different warring states of japan

Chapter 1495 Kidney Painful Military Expenses

Chapter 1495 Kidney Painful Military Expenses

In order to thank Kosaka Masanobu for his sincere care for Rena, Yoshigin tried his best to show his enthusiasm.

Kosaka Masanobu bit his sleeve, and was shocked by the strong fatherly love in Yiyin's thanks again and again, and deeply realized Yoshiyin's love for Rena.

When Linna woke up from her sleep, everything had already been settled.She blinked her cute big eyes, and when she saw Yi Yin beside her, she stretched out her arms happily.

"Father, give me a hug."

Although Yiyin had already thanked Kosaka Masanobu until his whole body was sore and his waist was stiff, he still smiled and hugged Rena, and talked to her intimately.

Masanobu Kosaka, who was beside the two of them, smiled forcedly.In order not to make a sound, she bit her sleeves and bit her teeth sorely. At this moment, under the kimono, there was still a mess.

It's just that in front of Rena, Kosaka Masanobu couldn't show his embarrassed appearance, so he could only cheer up, looking at the father and daughter who held an extremely important weight in her heart, and smiled without saying a word.

Yoshigin hugged Rena's soft little body, and after venting his enthusiasm on Kosaka Masanobu, the time of the upright sage was very ethereal.

He asked Rena in a low voice.

"Linnai, if you had a younger sister, what would you do to her?"

Rena shook her little head, as if she didn't understand.


"Yes, it is Rena who is a little younger than Rena."

Rena seemed to understand a little bit, she giggled.

"Play, I want to play with my sister, where is my sister?"

Yiyin touched Rena's small head and laughed at himself.What kind of stakes can a three-year-old understand? I'm so bored to ask Reina about such things.

Masanobu Kosaka, who was beside him, misunderstood, blushed and lowered his head, touching his flat abdomen, feeling the warmth in it, Yoshigin's thanks.

Rena's younger sister?Maybe this time there will be hope?Thanksgiving heart, thank you.

Kosaka Masanobu didn't know about Uesugi Miyuki, so he misunderstood Yoshigin's remarks.

But Yiyin was having a headache and didn't want to explain further.The story of Uesugi Miyuki will soon spread, and by then, Yoshigin will be even more passive.

I have two daughters myself, what a happy trouble.


With troubles of happiness, Yoshigin embarked on a journey to Sakai Port, Ishiyama.

Ishiyama Honganji naturally gave a warm welcome to Yiyin's arrival.For Honganji Xianru, it is not an exaggeration to say that Yiyin is a savior.

Although Ichikui seems to be the biggest trouble for the Oda family, but under the crazy suppression of Oda Nobunaga, the life of Ichikui is also very difficult.

The two Nobunaga encirclements failed successively. As a family of samurai strong clans were eliminated by Oda Nobunaga, Issato was helplessly placed at the forefront of the anti-Oda front.

The Omi Issato Temple has been cleaned up under the crazy counterattack of the Oda family.Oda Nobunaga's method of treating the nuns and believers of these monasteries is very simple, that is, to raise the butcher's knife and kill them all.

Omi Ichigoku was uprooted, and Mitsui Temple, as the hub, did not dare to take in nuns of the Izumo sect anymore, and the information channels from Ishiyama Honganji Temple to Ichiko temples in various places became intermittent.

Ishiyama Honganji, Nagashima Ichikui, and Kaga Etsuchu Ichikui were separated. Seeing that Oda Nobunaga is about to raise the butcher knife against Nagashima Ichikui, further weakening the strength of Ichikozong.

At this moment, Yiyin resolutely went to Luo and raised the banner against Oda. In Honganji Xianru's heart, isn't he the savior?
Shiba Yoshigin is known as the God of the Ashikaga Army. Since his debut, he has never lost a battle.

With this great god coming forward to confront Oda Nobunaga, Ishiyama Honganji is of course willing to wave the flag for the Shiba family and hide behind to watch the show.

As for the matter of Yoshihiko Shiba going to Ishiyama Honganji Temple to seek union, it seems that the Venerable Master naturally responded to everything.

Originally, the interest relationship between Ishiyama Honganji and the Shiba family was very deep. The two parties had cooperated on the Hokuriku Road Commercial Route for three or four years, and it was obvious that the Master himself was the largest shareholder and supporter of the Commercial Route.

At this moment, both sides are standing on the opposite side of the Oda family, united against Oda Nobunaga, and of course there is no problem in deepening cooperation.

Apparently, the master's attitude is very clear, if you want money and food, you need money and food, if you want cooperation, you need cooperation. As long as Yoshihiro is willing to stand in front of Oda Nobunaga, Ishiyama Honganji is the most staunch ally of the Shiba family.

Yiyin's time is tight, and it is not good to leave Kyoto for too long.He only stayed at Ishiyama Honganji Temple for one day, and after confirming the attitude of the master, he immediately left for Sakai Port.


Sakai Port, Shinsengumi resident.

Except for the frail Takada Yukino, all the resident Hime samurai had an audience with Yoshihiro in the meeting hall, and Yoshihiro left Takada Yokino to talk alone.

Glancing at the majestic meeting hall, recalling the beautiful scenery of the courtyard just now, Yiyin found that there seemed to be an expansion here, and a lot of expensive decorations were added.

He couldn't help but say.

"I remember the last time I came here, the copybook next to the seat seems to be of a different color."

Takada Yono said with a smile.

"Your Majesty has good eyesight. You can tell that this thing is extraordinary at a glance. It is made of small-leaf red sandalwood imported from the Celestial Dynasty. The wood is as warm and moist as jade, and it is more expensive than gold."

Yoshihiro gave Takada Yono a sideways look.

"Am I boasting? Do you still have the nerve to show off?

As a Ji warrior, he doesn't know how to be thrifty and restrain himself at all, and lives a luxurious life.

Don't you know how many people at home and abroad gossip about you behind your back?Can't you restrain yourself a little bit? "

Takada Yono bowed and said.

"Your Majesty, it's not that I like luxury, it's just that I also have my difficulties.

Counting from four years ago, I have successively borrowed a large amount of money and grain from the soil warehouses in Sakai Port and Kyoto to support the construction costs of the Hokuriku Road trade road.

This money is like flowing water. There is never too much money and food. There are borrows and repayments, and then borrow and repay. In the end, the more you borrow, the more you borrow.

So far, I have been burdened with millions of loans, and the interest that needs to be paid every year is hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Lending me so much money and food, even if the stewards of the earthen warehouses trust me, they will inevitably feel uneasy.

Therefore, I had to make my life richer, so as to reassure them. "

Yiyin was dumbfounded.

He knew that Takada Yoshino had always been courageous and unrestrained, playing a financial trick to tear down the east wall to make up for the west wall.But he really didn't expect that Takada Yono had already been burdened with millions of loans.

You know, the total trade volume between Kanto and Kansai is only 500 million kan in a year, and Takada Yoshino really dared to borrow it.

But thinking about it, the Hokuriku Road trade route rose from scratch in just four years and became the cornucopia of the Shiba family. The investment behind this must be a lot of gold and silver.

Yono Takada is able to carry huge debts and keep borrowing new money to play tricks, and he is indeed a natural business genius.

She has a big heart that can hold her breath.If it were an ordinary person with so many debts, how would they be able to sleep at night.

It's no wonder that she arranged the Shinsengumi's residence in a luxurious manner. If it weren't for this wealth to be seen by outsiders, those earth warehouse managers would not be able to sleep at night.

Takada Yoshino will give hundreds of thousands of guan in interest a year. If she eats chaff every day and looks like she is about to go bankrupt at any time, who would dare to lend her money?Aren't you afraid she won't come out yet?
The more luxurious she lived, the more at ease the borrowers outside would be when they looked at her. There was really no way, she had to slap her face swollen to pretend to be fat.

Yiyin touched his forehead subconsciously, his head hurt, and suddenly he couldn't speak.

This time when he came to Sakai Port, Yoshihiro asked Takada Yono to raise military expenses for the war with the Oda family.

But Yoshino Takada blew himself up in arrears of millions of guan and a huge debt of hundreds of thousands of interest, which stunned Yiyin, one of the best in the world, and didn't know how to speak for a while.

Seeing Yiyin's silence, Takada Yono smiled secretly.

She used her debts to bluff people, not to evade the political task of raising military expenditures, but to demonstrate her worth to the emperor.

The story of Uesugi Miyuki has not yet spread, but Takeda Rena is a living example.

Takada Yono also wants seeds, and also wants to have a child of Junshang. Of course, she has to show her unique value, otherwise, why should she be proud of her achievements and ask Jun to take the seed?

Right now Yiyin couldn't open his mouth, but Takada Yono wanted to help him, she said.

"Your Majesty Yingwu, just after you left the Shishan Hongan Temple, there was news from there.

As the Venerable Master said, this year, Ishiyama Honganji Temple will be free of interest on loans related to the earthen warehouses of the Yixiang Temple. Ishiyama Honganji Temple will also cooperate with the securitization transformation of my commercial roads as the major shareholder of the Hokuriku Road Commercial Road.

With these two items alone, tens of thousands of guan can be saved in loan interest this year, and with the support of the largest shareholder, the securitization speed of Shanglu will also be accelerated.

In addition, Ishiyama Honganji will also invest in the purchase of a batch of Shiba food stamps as a proof of deepening cooperation with the Shiba family.

I just printed a few more sheets of paper and exchanged a large amount of food out of thin air. This is all obtained from Mr. Lai's prestige, and I have also benefited a lot. "

Yiyin smiled wryly.

"Although Shishan Hongan Temple is very wealthy, it seems that the Venerable Master can't control all the local nuns, so the financial support he can give is only this.

At most, it is more than ten thousand pennies, and tens of thousands of shi grains are astronomical figures in the eyes of ordinary people, but if they are used in military affairs, they are just a drop in the bucket. "

Takada Yono nodded and said.

"That's right, the Oda family sits on a territory of 300 million koku, even if the newly conquered Kita Omi and Echizen Kingdom's million koku cannot be recruited for the time being, their mobilization power is astonishing.

Based on the calculation of four men and six people, the output of the 200 million shi territory is as high as 80 shi of grain.

In addition to the entire area of ​​Ise Bay, most of Lake Biwa is controlled by the Oda family, and the Leshi Leza policy cooperates with tax collection. The annual business tax can reach hundreds of thousands.

Excluding the necessary expenses for maintaining the territory, His Royal Highness Oda can at least scrape together a million shi for military expenses, enough to support a hundred thousand troops fighting fiercely for several months. "

Yiyin sighed helplessly.

Although Takata Yoshino doesn't understand military affairs, fighting a war is a money-burning trick. Takada Yoshino, who is most sensitive to money and food figures, is still very reliable in calculating military expenses.

She was right, with the mobilization force of a territory of 300 million shi, and the support of land tax and business interests, Oda Nobunaga could at least have an army of [-] shi, and a million shi of money and food to smash people.

There are 66 countries in the world, the total stone height is no more than 2000 million stone, and the population is no more than 1000 million.Which daimyo can be as arrogant as the Oda family, who can casually throw millions of shi in military expenditures at people?

The samurai regime under the feudal system has a structure of layers of decentralization.Whether it is collecting supplies or mobilizing the army, they are far less ferocious than the Oda family after the reform of Oda Nobunaga.

Yiyin's prestige is very high, enough to influence Guan Yashu, Hokuriku Road, Xikinji and many other forces.Theoretically, Shi Gao can double Oda Nobunaga with the addition of the forces who are willing to stand on his side.

But even if Ishigaka has several million more shi than the Oda family, Yoshigin has no right to ask friendly forces to squeeze out their capital and serve the Shiba family.

Yiyin only asked everyone to send troops to fight together, and maybe he could gather 10 troops to fight back and forth with the Oda family.

But if he wants everyone to bear the military expenses, I'm afraid those people will be happy if they agree with their mouths, and they will feel like a little kid in their hearts.

If he turned around and pulled out a group of old, weak, sick and disabled to perfunctory Yiyin, and the army was defeated as soon as the war started, Oda Nobunaga would laugh his ass off.

Yi Yin knows the nature of the Wu family, and if he wants everyone to contribute sincerely, he must do two things well.

First, go to the Luo Shogunate to obtain righteousness.

The propaganda must make it clear that this battle is not for Yiyin's personal interests, but for the Wu family.

Oda Nobunaga went against the law, and her reform system was to cut off the foundation of the samurai world.Yi Yin can only mobilize the fighting enthusiasm of the Wu family group if he stands firmly on the righteous stance of protecting the Wu family.

This is the same reason that Yoritomo Minamoto and Takashi Ashikaga were supported by the samurai group back then.

Without the Heike family, the emperor bullied people too much, which caused a serious sense of crisis in the samurai group, and there would be no Minamoto Yoritomo and Ashikaga Takaji, the two shoguns who founded the government and established the teeth.

In the final analysis, righteousness is just a signboard, and whether others are willing to help sincerely depends on the interests.

Second, self-raised materials and assumed military expenses.

Warrior Ji is actually a very honest group of people, respecting the contract spirit of rewarding the public and rewarding the public.They have a strong admiration complex and are willing to be dogs for the strong. As long as the bones of the dog are in place, they are willing to work hard.

Great righteousness belongs to great righteousness, if Yiyin doesn't give money and only wants white female tickets, Ji warriors will also be cautious and work hard.

Therefore, Yiyin has to spend money.

He does not need to bear everything, but he must assume the posture of a strong man and bear most of the military expenses.He has the right to whip only when the dog bone is in place.

If I pay the money, you must contribute. If anyone still lies flat after receiving the money, then he will be embarrassed, and no one will have anything to say about the military law.

With Yiyin's prestige, as long as he has righteousness and money, he can raise the spirit of the Wu family group and fight with Oda Nobunaga.

This is the reason why the emperor does not send hungry soldiers.War is a game of burning money. No matter how beautiful the words are, it is not as effective as having enough money and food.

Takada Yoshino calculated the economic strength of the Oda family in a few words, and when he thought of Oda Nobunaga holding a million shi in military expenses, Yoshihiro frowned.

If sufficient military expenditures cannot be raised, Yoshigin would have already lost half of the Shiba Oda battle before it started.

But if he really wanted to ask Takada Yono for a million shi for military expenses, Yoshihiro also knew that he was too difficult to force others, this kind of request was simply unreasonable, and Takada Yono was forced to hang himself.

And Yoshihiro's sad face was exactly the ladder Yoshino Takada needed to advance. She smiled and took out a stack of documents from her arms, and offered them with both hands.

After receiving the document, Yoshihiro looked suspiciously at the confident Takada Yono, looked down at a page and was dumbfounded, and shouted.

"You raised 200 million shi for military expenses?"

Gao Tianyou smiled reservedly and said proudly.

"Your Majesty, do you still remember what I said when I took over the white sugar formula from you?

Yangnai must earn you a lot of money back, so that you will never worry about money for the rest of your life. "

Yiyin looked at the documents in his hand, and then at Takada Yono who had a loving expression on his face, and suddenly felt a bit of kidney pain.

Since Linnai's arrival, the important ministers in the family have started to turmoil and unrest.Takada Yono desperately spent such a large sum of money and food, he was afraid that he would have to pay with his own flesh.

(End of this chapter)

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