Chapter 1500
Takada Yoshino wept with joy, Yiyin also heaved a sigh of relief, and finally managed to fool this silly girl.

Yang Nai Xue Nai is indeed Yi Yin's darling.

The elder sister, Yang Nai, is bold and fat, and plays a set of Qian Kun Da Nuo with a high level of proficiency, supporting the Shiba family's economy with financial means beyond the times.

The younger sister Xue Nai disobeys ethics, uses violence to control violence, has no respect or fear, and only cares about one person in her heart, she is a flower of interpretation that is different from common sense.

This pair of sisters with different personalities is Yiyin's earliest followers and most intimate admirers. How could Yiyin be willing to punish them? It's too late to be loved by a thief.

But there are some things that can only be felt secretly, and the appearance has to be acted out.

Yang Nai seems to be smart, but in fact he blindly worships Yi Yin, just a silly girl.She believed what Yiyin said, and she didn't look shrewd and capable outside.

Xue Nai looks dumb, but that's really smart, she handles Yi Yin to death, Yi Yin has lingering fears about this girl, and even has a little anticipation that she doesn't know how she will play next time.

Yiyin sighed, shook his head, and said to Yang Nai.

"You go back to the hospital today to reflect on yourself for a day.

On Xue Nai's side, since you have grounded her, let her be locked up for a day too.That girl is becoming more and more lawless, and Guan Yiguan made her remember forever. "

Yang Nai glanced at Yiyin, and Yiyin looked away a little guilty.

With Xue Nai's temperament, is it useful to shut down for a day?Isn't this a disguised form to encourage her to do something again next time?

It was because of Yiyin's pampering and indulgence that this girl got worse. At this moment, Lian Yangnai hated her so much.

But Yang Nai felt sorry for his sister and didn't say anything.Yiyin is still looking forward to the next time, so naturally he will be fined three glasses of wine, if it is not an example, it will be over.

Seeing Yang Nai fu kowtow and leave, Yi Yin felt a little proud.

Yang Nai went back to reflect, and later talked about things in a simple way with Jinmao and Hongmao, so he didn't have to worry about being disturbed again.


Lilu was a little uneasy, Christina was left in a side room and was not allowed to follow, Gamo's Township only allowed her to come to see her.

Yiyin, who watched Lilu salute, was also a little surprised and asked.

"Where's your adjutant?"

Lilu was taken aback for a moment, and subconsciously looked at Gamo Clan Township who led her here.

Gamo Shixiang didn't sleep all night, and her face was quite ugly at this time, she didn't know if it was because of staying up late, or something else, she bowed and said.

"Your Majesty, the origins and intentions of the Nanman people are unclear. You secretly summoned them to play alone, and I am afraid that they will have malicious intentions and hurt your majesty.

So, I let another Nanman stay in the side room. "

Yi Yin narrowed his eyes.

Gamo Clan Township has always been very obedient, strict in doing things, and never compromised in carrying out his orders.But today, she seems to have some spirit of her own.

But it's hard for Yiyin to say anything, because this is the job of Gamo's hometown.

Yiyin is obsessed with flirting with foreign girls, and secretly summons him to play alone, not even releasing a guard.

If any accident happened, Gamo Shixiang, who was in charge of guarding Junshang, couldn't afford it, so she naturally had the responsibility to arrange it properly.

Yiyin nodded helplessly.

"You did a good job, let's go out first."

Pusheng Shixiang glanced at Lilu, Lilu was stunned by the inexplicable emotion in her eyes, such scary eyes.

"Your servant will leave."

Gamo Shixiang backed out slowly and closed the sliding door slowly, her eyes never leaving Lilu's neck until the sliding door closed.

Outside the door, Pu Sheng's hometown was stunned, with a sore nose, and sadly left to watch the wind in the courtyard.

Inside the door, cold sweat was seeping from Lilu's back, and Gastronomy's knife-like gaze made her back ache.

At this time, a sentence came from her ear.

"come here."

Lilu looked up in astonishment, and saw something brewing in Yiyin's eyes, as if they were burning.

Seeing Lilu hesitate, Yiyin ordered again impatiently.

"come over!"

Time was running out, and Yiyin had to hurry up.

Since Linnai appeared, everyone has become strange, no matter in Kanto or recent days, Ji warriors have become strange.

Especially this time when I came to Sakai Port, Yang Nai, Yukino, and even Shi Xiang became more and more strange.

Yiyin is not going to talk nonsense with Lilu, he wants to have a good time and go straight to work, and he has no relationship with Lilu, he just wants to have a taste of the exotic, and get some artillery to go back and bombard people.

Therefore, Yiyin is not interested in talking nonsense, let's do it first, anyway, Lilu will cry and beg for forgiveness later, life does not violate the routine of special effects, Yiyin is tired of watching it, and he doesn't even bother to pretend.

Lilu didn't know what Yiyin meant, and when she was in a daze, Yiyin had already approached her.

The handsome face that repeatedly appeared in the dream was getting closer and closer to her, and finally his lips touched hers.

Lilu's eyes widened, and she began to wonder if she had fallen asleep and was dreaming.

The next thing she knew it was not a dream, because it was too big, too thick and too intense!Next, she began to determine that this must be a dream, because it is impossible for the weak men in this world to be so strong!


After the violent storm, Yiyin rubbed his fingers, curled his lips, and wanted to smoke a little.

As expected, Lilu knelt in front of him, weeping bitterly, trembling.

"Great and benevolent lord, please forgive my sins, I swear, I definitely didn't do it on purpose!"

Yiyin yawned, tugged at the hem of his robe, and tightened his belt.I was in a hurry to wear it just now, and it was a little loose.

Corruption, after a few years of being a high-ranking person, other people take care of changing clothes, and Yiyin almost forgot how to dress.

Yiyin was complaining to herself, but Lilu was terrified from the bottom of her heart.Just now he was indulging in so much pleasure, but now the time of the sage is so frightened that he wants to pee.

What happened to me?Is it true that as Christina said, the difference between reality and illusion is no longer clear?Although it's great to have a dream come true, but she really doesn't want to die!
Yiyin rubbed his chin, ignored Lilu's pleading, and asked directly.

"How many guns are there in your ship?"


"I ask you, how many guns are on your ship?"

Lilu answered tremblingly.

"Four Francois cannons, one three-pounder at the bow and one at the stern, and two six-pounders in the sides."

Yiyin was taken aback.

"so little?"

Lilu smiled wryly.

"My lord, I'm just an airliner. Most of the cabins are used as cargo warehouses and supply warehouses. Why do we need so many cannons?
As for these four cannons, Christina insisted that I configure them, and I think they are too heavy.When encountering pirates, fire a few shots to frighten them to buy time, and when the pirates hesitate, speed up and escape. "

Yiyin nodded, that's the reason.

"Give me these four cannons, and I will forgive you for being rude to me."

Lilu's pretty little face suddenly wrinkled into a bitter face, Yiyin frowned.

"What? You don't want to?"

Lilu said embarrassingly.

"My lord, there is an agreement among us southern barbarians that artillery is not for sale and will not participate in trade."

Yi Yin blinked.

"Isn't it for sale? Is it okay if I don't pay? Is this your compensation for humiliating me, or do you want to apologize with death?"

Lilu looked at Yiyin pitifully, and was already sobbing.

"My don't want to die...but...but...those cannons are out of my control."

Yiyin snorted.

"It's not good to make up a lie.

This is your ship, now you tell me that the artillery is not in your control, you have no right to deal with it? "

Lilu squatted there with her legs hugged, tears and snot, and said pitifully.

"My lord, what I said is true, I have no control over those artillery pieces.

You don't understand the rules of our long voyage. Although I am the captain, there are many restrictions on board.

For example, crew members have the right to fight for their own legitimate interests, and the first mate, second mate, and bosun on board all have the right to speak out for the crew.

In particular, my adjutant Christina, who served in the Royal Navy of England, is a wartime commander supported by the crew and has the highest command authority in naval battles.

Moreover, all military-related swords, muskets, gunpowder, and ammunition on the ship are all locked in the warehouse and will only be distributed during wartime. The key is in Christina's hands. "

Yiyin nodded slightly, Lilu's words didn't sound like she was lying.

Medieval voyages were a great adventure. Although going to sea could bring you huge wealth, it was also an expedition with a high mortality rate.

Therefore, the fleet that goes to sea has gradually formed a set of effective maritime rules. Although the captain has great power, it is not without restrictions.

For a merchant captain like Lilu, she may have great power over charts, waterways, and ports, and she can demand absolute obedience from the crew.

But for the special functional positions of first mate, second mate, bosun, and military chief, they have no right to interfere with the other party's normal duties.

Yiyin wants to exchange four cannons for one grass, which seems to be an easy idea.One grass is not enough, more grass is needed.


Christina had an ominous premonition. She glanced at Gamo's village, which was no longer advancing. With a soldier's intuition, she could feel the faint murderous aura on the opponent.

Gamo Shixiang gave her a cold look and said.

"Go in by yourself."

Christina looked at the closed sliding door in front of her, and then at Gamojigo, who could no longer conceal her murderous aura, and hesitated for a moment.

But remembering that Lilu was still deeply involved, Christina could only grit her teeth and move forward.

Behind her, Gamo Ujigo did not exit as before, but stood still, watching Christina enter the room.

She knew that she was violating the order of the emperor.But watching the two barbarians enter the room to be alone with the king, he was very anxious.

Why?Why did your majesty do this?The same goes for the Takata sisters yesterday, and the Nanman people today, what are you thinking, my lord?
Being persuaded by Yiyin to be loyal to him for the rest of his life, Gamo Clan Township, who watched over him, felt extremely painful at this moment.

The holy and innocent male god in her heart seems to have gradually disintegrated in the image of the gatekeeper again and again.

But it seems that there is a strange power of rules, constantly reshaping the sacred and inviolable male god in her heart.

For a moment, she was in a daze, male god, male cousin, male god, male cousin. .A young girl in love feels like her heart is about to be split in two.

She told herself repeatedly, I have to trust Jun, there must be a reason for Jun to do this, Jun is not that kind of casual man.


No matter how schizophrenic Gamo Shigo was outside, Christina who entered the room saw the disheveled Lilu curled up on the ground, her eyes widened in disbelief.


"I'm sorry, Christina, I'm sorry."

Christina wanted to ask again, but there was a sound of closing the door behind her. When she turned her head, Yiyin had already held her in his arms, and she was about to do so. .

At that moment, Yiyin suddenly felt dizzy, and then his back was hit hard on the tatami, which caught him off guard and couldn't help but let out a scream.

Christina, who was hugged by Yiyin from behind, reflexively used a standard over-the-shoulder throw, smashed Yiyin to the ground, and then cut his hands backwards.

At this moment, Yiyin suddenly remembered that this is a world of female rulers, and the power of female soldiers far exceeds that of an ordinary man from the world of male rulers.

In the past few years, he has been going smoothly, and no one dared to disobey him for a long time. Even if it was about going to bed, Warrior Ji said no, his hands were weak, and his heart was full of joy.

It had been a long time since a woman dared to hit him hard. Today, the red-haired Celtic beauty from the British Peninsula made him realize what pain is again.

Almost at the same time as Yoshihiro screamed, the sliding door was quickly opened, Gamo Shigo saw Christina cut Yoshihiro's arm back, and his eyes turned red.

She drew her knife and slashed at Christina's neck, and Yiyin immediately yelled.

"Don't kill her!"

At this time, the blade had already rested on Christina's neck, and a few strands of red hair slowly fell and fell on the tatami.

Lilu on the side screamed.

"Don't kill Christina! Don't kill her! I promise you anything!"

Christina's blow over the shoulder was just a subconscious reaction of her body. She had just suppressed Yiyin and knew that something was wrong.

At this time, the blade was coldly pressed against her neck, and beads of sweat suddenly oozed from her forehead.She slowly let go of Yi Yin, and slowly raised her hands, lest the terrifying Ji warrior behind her might misunderstand.

Yi Yin shook his strangled hand, wiped away the tears from the pain with his sleeve, took the knife from Gamo Goji, and continued to press it against Christina's neck.

He glanced at the courtyard, and heard Lilu's screams, the concentric Ji warriors entered in a file and were running over.

Yi Yin squinted his eyes and said to Gamo Shixiang.

"You go out and let them leave the yard."

Gamo's Township hesitated.

"Your Majesty, this Southern barbarian attacked..."

Yiyin interrupted angrily.

"Don't you understand what I'm saying? I'll let you take them out! No one is allowed to enter this yard without my order!"

Yiyin was really angry, the pain just now brought tears to his eyes, if he didn't screw Christina upside down now, how could he let it go.

Pu Sheng Shixiang pursed his lips, glanced fiercely at the two Nanmans, bowed and retreated.

Yiyin said coldly.

"Close the door!"

Gamo's Township paused and closed the door.

The three people in the room didn't move, and outside the door came Gamo's voice scolding Samurai Ji, and then the sound of leaving footsteps.

Yiyin knew that Pusheng's township was very wronged, and this professional lookout obviously had his own emotions. Yiyin needed to fool around again, otherwise it would be difficult to work in the future.

But now, Yiyin has to deal with Christina first, he has to get rid of this red-haired foreign girl today, so that he can vent his anger.

(End of this chapter)

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