different warring states of japan

Chapter 1489 Shiba Yoshigin Will Not Lose

Chapter 1489 Shiba Yoshigin Will Not Lose

To fight a war is to burn money, and if there is no money and food to fight Jill.

No matter how famous Sibo Yiyin is, the money and food that should be paid can still be paid. Which Ji warrior is not behind the family, but is full of mouths waiting to be fed.

Benevolence?name?Righteousness?Can these things be eaten as a meal?No matter how bright the surface is, the lining is the key.

Ashikaga Yoshiakiki is the Ashikaga general, because of poverty, he can only be trapped in Kyoto in disgrace, and is ridiculed by the world's samurai as a poor public.

Shiba Yoshigin wants to fight Oda Nobunaga, and money and food are indispensable.Takada Yono sees it very accurately, she just wants to use money to make a big contribution to help herself get what she wants.

With the appearance of Takeda Rena, the vassals who could hold back their admiration finally couldn't help but jumped out one by one.

Takeda Shingen, a rapist, can get his wish, which naturally lowers everyone's psychological threshold. How many people are so jealous that their eyes are red, and they cry out in their hearts that I want it too!I also want!

Shibo Yoshiyin didn't know at this time that the love nets were ready to spread, and they were about to spread all over the world, tying him, a Tang monk, to extract juice.

Just when the Quartet was in turmoil, the Shiba leader had been mobilized in recent days, Nizi Katsuhisa took care of the logistics, and Maeda Toshiro led the army northward, escorting Shiba Yoshiyin and Takeda Rena to Luo.

Inspired by Akechi Mitsuhide's competitive spirit, Oda Nobunaga not only did not stop him, but voluntarily withdrew from the Oda Army that controlled Kyoto.

Obviously, the ambitious Oda Nobunaga wanted Shibo Yoshigin to form an anti-Oda coalition force to defeat all opponents in one fell swoop, overthrow the Ashikaga shogunate, and conquer Shiba Yoshiyin.

After defeating Nobunaga's siege network twice and killing the powerful domains such as Liujiao, Asai, and Asakura, Oda Nobunaga's self-confidence has exploded.

The mobilization force of the Oda family's 300 million shi, after the innovation, far surpassed the military strength of the traditional samurai family. Even if Shiba Yoshigin stood up and resisted, so what?How did the Oda family lose?
Because of this self-confidence, Oda Nobunaga is willing to wait for Shiba Yoshigin to connect with the opposition forces and prepare to solve all problems once and for all.

On the other hand, Yoshihiro Shiba, who slowly regained his composure from his anger, also knew that he was riding a tiger.

Unprepared and suddenly turned his face, it is bound to bear huge risks.

Yoshiyin doesn't expect to be able to wipe out the Oda family, he just wants a hearty victory, beat Oda Nobu's teeth all over the place, and continue his myth of invincibility.

In order to achieve this goal, he had to go to Luo again and enter Nijo Castle to meet Ashikaga Yoshiaki, the panicked puppet general, and gain the name of the shogunate.

By this time, Ashikaga Yoshiaki had regarded Shiba Yoshigin as the last straw.

If Takeda Reina's background had been before, Ashikaga Yoshiaki would have slandered him wantonly, wishing to discredit Shiba Yoshigin and strip him of his Genji elder status and ask for it back.

But now, Ashikaga Yoshiaki is showing respect, acknowledging Shiba Yoshigin's status as the Genji elder.

She also recognized Takeda Rena's identity as the young master of the Kai Takeda family, and conveniently gave Takeda Rena a shogunate companion to show her closeness.

Ashikaga Yoshiaki is so knowledgeable, but Yoshigin's heart is not disturbed.This villain is willing to lower his stance because he is counting on Shiba and Oda to fight against each other, and let Yoshigin block Oda Nobunaga's sword for her.

Ashikaga Yoshiaki, who has lost everything except her name, can only rely on the power of Yoshinori.And Yiyin had the experience of being betrayed by her, so he naturally couldn't trust this duplicitous and poor public party.

After the two sides had done enough work on the scene, Yoshigin retreated to the Shiba Mansion in Kyoto, and began the troublesome work of forming an anti-Oda coalition force.


Shiba Mansion, courtyard.

Summer is approaching and the weather is getting hotter. Those who wake up early will chirp a few times from time to time.

Takeda Renai was such a prudent child, how could she know that because of her appearance, the whole world would be turned upside down.

At this time, she was running wildly in the atrium, curiously exploring this new world.In terms of the physique of a three-year-old child, it is really too lively.

Yoshiyin looked at Takeda Rena's explorer looking around, with a trace of tenderness in his eyes.On the side, Takeda Nobutora carefully observed Yoshihiro's expression, feeling emotional.

Takeda Shintora and Takeda Shingen, the mother and daughter, never imagined that Yoshigin could do this for Takeda Reina, and it could even be said that he pulled the Takeda family back from the abyss of falling.

Because of Yoshihiko's fury, the Kanto forces were forced to end the war. Whether it was the Kanto Servant or the Uesugi and Hojo families, these rebellious Kanto samurai dared not disobey Tsutaden.

Takeda Shingen stabilized his skills, and in the end, only one part of the Suruga Kingdom's Jundong County was lost in a catastrophe, which can be called a miracle.

Takeda Shingen's good luck made the martial arts all over the world feel envious. If he can get a gold medal for avoiding death by giving birth to a child, then sooner or later everyone will die.

And Takeda Nobutora, the former governor of Takeda who lived in seclusion in Kyoto, was also invited by Yiyin.

Yoshigin and Nobutora Takeda sat cross-legged on the porch, Masanobu Takasaka and Amami stood next to them, watching Rena Takeda playing wildly in the distance.

Master Tianhai said carefully.

"Tell Jinduodian, I have communicated with the Tiantai Sect's sect in Beijing Bieyuan, and they welcome Shangluo of Jinduodian.

However, the Enryaku-ji Temple on Mount Hiei was burnt down, Master Jueshu died, and the current Tendai Sect has no leader. All the nuns are unable to give you an accurate answer at the moment. I sincerely ask for your understanding. "

Yiyin nodded, not surprised.

Oda Nobunaga set fire to Mount Hiei, not only taking away a large amount of wealth, but also frightening this group of pampered high-ranking nuns.

Ask them if they hate Oda Nobunaga, of course they hate.But if they dare to stand on the opposite side of Oda Nobunaga again, they may not have the courage.

Hieizan Enryaku-ji Temple is no longer the mighty mountain mage who guarded the ghost gate for the emperor's court thousands of years ago.The current Tiantai religious group is a group of rotten nuns and nobles.

These people came from famous families with noble blood, born with a golden key in their mouths, and they were destined to enjoy a lifetime of blessings.

They looked down on Oda Nobunaga, a country bumpkin from Owari, but after being stabbed by a bumpkin, they didn't dare to show their teeth and revenge at the bumpkin.

When Master Jue Shu was alive, he couldn't take this group of pig teammates. What's more, now that Master Jue Shu is dead, the Tiantai Sect is even more unbearable.

Yiyin was prepared for this.

Going to Luo by himself is obviously a problem with Oda Nobunaga.As Tianhai's chosen agent, it is not easy to inherit the Tiantai sect's orthodoxy.

Moreover, based on the clumsy performance of Master Shan and Asai Asakura's allied forces in attacking the Oda family before, Yiyin did not dare to count on these pig teammates.

The Hanni who really dare to fight and kill, and is willing to be martyred, must be the emerging sects such as the Nichiren sect and the Ichiko sect.

Yiyin pondered for a while, then asked Tianhai.

"I hope you will succeed me as the Master of Tiantai Sect. Will you blame me for being troublesome?"

Tianhai smiled bitterly.

She was escorted back from Kai Kingdom by Takeda Shingen, and she was terrified in her heart, thinking that her life was in danger.

Forcibly humiliating Yiyin twice before and after, she deserved death long ago.If Yiyin didn't kill her, but also supported her as the head of the sect of Buddhism in the world, what could she be dissatisfied with?

At this time, Tianhai could only rejoice.

Fortunately, I still have unique political value, which allows Yiyin to abandon his personal murderous intentions and tolerate himself to continue living in this world.

Fortunately, I once revealed to Yoshihiro that I have the blood of the Ashikaga family. Yoshigin is mostly willing to leave his dog's life because of Ashikaga Yoshiki's face.

she sighed.

"I am very willing to be able to inherit the thousand-year-old orthodoxy of the Tiantai Sect. The ancestors of the Great Imperial Academy back then had also considered this aspect.

But I have been away to Jiaxin Mountain for these years, and I have become estranged from the religious group in the temple, and I am afraid that many of the previous relationships will not be useful.

Poor and incompetent, I'm afraid I will disappoint you Jin Dadian. "

Yi Yin smiled slightly.

Ashikaga Yoshiki's father has a close relationship with the Tendai Sect, and she just wanted to use the Tendai Sect to serve as a platform for Ashikaga General's family and to show off the momentum for Ashikaga Yoshiki.

And Tianhai is Ashikaga Yoshiki's half-sister. Although the former Odaisho did not want to see her threaten his daughter's status, he must be very willing to let her become the master of Tiantai sect.

After all, they are all the blood of the Ashikaga family. One general and one master are very helpful to the Ashikaga family.

Back then, his mind was more than that at the Great Imperial Palace.She also arranged for Ashikaga Yoshiaki to become a monk at Xingfu Temple. If she can work hard, she will be promoted to the position of the head of Xingfu Temple and control the Yamato Buddhist Kingdom.

Thinking about that scene, it is indeed very good for stabilizing the rule of General Ashikaga's family in Kyoto.Ashikaga Yoshiki was very thoughtful about the former Odai, but unfortunately, times have changed.

In a century of chaos and chaos, the Ashikaga generals have long been unable to control the world, and careerists have gone on and on, hollowing out the foundation of the Ashikaga shogunate little by little.

In the last Kyoto Incident, the Imperial Palace was set on fire, Nijo Castle was besieged, and the hopes of General Ashikaga's family were completely ruined.

From the moment Ashikaga Yoshiki died, the Ashikaga shogunate had swallowed its last breath.And Ashikaga Yoshiaki's repeated tossing is just the incompetent rage of unwillingness to become the last general.

Yiyin looked at Tianhai and said.

"What do you mean the relationship is alienated? When did the Tiantai Sect become so philistine?

You went to the Jiaxin Mountains and spent several years in the mountains to spread the faith. You have made outstanding contributions to the sect, and you have made great contributions. The Tiantai Religious Group should praise your merits. "

Yiyin opened his eyes and spoke nonsense, Tianhai smiled wryly and had to nod his head in approval.

"What Jin Duodian said is that poor nuns are educated."

Where is Tianhai willing to go to the mountains to suffer and suffer? It's not because Yiyin's debt is too terrible, but the world is so big but there is nowhere to go, so he has no choice but to live in the mountains.

If he knew that Yiyin was willing to forgive him, Tianhai would have come crying and shouting to be Yiyin's dog.

Yiyin thought for a while and said.

"If I can defeat Oda Nobunaga in one battle, will the church change its view of you, please return to the mountain to preside over the teaching affairs and inherit the orthodoxy?"

Tianhai clasped his hands together and recited the Buddha's name.

"If Jindaden can seek justice for the nuns and believers who died on Mount Hiei, the Enryaku Temple religious group must be very grateful, and there is nothing they can't do."

This is what Yiyin wanted.

This group of nuns don't throw eagles when they don't see rabbits, and don't play tricks when they don't see devils. It's unrealistic to expect them to stand up and help Oda Nobunaga.

But if you have to think about how to force Oda Nobunaga to bow his head after defeating Oda Nobunaga, then you must create a momentum of siege from all over the world.

Before starting the war, the first thing to consider is how to end the war. Yoshihiro is planning for the post-war negotiations. Since he can't kill the Oda family, he must first prepare a backhand to force Oda Nobunaga to bow his head and make concessions.

Just imagine the defeat of the Oda family, the Tiantai sect's idiots fell to Yiyin in an instant, Master Tianhai became a master, and represented the world's Buddhism to accuse the Oda family of being the enemy of Buddhism, what a huge pressure it was.

A large part of the reason for Miyoshi Changqing's retreat back then was that Yiyin persuaded Chang Jue of Xingfu Temple to leapfrog the representative of Shingon Sect to identify Miyoshi Changqing as an enemy of Buddhism for invading the Yamato Buddhist Kingdom.

However, the acquiescence of the former Odaisho to ask for Ashikaga Yoshiki to come to the Tendai Sect was testified by the Buddhist enemies of the two major sects of the Shingon Sect and the Tendai Sect.

This time, Yiyin has gone further than the previous Otai.The Great Royal Platform of the previous generation only established a good relationship with the Tiantai Sect, but Yiyin wanted to control the Tiantai Sect through Master Tianhai.

After all, Tianhai slept with him twice, and the relationship was different.It's not difficult to control Tianhai, the big deal is to sleep a few more times.

In recent days, the relationship between Si Boling and Xingfu Temple has become closer than before. The head of Xingfu Temple feels that if he can help Yiyin once, he can help him a second time.

Tianhai already understood what Yiyin meant.The two said a few more words, and after reaching a tacit understanding, Tianhai bowed and bid farewell.

With Yiyin's guarantee, she naturally wants to go back to collude with the party, win over her colleagues, and prepare for her future leadership.

Seeing Tianhai leaving with joy, Yoshihiro shook his head and smiled at Takeda Nobutora.

"Tianhai looks like she believes that I can defeat Oda Nobunaga. Maybe she has already dreamed of the Tiantai sect master right now."

Takeda Nobutora laughed.

"Who in the world does not know the prestige of Jinduo Hall?
The Oda family is now decorated with brocade flowers and cooking oil over a blazing fire, and is the most powerful feudal clan in the world.But if there is anyone in this world who can make His Highness Oda fearful, it must be you, Tsunta-dono.

If even you can't hold His Highness Oda down, then the samurai family really has nothing to hope for. "

Takeda Nobutora is getting older and his mind is weak, but his eyes are more poisonous.

Is Oda Nobunaga strong?She was able to tidy up the vassals into obedience, surpass the local samurai family and squeeze out all the resources of the territory through innovation politics, which is really amazing.

But it was this power that made Takeda Nobunaga feel that Oda Nobunaga might not end well.

If you take too many steps, you will be dragged by B. Oda Nobunaga's innovative policies are not new. They have been practiced by predecessors, so why can't others stick to it?

Because these policies hurt the interests of the entire samurai class.

This world is the Wu family world, and the Wu family is the ruling class.The samurai daimyo can temporarily suppress the retainer group for a short-term benefit, and implement a reform policy for a while.

But to use these strategies that harm the interests of the samurai group for a long time is to stand on the opposite side of the ruling class and shake one's own foundation.

The horror of Oda Nobunaga lies in the fact that she doesn't care about the damage to the ruling class caused by the innovation policy at all, and she doesn't care about the anger and backlash of the ruling class. She is always pursuing the purest power.

The situation of the Oda family is like a spring that has been pressed to the extreme. Who knows when it will break?
Takeda Nobunaga didn't know how Oda Nobunaga would die, but judging by Oda Nobunaga's behavior, it was a complete death, and it would not be surprising how he died in the end.

Therefore, although the Shiba family is far less powerful, cohesive, and concentrated than the Oda family, Takeda Nobutora does not think that Yoshigin will lose.

Always adhering to the tradition of the samurai family and carrying out the righteous principles of the samurai family, would the samurai families in the world want to see him fail?Would you like to see Oda Nobunaga unstoppable from now on?
Strength is just a number on paper, you can't see the support of the people, and it can't determine the success or failure.

(End of this chapter)

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