted mentor and friend, and Honjo Shino will guard Kasugayama Castle for her every time she goes out to battle.

Kasugayama Castle is the core of the Kamigoda Plain, which is the foundation of the Nagao family in Fuchu. Uesugi Kenshin is willing to hand over Honjo Mino to take care of it, which shows how much trust he has in her.

Honjo Shino stated in front of Naoe Ketsuna that he would try his best to ease the differences between Shiba Uesugi and reject the political split of the Echigo duo. Naoe Ketsuna was also relieved.

Naoe Ketsuna and Naoe Kanesuke's mother-in-law and daughter-in-law are the pro-Shiba faction of Uesugi's retainer group. They have made a lot of profits from managing Naoe Tsuki, and have a deep relationship with the Shiba family.

The Echigo duopolitical structure of the Shiba Uesugi family is very important to the stability of the Echigo samurai group, and it is the fundamental interest of the Naoe family's prosperity.

Of course, Naoe Ketsuna didn't want to see the two lords parting ways, but Uesugi Terutora's temper was already strong, and now he was angry again, and it was absolutely impossible to give in.

That can only be eased from Shiba Yoshigin's side. It is more convenient for Naoe Ketsuna, Uesugi's important minister who is pro-Shiba, to write a letter to communicate with Shiba Yoshigin.

(End of this chapter)

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