different warring states of japan

Chapter 1485 Warring States Edition The Tale of Genji

Chapter 1485 Warring States Edition The Tale of Genji

Okuma Asohide controls the monastery office, and Sanada Nobushige's Nishi Ueno souvenirs are going to be in foreign trade, and dealing with the monastery office is indispensable.

If Da Xiong Chaoxiu was really annoyed, just mess with these mountain monkeys, and it would be impossible to transport the rotten local products of Nishi Ueno directly.

Nobushige Sanada was not afraid of Okuma Asohide's faint threats, she grinned.

"Big Xiong Ji, don't scare me, you know that people in the mountains are straight-minded and don't listen to oblique words.

The benefits of dried matsutake and kapok cloth are what Jun Shang personally promised me to subsidize the self-reliance of the poor warriors in the mountains.

If you cut off the mountain people's way of life, I don't guarantee that they will obediently wait to starve to death.At that time, I am afraid that you, the chief of the enforcement office, may not be able to shoulder this responsibility. "

Da Xiong Chaoxiu was trembling with anger, but she really didn't dare to speak harshly again.

Nobushige Sanada is right, the mountain people are rebellious, and the mountain samurai family is so poor that they have only one life left.These guys are all desperadoes, and they are the most capable of fighting in the Kanto servants.

The mountain people finally had enough to eat for a few days. If Da Xiong Chaoxiu really blocked their money-making channels secretly, these people would not know how to behave aggrievedly.

If someone came to the execution office with a knife and killed him, Da Xiong Chaoxiu would also be terrified.

Daxiong Chaoxiu's subordinates, eat and drink well and wear good shoes, really don't want to fight these barefoot rascals desperately.

She just threatened Nobushige Sanada, but she didn't expect Nobushige Sanada's retorted threat to be more weighty, which immediately made her face ashamed.

Daxiong Chaoxiu snorted a few times and changed his reason.

"You said you were implementing the resolution of the Standing Council, well, we will abolish this resolution today!"

Nobushige Sanada raised his eyebrows and said coldly.

"Big Bear Hime, you personally cannot represent the Standing Council, I disagree!"

Da Xiong Chaoxiu was so angry that her heart was beating wildly, she forced herself to take a few deep breaths, and decided not to talk nonsense with this idiot, she looked at the rest of them.

Ogasawara and Oda Ujiji looked away for a long time, and Okuma Chaoxiu also knew that these two fools would not express their opinions first, but would definitely follow the trend and finally express their opinions.

Their strength is low, and everyone knows that they are just background boards.In the future, if the Lord really wants to pursue it, they will cry miserably and be subdued. The Lord is benevolent and righteous, and he will not make things difficult for them.

It is Yukimori Yamanaka and Katsumo Shima who can decide the direction of the Okuma Sanada battle.

Da Xiong Chaoxiu looked at the two of them and said in a stiff tone.

"Yamanakahime, Shimahime, your lord's letter is here, please express your opinion."

Da Xiong Chaoxiu didn't want to talk nonsense with these two bastards who cheated him. With Shiba Yoshiyin's letter in front of them, if they were still stubborn, Da Xiong Chaoxiu would immediately write a letter and make a small report.

She figured it out, Yamanaka Yukimori, Shima Katsumo, and Sanada Nobushige, these three are in the same group!

As long as they continue to mess around, Okuma Asohide will be able to pull himself out of the vortex after today's performance, as well as Ogasawara Nagato and Oda Ujiji's testimony.

Go back and write a letter to the king to inform you, and explain clearly the ugly behavior of the three people who refused to obey the discipline and disobeyed the king.

I believe that the emperor is wise and will not embarrass himself, a loyal veteran.The wrong has its head, the debt has its owner, and the king is unhappy, so go ahead and find these three bastards to settle the score.

Daxiong Chaoxiu's calculations were crackling, but everyone was not a fool, and they saw her thoughts like a mirror.

Sanada Nobushige bowed slightly to Yamanaka Yukimori and Shima Katsumo, and said solemnly.

"You two, don't forget what Your Majesty suffered in Yantian City.

Some people just want to keep their position and don't know what true loyalty is.But you are different, you are the most caring and caring people for your majesty.

There is a cloud in the heavens, those who are ministers, the emperor worries about the labor of the ministers, and the emperor humiliates the ministers to death.I believe the two of you must understand this truth. "

Okuma Asohide and Sanada Nobushige glanced at each other, their eyes intersected like lightning, and then looked at Yamanaka Yukimori and Shima Katsumo together to see what they had to say.

Ogasawara huddled with Oda Shiji for a long time, wishing that he could disappear on the spot.Takeda's conquest involved the blood of Yoshihiro Shiba's son, and they didn't want to get involved in this messy situation.

The scene was terribly silent, and at the stall where the atmosphere was getting more and more tense, there was a rush of footsteps outside the door, and then a knock on the door.

Yamanaka Yukimori, as the deacon of the Kanto Service Office and the host of the Standing Council, frowned and shouted.

"The Standing Council is holding an emergency review, please don't interrupt!"

The person outside the door said frankly.

"My lord in the mountain, there is news from Chunri Mountain City."

Yukimori Yamanaka and Katsumo Shima were both shocked.

Uesugi Terutora of Kasugayama Castle had not moved before, so they asked Kirigakure Saizo to help keep an eye on Kasugayama Castle, and asked to report the situation as soon as possible without delay.

The Kanto part of the secrecy team is in the hands of Kirigard Saizo. Before Shiba Yoshihiro left, he also ordered Kirigard Saizo to help the Standing Council as appropriate.

Therefore, Kiriga Kaizo agreed to help them watch the movement of Kasuga Mountain City.

Unexpectedly, at the critical moment of the decision of the standing council, Kasuga Yamashiro responded.

Yamanaka Yukimori glanced at the five people in the audience, remained silent for a while, and said.

"come in."

The sliding door was opened a little, and the person who appeared was Kirigakure. She saluted the six people, and the six people returned the salute slightly.

Although Kirigakure Saizo is only a Jōnin, she is a samurai with knowledge and knowledge, and she is also the leader of the intelligence agency directly under Yoshihiro.

Beating a dog depends on the owner. Although the six are honorable directors, there is no harm in giving Kirigakure a little respect.

After saluting each other, Yamanaka Yukimori asked.

"What's going on in Chunri Mountain City?"

Kirigakure said.

"Early this morning, the letter from Jindadian was sent to Kasuga Mountain City.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, news spread from the city.It is said that His Royal Highness Uesugi picked up an abandoned baby girl on the side of the road today, and decided to adopt her as an adopted daughter, named Uesugi Miyuki, and made her the heir of the Uesugi family.

In addition, His Royal Highness Uesugi decided to become a monk. He will invite Shingon Zong Gaoni to preside over the ceremony in the near future.

It's important for all the directors to comment, and Wu Yin didn't dare to disturb him, so he resigned first. "

From the beginning to the end, Kirigakure Saizo didn't even enter the door, and just closed the door and ran away after speaking.

She is the leader of the intelligence agency, and she knows only a lot more than the six directors in it.

Takeda Shingen put the matter of Shiba's heirs on the table, and Uesugi Kenshin is also not to be outdone.Kirigakure Saizo didn't dare to interfere at all, and ran away after doing his part, not slippery.

Takeda Rena's identity and Uesugi Miyuki's identity are all obvious.

Recently, San Taifu of Baidi and Fujibayashi Sakura came over letter after letter asking for assistance, wanting all kinds of information, and in a hurry.

Kirigaki realized that there must be a lot of trouble recently, and she didn't care about the factional strife within the secrecy team, so she gave everything that should be given.

In addition to Shiba Yoshigin, there must be many important officials of the Shiba family who want to obtain information. Their intelligence authority is different, but it is not Kirigakure's turn to hide and worry about the distribution of information.

The three princes of the hundred lands are in the near future, and it must be very embarrassing now.As for Fujibayashi Muku, Kirigakure didn't dare to think too much about it, so she just gave it, and her authority was enough anyway.

Wuyin just hid and ran away, leaving the six directors in the room looking at each other.

From the moment Takeda Rena arrived at Duomensanjo, everyone knew that this child was Shiba Yoshigin's seed, and Takeda Shingen's blindfolded tricks back then would naturally fail.

But today, Uesugi Terutoro did the same painting again, and played it extremely impetuously, lest others would not notice it.

In the morning, the whole process of adopting and becoming a monk was completed, and a dharma name of Qianxin was given.Everyone in the world knows that Kenshin is Shiba Yoshigin's dharma name!

Yamanaka Yukumi, Shima Katsuo, and Sanada Nobushige's faces were particularly ugly. The doubts hidden in their hearts were finally confirmed.

Uesugi Kenshin is a bastard, she really had hidden selfish intentions when she came up with Takeda Conquest, she wanted to kill Takeda Rena and pave the way for her own Uesugi Miyuki.

Now that Rena Takeda is in Luo, her identity has been made public.Uesugi Kenshin no longer hid it, and directly revealed Uesugi Miyuki's identity, which was to embarrass Shiba Yoshihiro.

Don't you value flesh and blood?The palms and backs of the hands are full of meat, it depends on what you do!
Daxiong Chaoxiu had stars in front of her eyes, the situation was so chaotic that she didn't know what to say.After a while, she said weakly.

"How? Do you still want to fight?"

Shimao sighed.

"Withdraw the resolution."

Sanada Nobushige narrowed his eyes.

"Shimahime, you..."

Shimao cut her off abruptly.

"Sanada Hime! Your Majesty can write to us, so naturally he can also write to His Highness Uesugi and His Highness Hojo.

I know that you have sincere feelings for Jin Duodian, but at this moment, things are out of our control, so please calm down first. "

When Dao Shengmeng mentioned the sincerity of emotion, Daxiong Chaoxiu's eyes flashed, showing a little disdain.Another toad who wants to eat swan meat, she really dares to think about the wild monkeys in the mountains.

Nobushige Sanada was speechless by Shimakatsu's words.

The birth of Takeda Uesugi's daughter has already changed the situation that Shiba Yoshino has no heirs, and the political situation within the Siba family is about to undergo a major change.

And Yoshihiko Shiba is dedicated to defending the Takeda family. Whether it is the Kanto Office or the Hojo family of the Uesugi family, it is difficult for all parties to disobey Shiba Yoshiyin and continue to fight this war.

If it cannot be fatal with one blow, with Takeda Shingen's military talents and the Koshin Mountains' easy defense and difficult attack, this military operation will inevitably be protracted.

And protracted, in itself is not realistic.Without Shiba Yoshigin's support, the Takeda Conquest was doomed to fail halfway.

This is not something that Sanada Nobushige can push forward with his insistence alone. Shima Katsuki reminded Sanada Nobushige to accept it out of good intentions.

Stop now, everyone can still say that the emperor humiliated his ministers to death. Although the action was reckless, but the intention was good, and the emperor would not hold grudges too much.

If Nobushige Sanada continues to be stubborn like this, I'm afraid Shiba Yoshigin will be hated, and by that time, no one will be able to protect her.

Nobushige Sanada closed her eyes in pain. She climbed up all these years, and finally waited for the chance to kill Takeda Shingen and wash away her shame.

But now, this opportunity flies.


As Shima Katsuo expected, Shiba Yoshigin did write a letter to the Hojo clan.

But because of the war on the Tōkaidō, this letter was sent along the Hokuriku Road trade route, and arrived at Odawara Castle after a long detour.

When the Hojo Clan received the letter, news from the Echigo Kingdom also came to her front and back.

Takeda Rena's identity was already guessed by the Hojo Clan, and confirmed by Koyamada Nobushio.But Terutora Uesugi was also pregnant with Yoshigin Shiba, but the Hojo clan knew nothing about it.

Odawara Castle, castle tower.

Looking at Shiba Yoshiyin's letter on the case, and hearing the information from Fuma Auntie, the Hojo clan's eyes revealed a trace of confusion.

She originally thought that she and Uesugi Kenshin had the same thoughts, and they wanted to work together to seek justice for Shiba Yoshinobu.

Unexpectedly, Terutora Uesugi had hidden such a dirty conspiracy, and wanted to use Takeda Conquest to kill Takeda Rena and pave the way for his daughter.

Knowing this, the Hojo clan was not too angry, but a little melancholy.She was thinking, how sad Shibo Yoshihiro would be when he knew the truth?
The life of this extraordinary man who is extolled by the world as the patron saint of the samurai family is a tragedy.

After experiencing the tragedy of the extermination of the family, he managed to revive his family business, but he was targeted by animals one after another, trying every means to seize his blood and covet his family business.

Hojo Shizheng let out a deep breath, wishing he could shelter him from the wind and rain.Although he is the governor of the Hojo family, he has no right to act arbitrarily, and can only watch him fall into a sea of ​​suffering, unable to extricate himself.

Fumo Xiaoniang bowed and resigned, leaving only the Hojo Clan Zheng and Hojo's important officials in the room, Hojo Huanan, Hojo Yasunari, and Hojo Yasunari.

Sano led the battle, the Hojo family was defeated, and a large number of bigwigs and Pudai officials died in battle.The Hojo Clan, who was burdened with this original sin, was always hindered by others in exercising the power of the family governor, and it was difficult to do anything.

Today's Kanto situation tends to ease, and the three generations of the Hojo family have worked hard to rule, and the will to forge ahead has also begun to passivate.

The Hojo Clan can be a successful monarch, but if she wants to learn from her predecessors in opening up territories, someone will mention Sano leading the battle and doubt her ability, making her unable to persuade her retainers to forge ahead.

She was able to send troops to the Suruga country because of the unified action of the Kanto servants and the cooperation of Uesugi Kenshin. The Hojo retainers coveted the wealth of the Suruga country, so they let go.

Now Shiba Yoshiyin has sent a letter warning that the Hojo clan's politics cannot be done arbitrarily, and a collegiate consensus is needed.

Hojo Genan is the second generation of Hojo, and Hojo Yasunari and Hojo Yasunari are the third generation descendants.Hojo Shizheng, the fourth-generation family governor, felt aggrieved, so he could only humbly ask the elders for advice.

She looked at Hojo Genan and asked.

"Auntie, what do you think?"

Hojo Genan, a diplomatic nun, has been active in the Hojo family's diplomatic front for decades, and she has never seen such a weird scene. It is simply the samurai version of the Tale of Genji.

If the Tale of Genji is a history of aristocratic chaos in the public house, is Shiba Yoshigin's peerless appearance a disaster for the samurai family?
Shiba Yoshigin, Takeda Shingen, Uesugi Terutora, all the famous samurai daimyos are now caught in the entanglement of their children's love, which makes the samurai who pay attention to strength not understand and are very confused.

(End of this chapter)

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