Chapter 1504

In Kita Omi, Hashiba Hideyoshi made outstanding military achievements in the battle against the Asai family, and was rewarded by Oda Nobunaga after the war.

Hashiba Hideyoshi got the 12 koku around Otani Castle where the Asai family started, and became a powerful branch of the Oda family.

After that, Hashiba Hideyoshi learned from Oda Nobunaga's method of demolishing Kannonji Castle to build Antu Castle, and expanded the Imahama Castle not far from the shore of Lake Biwa with the building materials from the demolition of Asai Home Furnishing Castle Kotani Castle.

She called the expanded new city Changbin City as her residence.

At this time, Hashiba Hideyoshi summoned Takenaka Shigeharu alone in Nagahama City, which was still under construction, and the two monarchs and ministers had a private conversation indoors.

Hashiba Hideyoshi sighed.

"The main hall sent a letter asking about how to prevent the Shiba family from provoking my Oda family. How should I reply?"

Shigeharu Takenaka asked.

"My lord, haven't you always acted in front of the hall that you are happy when you hear the battle, and I am invincible, why are you hesitating today?"

Hashiba Hideyoshi sighed.

"It's different this time, this time the opponent is the invincible Tsudaden, the Oda family and others, who doesn't have a murmur in their hearts?
As far as I know, Niwa Chohide-sama and Shibata Katsuie-sama are not very willing to go to war with the Shiba family.

On the contrary, Ujiie Naomoto from Nishi Mino, and Tie Panxiu from Shimoowari, these people are very active.

The atmosphere at home is a bit weird, and I am not sure how to return to the hall. "

Takenaka Shigeharu laughed.

"My lord, you feel uneasy and feel that the concubines in your family are ambiguous. The hall is in the middle of the game, and she knows this even more. That's why she wrote the letter because she wanted to see your attitude.

You should uphold the usual respectful attitude and absolutely support the hall without the slightest hesitation. "

Hashiba Hideyoshi nodded and said.

"What Zhuzhong Ji said is that I can't lose the trust of the hall, and I really shouldn't hesitate at this time."

Takenaka Shigeharu said in relief.

"My lord is no different than in the past. He is already a famous person, with a big family and a big business. It is reasonable to be cautious in doing things, and there is nothing wrong with it."

Hashiba Hideyoshi kind of heard the deep meaning in Takenaka Shigeharu's words, and asked.

"What did Takenaka Hime teach me?"

Takenaka Shigeharu said.

"You should unswervingly support the attitude of the hall. But when it comes to fighting, please be cautious."

Hashiba Hideyoshi pondered for a while and asked.

"how do I say this?"

Takenaka Shigeharu said.

"I heard that Jin Dadian traveled to Sakai Port, and now he has returned to Kyoto, and he personally wrote the four characters of Wujiatianxia, ​​and spread them all over the world.

Both the Jindaden and the main hall have a competitive heart, and the battle between the Shiba family and the Oda family is inevitable.

No matter how reluctant the two monarchs or the two retainers are, at this time no one has a way out, and if they don't fight, they will not be able to explain everything.

But this battle is different from ordinary wars.

Akechi Mitsuhide ran to Azuchi Castle, and the turmoil of Genpei merged day and night, shaking the will of the Oda vassals to fight.If this were any other war, the hall would have chopped off her head long ago to sacrifice the flag.

But this time, the hall didn't have the slightest attitude.While going to war with the Shiba family, but at the same time allowing Shiba's retainers to promote the merger of the two families, what is the meaning of this? "

Hashiba Hideyoshi sighed.

"Yes, this is what I don't understand. You don't know yet, the main hall has ordered the blockade of Lake Biwa's water transportation, and is fully prepared for the battle."

Takenaka Shigeharu was taken aback for a moment, then sighed.

"Main hall, this is trying to accomplish everything in one fell swoop.

Think about it, my lord, Lake Biwa is a section of the Hokuriku Road commercial road, and Yono Takada desperately raised military expenses for the Shiba family in Sakai Port. It was because of my Oda family's destruction of the Hokuriku Road commercial road that we wanted to fight to protect the road.

The main hall's blockade of Lake Biwa's water transportation confirmed Takada Yono's rhetoric and made the Shiba family's preparations for the war justified.

Last year, the logistics market of the Hokuriku Road trade route was about 400 million kan, passing through Settsu, Izumi, Hanoi, Yamashiro, Omi, Echizen, Noto, and Echigo Hakkoku, which had a great influence.

Coupled with the surrounding countries that rely on the Hokuriku Road trade route, it involves business interests, tariffs, loans, intermediaries, and investments, benefiting more than 10 people, and more than tens of millions of money.

With the order from the main hall, the interests of all interested forces will be damaged, and the scope of the blow is too great.

While conniving with Akechi Mitsuhide to promote the Genpei Confluence, he cut off the Hokuriku Road trade route and forced the nearest Kantobu family to his opposite.

The main hall is really extremely ruthless. "

Hashiba Hideyoshi frowned.

"You mean that the main hall deliberately forced all opponents together, and then through the battle of Shiba Oda, they wanted to solve all the troubles in one fell swoop?"

Takenaka Shigeharu smiled.

"More than that, the hall is still testing the concubines at home, re-evaluating the attitude of the Oda retainers. Just look, after this battle, the old samurai of Owari will inevitably leave Owari.

When the main hall sealed you in Kita Omi, I had the idea of ​​sending Shibata Katsuie and the others away as well.

This time, the attitudes of both ends of the old samurai family of Owari will definitely strengthen the idea of ​​​​the hall, drive all the old people out to start businesses, and prevent them from continuing to lie down and eat and drink on the credits of Owari. "

Hashiba Hideyoshi reacted.

"So, you want me to firmly support the hall as always, and have a correct attitude, just to pass the test of the hall?"

Shigeharu Takenaka nodded.

"Yes, your attitude must meet the expectations of the hall, but this battle does not have to be fought seriously."

Hashiba Hideyoshi smiled wryly.

"Takenaka Hime, I'm a little confused again."

Takenaka Shigeharu sighed.

"The first battle after Jindo-dono Shangluo was the Northern Expedition in the Omi Kingdom to help the Asai family defeat the Liujiao family.

In today's Omi Kingdom, Nan Omi was tremblingly slaughtered by the Owari old samurai, and the main hall was stationed in Azuchi City, easily controlling the land of Nan Omi.

You were entrusted by the main hall in the north near the river, and supervised the local warriors.Do you think that if the Shiba and Oda families go to war, the Omi people will do their best to serve the main hall and fight against the Jinda hall? "

Hashiba Hideyoshi thought for a while, shook his head and said.

"Isino Masao was born as a military general, and he admires the unparalleled Tsudaden in battle.

Aguan Zhenzheng was smart all his life, so naturally he would not go head-to-head with Jin Duodian, who is invincible in the world.

Horixiu Village relied on Xiancheng to lead the way to make a fortune, let alone the courage to fight against the never-defeated Jin Dadian.

I don't know about the Nanjiang people, but the Beijinjiang people will definitely not try their best. If they are willing to send troops to perfunctory, they are doing me a favor. "

Shigeharu Takenaka nodded.

"My lord is wise, everyone in Omi respects Jintaden, and those old warriors in Owari also respect Jintaden, they all know how powerful Jintaden is.

Only the samurai families in Nishi Mino had a matter of their own interests, and the young people in Owari who hadn't experienced the martial arts of Jin Dadian, they were eager to try.

As for the main hall, it is really a good opportunity to wait for work with leisure, wait for the Jinduo hall to call the nearest Kanto samurai, stay at home and wait for the enemy's labor division to go on an expedition and defeat them in one fell swoop.

As long as the allied forces of Jindadian were defeated in the first battle, it would be difficult for the Kanto samurai family to stop the Oda family's conquest.

And Jin Duodian himself has always been the target that the main hall hopes to conquer, and it is also the dream of the main hall to be able to subdue Jin Duodian in one fell swoop. "

Hashiba Hideyoshi narrowed his eyes, and there was a wave of fluctuation in his heart. Of course, she knew Oda Nobunaga's desire to conquer Shiba Yoshigin again, but at this time the sound was harsh and a little uncomfortable.

Takenaka Shigeharu looked at Hashiba Hideyoshi with a solemn expression, and continued.

"So this battle must be fought, because the hall wants to fight. But I dare to assert that whoever rushes to the front in this battle is asking for trouble.

It is not impossible to talk between the Jindo hall and the main hall. The current situation is more of a battle of emotions, and it is also a helpless situation caused by some reasons.

To solve this situation, a battle must be fought, but whether it is the Kinto Kanto samurai family subordinate to the Shiba family, or the old samurai family leader and new samurai family leader of the Oda family, few people will really try their best.

Both Jinduodian and the main hall wanted to give each other a little color, and the battle must be cruel and fierce.

For this battle, those who hide behind and wait and see may not suffer losses, but those who rush to the front must suffer heavy losses and suffer injuries.

This is a battle of spirits, if there is a scene of a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood, how can the martial arts of both sides be frightened, can this fight continue?
At that time, I am afraid that there will be countless people dragging the back legs of Jinduo hall and the main hall, begging the two highnesses to regard peace as the most important thing, and don't want to die together.

If this is the case, those who fight with all their strength, I am afraid that the people under their command will die in vain, and they must vomit blood in anger. "

Hashiba Hideyoshi was thoughtful, and somewhat understood Takenaka Shigeharu's thoughts.

This battle will definitely be fought, but most of it will be anticlimactic, because the two sides do not have sharp conflicts that completely tear their faces.

Shiba Yoshiyin turned against Takeda Rena, beheaded Oda Nobunaga's surname, and Shangluo expelled the Oda family's garrison.

Oda Nobunaga fought head-to-head, and sent troops to strictly guard the front line of Sakamoto Daikusa, as if he was going to fight back at any time.

Shiba Yoshihiro wrote a letter of appeal to the Samurai World in handwriting, condemning Oda Nobunaga's innovations for harming the interests of the Samurai.

Oda Nobunaga pulled the curtain, cutting off the water transportation of Lake Biwa and cutting off the lifeline of the Shiba family's Hokuriku Road business route.

It seemed that the two sides had torn their faces apart, but Akechi Mitsuhide was still calling for Genpei to join forces at both ends, and neither Shiba Yoshigin nor Oda Nobunaga stopped them.

The man and the woman were beaten back, but they all left a way out, unwilling to do everything.The bosses are unwilling to turn their backs completely, how can the people below dare to fight?
You said that in order to conquer the world and become a hero of the new dynasty, everyone gritted their teeth and tried their best to die to leave a century of wealth for future generations.

But what if I put my life on it, and the pair of dogs and men get back together again, wouldn't those who are desperate be fools?
The situation is too vague and weird, and the two sides haven't reached the point where you can kill each other. The warriors, who are better than ghosts, naturally don't want to waste their own strength for nothing.

The ones who really rush forward are those who want to prove themselves in the war, or who have to fight to the death for other political purposes. They are the main force in this war.

For example, the Owari young and strong faction wants to be superior, and the Nishi Mino samurai family wants to prove their worth, and they will not be relegated to inferior people after the separation of the king.

But Hashiba Hideyoshi is different, she is already the daimyo of 12 koku in Kita Omi, there is no need to fight for an illusory opportunity like before.

Now that she is wearing shoes, she is no longer the barefoot middle and low-level warrior Ji. What she needs now is stable development.

Shigeharu Takenaka's method was good, he shouted loudly, and when it really came to a fight, he waited and watched first, and let others fight desperately.

Hashiba Hideyoshi nodded.

"Just do what Takenaka Hime wants."


As Shigeharu Takenaka said, Yoshihiro Shiba and Nobunaga Oda haven't broken their friendship yet, and they put on a life-and-death attitude, so what are the people fighting for?

There are countless snakes and rats in Zhitian's house, and there are also ghosts in the Guandong servants' house, and few of them really want to fight to the death.

But for Nobushige Sanada, this is a life-and-death political battle that must be corrected.

Minowa Castle, Jukan, Nobushige Sanada and Riichi Unano are also having secret talks.

Nobushige Sanada scratched his head and asked.

"Liu Niang means that I will fully support the war in the next big review? Isn't it a bit too high-profile?"

Uno Toshi stared at Nobushige Sanada coldly with his gaze like a knife, and said.

"I think your lord is a little too funny.

Before, you insisted on actively participating in the Takeda Conquest, I will not stop you, after all, that is your wish and obsession, I can only obey.

But Jin Duodian has already sent a letter to reprimand you, and you are still stubbornly refusing to turn around, even arguing with Daxiong Chaoxiu, arousing her hostility for no reason?
Xingsheng in the mountains, Dao Shengmeng and Daxiong Chaoxiu are in the same position. If they want to argue or make trouble, that is also the business of the three permanent directors. What are you mixing?
At that time, you were active, lest you were not strong enough.At this critical moment when Jin Duo Hall spreads the message to the four directions and calls on the world's martial arts with the four characters of Wu Family Tianxia, ​​why are you hesitating instead? "

Toshige Umino was obviously angry, and his cynicism made Nobushige Sanada smile wryly. Nobushige Sanada didn't dare to refute, fearing that he would really annoy his good military adviser, so he could only smile apologetically.

"What Liu Niang said is that I am ignorant."

Nobushige Sanada is good because he has no face and no skin. When a cold-faced doll like Unano Toshiichi meets her, he can be regarded as one thing and one thing, and there is nothing he can do with her.

Uno Toshi looked at her flatteringly, and sighed helplessly.

"You are the lord, what you want to do is your right, as a subject, I have nothing to say.

But now, the Sanadas are already on the verge of doom, and they are about to fall into the abyss.If you don't fight hard, your years of hard work will be in vain, and you will regret it. "

Nobushige Sanada swallowed and asked.

"is it so serious?"

Uno Toshiichi said seriously.

"May I ask my lord, what did you rely on to win the Nishi Ueno land and become famous in just a few years?"

Nobushige Sanada was categorical.

"Of course rely on Liu Niang's wisdom!"

Umino Riichi was taken aback, her face of a ten-thousand-year-old ice doll was almost unstoppable, and she could only ask and answer to this cheeky lord.

"It's money.

You started out because of the favor of Tsudaden, and looking at the Kanto servants, only Sanada received generous treatment from Shimotsu Odai people.

We Ziye tribes are poor in the mountains, we can't compare to the richness of Xiayueyangbeizhongyou Plain with gold mines, as long as the money and food are enough, some relatives and sisters are willing to die for you.

You are also very lucky. Master Qing Hai is good at management, and he just dug up treasures in our poor mountains and ditches.Dried matsutake, kapok cloth, which is not a good thing to make money?
Coupled with the fact that Jinda Temple looked at you differently and gave preferential treatment to merchant routes and positions in merchant ships, the economy of Nishi Ueno is thriving, and the people of Nishi Ueno respect you very much.

But you defied Jin Daden's orders in public at the council meeting, and offended Okuma Asohide, who was in charge of the enforcement office, what was going on in your mind?Do you want to court death?
Even if you don't want to live, you should think about the sisters under your command!Everyone has only had a good few days, how can you be so irresponsible! "

(End of this chapter)

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