different warring states of japan

Chapter 1516 Hosokawa's Great Opportunity

Chapter 1516 Hosokawa's Great Opportunity

Ashikaga Yoshiaki of Nijo Castle looked at Shiba's mansion with fear and fear, and he was not at all grateful to Shiba Yoshigin who had helped him to the position of Ashikaga General.

She has never been a vulgar novice who didn't understand the politics of the samurai family, and gradually transformed into a political miser. She no longer had the ambition to revive the shogunate before, and she was just a miser who stubbornly guarded her family name.

Oda Nobunaga's contempt and trample on the shogunate, and taking away the power belonging to the Ashikaga shogun's family, is no longer what Ashikaga Yoshiaki is most worried about.

What she is most worried about is that Yoshihiro Shiba will take away her Hanoi Genji direct descendant status, making her worthless and reduced to a poor political penniless person, and that is the real end.

At this time, the hustle and bustle of Sipo's mansion also gradually fell silent.There is no banquet in the world that lasts forever, no matter how lively the scene is, it will eventually end.

In the Hosokawa mansion, the two house governors Hosokawa Motosaki and Mibuchi Haruhiko, who had just returned from the Shiba banquet, did not rest, but pulled Mibuchi Fujihide, the heir, and the three of them talked in the meeting hall.

Hosokawa Motochang was very satisfied with today's banquet and said.

"Zindaden still cares about our Hosokawa Mibuchi family. Today's seat is very particular, and it's not even the slightest shorter than Hatakeyama Takamasa."

Haruhi Mibuchi laughed.

"Although Takamasa Hatakeyama is the leader of the shogunate, today is a family banquet, and the talk is not about the ranking of the shogunate, but the estrangement of each family.

Tsudaden has always been a nostalgic person, and now that Hosokawa Fujitaka is getting closer to the Shiba family, naturally he wants to give us a face. "

The current Haruyumi Mibuchi no longer dared to be as big as before, and casually called Shiba Yoshihiro a good nephew.

As Shiba Yoshigin's status continued to rise, Hosokawa and Mibuchi's family had gradually become followers of the Shiba family from some powerful allies.

Because of this, the two house governors, Hosokawa Motosuke and Mibuchi Haruhito, are more concerned about Shiba Yoshigin's opinion of their family than before. Even if it is just the seating of the banquet, they can arouse their joy and encouragement.

Mibuchi Tengying was very uncomfortable with this, she said.

"His Highness Oda was sharpening his sword outside, settled on Changdao in the south, and Echizen in Beiping. In Kyoto, it was singing and dancing, and there was no tension before the war.

I think Jin Duodian is being too careless, the outcome of next year's war is not yet known, we should be more cautious.In the unlikely event that Jintaden was defeated, the Hosokawa Mibuchi and his family would always consider an alternative.

Now is the time when rumors and rumors are flooding, and Fujitaka stays in Sipo's mansion in such a grand manner, isn't it a bit too unreasonable? "

Moto Hosokawa and Haruhito Mibuchi often looked at each other, feeling quite helpless.

After the battle of Hanoi with the Miyoshi family, Yoshihiro Shiba further integrated the camps of allies in recent areas, and his control has been improved to a higher level.

Because of her closeness to Oda Nobunaga, Mibuchi Fujihide was completely marginalized in the Hosokawa Mibuchi family. She, the guardian of Kitagawachi, was already well-known and powerless, and her mouth was still very hard.

But she is the eldest daughter of Haruhito Mibuchi and the older sister of Fujitaka Hosokawa.The future harmony between Hosokawa and Mibuchi's two families is best maintained by the two sisters, which is most conducive to the continuation of the family business.

Therefore, even though Mibuchi Fujihide once cruelly ambushed Hosokawa Fujitaka, the matter was still suppressed by the two old supervisors in the end.

The two old people still hope that the two sisters, Fujitaka Hosokawa and Fujihide Mibuchi, will focus on the overall situation and not cause civil strife, which will weaken the strength of the two families.

However, Mibuchi Fujihide was talking nonsense nonsense again.

Mototaka Hosokawa couldn't help but glared at his younger sister, Haruto Mibuchi. This daughter just followed her stupidity and wasn't as smart as Fujitaka Hosokawa at all.

With a cold snort, Hosokawa Motochang said.

"Even if the war starts next year, what if Jintaden will lose? Does Oda Nobunaga dare to risk the world's displeasure by killing Jindaden?
You must know that the name of the Jinda Temple is the name of the world's samurai family. As the elder of Genji, he is backed by the Hachiman Tai Niang Yubai Banner, and is respected by various Buddhist schools as a guardian.

As long as Oda Nobunaga has some brains, he dare not show disrespect to Jin Dadian.The influence of Jin Duodian cannot be eliminated by a single battle.

What's more, Jin Duodian has never lost a battle, and I have great confidence in him. "

Sanyuan Tengying was not convinced.

"Jinda hall is invincible, but His Highness Oda has never failed since his rise, the battle is ruthless, how can there be a sure chance of victory?

The Oda family now sits on a territory of 300 million shi, and is the most powerful in the world. His Highness Oda is determined to spread martial arts to the world.

Hosokawa Mibuchi and his family did not follow the trend, but went against the trend, and they would have to pay a price in the future. "

Mibuchi Fujihide is still counting on Oda Nobunaga to return to Nishikinki to help him regain the power of the Hosokawa Mibuchi family.Her small thoughts are harmful to the interests of the two families.

Hosokawa Motochang sneered.

"Oda Nobunaga's rise to power, what good does it do us?
She claims to be the elder of the Taira family and a descendant of the Ise Heira family.If she wins the world, how will we and the old shogunate gain a foothold?
Fujiei, you have to understand that the Hosokawa family and the Mibuchi family are both relatives of the Ashikaga family, and we and the Shiba family are blood and flesh relatives who break the bones and connect the tendons!
I know that Fujitaka is close to Jin Dadian, you don't like it.

But I am very relieved, wishing that Fuji Takashi and Jinda hall would have a child, I would pass on the throne to Fuji Taka immediately, and support her and Jinda hall's child as the heir! "

Mibuchi Fujihide was dumbfounded when he heard that, Motosho Hosokawa's words were too exaggerated, doesn't she care about the gossip outside?
Mibuchi Fujihide's puzzlement was seen by Hosokawa Motochang, and Hosokawa Motochang sneered.

"Those idiots out there, what do they know?
The Hosokawa family is not of high family status among the Ashikaga relatives, and they all rely on their own ability to fight for the general Ashikaga.

Since ancient times, relatives have been hidden from each other. Now that the Ashikaga Shogunate building is about to collapse, Tsutaden and Oda Nobunaga are standing side by side. As the Ashikaga family, we naturally stand on the side of Tsutaden.

You don't even look at the Tiantai sect, those big nuns of the Shingon sect are trying their best to advocate for the Jindo hall every day, what are they doing?
They are carrying out the will of Jindadian, Jindadian is to reproduce the grand occasion of the emperor's line!

Regardless of whether it is the Minamoto Heira family, in the final analysis, they are all derived from the blood of the emperor, descended from the descendants of the gods, and this is how they have a superior blood family status.

If Jin Daden really becomes a Shinto, his descendants will be the new generation of Minamoto Heira!

The most expensive thing in the world is the descendants of gods. If Fujitaka Hosokawa can get one of his bloodlines, Izumi and Izumi Hosokawa's family will be descendants of gods in the future!

Even if Oda Nobunaga can be arrogant for a while, what is the Oda family?Ashikaga, Hosokawa, Yamana, Hatakeyama, Miyoshi, Rokkaku, Asakura, which one has not been powerful and famous all over the world?

But now?What will happen again?
The power of the Wu family rises and falls suddenly, and only those with noble blood can last forever.

If the Shiba family can defeat the Oda family, the Jinda Temple will be the new emperor, the new living god, and the ten thousand generation line belonging to Shiba's blood will be opened.

And if the Izumi Hosokawa family can take this train, they will be able to share the eternal glory with the Shiba family. Isn't it worth fighting for such a big benefit?

What good does it do us to follow Oda Nobunaga?Can the Oda family break the cycle of prosperity and decline and prosper forever?
Only if the divine way is not lost, and the line of eternal life is the best choice.Now, with such a good opportunity in front of us, how can we not fight for it?
The future of Hosokawa Mibuchi's family is tied to Fujitaka and Tsudaden.Tengying, if you continue to be stubborn, the consequences will be serious. "

Hosokawa Motochang was a little hesitant at first.

Hosokawa Fujitaka had been having quarrels with Shiba Yoshigin before, and the relationship between the two parties was far from harmonious.But starting this year, Hosokawa Fujitaka suddenly changed his temperament and became a diehard loyalist of the Shiba family.

She even got the fat piece of Sakai Port from Shiba Yoshihiro, which made Izumi Hosokawa's family a big bargain.

The relationship between Hosokawa Fujitaka and Shiba Yoshigin changed too quickly, and Hosokawa Motochang was a little suspicious whether there was any problem in it.

But today, everyone went home from a banquet, but Hosokawa Fujitaka was able to stay overnight at Shiba's mansion, which suddenly made Hosokawa Motocho realize.

Hosokawa Fujitaka has been obsessed with Shiba Yoshigin for many years, and finally got his wish and climbed onto Shiba Yoshigin's bed.

No wonder she became a die-hard loyalist of the Shiba family, and Yoshihiro Shiba was also willing to trust her. The intimate relationship between the two was naturally much stronger than that of outsiders.

In this regard, Hosokawa Motochang was very pleasantly surprised.

The story of Takeda Shingen's daughter had spread all over the world, Shiba Yoshigin turned his back on Oda Nobunaga because of an unseemly illegitimate daughter, and desperately kept the Takeda family.

Who doesn't envy this thing?

If you get the seeds of Shiba Yoshiyin, you can get the protection of the powerful Shiba family, it is really not a disadvantage.

Moreover, Hosokawa Moto was old and mature all the year round, and he saw through the truth of the three major sects advocating for Shiba Yoshigin at a glance. Shiba Yoshigin was going to follow the way of the gods and reproduce the emperor's ten thousand generation line!
How could the Izumi Hosokawa family miss such a good opportunity to take a ride?
What's more, Shiba Yoshigin has been invincible and invincible since his debut.Could this Shiba Oda War be an exception?

Hosokawa Moto often has more confidence than Shiba Yoshigin himself. She believes that Shiba Yoshigin will be able to suppress Oda Nobunaga. She believes that Shiba Yoshigin will successfully ascend to the altar, and Shiba's blood will become an invaluable treasure.

Hosokawa Fujitaka and Shiba Yoshigin have an affair in private, if it were in the past, it might be an unseemly affair

But in the future, it will be the combination of God and man, who can introduce the blood of God to Izumi Hosokawa's family and become a descendant of God!

Thinking that Izumi Hosokawa's family might become a descendant of the gods in the future, Hosokawa Motochang only had two words of excitement left in his heart.

The samurai family's family business is the most important thing, and nothing is more important than the continuation of the family business.If it can become a family of divine descendants and continue forever, Hosokawa Mototsu will be able to rest in peace even if he dies immediately.

In this matter, Hosokawa Motochang would not allow anyone to stand up and cause sabotage. Mibuchi Fujihide held back when he was upset, and died if he refused to hold back.

Today, she spoke so clearly that she set the tone for the future of the Hosokawa Mibuchi family.

If Sanyuan's mother and daughter are willing to cooperate, the Izumi Hosokawa family will not treat this close relative badly.

If they can't cooperate, even if they break with the Sanyuan family, Hosokawa Motochang will not hesitate, without hesitation.

In the final analysis, the Izumi Hosokawa family and the Mibuchi family are still two family names, and there is nothing that cannot be sacrificed in the face of the fundamental interests of family business continuation.

Looking at Hosokawa Motocho's cold eyes, Mibuchi Fujihide felt fear, and looked at his mother Mibuchi Haruto again.

Mibuchi Haruhito sighed secretly.

The Hosokawa and Mibuchi families have been united for so many years, but after all, they were separated because of the conflict between the two sisters, Hosokawa Fujitaka and Mibuchi Toei.

Haruki Mibuchi knew that Motosho Hosokawa was going to be serious this time.If Mibuchi Fujihide still doesn't know each other, even if the two families part ways in the end, Hosokawa Motocho will never tolerate it again.

Mibuchi Haruyuki had a pleading look in his eyes, and said to his daughter Mibuchi Fujihide.

"Tengying, haven't you come to your senses yet? Is it true that the two families are torn apart for you to be satisfied?

In the eyes of Oda Nobunaga, your greatest value lies in the status of the Hosokawa Mibuchi family.If you lose your value, no matter how loyal you are to her, she will abandon you like a shoe.

Only by uniting your relatives and protecting your family property can you have value and a future. "

Mibuchi Fujihide took a deep breath.

From childhood to adulthood, the two mothers valued the younger sister Hosokawa Fujitaka the most, and looked down on her older sister.

She has been hiding a resentment, but she still does her duty honestly, until Oda Nobunaga's instigation awakens this resentment, making her bold enough to fight.

But today, she had to accept the reality.

If she still wants to keep her own future, she must bow to Hosokawa Fujitaka.

Otherwise, Hosokawa and Mibuchi's family will abandon her, and Oda Nobunaga, the utilitarian, will no longer care about her, and she will lose everything.

Sanyuan Tengying opened his eyes, kowtowed to the two mothers, and said.

"I understand. When Teng Xiao comes back, I will personally apologize to her and beg her for forgiveness."

Hosokawa Motochang nodded silently, and Mibuchi Haruyuki felt relieved.

If Mibuchi Fujihide can really figure it out, this is her blessing, and it is also the blessing of Hosokawa Mibuchi's family.

Moto Hosokawa often looked at Haruhito Mibuchi who was crying with joy, and was really speechless towards this useless and lucky sister.

It was this person who had been confused all his life who helped Shiba Yoshihiro when he was down and down, and that created the close relationship between the Hosokawa Mibuchi family and the Shiba family.

It was this younger sister who gave birth to the intelligent Hosokawa Fujitaka, who was adopted by him, so that the Izumi Hosokawa family had the possibility of becoming a descendant of the gods.

Hosokawa Motochang admitted that he had misjudged his eyes, and thought about competing with Shiba Yoshigin.But who would have thought that Shiba Yoshigin, a samurai man, could make it to where he is today?
She opposed Shibo Yoshiyin, and she also opposed Hosokawa Fujitaka's obsession with Shibo Yoshiyin.But in the end, the truth hit her hard in the face.

Moto Hosokawa is often good at calculations, but Haruto Mibuchi, the idiot sister, is the real big winner. She is a lucky person.

Until now, Haruyumi Mibuchi probably hasn't figured out the joints. This is the most depressing part of Motochang Hosokawa.

Stupid people really have stupid blessings.

(End of this chapter)

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