different warring states of japan

Chapter 1501 If You Make a Mistake, You Must Redeem

Chapter 1501 If You Make a Mistake, You Must Redeem

Pressing the knife in his hand against Christina's neck, Yiyin ordered Lilu coldly.

"Untie her belt."

Lilu knelt on the ground.

"Wuuuuuu, benevolent lord, please don't kill Christina, she didn't do it on purpose."

Yiyin said sharply.

"Don't you understand what I'm saying! Take off her belt!"

Christina raised her hands and said to Lilu.

"Lilu, do as the lord says, don't provoke him.

Lord Lord, I am very sorry for my actions just now, and I am even more deeply sorry for Li Lu's actions.

Lilu is a silly girl who can't tell the difference between reality and fantasy, she just admires you.We are willing to do whatever it takes to get your forgiveness, please give us a chance. "

Christina's neither humble nor overbearing tone made Yoshigin even more annoyed.His back hurts, and he is too lazy to talk nonsense with Christina.

give you a chance?OK, you go talk to Jill!

Yiyin watched Lilu take off Christina's belt coldly, and ordered Lilu.

"Now, with your belt and her belt, bind her hands and feet."

Lilu suppressed crying, nodded, and was about to tie Christina's legs first.

Who knows, Yiyin scolded.

"Wrong! Bind her left foot to her left hand, and her right hand to her right foot!"

Lilu paused, although she didn't know why Yiyin tied Christina like this, but now that the knife was on Christina's neck, she could only obey obediently.

But with such a bondage, Christina would definitely not be able to stand up straight.

Christina sat down slowly, and the knife in Yiyin's hand slowly descended with her.Lilu carefully tied Christina's left hand and left foot, right hand and right foot respectively.

Yi Yin stared.

"Tighten up."

Lilu gritted her teeth and tightened her belt tightly. Christina couldn't help but let out a muffled groan, feeling a little hurt.

After Lilu was tied up, Christina sat in front of Yiyin in an uncomfortable position, her legs were wide apart, which was very strange.

Christina's face remained calm, she said in a deep voice.

"My lord, my hands and feet are tied, and I can no longer threaten you.

Now, can we talk calmly? "

Yiyin threw away the knife, loosened his belt, and said coldly.

"Wait a second, I'm a little angry now, let's talk about it after my anger subsides."

Lilu was so frightened by the unreasonable scene in front of her that she shivered and stood aside, not daring to move.

Christina's eyes revealed disbelief at first, then became confused, then became astonished and fearful, and finally loathed and regretted.

It was as if they had experienced a strange and contradictory psychological struggle. The two who were originally forced by Yiyin actually began to reconstruct the plot in their minds, and it became them forcing Yiyin.

It is justifiable for Lilu to do such a thing.

But Christina, who has always been calm and rational, did such a beastly thing. Not only did Lilu not understand, but even Christina herself began to be puzzled, regretting, and loathing herself.


Yiyin rushed forward with anger, but Christina couldn't resist it, and silently endured it.Not only physically, the impact on the spirit is even more severe.

Under the special effects of life does not commit, reality is reshaped again and again, making this strong red-haired female soldier fall into an endless loop of self-doubt.

When Yiyin's anger was exhausted, Christina had already collapsed to the ground, extremely exhausted both mentally and physically, and completely lost the ability to resist.

With Yiyin's permission, Lilu hurriedly helped Christina loosen her restraints and let her lie down more comfortably.

Seeing Kristina's trance-like appearance, the avenged Yoshihiro played with Gamo's village sword in his hand, and couldn't help humming.

How to see a rainbow without experiencing wind and rain, no one can succeed casually.

He holds a sharp knife, and the villain is successful, but in the eyes of the two Nanman daughters, he is not angry and arrogant, very frightening.

Lilu said cautiously.

"Great and benevolent lord, I am willing to donate the four cannons on board as compensation for your...of..."

Lilu didn't know what to say, until now, her head was in a daze.

If it is said that Lilu herself is daring and lustful, then it is somewhat possible.But to say that the rational Christina also lost her mind, Lilu herself was the first to not believe it.

But the reality was right in front of the two of them, and there was no way to deny it.Lilu and Christina made an unforgivable mistake when they played against Yiyin alone.

No matter how hard they can figure it out, they must show sincerity and pay a high price for their brutal behavior of forcibly humiliating the man in front of them.

Yiyin didn't pay attention to Lilu's words, he just stared at Christina.

Compared with Lilu, a soft-boned businessman, Yiyin prefers to see the hard-nosed Christina bowing her proud head, begging for mercy.

And Christina obviously misunderstood Yiyin's meaning, she thought that this unexpected forced humiliation, Yiyin would wash away his shame with the blood of the two of them.

In order to save her and Lilu's lives, Christina decided to show more value in exchange for the chance of their lives.

After being silent for a while, Christina, who slowly recovered her breath, barely straightened up, and said seriously.

"Your Excellency, bad things have happened, I am not begging for your forgiveness, I just hope you can give us a chance to redeem our sins.

I heard that an important war is about to take place in this island country. You will fight your biggest opponent to decide the future of this country.

I beg you to allow me to take part in this battle and command the artillery for you. "

Yiyin faintly heard a kind of pride from Christina's tone, she seemed to be very contemptuous of the island country's backward war model.

Unexpectedly, instead of begging for mercy, Christina began to try to persuade herself, and Yiyin became interested.

Regarding this thorny red rose, Yiyin was now exhausted, no longer feeling ashamed and angry about falling over his shoulder, but a little appreciative.

Yiyin pretended to sneer and said.

"Arrogant southern barbarians, I have countless brave Ji warriors, wise counsellors, and skilled generals under my command, your self-recommendation is meaningless to me.

You still have to think about other ways, how to keep your head and her head.Maybe, you can try to kowtow for mercy, like she did. "

Christina looked at Yiyin's expressionless handsome face, and couldn't help twisting her lower body.Handsome is really handsome, what happened today is like a dream.

She shook her head, shaking off the unrealistic assumptions in her mind, and said slowly.

"Your Excellency, maybe you may not understand me when I say this, but please believe that military affairs is a serious science.

Cannons are different from muskets. Cannons are powerful weapons, and using them is not an easy task.

Commanding artillery requires professional training. Commanders need to understand mathematics, ballistics, how much gunpowder to fill, how far they can shoot, and at which angle to fire, all based on scientific calculations.

As a retired officer in the Royal Navy of England, I have enough artillery command experience to be able to make artillery play a greater role.

I heard that there are armed warriors in the Southern Barbarian religion who are helping your enemies train muskets and long spears for combined combat.

I believe you will need me.The artillery commanded by me is completely different from the artillery commanded by your subordinates.

The ballistic of solid bullets is linear. To destroy the enemy's two-gun line and create enough damage requires extensive experience. "

Yiyin looked at the confident Christina, and felt a little fresh about the red-haired female officer who had been bullied by him just now.

Her confident appearance makes people miss Cao.

In fact, Yiyin had already been persuaded by Christina, she was right, artillery is indeed not just a matter of just stuffing gunpowder and firing a few shots.

Artillery is a cross-age product in military history, and the systematic and effective use of artillery is a serious science.

Even the outdated artillery such as the French machine in the [-]th century still needs to experience the advancement of bronze and steel material technology, and the repeated evolution of front-mounted and rear-mounted artillery before it can become the god of war in later generations.

However, at this time, European military personnel had already begun to systematically summarize the experience of using artillery, and they were at the forefront of the world.

Compared with the samurai's backward war mode, Christina's pride is not unreasonable.

But Yiyin couldn't tolerate her arrogance and had to suppress it.After all, Yiyin is now the leader of the Wu family, and he must make a statement from his standpoint.

he said coldly.

"Perhaps what you said makes sense, but you need to understand, Southern barbarians.

Although compared with the Celestial Dynasty, we are a tiny country.But compared to your pocket countries in Europe, we are a huge country with tens of millions of people.

I am about to fight my enemy, and we will each mobilize one hundred thousand soldiers to fight.

Such a battle of 20 people should be difficult to see in your hometown, right?You have to learn to respect this powerful country, understand?
In you, I don't see awe. "

Christina is not going to give in, because the sins she and Lilu committed cannot be passed through humility.

If you want to pass the level, you must prove your worth. The greater the value, the greater the possibility of surviving.

So, she retorted without hesitation.

"Your Excellency, I can only agree with part of what you said.

I am in awe of you and also know the large population of the island nation.

But this volcanic island is full of hills, and the plain is divided into fragments, so it is naturally not suitable for organizing large-scale human resources.

No matter how large the population is, if it cannot be organized effectively, it will have no military value.

With all due respect, your methods of warfare are too backward.

The battle of hundreds of people in several villages can determine the fate of several families.The battle of thousands of people in several villages and towns can determine the rise and fall of the regime.

It is true in the island country, and it is true in my hometown, but war is not the same as war.

In my opinion, the local armed nobles who fight each other on the island are just a bunch of mobs.

I am not accusing them of not being skilled enough in martial arts, but that they lack military organization, far inferior to my hometown. "

Yiyin looked at Christina and said coldly.

"Southern man, you have to take responsibility for what you say."

Christina said seriously.

"Your Excellency, of course I will be responsible for my words.

The foundation of a military organization is logistics. You just said that you are about to face a big battle with 20 people. So how do you solve the logistics problem of 20 people? "

Yiyin was taken aback for a moment.

"Of course we have our way."

Christina smiled slightly, quite disdainfully.

"Yes, you have your own methods, I have studied your combat methods in Kyushu.

The fighting between the two villages relied on the soldiers to carry dry food with them.The distance between the two townships, there will be farmers participating in hard labor, preparing military rations for about ten days.

So, if the battlefield is more than a thousand miles away and involves 10 people in logistics, how do you solve it?
The difference between the regular army and the mob does not lie in the personal qualities of the soldiers, but in whether they can be organized effectively and fight without worries. This is logistics.

Your Excellency, your army has no real logistics at all.You cannot organize expeditions of thousands of miles, wars of hundreds of thousands of men, and your methods of warfare are extremely backward.

In a battle of 20 people, perhaps only tens of thousands of people can really gather to fight.Most people may be marching, resting, or watching, but they are definitely not involved. "

Yi Yin couldn't refute what Christina said.

He can emphasize the population and potential of the island country, but he also knows in his heart what kind of bad battle the Wu family is fighting.

Before 2000 years ago, China could organize tens of thousands of people to fight in the Mobei Western Regions. This is because the civil service system under the centralized system of China was planning, supporting logistics and playing a role.

After Europe started the era of great voyages, it was forced to learn lessons from voyages and expeditions again and again, and paid more and more attention to the power of logistics.

And what about the island nation?The emperor's court has never had a real civil service system, and the concept of overall planning cannot appear in the political form of the samurai shogunate.

During the war with the Yuan Dynasty, the Kamakura shogunate waited for the Yuan army to come ashore.Even so, the economy was dragged down alive, leading to the collapse of the Kamakura shogunate.

The Ashikaga shogunate was even worse. The Ashikaga shogun, who was the co-owner of the samurai family, had never really centralized power. The concept of territory became more and more fragmented, and the scale of the war also became fragmented.

Even in the large-scale melee in Kanto and Kansai like the Eight Generation Shogun Rebellion, samurai from various places were divided into two factions to fight in a small area, and large-scale joint battles rarely broke out.

The example of traveling thousands of miles within the island country and gathering tens of thousands of people to fight, it has to be traced back to the period when the Kitabata family went south from Oshu to the King of Kings, and the Ashikaga Takashi fled to the Kyushu West Country to make a comeback.

After that, the scale of the samurai war gradually became smaller and smaller. Just like what Christina said, the mob, fragmented territory, and weak logistics cannot fight a real big war.

Warrior Ji's martial arts are superb, brave and good at fighting, and he can easily gain the upper hand in small-scale weapon fights, which makes the Japanese pirates a headache for the rebellion.

But if the Wu family really confronts the Celestial Dynasty, the two sides will gather tens of thousands of people to fight, and the logistics alone will be able to bring down the Wu family regime.

With the civil service system of the Celestial Dynasty supporting the logistical support and the military officer system supporting the corps' operations, even if the warriors can fight for the female for a while, they will not be able to win the war.

Because the Wu family has no logistics experience in expeditions of more than 10 people, and it is extremely lacking in combat experience in large corps of tens of thousands of people.

Swinging a knife at the door of the house is not the same as leading a team to go out and kill people.

Christina despises the Wu family as a rabble, but this really hits the Wu family's weakness.Yiyin was speechless, and it was impossible for Christina to be aggressive.

After all, her goal is to prove her worth and save Lilu's life and her own.It's not that he wants to provoke Yiyin deliberately and pull the two of them out to behead them.

Seeing that Yiyin was touched, Christina immediately changed the subject and began to speak softly.

"Your Excellency, I don't want to belittle your heroic subordinates, but I hope you can give me a chance to serve you in order to repay the mistakes I made today.

Killing us can only let you vent your anger for a while.But stay with us, you can get more benefits.

I am willing to command the artillery in this battle to come and offer some military advice for your victory. "

Yiyin glanced at Christina, she had just experienced a sexual encounter, and now she looked tired, with wet red hair sticking to her forehead, she was very sexy.

Under this enchantment, Yiyin's heart faintly began to ignite again.He secretly complained, killing you may not necessarily vent your anger, but you can vent your anger if you don't kill you.

In fact, Yiyin had no intention of killing the two of them from the very beginning. His target was the four cannons on their ship.

Pulling guns ruthlessly, grabbing cannons and killing people is not Yiyin's style at all, he is very sympathetic.

At this moment, Christina's self-help made Yiyin see their new value, so he was naturally even more reluctant.

Since Christina sincerely wanted to make amends, Yiyin was naturally happy to accept it.As for her implying that she only helped this war, Yiyin didn't care.

It's a big deal to let the two of them make mistakes and atone for their sins next time. For Yiyin, this kind of thing is not difficult.

(End of this chapter)

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