different warring states of japan

Chapter 1486 The Road Not Envisioned

Chapter 1486 The Road Not Envisioned

How can Hojo Genan look?can't read!
But under this layer of tenderness of love for children, it conceals the huge benefits of Sipo's family inheritance, which makes people have to think carefully.

Hojo Genan's heart is full of these three words that she can't understand, but as the helm of the Hojo family's foreign affairs, she must express her own judgment for the reference of the family governor.

She thought about it and said.

"Your Highness, I think that the attitude of the samurai family towards the Shiba family will undergo a huge change."

What Hojo Shizheng actually wanted to ask was whether the Takeda Conquest would end, but Hojo Genan mentioned the changes in the Shiba family, which aroused her interest.

"Oh, really?"

Hojo Genan's complexion was very strange.

Generally speaking, the samurai class is a very realistic group with a strong utilitarian mentality and a tendency towards collectivism.Compared with the family business, personal emotions and lives are not worth mentioning.

But the Shiba family is different from ordinary samurai, very special, very very special.

Hojo Huanan said.

"Although I have only met Jin Duodian a few times, I can feel that he is a strange person who is incompatible with this world.

He is not like an ordinary man. The fall of the Spozon family made him have to face all difficulties with strength, so he can move forward bravely like Warrior Ji.

But he is still a man after all, unable to be absolutely rational like a real Ji warrior, willing to abandon his personal emotions for the sake of his family business.

If he was just an ordinary samurai, his seemingly resolute but indecisive personality would definitely lead to the destruction of his family business, making it difficult to survive in this troubled world.

But he is a strange man from the Wu family, and it is not an exaggeration to call him the strongest warrior since ancient times.

His ability is enough to make up for his shortcomings, allowing the Shiba family to stand proudly in troubled times.He is as dazzling as the sun, so that the world cannot ignore him, and must face up to his rather naive ideas. "

Hojo Genan's words made the other three princesses in the room nod their heads, especially the Hojo clan, who had longed for Shiba Yoshigin, and agreed with Hojo Genan's words.

Hojo Shizheng said.

"Jin Duodian is extraordinary. In troubled times, only the strong are qualified to be merciful. His ability to uphold righteousness is indeed a talent beyond comparison, and no one can match it."

Hojo Huanan nodded.

"Your Majesty is right.

Jin Duodian started from Ozhang, went out to fight, and was invincible and invincible in seven years, which made the martial arts all over the world awe.

Nowadays, probably no martial artist is willing to confront him head-on.Perhaps, the mighty Oda family is an exception.

But don't forget, Your Highness, this is a chaotic world, and being unable to defeat an opponent doesn't mean that you can't solve the opponent through other methods.

The Shiba family was destroyed, and it was only five years since the Jindaden revived the Shiba family. The Shinshiba family lacked a genealogy and a shallow foundation, and only relied on the self-government of important officials to maintain the family business.

The revived Shiba family is actually the group of Shiba retainers who were overwhelmed by the personal charm of Jinda Temple and voluntarily surrendered.Although it is powerful, it is also very loose, and it is all tied to the prestige of one person, Jin Duodian.

As long as the opponent's methods are clever, the Shiba family is not invincible.

In fact, Jindadian also understood the weakness of his own family, so in the past few years, he began to support the Shiba Concentric Congregation, and established a central organization, intending to collect power from the local area and solidify the foundation of the Shiba family. "

Hojo Shizheng sighed.

"Jin Duodian's method is indeed powerful.

Set up the Concentric Secretariat, supplemented by the Spocky Fund, so that the Spocky samurai can return to their hearts.The current Shiba family is the most united Hime warrior group. "

Hojo Huanan laughed.

"That's right, so the biggest hidden danger of the Shiba family is being eliminated, and within [-] years of Jintaden, a powerful Shiba family will emerge in the world.

However, from the moment Takeda Reina entered Duowen Mountain City, all this will change. "

Hojo Shizheng narrowed his eyes.

"Auntie please advise me."

Hojo Genan sighed.

"Takeda Rena's appearance proves one thing, that conquering the Shiba family does not require defeating Shiba Yoshigin on the battlefield, nor does it require the use of intrigue to create an internal collapse of the Shiba family.

Perhaps, only one child is needed to achieve the goal.

His Highness Takeda's method of obtaining seeds can be described as despicable and shameless, but even with such a humiliating child, Jin Dadian still regards it as a jewel in his palm and is willing to do everything for Takeda Reina.

Because of Jin Duodian's strength, almost everyone has forgotten that even though he is unparalleled in the world, he is still a fragile man.

The Shibazong family was destroyed, and Jin Daden lived alone in this world. Even if the family business was restored, what would it mean to him personally?
When Rena Takeda appeared in front of him, his life had a new meaning.It was his flesh and blood, no matter how it came from, it was his flesh and blood, the only relative he had in the world.

As the saying goes, good women value righteousness, and good men value love.

Because Jin Duodian is stronger than Ji Wushi, all the warriors in the world have always praised him with righteousness and respected him with the standard of a good woman.

But everyone has overlooked one point, he is also a good man.A good man, how can he be as heartless and absolutely rational as Warrior Ji?
Jindadian's attitude towards Takeda Rena made everyone see a new path, that is, to get close to, use, and even annex the Shiba family through blood descendants.

Siba's retainers can get close to the lord by obtaining Shiba's heirs, and weak vassals can seek the asylum of Shiba's family by obtaining Shiba's heirs.

In the same way, the powerful daimyo can learn from His Royal Highness Takeda and use bloodline heirs to restrict Jinda Temple.You can even try to annex Shiba's family.

Jindadian's empathy will become the biggest weakness of the Shiba family, and it is difficult for him to change his innate fatherhood.

There is no need to worry about Jin Duo's military strategy, no need to think about messing up and ruining Sibo's family business, blood usurpation, as a shortcut to the end, appears in front of all ambitious people.

From the moment Rena Takeda entered Dumonyama Castle, the Shiba family was no longer the invincible Shiba family, but a Shiba family with a huge weakness that could not be avoided. "

Hojo Huanan is a real old fox who has served four generations of the Hojo family governor. She has a deep understanding of the troubled times of the samurai family.

This is an era that has no morals and principles, and only cares about victory.The pack of wolves coveted each other and guarded each other.Anyone who shows a weakness will be mobbed and devoured.

The best ethics and morality in the world are just a layer of window paper that can be torn off at any time.

The weakness exposed by Yoshihiro Shiba is so obvious, how could it not be taken advantage of?Even if he is pure and pure, someone will try every means to make him a prostitute and sink into troubled times.

Hojo Genan couldn't think of any other way for the Shiba family to avoid their own weaknesses.Unless Shibo Yiyin can become the holy spirit enshrined on the altar, the consequences will be unbearable.

While everyone was still in confusion over the appearance of Takeda Rena, Hojo Genan had already keenly sensed the future.

Compared to defeating the unparalleled Shiba Yoshigin, sleeping with him, stealing his seeds, and using his tender side as a man for his own benefit seems to be a better choice.

What to do, Takeda Shingen has already made a sample for everyone.The Takeda family has already made a lot of money from Takeda Rena, and other warriors must be jealous.

What Hojo Huanan said made sense, but the Hojo Clan's heart became more and more desolate.

If, as Hojo Genan predicted, Shiba Yoshigin's future will be gloomy, the world has treated him too cruelly.

Even family affection and loneliness are taken advantage of by others, and the body is also coveted by others. What did he do wrong to suffer such torture?
The Hojo Clan suddenly lost his energy, and his conquest of Takeda Shingen also faded.

He is full of passion to seek justice for the person he admires, but in the troubled times, wolves, tigers and leopards surround him, and Takeda Shingen is just one of them.

Can this be fair?No fun, no fun at all.

Hojo Shizheng sighed and changed the subject.

"Since Jin Duodian sent a letter to warn us, let's stop taking action. The favor is worth it."

Kozoko Hojo didn't understand.

"Your Highness, the letter from the Jinda Palace does not ask us to stop our actions immediately. As long as the Kai Kingdom is not involved, we can take the Suruga Kingdom."

Hojo Shizheng sneered.

"Tokugawa Ieyasu has come to his senses, and may counterattack and enter the Suruga country at any time.

As long as we continue to attack, Takeda Shingen will definitely retreat back to Kai Kingdom quickly, and sit back and watch my family compete with the Tokugawa family.

Takeda Shingen is cleaning the Suruga people with heavy hands, just to prepare for the next battle, so why should I follow her wishes.

If I win Junto One, I will put Takeda Shingen between me and Tokugawa Ieyasu to see if she feels uncomfortable.

Moreover, as soon as Jin Duodian's letter arrived, I stopped attacking, which is a great favor.

Next year, the spring review of the Kanto Chamber will select a new non-permanent director. Now it is time for all the girls to compete for supporters.

I believe that the grievance of my truce will make Jindadian feel the kindness of the Hojo family and return me a favor.

As long as my powerful samurai from the Hojo family can successfully integrate into the Kanto Chamber, it shouldn't be difficult to occupy the position of non-permanent director for a long time, right? "

Hojo Huanan agreed.

"Your Majesty is right.

If we can't cooperate with the Kanto servants, the Takeda family will be wiped out completely.It may not be a good thing to storm the Suruga country, but it will have to face the complicated relationship with the Takeda Tokugawa family.

The evaluation system of the Kanto Office is full of vigor and vitality, and there are already signs of replacing the old system of the Kanto General. Even the Uesugi retainer group is actively integrating into the Kanto Office.

If we can make good use of the influence of Jindadaden on the Kanto servants and make good use of this favor, it will be of great benefit to my Hojo family's political status in the Grand Council in the future.

In contrast, Suruga country's fatty meat, which is hard to swallow for a while, can be put aside for a while.

Anyway, we have won Jundong, we have the first move in and out of Suruga country, and we will patiently wait for the next better opportunity. "

Hojo Yasuke might not be willing to listen to the words of the Hojo Clan, but Hojo Genan has high morals and prestige, and what the old man said is reasonable and well-founded, so Hojo Kozue naturally accepts it.

Hojo Yasunari on the side asked.

"What should His Highness Imagawa say? She is very much looking forward to returning to Suruga."

The Imagawa family governor is the political trump card for the Hojo family to enter the Suruga country. If she feels angry and dissatisfied because the Hojo family quit halfway, it will be a troublesome thing.

Hojo Genan thought for a while and said.

"Your Highness, let me go and have a good talk with His Highness Imagawa, I believe she will understand."

Hojo Shizheng nodded.

"Then please trouble my aunt."

The Hojo clan is also helpless, so what if he is angry at the future of the person he admires?

She herself is also restrained now, far less powerful than when the predecessor Hojo Ujiyasu was in power, and she kept her word.

The governor of Hojo's family has a name but no power, so what can he do.


The feat of Shiba Yoshinobu Sanshin Ping Kanto made the samurai all over the world even more awed.

Uesugi Kenshin wanted to fight, but Uesugi's retainers were afraid that the Echigo duo politics would collapse, so they all began to shrink back and do things perfunctorily.

How painful it was for Shiba Yoshinobu to help Uesugi Kenshin integrate the Echigo Kingdom back then, and how much resistance is there for Uesugi's retainers to break up with the Shiba family today.

You must know that Shiba Yoshigin conquered the greedy Echigo samurai group not by relying on benevolence, righteousness and morality, but by relying on a large number of interests.

How could the Echigo samurai group, who had enjoyed the benefits, accept that the two lords Shiba Uesugi would tear their faces apart?

The Echigo country fell into turmoil again, and the fear that everyone would not have a good life made Uesugi's retainers firmly stand up to bridge the differences, and took the initiative to act as the ballast stone of the Echigo duopolitical politics.

In particular, the birth of Uesugi Miyuki has made the Echigo duopoly more likely to have long-term stability. Uesugi's retainers are happy to accept this new young master, and can bless everyone to continue to eat and drink well.

On the other hand, Nobushige Sanada really wanted to fight, but without the authorization of the Kanto Servant, her personal opinions could not be supported by the Nishi Ueno Samurai Group.

The Nishi Ueno Samurai Group was willing to take orders from Nobushige Sanada because the mountain people were afraid of poverty.

With the help of the local specialty economy developed by Miyoshi Qinghai, Nobushige Sanada has taken control of a broad road leading to prosperity.

Nobushige Sanada has meat in his hands, and the skinny wild dogs in the Nishi Ueno Mountains are of course willing to admit Nobushige Sanada as the new leader.

But if Nobushige Sanada and the Kanto Servant fall out, and Nishi Ueno souvenirs cannot be shipped out, everyone's good days will come to an end.

Therefore, Nobushige Sanada could only listen to Katsuo Shima's advice and take the initiative to stop the war, so as not to fall into internal and external difficulties.

The Hojo clan received a cheap favor through Shiba Yoshiyin's letter, and planned to use it for the integration of the Hojo family into the Kanto servant.

After the death of the Sagami lioness, Ujiyasu Hojo, the Hojo vassals obviously lacked motivation to continue to expand, and the idea of ​​lying flat as a Japanese prevailed.

The Hojo Clan's politics is not Hojo Ujiyasu's, and her own position as the family governor is not secure, and it is even more impossible to disobey the will of the Hojo vassals, so she can only push the boat along with the flow.

The situation of the three-party siege in Kanto came to an abrupt end, Takeda Shingen's worries about the future were relieved, and Tokugawa Ieyasu, who was about to move, was also forced to stop.

Tokugawa Ieyasu was unwilling to fight against the Takeda family alone. The pain of Mikatahara's defeat has not been relieved by the Tokugawa retainers.

If the Takeda family was besieged by the Kanto feudal vassals, Tokugawa Ieyasu would be happy to follow suit.But if it's just the Tokugawa's fighting alone, then forget it.

After seven years of struggle, Shibo Yoshigin has become the real superior.Although the strength of the Shiba family is not the best in the world, his personal influence is already unparalleled in the world.

Just by sending three letters, he prevented the disaster of extinction for Takeda Shingen, which cheered up the Takeda family.

Takeda's vassals seem to have forgotten how everyone was worried about the terrible revenge that Takeda Shingen would forcibly expose and expose.

Because of Takeda Rena's unexpected favor on Shangluo, Takeda Shingen seems to have blazed a new path for the Takeda family, an unexpected path.

Takeda Shingen suddenly discovered that the loss of control he was worried about did not happen, and Takeda's retainers were more obedient and obedient than before.

As the old fox Hojo Genan thought, the appearance of Takeda Rena opened a new door.

Except for Oda Nobunaga who is planning to use force to conquer Shiba Yoshigin, since the other samurai daimyos can't beat him, they naturally have to start thinking differently.

Even if she is as arrogant as Oda Nobunaga, if she can't beat her, will she really hit the wall without turning back?You know, Oda Nobunaga himself is an extremely realistic utilitarian.

A huge net called emotion has already been cast on Yoshihiko Shiba, and when the final challenger, Nobunaga Oda, is defeated, the samurai group's challenge to Yoshihiko Shiba's power will change completely.

(End of this chapter)

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