different warring states of japan

Chapter 1488 Don't hesitate to do anything for meritorious service

Chapter 1488 Don't hesitate to do anything for meritorious service
Owari Shiba leads the unified thinking, and the Mountain Hime Warriors who are not afraid of death are gearing up to use their lives to create a bright future for their descendants.

Maeda Toshika was happy to see the success, thinking about Takeda Mode in his heart, why should his old lady not be able to touch the presumptuous idea.

As Hojo Genan speculated, the appearance of Rena Takeda opened a door, turning the delusions hidden in some people's hearts into reality. Isn't this inducing people to commit crimes?

With the first one, there will naturally be the second, third and fourth, and even countless others.

At this time, Maeda Toshiie didn't know that Uesugi Terotora had already become the second one at Kasugayama Castle in Echigo Country. If she knew about it, this daring would definitely become even hotter.

Maeda Toshiie expelled Oda Nobunaga's envoys, and the famous Hime Takeshi in the Maeda retainer group all sent their heirs and husbands from the mountain road to the rear of Hokuriku Road.

Owari Shiba's collar was swayed up and down, and he clamored to shed the last drop of blood for Jinda Temple, so that the Oda family could know the loyalty of Shibaji samurai.

Even though Oda Nobunaga knew that Maeda Toshiie was Shiba Yoshikin's loyal loyalist, he never expected that the samurai families in the territory would be so united just a few years after Owari Shiba was redesignated as the county.

On the other side of the past few days, Takada Yono, whose entanglement with the Oda family's interests is second only to Maeda Toshie's, must also stand firm in the face of Shiba Yoshiyin's letter.

Sakai Port, Shinsengumi resident, meeting hall.

Takada Yono on the main seat was silent, and Imai Sohisa said worriedly.

"My lord, since Jin Daden beheaded His Highness Oda's surname and mobilized the army to ascend Luo, all plans related to Siba Real Estate have come to a standstill.

At the time of the land auction, the biggest buyer was from the Oda vassal group, and now those who pursued it demanded to withdraw their capital, even if they lost one-tenth of the deposit, they would terminate the transaction.

The attitude of other buyers has also become ambiguous. The new buyers who had signed up enthusiastically have been reluctant to give a clear answer. The newly prepared land auction may have to be cancelled.

You see, can there be room for maneuver in this matter, at this point in time. .It is really. .Ugh. .If we really fight, our previous efforts will be in vain. "

Takada Yono rubbed his temples, and was about to speak, when there was a violent coughing sound from the side.

Takata Yukino covered her mouth, stared at Takata Yokino and coughed for a long time, then took the towel from Li Huazuo and wiped her mouth.

Takada Yokino sighed, and said to Takada Yukino.

"You are weak, don't get excited, I know how to measure."

Takata Yukino returned the towel to Li Huazuo and said.

"I really want to see the lord's daughter. I don't know if she looks cute. Well, since she is the lord's child, she must be beautiful and cute."

Takada Yoshino felt a sore heart.

She and Yukino were obviously the first to follow Yoshihiro Shiba, but the bed sheet incident fell to the last, and the number of times was pitifully infrequent.

Hearing Takada Yukino talking about Takeda Rena at this time, Takada Yono could only feel the sour water in his stomach keep gushing up.No matter how cute other people's children are, how can they be as happy as their own?
Takada Yoshino made up his mind secretly that he would never be a useless person who looked forward and backward, and must strive for every opportunity to obtain the Lord's love and seeds.

The lord's seeds are precious, and they can't be all cheap. The vixen outside, the old lady wants a share too!
As for Takada Yukino's reminder, Takada Yokino has a clear heart.This time is quite different from last time.

Takada Yono said to Imai Sohisa.

"The last time I wrote to my lord to complain, it was because of a dispute between the Gamo clan and Mitsuhide Akechi. I, as Shibacho, and the prime minister, Shiba Kosho, naturally have the right to share a serious relationship with your lord.

Your Majesty did not give a clear order at that time. I wrote to fight for it, and there was still room for maneuver.

But this time, it was the emperor who was furious in order to protect his heirs, and Qian Gang arbitrarily decided to break with the Oda family, and there was absolutely no possibility of changing course.

As ministers, we should worry about the worries of the king, be angry with the anger of the king, and devote ourselves to the pioneers of the king.

Let me tell you, if I dare to say a word, my position will be immediately removed by the emperor.I don't sympathize with your majesty's love for daughters, so your majesty naturally doesn't need to care about the relationship with me.

The Takada family is the only surviving retainer of the Shiba family, and I will never let you down. "

Imai Zongjiu was born in a businessman, and her mercenary intentions are engraved in her bones. Many times, her thinking always slows down, and she cares too much about gains and losses.

Some things cannot be measured by interests, such as inheritance of family business and descendants.

As a Ji warrior, you can be greedy for benefits, but at critical moments, you must know how to stand in line politically, which is far more important than caring about the gains and losses of temporary interests.

Standing on the wrong team, losing power and position, no matter how much profit you have, it will leave you and no longer belong to you.

What's more, the relationship between the Takada sisters and Shiba Yoshiyin is different.

Shiba Yiyin designed the samurai status for them, promoted them to be outstanding, and gave high-ranking officials generous salaries, so that they were no longer servants of the untouchables, but nobles of the samurai family.

Anyone in this world can disappoint Yoshihiro Shiba, but the Takada sisters absolutely cannot.They are accessories on Yoshihiro Shiba's body, and they must be caring and caring for the rest of his life.

Not to mention, the two sisters' obsessive admiration for Shibo Yiyin, if Shibo Yiyin is disappointed in them, they themselves will feel worse than death.

Imai Sohisa sighed with a depressed expression on his face.

"Your Excellency is right. Sigh, I am really not reconciled. Everything is going to be on the right track, but I am forced to stop here, which is annoying."

Takada Yoshino shook his head and said.

"I don't want to hear this kind of words for the second time. After going out, there must be a guard on your mouth, and you must keep your mouth shut.

Regarding the king's decision, we can only resolutely obey, and there is no room for bargaining.

I value your hard work, and I will teach you one more time. Do you know what Ishida Mitsunari is doing now? "

Imai Zongjiu was stunned for a moment and said.

"Subordinates don't know."

Takada Yono sneered.

"The base of the Sibozhong Fund is in Duowen Mountain City, and just now when Your Majesty's thunderous anger erupted, she ran in front of him and swore to God.

No matter how long the war lasted, as long as she was there, the annuity given to Si Bo by the Si Bozhong Fund would never lose a copper coin.

Look at people, how firm they are when they should express their views.Keeping your mouth shut and not talking about difficulties, but only talking about supporting your majesty's views, this is a sensible person.

Your Majesty wrote me a letter, in which he stated that I should prepare for the severance of the Hokuriku Road trade route. Obviously, I wanted to break the boat and set the table with His Highness Oda.

The Hokuriku Road trade route is cut off, I am in a dilemma here, do you think Ishida Misachi will feel better?
Although the annuity received by Sibo in the three places has been converted into food stamps, the Sibozhong Fund is required to use money to buy food and guarantee the supply.How long can Ishida Mitsunari survive with only the food and funds in her hands?

But even if she continues to borrow money and continue to be in debt, as long as the Sibozhong Fund can last for another day, she will have to grit her teeth and endure to support the king.

Because her power and position all come from the gift of the emperor, without the emperor, she Ishida Mitsunari is just the second daughter from a small land in Omi, a thing that has been trampled in the mud all her life. "

Imai Zongjiu was taken aback when he heard that.

Takada Yoshino is right, the Shiba family without the revival of Shiba Yoshikan, Ishida Mitsunari, Takada Yono, these important ministers are just p, and Imai Zonghisa is even more insignificant.

They are all tied to Shiba Yiyin's chariot, and even if the king's decision makes them difficult, they must firmly stand by the king's side.

At this time, jumping out and singing against Jun Shang, apart from ruining Jun Shang's favor and making yourself unhappy, there is no benefit at all.

Imai Sohisa nodded and said.

"My lord, I understand. Thank you very much for your suggestion."

Sohisa Imai bowed deeply, and Yono Takada accepted it calmly.These heartfelt words are worthy of Imai Sohisa's gratitude.

Takada Yono needed Imai Sohisa to manage his business empire. Imai Sohisa was confused politically. Of course, she had to break it up with her and explain it clearly, lest she make mistakes again and again and suffer big losses.

But understanding belongs to understanding, and practical difficulties still need to be solved.

Imai Zongjiu asked with a bitter face.

"My lord, since we can't complain to you, we can only refund the buyers.

The first auction of Sibo Real Estate was too successful, and it was a huge sum of money. Originally, we could use this money to complete the monetization of food stamps, but now it seems that we can only put it on hold.

There is also a war between Shiba and Oda, and the Hokuriku Road trade route will inevitably panic and even be interrupted.Before we wooed major shareholders and persuaded them to support the securitization of Shanglu, they were already tempted.

But in the current situation, they should choose to wait and see, and would not agree to promote securitization. "

The monetization of food stamps, the securitization of trade routes, and the financialization of land, the three new economic plans are like grasshoppers tied together by a rope. If one goes wrong, the other two will also be affected.

However, the stagnation of the development of the Hokuriku Road trade route is imminent, and now there is an outbreak of war, which is likely to further deteriorate the operation of the Hokuriku Road trade route.

Sohisa Imai could no longer imagine how dismal his earnings would be this year, not to mention making money, he might even lose money.She looked distressed, but she didn't expect Takada Yono to take it lightly.

Takada Yono said.

"It's a blessing in disguise. It's not necessarily a bad thing for the Shiba and Oda families to fight at this time."

Imai Zongjiu was taken aback for a moment, slandering in his heart.

If this is not a bad thing, when Gamo Clan and Akechi Mitsuhide had a dispute back then, why would Takada Yono be provoked by Akechi Mitsuhide, and jump out in a hurry to kill Gamo Clan?

Takada Yono saw Imai Sohisa's puzzlement and smiled.

"Previously, the Gamo Clan intended to let the king and the Oda family confront each other, but it was only a small friction between the samurai family. The benefits were not great, and the disadvantages were not small.

But this time is different, this time the lord is determined to teach His Highness Oda a profound lesson, the intensity of the war must be great.

Instead, we can use this to accelerate the completion of our three new economic plans. "

Imai Sokyu was even more confused, and said with shame.

"This subordinate is dull, please give me some advice, my lord."

Takada Yono explained.

"You think, if there is friction between the Shiba and Oda families, in order to avoid suspicion, the Oda retainers will naturally not be able to invest in Shiba Real Estate again, so as not to arouse His Highness Oda's suspicion.

But now, my family's invincible Jinda hall is going to stand up to deal with His Highness Oda, isn't the Oda retainer group afraid that Jinda hall will directly beat the Oda family to death?
You know, Jin Duodian has never lost a battle since his debut.Even if the Oda family has a great career and is really hard to destroy, isn't the Oda retainer group not panicked or worried at all? "

Imai Sohisa understood a little bit.

"So compared to before, they now need to find a way out for themselves."

Takada Yono nodded.

"That's right, the more the Shiba and Oda families are tense and the war is approaching, the more they need the Three Caves of the Rabbit to leave some leeway for themselves.

Those executives should have heard that the two companies were about to go to war, so they were so frightened that they decided to make decisions without authorization, and ran over to ask for the divestment.

Their eyelids are too shallow to see the huge risks this war has brought to the Oda family. As long as there is someone who understands the main family behind them, they will not block their way out at this time.

You go and tell them that it's okay to withdraw the capital, but let them go back and ask their own supervisors, and discuss it clearly before talking to me, so as not to regret it in the future.

If they are really in trouble, the money can be deposited with me first.I give the buyers a cooling-off period of one year, so that they have time to wait and see the situation before making a choice. "

Sohisa Imai said.

"My lord is wise, this way, they won't be in a hurry to withdraw their capital. But what's the point of keeping the money with us?
After all, the money for buying a house is not our money, so it is not easy to deal with. "

Takada Yono sneered.

"The Shiba and Oda families are about to go to war, and my family will soon ask me for money. At that time, money and food will be poured out as if they don't want money, and there is not enough money.

Of course, I embezzled the money first to solve the urgent need of the war. "

Imai Sohisa was dumbfounded.

"But if those people finally decide to withdraw their capital after the cooling-off period, and if the Sipo family fails to win that... that... what do we have to pay back?"

Takada Yono smiled coldly and said.

"If I win, they will naturally come back and beg me to sell them the land. As for the loss? Sibo's family is gone, and my mother wants money. I will die. At worst, I will give this life back to them."

Imai Zongjiu gasped, Takada Yono was really cruel, she was an empty-handed white wolf, and never considered the option of paying back the money.

But these words sounded right, this war must have consumed a huge amount of money and food, and the Shiba family had to get blood transfusions from Takada Yono to support them if they wanted to bear such a huge economic pressure.

If Shiba Yoshigin is really defeated, the prestige he has accumulated over the years will inevitably be greatly damaged, and the Shiba family will also become the loser who will be slaughtered by the Oda family.

At that time, Takada Yangno still cares about what, nothing more than a hob meat.

Thinking about it this way, Sohisa Imai understood that what Yono Takada said just now might not be a bad thing, what exactly did he mean.

Things are bad to the extreme, it's really not a bad thing, on the contrary, you can gamble with stud, win the club, lose and jump off the building, afraid of hair.

As soon as this logic switch was turned on, Imai Zonghisa immediately realized and asked.

"So the Hokuriku Road trade route is also the same?"

Takada Yono nodded.

"Yes, the Hokuriku Road trade route has already reached the stage of slowing down, and it is destined that there will be no large-scale growth in revenue.

Originally, I was thinking of slowly persuading the major shareholders to securitize the trade routes. With the Shiba Oda War, I just pushed all the problems to the war, and let the war take the blame.

The Hokuriku Road business route's revenue has plummeted this year, which is a problem of war, not a problem of operation.If major shareholders are smart, they will cooperate with us and take this opportunity to securitize Shanglu.

It is declared to the outside world that it is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to make a correction. We convert part of the business route shares into equity and sell them to small households who covet the Hokuriku Road business route. We and the major shareholders are in the bag.

Wouldn't it be great to transfer back the equity in the hands of small households little by little through additional issuance, allotment of shares, conversion of bonds, and mergers in the future?
Anyway, small households will be satisfied with some dividends. What do they know about equity?We want their principal, and they want our dividends. This is a win-win situation.

In addition, taking advantage of the poor logistics during the war and the inconvenient transfer of food, the exchange of food stamps was suspended.

A few batches of food stamps were desperately printed, put into the market, and the exchange was resumed after the post-war logistics. First, print tickets to support the war, and other troubles will be discussed later. "

Imai Zongjiu swallowed his saliva and complained secretly.Win-win, you win twice right?

Originally, the three new economic plans were pushed forward step by step, but now Yono Takata was obviously forced by the sudden situation, so he simply forced the horse and tried to find a way to get money and food first.

You know, the Oda family has a territory of three million stones.

Oda Nobunaga innovated with an iron fist, squeezed out a lot of money and food from the territory, and shamelessly robbed Minami Omi and Mount Hiei. The economic strength of the Oda family can be said to be the best in the world.

What's in Shiba's house?Among the three Sibolings, the most recent Siboling is the largest, but only [-] shi, and the Owari Shibaling is only a little over [-] shi. The difference in size is too big.

And because Yoshihiko Shiba insisted on the distribution of benefits by the Shibachu Fund, and insisted on the Shiba New Life Movement to improve the lives of the Sibaji samurai.

Not only did the territory of the Shiba family fail to provide economic strength, it also needed the Hokuriku Road trade route to feed back the deficit of the Shiba territory.

Because of this, Shiba's retainers are loyal, and Shiba Yoshigin is praised as a benevolent king, but Takada Yoshino knows how many holes have been made behind Shiba's generosity.

The Hokuriku trade route controlled by Yono Takada is the real engine of the Shiba family's economy.And now, the engine can't move.

For Shiba Yoshigin to fight against Oda Nobunaga's three million stones, the military strength of the Shiba family alone is not enough. He must form a huge samurai coalition force. Who will pay for this huge logistical expenditure?
Gao Tianyang always remembers that she once swore that she would earn a lot of money and never let Jun Shang be short of money to spend.

Now is the time when Junshang needs money the most, and it is also a great opportunity for Takada Yono to show his brightest moment.

She must find a way to conjure financial resources comparable to the Oda family's three million stone territory, so that the king can win this battle without any worries.

And this feat will be the reason for Takada Yono to exchange for Shiba Yoshihiro's silver seed.Takeda Shingen can give birth, why can't I, Takada Yono?

With this obsession that I should have when others have children, Takada Yono will persist to the end even if he is cheated, kidnapped and stolen, and will change the money and food of this war for the king.

(End of this chapter)

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