Chapter 1496

Yiyin subconsciously squeezed the stack of documents in his hand, and casually placed them on the case made of lobular red sandalwood, still in disbelief.

A total of 200 million shi, where did Yono Takada get so much money and food?It's not that Yoshigin doesn't believe in Takada Yoshino's ability, it's just that this number is too big and unbelievable.

The total stone height of the entire island country is only 2000 million stones a year. Takada Yono is equivalent to spending one-tenth of the world's grain output for Yiyin to squander.

It's like someone in Yiyin's previous life suddenly threw banknotes equivalent to one-tenth of a year's gross national product in front of Yiyin, and casually said, I'll support you.

This is no longer a question of belief or disbelief, but a shock and bewilderment that subverts the three views.

Yiyin calmed down and asked.

"How did you get the 200 million shi military expenses?"

Gao Tianyang said calmly.

"Actually, it's not difficult. The subject just relied on the majesty of the emperor and turned a trick."

Yiyin said a little grumpily.

"Say it clearly."

Takada Yono said with a smile.

"Your Majesty, do you still remember the three new economic plans that Ishida Mitsunari-sama conveyed to me?"

"of course I remember."

"Originally, the three new economic plans were to be developed gradually, slowly paving the way over a few years.

But because Shiba and Oda turned against each other, seeing that the big battle was coming, everyone had to stand in line, which gave me a wonderful opportunity.

Junshang has been invincible for seven years since his debut. Even if the opponent is the powerful Oda family this time, it is hard to believe that you will lose.

Since you don't think you will lose, there will naturally be people who will take the initiative to stand on your side, such as Master Xianru, or shareholders like Hokuriku Road Commercial Road.

Even the old Owari courtiers of the Oda family had to consider leaving a way out.

Therefore, things that could not be discussed before can now be discussed.Panic was a god-sent opportunity, and I accelerated three new economic plans. "

Looking at the triumphant Takada Yono, Yoshihiro secretly thought of a profiteer.

Since ancient times, the Taiping Festival has a stable order and is the most difficult to get rich.If you want to get rich overnight, it must be when the social order fluctuates.

Such as warlords fighting, such as reform and opening up, the change of order is a nightmare for ordinary people, but it is a paradise for adventurers.This is what is meant by the so-called war wealth and national calamity wealth.

Originally, in peacetime, everyone would talk about business as they wished, but the three new economic plans of the Shiba family were actually quite greedy and ugly. If they wanted to be accepted, they had to negotiate slowly.

But now that the Battle of Shiba Oda is about to break out, many economic affairs are not conducted in the way of peacetime negotiations.

During the war, the first consideration is to survive, and the second is to make money, just like the master is willing to sacrifice economic interests in exchange for the Shiba family to toughen the Oda family.

Takada Yono is backed by the Shiba family, as long as everyone doesn't think Yoshigin will lose, they will naturally bet on Takada Yono's side.Takada Yono simply relied on this to accelerate three new economic plans.

Anyway, at this time everyone is thinking about the issue of survival, and they can only hold their noses and bear with Takada Yono's some economic over-the-line moves.

Yi Yin sighed.

"Even if you can take advantage of the war to gain some advantage by poaching someone's corner, it's impossible to dig out a huge sum of 200 million shi, right?"

Takada Yono covered his mouth and smiled.

"Your Majesty underestimated Yang Nai, of course Yang Nai can dig up 200 million stones.

The core of the three new economic plans is the monetization of food stamps. As long as the market recognizes Sibo food stamps and is willing to exchange food for the paper I print, theoretically I can dig up all the supplies in the island country.

As for the securitization of commercial routes and the financialization of land, it is nothing more than finding a legitimate reason so that I can start the food stamp printing machine.

Last year, the logistics scale of the Hokuriku Road business route reached 400 million guan, and the net profit of the towns, warehouses, ports, and cargo shares operated along the way can reach 40%, which is [-] guan.

After negotiating with the shareholders, I reached an agreement to complete the stock price conversion of the securitization of Shanglu with the price of one share in my own hands.

Then I announced to the outside world that from then on, the dividends of the Hokuriku Road trade routes will be distributed uniformly, and the net profit of the annual income will be used for dividends, which will not be less than [-]%.

According to the proportion of last year, that is, the net profit of 400 million shares is 40 guan, and the cash dividend is not less than 20 guan.

A small household buys a share of Hokuriku Commercial Road stock, and the cash dividend is 20%.Theoretically, it takes ten years for stocks to pay back capital, and it takes [-] years for dividends to recover cash.

Now is the troubled times, how many people's lives are precarious, long-term high-quality assets with fixed dividends like the Hokuriku Road trade route, of course, will be snapped up by businessmen, nuns, and samurai with spare money.

Of course, the premise is that everyone thinks that you are invincible, the Shiba family is prosperous, and the Hokuriku trade route can last at least 20 years. "

Yiyin nodded.

"Then, you sold the Shiba family's stock in the Hokuriku trade route in exchange for money and food, and scraped together the 200 million shi?"

Gao Tianyang shook his head and said.

"Your Majesty still underestimates me. The [-]% stake that the Shiba family owns in the Hokuriku Road trade route is my hand to control the Hokuriku Road trade route. How can I give it away so easily?

I am just a joint major shareholder. On the grounds that the Shiba Oda dispute may lead to the severance of the Hokuriku Road trade route, I have suspended this year's trade route dividends and debt interest.

Then the news was released to the outside world, saying that the Hokuriku Road trade route would continue to expand this year, and could achieve a large market of 500 million guan.

Because of the turmoil in the current situation, they had no choice but to stagnate for a year. When the war subsides next year, the scale of the Hokuriku Road trade route will not be the 400 million kan of last year, but 500 million kan.

As a result, rumors arose in the market, saying that the Hokuriku trade route is now undervalued, and it is a once-in-a-lifetime buying opportunity. If you don’t buy it now, wait until when.

Then, I will unite with the major shareholders, estimate the market size of 500 million guan next year, and privately issue 100 million guan of Hokuriku Road stocks to the shareholders, and unite everyone to sell them in the market.

These newly added stocks were wildly sought after in the market, and they were sold out quickly. My Shiba family occupies [-]% of the Hokuriku Road trade route, so I am at ease.

By the way, Ishiyama Honganji has about [-]% of the shares in the Hokuriku Road Commercial Road, and it seems that the Venerable Master has also received corresponding income from additional issuance. "

Yiyin gasped when he heard that, Takada Yoshino is too good at playing, this is completely empty-handed white wolf's trick.

It is predicted that the Hokuriku Road business route will have a scale of 500 million next year, so this year we will sell next year's share first. This logic is too bastard.

Takada Yoshino had discussed with Yoshigin before that the upper limit of the Hokuriku Road trade route was about 500 million kan.

After that, the growth of the trade route market will become slower and slower, which is why she is eager to launch three new economic plans to find new economic growth points in the future.

Because the gold mine of the Hokuriku Commercial Road is about to be dug to the end, without high growth, Takada Yono can no longer continue to flick new funds into the game, and continue to play the trick of tearing down the east wall to make up for the west wall.

Even with a scale of 500 million guan, the Hokuriku business road is still a cash cow that continues to provide dividends, but it is destined to be unable to reproduce the previous high-speed growth.

Therefore, this time, Takata Yoshino is digging holes with major shareholders, digging out the potential prospects of the Hokuriku Road commercial road at one time, and throwing it to the small households in the market to pay for it.

The more growth expected by small households does not exist, because the 500 million yuan market has already come to an end, and the newly bought stocks in their hands are just a long-term dividend, and it is difficult to get more returns.

The major shareholders were happy to cooperate with Takada Yono to play the additional issue. The number of stocks in their hands was not short, and there was 20.00% more cash in plain sight. Isn't this just magic?

As for stock dilution and dividend reduction, major shareholders should not be worried.

Because Takada Yangnao can lead them to cheat a small household once, there will always be a way to cheat them a second time and a third time in the future.Everyone cooperates to cut leeks repeatedly, and the cooperation will be very pleasant.

It's no wonder that when Yiyin was at Hongan Temple in Shishan, it seemed like the master patted his chest and said that he would fully support him in materials, and the money and food were thrown out without blinking an eye.

It turned out that these money and grains were conjured out of thin air, and it seemed that the Venerable Master was generous to others, so naturally he didn't feel bad.

Yiyin glanced at Takada Yono, this girl is self-taught, and she understands modern finance.

She pulled the major shareholders to play the additional issue. The major shareholders were happy when they got the money, and the small shareholders were also happy when they got the stocks. Everyone felt that they had made a profit, and everyone was looking forward to a bright future.

So the question is, who loses?This is the power of financial magic.

Yi Yin sighed.

"Dig out 20 coins out of thin air, you are capable."

Takada Yono chuckled.

"Your Majesty, I dug up more than 20 guan.

Don't forget that after the monetization of food stamps, the stocks of the Hokuriku Road trade route are all traded in food stamps.Without food stamps, there is no qualification to buy and sell stocks.

The additional 100 million guan are all bought and sold in the form of food stamps, which means that I can newly print food stamps of at least 200 million shi to enter the market.

Because of their strong value, food stamps have been exchanged for two in the market. One stone of food stamps can be exchanged for two stones of brown rice.

Because the Shiba Oda battle was imminent, the originally stable exchange of copper coins for grain, which had always been exchanged for two stones of brown rice, began to fluctuate violently again.

The latest copper coin to grain exchange ratio is close to one to one.

Those who want to buy stocks on the Hokuriku Road trade route must first exchange four guan coins for four shi of grain, and then exchange four shi of grain for two shi of grain coupons.

In the end, two shi of food stamps could be exchanged for two shi of Hokuriku Road stock, that is, stocks with a constant face value.

Therefore, the additional 100 million Hokuriku Dosho stocks I issued are actually worth 400 million kan, which is 80% of the Shiba family's share, which is [-] kan.

Moreover, my Shiba family has a separate copper coin grain exchange agreement with friendly forces, and the purchase price is constant at two copper coins and two stones for brown rice, which is not affected by market fluctuations.

So, for this sum alone, I earned 160 million shi for military expenses.

Of course, in fact, it is impossible for me to buy 160 million shi of grain, which would drain the grain reserves of friendly forces, and they would not do it either.

However, not all military expenditures are food, ordnance, armor, animal power, labor, and rewards, all of which can be distributed in the form of copper coins.

In addition, the purchase cost of the first phase of Sibo Real Estate has been finalized, and most of the payers are from the old samurai of Owari.

These old officials of Oda were very worried that the Oda family would lose and they would lose everything.So they are all willing to put a sum of money to wait and see with me as insurance, about a hundred thousand.

I'm not too polite. According to the rules, food coupons must be used for Sibo real estate transactions. After this round and round exchange, it is another 40 shi.

These two incomes add up to a military expenditure of 200 million shi, and the specific accounts are in the document before your case. I believe this money and food are enough to support the consumption of the battle with the Oda family.

Because of the large demand for food stamps driven by the securitization of commercial routes and the financialization of land, Sibo food stamps are already in short supply in the market.

I have already printed 200 million shi food stamps, and I don't care about printing another 200 million shi food stamps.

Anyway, the war is coming soon, the logistics will be cut off during the war, the food cannot be transshipped, and the business of exchanging food stamps for the granary will be temporarily frozen.

No matter how many food stamps I print at this time, it will not cause a run on the granary. At most, the value of food stamps will drop due to the excessive issuance of food stamps.

But as long as you win against the Oda family, everyone will have more trust in the intrinsic value of Shiba food stamps, and I can calmly deal with the excessive food stamps and gradually eliminate hidden dangers.

Therefore, if the 200 million shi military expenses are exhausted and the war has not stopped, I will try my best to raise another few million shi for military expenses for your majesty. "

Yiyin shook his head and lamented that money was issued indiscriminately during the war and the economy was depressed after the war. Isn’t this the scene after World War I in the previous life?

He said.

"No need, I'm just fighting Oda Nobunaga so that she doesn't dare to bully the Shiba family, not to destroy the Oda family.

200 million shi military expenses are enough to support a big war.

Yang Nai, you have done a very good job, and there is no need to completely empty out the economic potential, so as not to leave hidden dangers for the future. "

Qian Zhuang is timid, whether he is the boss or the grandson, if he has no money, he will not be able to stand upright.

The business talent and financing ability shown by Yono Takada brought her weight in Yoshihiko's heart to a new level, and she became an indispensable economic champion of the Shiba family.

Yiyin understood in his heart.

The competition between the Shiba family and the Oda family is not only in the military, but also in a full-scale political confrontation, which requires a lot of economic strength.

In terms of military affairs, he must have military expenses to fight against Oda Nobunaga and confirm his undefeated position before he is eligible to have an equal dialogue with Oda Nobunaga.

Politically, he needs to fight against Oda Nobunaga's hegemony with kingly ways, establish a paradise in Shiba Ling, and unite the samurai class to move closer to himself as a samurai beacon.

The flexible innovation of Yoshihiro sharing benefits to the middle and lower classes of the samurai and safeguarding the overall interests of the samurai family is far more popular with the samurai family than Oda Nobunaga's radical innovation of centralizing power with an iron fist and improving the status of civilians.

This is a protracted battle, and the most important thing in a long-term confrontation with the Oda family is money and economic strength.

Oda Nobunaga was not born with a snobbish eye. She concentrated power and squeezed the territory with an iron fist in order to get more money and food to support her huge army that conquered the world.

The kingly way that Yoshihiro is going to go, all kinds of benefits are thrown away like no money, but in fact he spends more money than Oda Nobunaga.

Oda Nobunaga spent money to build the Oda family's army, and Yoshiyin spent money to make the Shiba family live a better life. The two sides exert their political influence in different ways, but the essence is to burn money.

With the help of Takada Yono's superb financial means, Yoshihiro has the confidence to compete economically.

Finance does not create wealth, but it can transfer wealth. Financial means are more concealed than military means of plunder, and are less likely to cause resentment.

Oda Nobunaga slaughtered Minami Omi and burned Mount Hiei, making himself notorious.

However, the money and food that the Oda family robbed back with their notoriety is definitely not as much as Takada Yono robbed through the three new economic plans.

Takata Yoshino used the securitization of commercial routes to lead the major shareholders to cut the leeks of the minority shareholders.Then collect seigniorage tax by issuing food stamps, and harvest another wave of big and small shareholders.

She also used the financialization of land to take away the wealth of Minami Omi and Mt. Hiei that Oda's retainers worked so hard to snatch.

Yoshino Takada's sickle was so sharp that even Yoshihiro was shocked, what a talent.

(End of this chapter)

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