different warring states of japan

Chapter 1515 Ashikaga Yoshiaki's Fear

Chapter 1515 Ashikaga Yoshiaki's Fear

With the first snow in winter, the rare tranquility has almost been restored.

Oda Nobunaga fought in the north and south, and quickly extinguished the flames of Nagashima Ichikui and Echizen Ichikui, calming down the anti-Oda forces who were about to move again.

Everyone is waiting for Shiba Yoshiyin and Oda Nobunaga's strong confrontation, and no fool will continue to stand up and show off.

Oda Nobunaga rushed to attack the Echizen Kingdom before the heavy snow blocked the road, and completely exhausted the last bit of strength of the Oda Army, and had no intention of continuing to use troops in winter.

After clearing Echizen Ichikui, Oda Nobunaga left Shibata Katsuya and his team to guard the Echizen Kingdom, and then led the army to turn around, and each returned to recuperate, waiting for the Spring War.

Shiba Yoshiyin, who was in Kyoto, had no intention of taking the opportunity to launch an attack, and was silently waiting for the spring of the coming year, when the Kwantung Allied Forces would go to Luo.

Shiba Oda maintained a tacit understanding, and recently peace was temporarily restored.Although the shogunate has become empty, there are still a lot of shogunate samurai who visit Shangluo in winter.

Just because the Ashikaga Shogunate has become a decoration and may be pushed down at any time, everyone should seize the time to find a way out, and take advantage of the opportunity of winter exchanges to make more contacts.


Kyoto, Nijo Castle.

At night, Kyoto is brightly lit. Ashikaga Yoshiaki stands on the castle tower and looks into the distance. Beside her is the shogunate chief Yagyu Munegan.

And outside the door, it was Ke Erji Chang who was leading guards, and it was the last line to protect Yoshiaki Ashikaga.

Today's Ashikaga Yoshiaki has lost his fledgling bookishness, and no longer looks like a vulgar Youdao Goni, his face is becoming more and more serious.

But she doesn't have the sharpness and fortitude that Ashikaga Yoshiki has cultivated through years of sword practice, and her similar face is full of meanness and narrowness, as if she looks at everyone as if she owes herself.

Today, Ashikaga Yoshiaki has become the biggest joke of the shogunate.

The biggest supporter Wada Yoomasa was chased and beaten by Oda Nobunaga, and finally turned to surrender Oda Nobunaga, and was killed by Araki Murashige in Settsu country.

Next, Yoshimasa Niki was defeated by the Oda Army to break through Sakamoto Castle, and he was defeated and fled to the territory of Jinji Shiba. With the help of the incense in the past, he was protected by Shiba Yoshiin.

The two biggest supporters, one civil and one military, have all ended well, and the rest of them naturally have sympathy, no matter how hard they are to be loyal.

The Ashikaga congregation is already on the verge of collapse due to lack of military spending.Only Kaner Yoshicho, who came out of Kofuku-ji Temple together, was entrusted with a heavy responsibility by Ashikaga Yoshiaki, and barely maintained the guard of Nijo Castle.

Ashikaga Yoshiaki looked around, and in the end the only one who never left was Yagyu Sogen, the Ometsuke.

However, Yagyu Zongyan is inextricably linked with the Yagyu group of the Shiba family, so Ashikaga Yoshiaki can't believe it.

But now, if Yagyu Munegan is not used, Ashikaga Yoshiaki can't even find anyone who can use him.

Only Yanagyu Zongyan, an official fan, refused to give up the position of Ohmetsuke, and was willing to continue to be driven by Ashikaga Yoshiaki.

Ashikaga Yoshiaki pointed to an open flame in the distance and asked.

"Is that Shipo's mansion?"

Liu Shengzong said solemnly and respectfully.

"Back to Mr. Gongfang, it's Sipo's mansion."

Ashikaga Yoshiaki said coldly.

"It's really lively."

Liu Shengzong said in a low voice.

"Tonight, I heard that Jintaden is hosting a banquet for the governors and heirs of the two families of Hosokawa and Mibuchi. You know that the relationship between these three families is inseparable, and with the addition of those shogunate samurai who are joking around, it is indeed a bit lively."

Ashikaga Yoshiaki snorted.

Shiba Mansion is the residence given to Yoshigin by Ashikaga Yoshiki back then. It is very close to the burnt imperial palace and is in the core area of ​​the Kyoto Shogunate.

And Nijo Castle is a military castle built by Ashikaga Yoshiki, located in the north of Kyoto, but farther away from the residence of the shogunate samurai.

The hustle and bustle of Shiba's mansion was in stark contrast to the silence of Nijo Castle. At this time, the desolation of General Ashikaga's family was even more evident.

Those shogunate samurai went to Luo to see him, and they were only polite and business-like to Ashikaga Yoshiaki during the day, but at night they ran to Shiba Yoshigin's side to drill camp, this attitude made Ashikaga Yoshiaki hate his teeth.

Everyone is not optimistic about Ashikaga Yoshiaki's future, either relying on Oda Nobunaga or Shiba Yoshigin.

Ashikaga Yoshiaki left the observatory with a flick of her sleeves and returned to the room. She sat on the main seat and asked.

"Did Miyoshi Yoshitsugu get in touch? What did she say?"

Yanagyu Zongyan followed into the room and bowed.

"His Highness Miyoshi was flattered by your greetings, and said that he will be loyal to the shogunate, loyal to the general, and do his best to serve the public."

Yoshiaki Ashikaga frowned.

"Is it just these empty words? I even promised her the position of a shogunate officer, but she is still not satisfied?

Back then, when Miyoshi Changqing went to Luoyang, it was nothing more than asking for a supervisor! "

Liu Shengzong smiled bitterly in his heart.

It was then, and now is now, the former general Ashikaga Yoshiki was not as down-and-out as you, and his words were like pouting.

Besides, Miyoshi's family was in full swing back then, and Miyoshi Changqing getting the leadership was equivalent to ruling for the shogunate, which was enough to command the world's samurai families.

The current Miyoshi Yoshitsugu is nothing more than a daimyo from a small country in Hanoi, and those old subordinates in Shikoku may not be willing to listen to her orders. Is it important to have a supervisor or not?
What's more, Ashikaga Yoshiaki's Gouaishu has already deceived Miyoshi Yoshitsugu once, even if Miyoshi Yoshitsugu is a fool, the last time it was hurt, can he be stupid again?

In the final analysis, it was Ashikaga Yoshiaki himself who did not take responsibility, and denied the imperial letter under pressure from inside and outside the shogunate, which caused Miyoshi Yoshitsugu to be unjust and untrustworthy, and was beaten to death by the Shiba coalition forces.

The funniest thing is that in the end the imperial letter was sent back to Kyoto, and it was Shiba Yoshigin who came forward to restore Miyoshi Yoshitsugu's innocence and saved her life.

Ashikaga Yoshiaki's face was swollen from left and right slaps, and he was completely reduced to a joke of samurai inside and outside the shogunate.

No matter how stupid Miyoshi Yoshitsugu is, it is impossible for him to continue being cheated by Ashikaga Yoshiaki.Ashikaga Yoshiaki asked Yagyu Zongyan to contact Miyoshi Yoshitsugu, which was a matter of humiliation.

Of course Ashikaga Yoshiaki understood this truth, but she couldn't help it.

In today's surroundings of Kyoto, apart from the power of Oda Nobunaga, it is Shiba Yoshigin's power, and there are not many daimyos who can't get along with both sides.

The Hatano family of Tanba Kingdom is unwilling to meddle in the affairs of Kyoto, how much choice does Ashikaga Yoshiaki have?
Ashikaga Yoshiaki said helplessly.

"I know that Miyoshi Yoshitsugu was a little wronged about the Gouchi last time, but it was Shiba Yoshigin's conspiracy, and he made me have to deny the Gouchi.

Miyoshi Yoshitsugu was forced to submit to Shiba Yoshigin, and there must be resentment in his heart.As long as she is willing to stand on my side, I promise to make it up to her in the future. "

Liu Shengzong was very depressed, this poor official was really unreliable.

Up to now, Ashikaga Yoshiaki is still obsessed with the sense of superiority brought by blood and family status, thinking that as long as her blood is noble, samurai all over the world will beg her to be a dog.

This general who came out of the nun's house, she doesn't understand the underlying logic of Wu family society at all.

Shiba Yoshitsugu beat Miyoshi Yoshitsugu and defeated Hanoi, so does Miyoshi Yoshitsugu have to hate Shiba Yoshitsugu?

Mu Qiang, a samurai, if Shiba Yoshigin is only a little stronger than Miyoshi Yoshitsugu, Miyoshi Yoshitsugu may not be convinced.

But Shiba Yoshigin is much, much better than Miyoshi Yoshitsugu, Miyoshi Yoshitsugu is now in awe and worship of Shiba Yoshitsugu, maybe a little more.

To be a dog to the superior, of course, is to find a strong man like Yoshihiro Shiba.A weak person like Ashikaga Yoshiaki who even had to swallow the imperial book written by himself, how could Miyoshi Yoshitsugu ignore her.

But Yanagyu Zongyan couldn't refute Ashikaga Yoshiaki face to face, and now Ashikaga Yoshiaki was blushing from losing, and was angry anytime, anywhere.

Liu Shengzong had no intention of angering this incompetent general, she just regretted that she chose the wrong master, and she didn't know what would happen in the future.

Fortunately, Munemo Yagyu followed Shiba Yoshiyin, and one of the Yagyu family finally made a splash.While Yagyu Zongyan was sad for himself, he was also proud of his daughter.

she said with a bow.

"I will continue to keep in touch with Miyoshi Yoshitsugu-sama, and I hope she can sympathize with the kindness of Lord Gongfang and make the right choice."

Ashikaga Yoshiaki did not hear the perfunctory meaning in Yanagyu Zongyan's words at all, but nodded happily and continued.

"I heard that the mage named Tianhai of Tiantai Sect has been talking some inexplicable nonsense recently.

What Jinta Temple is Bishamontian descended into the world, a living god who guards the world of the samurai family and walks in the world.

Is the Tiantai sect no one in charge now?Is this kind of extremely absurd statement something that leaders of sects like Tiantai Sect can say casually?

Bewitching people!Bewitching people! "

Ashikaga Yoshiaki was surprised and angry about the change of Tendai sect.

During Ashikaga Yoshiki's reign, Tendai Sect had a deep relationship with Odaisho, and was one of the most powerful supporters of Ashikaga Shogun's family in Kyoto.

After Ashikaga Yoshiaki succeeded to the throne, although she was incompetent in the political struggle of the shogunate, relying on her own understanding of Buddhist sects, she was quite successful in wooing sects.

When Ashikaga Yoshiaki formed Nobunaga's siege network, Tendaizong also actively delivered news to Ashikaga Yoshiaki who was trapped in Nijo Castle, and made many contributions.

It's a pity that Ashikaga Yoshiaki's Nobunaga's encirclement network failed twice. Not only did he lose himself as a puppet general, but he also caused the Tendai sect and Oda Nobunaga to turn against each other, and eventually broke up.

After the siege of Mount Hiei, Venerable Jueshu's attitude began to shift to Shiba Yoshigin, who was more able to protect the interests of the Tendai sect, and gradually alienated Ashikaga Yoshiaki, a useless general.

Giving Sibo Yiyin the armor of the Buddha's treasure of light and nine virtues, and declaring Sibo Yiyin's status as the guardian of the Buddha's feet is all the layout of Jueshu Master before his life.

Although because Oda Nobunaga burned Mount Hiei, Master Jue Shu sat down in the other courtyard of Kyoto inexplicably, and the Tendai sect has no leader so far, and the movement to approach Shiba's family has temporarily stopped.

However, Master Tianhai, supported by the Shiba family, returned to Kyoto from the Jiaxin mountain area, took over the banner of Master Jueshu, and began to further promote Shiba Yiyin and deify Shiba Yiyin's religious identity.

Ashikaga Yoshiaki, who was a former high priest of Kofukuji Temple, felt deeply disturbed by this.

As a former god stick, Ashikaga Yoshiaki is far more sensitive to religious aspects than Oda Nobunaga.

Starting from Shingon Sect, Tiantai Sect, and Ichigo Sect, the three most influential sects in the world have already begun to build momentum for Shibo Yoshin.

If Shiba Yoshigin is a living god walking in the world and the patron saint of samurai Buddhism, then what is Ashikaga Yoshiaki, the Ashikaga general?

No matter how awesome the pillar of the Wu family is, can he still beat the god of the Wu family?
Theocracy and royal power are two aspects of the feudal dynasty ruling the world.From ancient times to the present, the conflict between theocracy and kingship has always existed.

Even in the celestial dynasty, where feudal centralization dominates the world, the emperor still rules the world as the son of heaven, and cannot strip away the divine right of the monarchy.

In the island country, the thousand-year-old blood of the emperor is the biggest trouble for General Ashikaga in ruling the island country, and it is an obstacle that the Ashikaga shogunate will never be able to overcome politically.

At that time, Ashikaga Yoshimitsu was under pressure and slaughtered the emperor, ministers and Shintoism in one fell swoop, completely eradicating General Ashikaga's biggest political opponent.

But today, the three major schools of Buddhism are promoting Shiba Yoshigin's divinity, which seems to herald the return of divine power to the island nation, which makes Ashikaga Yoshiaki very disturbed.

Although Oda Nobunaga is powerful, the origin of the Oda family is really humble.Even if Oda Nobunaga forged his life experience and linked his family with the Iseheira family who once dominated the world, it would be difficult to convince the public.

Hanoi Genji has served as the pillar of the samurai family for 500 years. The thought that only Genji cannot be a general is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. It is not so easy for Oda Nobunaga to replace Genji with Heira.

Even if Oda Nobunaga succeeds, Yoshiaki Ashikaga, who is the descendant of Genji Hanoi, will not be liquidated, because the political weight of the descendant of Genji Hanoi is too heavy.

Even if Oda Koi replaced Ashikaga Koi, Oda Nobunaga would not take the risk of killing Ashikaga Yoshiaki and cause political trouble for himself.

In other words, Ashikaga Yoshiaki has the confidence to make trouble for Oda Nobunaga, because Oda Nobunaga is a duck.

Even though he has an overwhelming advantage in the military, Oda Nobunaga is still in a weak political position. He can only curse Ashikaga Yoshiaki, the big tengu, but he can't really kill her.

The only person in this world who could kick Ashikaga Yoshiaki out of politics and frighten her was Shiba Yoshigin.

Yoshihiko Shiba, a slut, had sex with outsiders in Kanto, and even had a child, how could he have the face to call himself a widow of the past!

Ashikaga Yoshiaki dreamed of driving Shiba Yoshigin out of Hanoi Genji's descendant, completely cutting off Shiba Yoshigin's orthodox title.

If Yoshihiro Shiba is willing to marry someone, Yoshiaki Ashikaga can really laugh out of his dreams.But this slut just doesn't want to marry, but hypocritically becomes a monk to pray for the ancestors.

Bah, I have a bastard with an outsider, and I'm pretending to be a real husband, I bah!

Ashikaga Yoshiaki was very frightened, although Shiba Yoshigin voluntarily gave up his status as a descendant of Hanoi Genji and became a monk to practice.

But he has always insisted on claiming to be the elder of Genji, and refused to cut off the real connection with Hanoi Genji's descendants.

And Ashikaga Yoshiaki's stupidity made the samurai inside and outside the shogunate extremely disappointed in her, and made everyone willing to admit Yoshigin's status as the elder of Genji.

Today, the Shingon Sect, Tiantai Sect, and Ichiko Sect have joined forces to create momentum for Shiba Yoshihim.

If Shiba Yoshigin is really regarded as a living god by the people of the world, he will return to the political core of the island country with divine power, and he will be blessed by the status of Genji elder.

Ashikaga Yoshiaki, an Ashikaga general who lacks prestige, who else would care?Even the status of Hanoi Genji's descendant and the pillar of the samurai family will be transferred to Shiba Yoshigin.

After all, Shiba Yoshigin is also a direct descendant of the Hanoi Minamoto clan, and a widow of the previous generation. Why is Ashikaga Yoshiaki competing for the orthodox title with Shiba Yoshigin, a living god?Can she not be afraid?

Now, Ashikaga Yoshiaki wants to use Shibo Yoshinaga to deal with Oda Nobunaga, in a delusion that the snipe and the clam will fight and the fisherman will benefit.

But Ashikaga Yoshiaki knew very well in his heart that his biggest threat was not Oda Nobunaga, but Shiba Yoshiyin.

Because Oda Nobunaga can only take away her power, Shiba Yoshigin, the cheap brother-in-law who once helped her to the position of Ashikaga General, can take away all the titles that belong to her!
After the failure of the power struggle and being trapped in Nijo Castle, Ashikaga Yoshiaki really figured it out, and Shiba Yoshigin was her serious worry.

(End of this chapter)

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