different warring states of japan

Chapter 1497 It's useless, my sister can't sleep

Chapter 1497 It's useless, my sister can't sleep

With the military expenses for the confrontation with Oda Nobunaga settled, Yoshihiro's biggest concern can be put aside.

he asked with a sigh of relief.

"Why didn't Xue Nai come to see him?"

Takada Yono sighed.

"After the beginning of summer, the heat is very hot, and Xue Nai's old injury is not feeling well, so I arranged for her to go to a nearby mountain to escape the heat.

When I heard that Your Majesty was coming, I sent someone to inform her, and I thought she would come back soon. "

Yi Yin shook his head and sighed.

"If I had known this, I would have told you not to let Xue Nai run around.

Kyoto needs me to sit in town, and I can't leave it for too long. I may have to go back in two days. Why let Xue Nai run around? "

Takada Yono smiled wryly.

"Your Majesty, it's not that you don't know Xue Nai's temper. If I don't report it, she will definitely blame me to death later.

Fortunately, the summer resort is not far away, and she should be back later today. "

Yiyin nodded and asked.

"The withdrawal of Miyoshi's family from Sakai Port and the entry of Hosokawa's family into the customs office have any impact on your side?"

Takada Yono said with a smile.

"Your Majesty, rest assured, whether it is Miyoshi Yasunaga or Hosokawa Fujitaka, no matter who is stationed in the checkpoint, I will treat them with courtesy, as long as they do not violate the interests of the Shiba family."

Yoshihiro shook his head slightly, he could hear Takada Yono's wariness against Hosokawa Fujitaka.

Hosokawa Fujitaka is a good friend of Akechi Mitsuhide, and since borrowing wine and Yoshihiro Naha, the two are even more like grasshoppers strung together on a thread.

Akechi Mitsuhide first teamed up with Nizi Katsuhisa to propose the establishment of a questioning party, and recommended his confidant Honda Masanobu to be the chief officer of the questioning party and intervene in economic affairs.

Later, she leaked the secret to Takada Yono, and used Takata Yono to go to Gamo's village.Today, Sakai Port has Akechi Mitsuhide's buddy Hosokawa Fujitaka again.

With such a bad-bellied colleague peeping in the dark, it would give anyone a headache to watch.It would be strange if Takada Yoshino was not vigilant.

The agency that collects business information and the customs office that manages Sakai Port taxation are all under the control of Akechi Mitsuhide and his family.

Although the situation is calm at the moment, who knows when the situation will change suddenly, these tools will turn into sharp knives in the hands of the opponent, stabbing himself in the back.

Not to mention that Takada Yono was vigilant, Ishida Mitsunari did not dare to relax, and the power struggle could not tolerate the slightest naivety.

In fact, it's not just Takada Yono and Akechi Mitsuhide, there are many old grievances and contradictions among the important officials of the Shiba family.

In Kanto, there is a party in Nizishan, which is near the two ends, Katsutoshi Shimao, who has a party of many people in the old country, Maeda Toshiie who monopolizes Owari Shiba, and general Maeda's interests in the near future. Which one is the fuel-efficient lamp?
This is only an internal problem of Shiba's family. If it is included in the Kanto Service Office, it will be a mess after another, and it will be chaotic if it is not cleaned up.

Sometimes, Yiyin can only pretend to be confused and see nothing.

After ordering Hosokawa Fujitaka, he reminded Yono Takada that unity should be the first priority, so Yoshihiro changed the subject and asked another question.

"The two southern barbarians I met when I came last time, are they still doing business with you?"

Takada Yono nodded.

"You mean Lilu, right? I have always maintained business contacts with her.

Last time you hinted that they might be useful in the future, so I gave her a lot of preferential treatment and convenience in business.

At present, the mainstream of Nanman trade is the Western Portuguese. Lilu and her group are Lan and British, and they belong to the alternative sect of the Nanman sect, and they are not in harmony with the Western Portuguese.

Therefore, Lilu will inevitably be suppressed by the Nanman Cult in the Nanban trade.

The favorable conditions I gave are enough to attract her to keep in touch with me for a long time, so that she can prepare for what the Lord needs in the future. "

Yiyin nodded in satisfaction.

"You've done a good job, I'm going to use her this time.

Is her ship in Sakai Port now? "

Takada Yono replied.

"She has arrived. She came with the monsoon and should stay for about three months, waiting for the trade wind to return."

Yiyin nodded.

"Very well, get her here immediately... No, tomorrow, tomorrow morning, let her and her red-haired deputy come over."

Yiyin changed his mind in the middle of speaking.

Golden hair and red hair, this time he wants to handle official and private affairs together, so he must handle them.

For the sake of the public, he wants Lilu to donate the cannon to help him disrupt the iron cannon array of the Oda family.

For personal reasons, last time I didn't have a good meal, so I must try the exotic flavor this time.

These two things are actually one thing.

Because there is a tacit understanding among the Nanman people, they will not provide the island lords with artillery, the life-saving weapon of the Nanman ships.

If Yiyin is purchased through formal means, no matter if it is coercion or temptation, Lilu will never dare to sell it. Doing so will offend all her peers, and the gain outweighs the gain.

Therefore, Yiyin can only lure Lilu to commit the heinous crime, forcing her to betray her.

So what sin is heinous?Of course, forcibly humiliating the governor of the Shiba family, one of the supreme rulers of the island country, is really a heinous crime.

Yiyin smiled slightly, his life is not a special effect!

With the urgency of the system that does not commit crimes in life, as long as Yiyin manages Jinmaohongmao, in Jinmaohongmao's heart, they have gone crazy for some reason and forcibly humiliated Yiyin.

At that time, whatever Yiyin wants, they can only give. They can't control their lower body and commit such heinous crimes that are not as good as beasts.

However, with Yiyin's status today, it is not easy for the Nanman people to meet him, and the opportunity is fleeting.So he had to arrange it properly before calling the Nanmans over.

Yiyin arrived here for the first time today, and the accommodation has not yet been arranged.If the southern barbarians were summoned at this time, they would probably meet here.

Even if Yiyin could repel the idlers and meet Lilu alone, there is no guarantee that there will be no mistakes and someone accidentally ruins his good deeds.

If that was the case, the golden and red hair who committed the crime would be dead, and it would be very difficult for Yiyin to protect them.

Even if Yiyin voluntarily admits that he forced them and not they forced himself, no one will believe it. It is really awesome that life does not violate special effects.

Therefore, Yiyin had to stay for one night first, and arranged for Gamo's hometown to watch the wind outside, so that he could communicate with the golden and red hairs in a simple way with peace of mind.

Of course Takada Yono didn't know, Yoshihiro's mind was already full of thoughts at the moment, she just nodded to accept the order.

"Hey, I'll send someone to notify Lilu right away, asking her to bring her adjutant to come to see her tomorrow morning."

In order to prevent Takada Yoshino from ruining his good deeds like last time, Yoshihiro said very seriously.

"This matter must be kept secret, Yang Nai, I trust you, so I won't hide it.

Oda Nobunaga has trained a new type of long spear and iron cannon array through the Nanban Sect. I am also a little worried about the enemy Oda Army this time.

The best way to destroy the iron cannon array is to bombard the enemy with the artillery of the southern barbarians, which is one of the reasons why I have to come to Sakai Port in person.

There is a tacit understanding among the southern barbarians. In order to ensure that they will not lose their sharp weapons across the world, the artillery will never be sold to us islanders.

Therefore, I can only interview Lilu in secret and rent the artillery on her ship.

In order to ensure that this matter will not be leaked to the Oda family by the Nanman Cult, so as not to spoil the war, you must be careful. "

How did Yoshino Takada know that Yoshihiro told her this military secret because he was worried that she would act indiscriminately tomorrow and accidentally ruin her beautiful thing of tasting exotic customs.

At this moment, Yoshino Takada, who was informed by Yoshihiro, was extremely excited.As expected, I am the most trusted subject of your majesty, and your majesty will not hide such military secrets from me.

she asked with a straight face.

"Nanban artillery? Your Majesty is talking about the collapse of the country on the Nanban ship?
It is said that the Kyushu daimyo once paid a huge price to borrow the Guobeng on the Nanban ship, and took down a strong military city in one day, and wiped out the hostile daimyo.

After that, it was rumored that there was a weapon called Guobeng on board the Nanman ship to destroy the country. "

Yiyin nodded solemnly.

"That's right, although Lilu is a Nanban merchant, she travels thousands of miles at sea, and there are many dangers, so she must be equipped with Guobeng on board to prevent pirates.

I came here this time to use her Kunobengyi to compete with the Oda Iron Cannon Array. "

Gao Tianyou bowed his head on the ground and said.

"The subject understands, I must be careful not to spoil the king's important affairs."

Yi Yin felt hehe in his heart, and couldn't help but rub his hands, this time no one will spoil my good deeds again.

In this meeting, Yiyin and Gao Tianyang had a great time.Soon, there was a message from the outside world that Takata Yukino asked for an audience.

Yi Yin shook his head and said.

"Xue Nai came back so quickly, I don't know if her body can bear it. Let her go back to her yard to rest first, and I will see her later."

Takada Yono nodded and said.

"I will accompany you to the past."


After passing through several courtyards with exquisite garden scenery, Yoshihiro couldn't help but glared at Takada Yono again.

Although this wealth is for outside creditors to see, it is too extravagant.Compared with the newly built Duowen Mountain City in Yiyin, it is simply poor.

Going through another courtyard, he finally came to Takada Yukino's yard. Yiyin could see Yukino sitting in a wheelchair from a distance, waiting in the courtyard.

A few steps forward, Yiyin was a little unhappy and said.

"Didn't I tell you to rest in the house first? Why are you disobedient?"

Xue Nai smiled, a little presumptuously looking directly at Yiyin.

"I want to see Junshang sooner. I haven't seen you for a long time. You seem to have lost weight again."

Yiyin sighed, can you not lose weight?I am running near the east of the Kanto, and none of the bastards under my command can be worry-free.

To fight against Oda Nobunaga, to appease the emotions of the concubines inside and outside the family, and to consider the future of the two daughters Rena Takeda and Miyuki Uesugi, Yoshigin is too worried, how can he not lose weight?

In comparison, Xue Nai's feelings for him are the purest, with few impurities mixed in.

Yiyin glanced at Li Huazuo who was pushing Xue Nai's wheelchair. This white-haired British girl was now dressed as a Ji warrior, and she looked decent.

This exotic fusion of local sex and coldness attracted Yiyin's attention even more than the previous downcast appearance.After all, what man could say no to Silver Fur?

Yi Yin shook hands at Li Huazuo, Li Huazuo bowed and retreated, Yi Yin stepped forward to push Xue Nao's wheelchair and walked into the courtyard.

"I heard from Yang Nai that your old injury has relapsed recently? How do you feel?"

Xue Nai laughed, she seemed to enjoy the king's pampering, and gasped slightly.

"This body is useless, and it won't die for a while, but it won't help your majesty."

Yi Yin frowned.

"What are you talking about, live well, the good days are yet to come."

Under the sun, the former boy pushed the former girl on the stone path in the courtyard, just like the life of these years.

The pebbles on the ground rubbed against the wooden wheels, causing Xue Nai to sway.Yiyin simply stopped the car, picked up Xue Nai in the posture of a princess, and walked to the room.

Behind him, Yang Nao's eyes seemed to burst into flames, jealous, really jealous to death.

She racked her brains and devoted all her energy to preparing military expenses for the king, her hair was almost bald, and only then did she get a few words of encouragement from the king.

But Xue Nai didn't do anything, she just breathed a little harder, and Jun Shang felt so distressed.

This person compares to others, it is really maddening.

Xue Nai squinted her eyes and curled up in Yiyin's arms, like a kitten who loved its master deeply, her whole body was soft and fragrant.

Her weight is very light, so light that Yiyin feels even more distressed.It wasn't until she entered the room and put her on the tatami that she opened her eyes reluctantly, and looked at Yang Nao with a grim expression.

There was no one else in the room, only Yi Yin, Xue Nai Yang Nai, and Li Hua Zuo who served Xue Nai.

Xue Nai said suddenly.

"Tonight, is Your Majesty going to sleep with sister?"

Yiyin was taken aback for a moment, but before he could speak, Yang Nai reprimanded him with a blushing face.

"Xue Nai, what nonsense are you talking about!"

Yukino tilted her head and said innocently.

"Eh? Two million shi military expenses can't be exchanged for Junshang's love for one night? What a useless sister."

At this time, Yang Nai had long lost his calmness and wisdom in front of outsiders, his complexion was swollen like a pig's liver, and he seemed about to faint from embarrassment at any time.

Yiyin smiled helplessly.

For this pair of sisters, it seems that the elder sister Yang Nai is more capable and stronger, but in fact she has been dominated by Xue Nai all these years, and she has always been weak and aggrieved.

Xue Nai is helping Yang Nai to ask for grace, and Yang Nai also knows that Xue Nai is helping her, but Yang Nai just doesn't feel right.

The younger sister's tone was like giving alms, as if she wanted to give a little of the kindness of the emperor to her.

Sisters have deep affection, but it doesn't mean that sisters don't want to prioritize.Obviously, Yang Nai has always been that time, as proud and arrogant as her, how can he swallow this breath?

Yiyin sighed and came out to smooth things over.

"Xue Nai, don't tease Yang Nao like this."

Yiyin's words made Yang Nai weak and pitiful, and she bit her lower lip even more unhappy.Well, Yiyin's kindness is not rewarded, so he is meddling in his own business.

Xue Nai covered her mouth, coughed softly, and sighed.

"My body is unwell, and my sister doesn't fight for it. Your Majesty rarely comes to Sakai Port. Wouldn't it be difficult to sleep alone at night? It must be very lonely."

The more Xue Nai spoke, the more explicit she became, and she could hardly take it anymore, he glanced at Li Huazuo with a calm face, and thought to himself.

Xue Nai didn't avoid Li Huazuo when she said this kind of thing. I heard that the two of them were inseparable all the time, and Li Huazuo was like Xue Nai's shadow. Now it seems that they really don't hide anything from her.

I don't know what this conservative British silver hair thinks about the relationship between Yi Yin and the Takata sisters?

(End of this chapter)

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