different warring states of japan

Chapter 1505 How to solve the heavy snow road closure

Chapter 1505 How to solve the heavy snow road closure

Uno Toshikazu's rare outburst made Nobushige Sanada a little scared.

"This...it can't be.. Daxiong Chaoxiu, I have already warned her that she dare not really fight with us for her life-saving pursuit."

Uno Toshihiro stared at Nobushige Sanada, his eyes seemed to be on fire.

"Why are you threatening her?
You let her down in public. If she really swallowed her anger like this, how will she manage the execution office in the future? Is she still one of the three giants of the Guandong service office?
Back then, she was a ruthless person who was undefeated in a one-on-one fight with the Sword Master of Shangquan. You thought you could scare her with the word "desperado", but she has plenty of ways to deal with her!
Shiba Oda started the war, and the Hokuriku Road trade route was said to have been interrupted. Naoe Jinguan closed all warehouses, collected market materials, and prepared to fully cope with the logistical supplies for the war in Shangluo.

Our dried matsutake and kapok cloth can no longer be shipped out. It is still unknown whether the share of the trade route and the warehouse of the merchant ship given by Jindadian before can be recovered in the future.

Your performance on the board of directors will inevitably be spread to the ears of Jin Duodian. Jin Duodian may be magnanimous, but will his trust in you be as deep as before?

Do you think you can be compared with Yamanaka Yukimori and Shima Katsumo in the heart of Tsudaden?
As long as Jin Duodian's favor is not there, Xiong Chaoxiu will dare to attack you.She doesn't need to play any tricks, as long as she gives a little hint, the execution of her subordinates will naturally cause us trouble.

In and out of the warehouse, air-dry and moisture-proof, as long as the enforcement office is a little slack, what's the difficulty in letting our matsutake dry and kapok cloth moldy and rot?What's so difficult about our material transfer for several months?

Hades is easy to see, but little ghosts are difficult to deal with. If they want to make us uncomfortable, there are plenty of ways.Do you want to go to the execution office and meet Daxiong Chaoxiu for a few small mistakes?

At that time, will Jin Duodian blame Xiong Chaoxiu for his poor management and lack of strict control, or will he anger you for making a fuss out of a molehill and acting recklessly? "

Nobushige Sanada was stunned speechless. The past few years have been smooth, and she is indeed a little drifting.

After Uno Toshi vented, she had returned to normal at this time, she said calmly.

"Things are already like this, and nothing more can solve the problem.

I just hope you understand that you can gain a firm foothold in West Ueno, relying on Jindaden's kindness to take care of you, and relying on money and food to buy people's hearts.

Losing the trust of Jin Daden and offending Okuma Asohide, your shallow foundation may be shaken at any time, and the Sanada people are already on the edge of the abyss.

For the current plan, we can only fully participate in the Shiba Oda battle, and use our best method to win back the trust of Jindaden.

Please keep in mind that Sanada people are not afraid of death, we are the best soldiers in the world, and the sharpest swords and guns in the hands of Jintaden.

Please stand at the forefront of the battle with Sanada, and lead everyone to die bravely in order to win back the trust of Jindaden and the future of Sanada.

Only by recovering enough military merits can Xiong Chaoxiu feel fearful and dare not make casual moves.

If you can, I hope you can bring back some Shiba weaves for the Sanadas.

Only in that way can you be regarded as a real confidant of Jin Duodian, instead of being stuck in the same place as you are now, humiliated by the disciples, and trapped by Aduwu. "

Nobushige Sanada was silent for a while before replying weakly.

"In the heart of Jindadian, I really can't compare with Yamanaka Yukimori and Shima Katsuo? Do I still have a chance?"

Resisting the urge to roll his eyes, Uno Toshiichi let out a heavy breath.

Is this the point I just said?Is it this one!Toad wants to eat?Think crazy!
But seeing the slightly disappointed expression of Sanada Nobushige, Uno Toshi paused and said coldly.

"Climb the mountain if you have the strength, don't be discouraged, the days will be long in the future, I will help you."

Sanada Nobushige subconsciously glanced at Unano Toshiichi's cold face, and suddenly laughed.

"Yeah! I know Liu Niang treats me best."


Shiba Yoshigin, who returned to Kyoto, did not relax because of the problem of military expenditure and artillery.Subsequent troubles were popping up one after another, disturbing him for a moment.

In the Shiba mansion, all the important officials gathered.

Niko Katsuhisa, Maeda Yoshihisa, Akechi Mitsuhide, Gamo Chougo, Ii Naomasa, Zhu Ji and Yoshinaka who was on the throne were listening to the report of the San Taifu of the Hundred Lands.

Yiyin rubbed his temples with his hands, feeling a little helpless.

An unexpected outburst led to an early confrontation between the Shiba and Oda families. Not to mention that Oda Nobunaga was caught off guard, Yoshihiro himself was not ready either.

Takada Yoshino's 200 million shi military expenses temporarily relieved Yiyin's urgent need, but it is still a big trouble to unify opinions and mobilize the army.

After finishing the report, the three princes from all over the world kowtowed to the ground, and Yiyin waved her hand to let her back down first.

"What do you think of the current situation?"

Nizi Shengjiu smiled wryly.

"Although your majesty is the leader of the Wu family, he has responded to everyone. However, many Wu family coalition forces in the Kanto have recently gone to Shangluo, and the required supplies are too large, which is really difficult to dispatch.

On the Sakai Port side, Takada Yono raised military expenses, and at the Naoetsu Checkpoint, Okuma Asohide-sama is also sorting out the warehouse supplies.

Fortunately, the Hokuriku Road trade route has been open for four years, and many accounts can be exchanged for each other. As long as the accounts can be transferred, the military expenditures of both sides are evenly distributed.

But it will take time. I am worried that the logistics arrangement will be delayed until late autumn or even winter, and the Hokuriku Road will be blocked by heavy snow, which is prone to variables. "

Yi Yin nodded.

The military expenditure is enough, but it takes time and energy to convert the military expenditure into military supplies and use it in logistics supplies.

The Hokuriku Road is [-] kilometers long, and the journey from Sakai Port to Naoetsu is even more than a thousand kilometers long. Just paying the bills on both sides is extremely cumbersome, not to mention the scattered and long supply lines.

Fortunately, the Hokuriku Road business route is mainly by sea, with Tsuruga Port, Nanao Port, and Naoejin three core ports in hand, material transportation is not a problem, and the logistics of the coalition forces in Shangluo can be guaranteed.

Nizi Shengjiu is right, it is midsummer now, if the logistical arrangement is delayed until late autumn and winter, the Hokuriku Road will be frozen for thousands of miles, and both land and sea routes will be closed.

Now Oda Nobunaga wants to wait for work with leisure, so he waits peacefully for the convener of Yoshihiro to fight.

But what if she sees that the Hokuriku Road is frozen and changes her mind to break through it one by one, using the gap between autumn and winter to attack the nearby Sibo area first?
Yi Yin has no confidence that under the strong offensive of the Oda family, he can delay the war until the spring turns to snow and the Kwantung army comes to help.

Maeda profit snorted coldly and said.

"Even if the Oda family honestly waits for us to gather troops, this battle will not be easy.

Your Majesty also heard what the three princes of the hundred lands said just now, judging from the situation at the Grand Council of the Guandong Servant, the Wu family in the Guandong is not in a good mood to fight.

Our military strength is vast and chaotic, if we can't be united as one, how can we compete with the Oda family?
Akechi Hime roamed freely in Oda's house, and Ji Ji samurai was muttering in his heart.I'm afraid that the king's will to fight will not be strong, and his own strength will be wasted for nothing, and the gain will not be worth the loss. "

Yiyin smiled wryly and shook his head.

He tacitly allowed Akechi Mitsuhide to divide and shake the interior of the Oda family, and the effect was very good.But what I didn't expect was that it wasn't just the Oda vassals who were shaken, but also his party members were also panicked.

It was said that it was going to be a fight to the death, but the bosses of both sides kept communicating in private. Under such circumstances, it is no wonder that the people below are not panicking.

Annoyed by the wavering morale of his troops, Maeda took the opportunity to accuse Akechi Mitsuhide of nonsense.But Yiyin knew that he was actually to blame for this.

Because he really didn't want to turn his face against Oda Nobunaga completely. Before the war started, he was thinking about how to stop the war. He deserved to be in the current predicament.

Akechi Mitsuhide didn't care about Maeda's accusation, and said to Yoshigin with a smile.

"Your Majesty, Tokaido has something interesting.

The Hojo family actively responded to your call, but they were unable to pass through the Takeda Territory of the Suruga Kingdom. I hope you can borrow the way from the Takeda family as a guarantor.

The Takeda family is also actively responding to your call, but they don't trust Hojo, and worry that this is the Hojo family's counterfeit strategy.

His Highness Tokugawa personally wrote to you and His Highness Oda, imploring his brothers and sisters to regard peace as the most important thing. My good sister is deeply favored by the two kings. Now I am in a dilemma, so I can only help each other.

The three families of Takeda, Hojo, and Tokugawa are holding back each other, and no one can move when they are trapped in the Tokaido. I think it is good to let them maintain the status quo. "

Seeing Akechi Mitsuhide gossip about him, Maeda Mashiri ignored him at all, glared angrily, and wanted to speak again.

With a wave of his hand, Yiyin stopped the verbal battle that was about to erupt, and said.

"Tokaido can let it go, I can't trust Takeda Hojo, and I can't figure out what Tokugawa Ieyasu is thinking, so let the three of them wait and see.

Looking at it now, Miyoshi Yoshitsugu and Sanada Nobushige are the ones with the strongest fighting spirit and the most loyal, making me not know whether to laugh or cry. "

Yiyin was angry and funny.

Miyoshi Yoshitsugu, the Miyoshi family governor who was trapped in Beihanoi, turned out to be the most active of all recent daimyos, jumping higher than his allies like Hatakeyama Hosokawa Mibuchi.

I don't know what this Miyoshi family governor means, but now she is trying her best to act like a loyal minister of the shogunate and a direct descendant of Siba, clamoring desperately to be the vanguard.

A letter of blood asking for war was sent to Yiyin, which was touching. Maeda Yoshiki, a near general, was not as passionate as Miyoshi Yoshitsuji.

It's as if it wasn't her Miyoshi Yoshitsugu who was pushed to the ground by the Shiba family and other families in Beihanoi last year.

In Kanto, the most active is Nobushige Sanada.This wild monkey made a lot of nonsense in the Kanto Chamberlain's big review, saying that the battle was for the samurai world, not for the Shiba family's hegemony, and weeping blood to ask for a fight.

If it weren't for Nobushige Sanada dragging the big review forward, the mood in Kanto might be even lower and more perfunctory.

Although the three giants of the Kanto Office are Yoshihiro's confidantes, they are far inferior to Sanada Nobushige in this matter.

Daxiong Chaoxiu controls the enforcement office, but no matter how active she is, she is the head of the logistics team.

A group of followers are too busy delivering supplies, so they won't go into battle and swing their knives, right?Don't kill people, can't speak hard, and always lack appeal.

The main force under Yukimori Yamanaka's command is Xia Yuezhong, and the people of Kaji Jingzuna and Honjo Shigecho have now been fed by the Kanto servants.

It is not difficult to make them obedient, but it is difficult to go to Luo actively and fight for the Sipo family like last time.

The same is true for Shima Katsumoto's subordinates. The old Peking University and Iga people were silently excluded by these big bosses led by Siba in recent days.

They managed to secure a place in the Kanto region, so what are they trying to do when they come back?
Yamanaka Yukimori and Shima Katsutoshi's followers followed Yoshigin early, and they gained a lot of benefits, so they would definitely obey Shiba Yoshigin's words.

But obedience does not mean being positive. If there is no Nobushige Sanada desperately fighting chicken blood, the mother-in-law and mother-in-law of the Kanto Service Office mobilize, I don’t know how long it will take.

Regardless of whether Miyoshi Yoshitsugu and Sanada Nobushige have other plans in their hearts, their performance has aroused the enthusiasm of the samurai families in the Kanto and Kanto regions, and Yoshigin must record this credit.

Hearing Yiyin's praise of these two people, Maeda Lili said indignantly.

"Maeda Toshiie-sama is also very active."

Yiyin glanced at her, a little surprised.

Maeda Toshiie and Maeda Masari used to be aunts and nephews with deep affection, but because of Shiba Yoshigin's troublesome face, the two of them have long been at odds with each other.

Although the two parties are called the two Maedas of the Shiba family, the Iga Maeda family and the Owari Maeda family actually have a sense of distance.

If Maeda Toshihisa hadn't been dealing with his daughter and younger sister, the relationship would have been even more distant.

Yoshihiro didn't expect that Maeda Toshiie would speak for Maeda Toshiie.

Maeda Masayoshi said, embarrassed by Yoshigin's strange gaze.

"I'm just talking about the facts. Owari Shiba-ling is indeed loyal this time, not weaker than her."

Yiyin nodded.

"The Li family treats me the same."

Maeda Toshiie stubbornly refused Oda Nobunaga's sending troops to Kami-gun, Mino Country, obviously wanting to be the thorn in the heart of the Oda family for the Shiba family.

This attitude is dangerous enough to draw the wrath of Oda Nobunaga.With Oda Nobunaga's power today, there are not many people who can withstand her wrath.

I have to say that Maeda Toshiie has the guts.Moreover, she also has the ability to twist Owari Shiba's retainer group into a rope.

Gushang County has already passed through the Liangbai Mountains and evacuated the wives and heirs of the retainers to the Hokuriku Road, putting on a loyal appearance of fighting to the end.

Yoshigin had seen this kind of generous gesture in Sanada Nobushige's group of mountain people in Koshin Mountain, and now it seems that the mountain people in Ryobai Mountain are not easy to mess with.

Maeda Toshiie spoke for Maeda Toshiie from an official standpoint, but Yoshiyin really praised Maeda Toshiie, she couldn't stand it anymore, curled her lips and stopped talking.

Akechi Mitsuhide said with a smile.

"Your Majesty, it's midsummer now, do you think it's possible to fight against the Oda family this autumn and winter?"

Yiyin shook his head.

"The biggest problem in Hokuriku is the winter snow, which blocks roads and makes it difficult to fly.

Even if I have the support of Sakai Port and Naoetsu, the preparation of supplies goes smoothly, and if I want to complete the logistics supply, I will have to wait until after autumn.

At that time, even if the Kanto servants can drive the Kanto princesses to send troops, it will be difficult for the army to pass through the frozen Hokuriku Road.

What I am most worried about now is that Oda Nobunaga will change his mind.

Oda Nobunaga has always pursued utilitarianism in his work. If she sees my huge flaw, I can't guarantee that she will use the winter to take the lead in raiding me in the past few days and gain an advantage. "

(End of this chapter)

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