different warring states of japan

Chapter 1519 He Doesn't Have You in His Heart

With the appearance of Takeda Yoshinobu, an illegitimate daughter, and the three major Buddhist sects starting to build momentum for Shibo Yoshinobu to become a god, more and more people have noticed the changes.

Shiba Yoshigin began to jump out of the limitations of the ancestor Yoshiki Ashikaga's widow, and turned to the patron saint of the samurai family and the Buddhist guardian deity who had built his own influence.

In other words, Shiba Yoshigin is taking the initiative to cut with General Ashikaga's family, and is no longer satisfied with the aura of Hanoi Genji's descendant halo given to him by General Ashikaga, and instead pursues a more high-end and grand Shinto.

Although the Hanoi Genji lineage is noble, once the Shiba family establishes the bloodline of the gods, it will be a blow to the samurai shogunate regime.

In this island country that pays attention to the noble and the humble, the level of blood is an important criterion for distinguishing the superior and the inferior.No matter how awesome the pillars of the Wu family are, they are still human beings. How can human beings be more noble than gods?

This was not only seen by the allies and retainers of the Shiba family, but also by the opponents of the Oda family.

Antu City, the inner courtyard of the residence hall, and the tea room.

Oda Nobunaga does not come to the inner courtyard on weekdays, and he and Nong-kun have long been a superficial husband and wife relationship.

In order to stabilize the political demands of the Mino country, Oda Nobunaga needs Nokun, a husband from the Mino Saito family, to show that he avenged his mother-in-law and then ruled the legal status of the Mino country.

However, as the power of the Oda family gradually expanded, and even once controlled the Kyoto shogunate and puppeted General Ashikaga, the political value of Nono-kun is becoming lower and lower.

The Mino samurai family has already shared the dividends of the expansion of the Oda family, and Oda Nobunaga has also completely digested and controlled the Mino country, without the need to rely on the political banner of the Mino Saito family.

In the face of the most powerful Shiba faction among the conservatives in the shogunate, Oda Nobunaga hoped to reach a marriage with Shiba Yoshigin, whether it was out of love, selfish desire, or political harmony.

Thus, there was a strange incident in which Mitsuhide Akechi was able to shuttle between the two families of the impending battle between the Shiba and Oda families, creating momentum for Genpei's confluence claim.

However, as the war was approaching, Yoshihiro Shiba vigorously launched a god-making movement, which still caused some waves of opposition in the Oda family.

Among them, the most hard-working one is the mayor who returned to the Oda family after the death of her husband Asai Nagamasa.

The city-kun and Nok-kun have a deep relationship, and because of Asai Nagamasa's affairs, they hate Shiba Yoshiyin deeply.In terms of emotion and reason, he was unwilling to see Shiba Yoshigin form an alliance with Oda Nobunaga.

And the three major factions are building momentum for Shibo Yoshihim, and they want to help Shiba Yoshiyin to the altar, and they have given the mayor a sufficient handle.

Today's tea party is the city-kun's invitation to Oda Nobunaga and Nokun and his wife for a family reunion.

Although Oda Nobunaga is utilitarian, he is not without guilt towards the younger brother of the city lord.

Back then, she was the one who married the mayor to Asai Nagamasa in order to win over the Asai family.Afterwards, the city lord sent a small bean bag to expose the truth that the Asai family was going to betray the alliance, which made him in a difficult situation in the Asai family.

Because of his apology, Oda Nobunaga was very tolerant of this younger brother. Even though he knew that the city lord hated Shiba Yoshigin and Hashiba Hideyoshi and had done a lot of tricks behind his back, he still let him mess around.

Oda Nobunaga took a sip of the tea offered by the tea maker, wondering what the mayor was going to do today.

Shi Jun smiled so much that he waved his hands to let the tea man back down, and glanced at Nong Jun, who was drinking tea silently.

The relationship between Oda Nobunaga and Nong-kun has become more and more indifferent these years, and it seems that sooner or later it will be the end of separation.

Thinking of the possibility of Shiba Yoshigin's male cousin marrying into the Oda family, the mayor is so desperate that he will never refuse.

He tried everything possible to prevent Oda Nobunaga from marrying Shibo Yoshihiro, so he jumped out and expelled Akechi Mitsuhide from Azuchi Castle.

The city lord couldn't figure it out, the Oda family was about to go to war with the Shiba family, and the relationship between the two sides was tense, why at this time, my sister still wanted to marry that duplicity male cousin.

What's so good about the male cousin of the Shiba family?It is really resentful that women are obsessed with him one by one.

How could the city lord understand women's minds? With Shiba Yoshiyin's appearance and bloodline, he was originally a rich and noble son who women flocked to.

What's more, he is still a magnificent man from the martial arts family, and his own influence value far exceeds that of a million stone daimyo.

Oda Nobunaga and Shibo Yoshigin once had a relationship. With her hot and twisted desire to conquer, conquering Shibo Yoshiyin again may be more enjoyable than conquering the world.

The city lord's efforts are doomed to be in vain.This pampered son of the Oda family doesn't understand politics at all.

When the tea master left the tea room, there were only Oda Nobunaga, Nong-kun, and Ichi-kun left in the room, and the Ichi-kun said with a smile.

"Father sent me a letter, talking about Xincheng.

Hearing that my sister is going to adopt Nobusumi to Masahiro Isano, my father is very dissatisfied.

It is said that Masahiro Isino is not a descendant of the Asai family, so what qualifications does she have to adopt Nobusumi. "

When Oda Nobunaga and Oda Nobunaga competed for the position of governor of the Oda family, Oda Nobunaga cut off his head after the defeat. Oda Nobunaga was the posthumous daughter of Oda Nobunaga.

Oda Nobunaga's father Tsuchida Gozen doted on Oda Nobunaga, because of Oda Nobunaga's death, he had a very unpleasant quarrel with Oda Nobunaga.

But after Oda Nobunaga became a big business and proved his ability, Tsuchida Gozen had to make peace with this rebellious eldest daughter and find a way out for Oda Nobunaga, the rebellious daughter.

Oda Nobunaga also counted as a face to his father, and let Oda Nobunaga join his own small family and train him as Ji Samurai.Over the past four or five years, the children have gradually grown up, and they have gained some momentum.

Just when Tsuchida Gozen was gratified, Oda Nobunaga suddenly decided to adopt Oda Nobusumi to Isano Yuanmasa, which made Tsuchida Gozen very dissatisfied.

Oda Nobunaga himself has been separated from Nokun for many years and has no heirs.

The entire group of Oda's retainers were afraid of Oda Nobunaga's power and surly temper, and no one dared to persuade her to consider the issue of an heir.

Today's Oda family is already 300 million stone daimyo, the world's leading powerful vassal.The family governor has no heirs and no heirs, if something bad happens to her, won't the family business be in chaos?
But Oda Nobunaga had no scruples, she first adopted her third sister Oda Xinbao to Minamise Kitabata's family.

Now, Oda Nobusumi, the posthumous son of his second sister Oda Nobuyuki, is going to be adopted by Isano Masahiro.

The relatives closest to Oda Nobunaga were all adopted, and the succession of the family has been lost since then.

Tsuchida Gozen suddenly couldn't sit still, and wanted to ask for an explanation, but his relationship with Oda Nobunaga was only superficially harmonious.

In order not to anger the eldest daughter, Tsuchida Gozen could only find the city lord, the younger brother who was favored by Oda Nobunaga, and ask him in a roundabout way.

While the city lord was thinking about how to put eye drops on Shiba Yoshiyin, a vixen, the letter from her father happened to be an excuse for her to attack.

Oda Nobunaga couldn't help snorting when he heard that the city-lord conveyed Tsuchida Gozen's attention.

Her father has always had a cold relationship with her. When the second sister Oda Nobuyuki was alive, she loved Nobuyuki the most.Now, the third sister Xinbao is the most concerned, and the second sister is orphaned by Xincheng.

Oda Nobunaga knew that no matter how hard he tried to prove his excellence, in his father's heart, he would always be a disobedient daughter.

But the more his father was like this, the more disliked and rebellious Oda Nobunaga became.

She wants to prove to her dead mother and living father that she is always right and both parents are wrong.

Whether it was killing Oda Nobuyuki in the past, or adopting Oda Nobusumi out now, my decision is always correct!
Glancing at the mayor, Oda Nobunaga said.

"What do my husband and Taoist family know? Isano member Masahiro knows that his line of [-] shi is a famous family in Takashima County in Kita Omi, and a powerful vassal daimyo.

If Oda Nobusumi could inherit her family business, she would have jumped from a small surname to a [-]-goku daimyo, what else would she be dissatisfied with?

how?Could it be that my father hoped that I would give up the post of monastic governor and help this yellow-mouthed child to be the governor of the Oda family? "

Oda Nobunaga knew that the mayor didn't understand politics and military affairs, so he didn't bother to talk to him.

In fact, the adoption of Oda Nobunaga to Isano Masahiro was a deliberate decision of Oda Nobunaga, an important political preparation for the war next year.

Masaru Isono sits on [-] koku in Takashima County, which is equivalent to controlling Takashima County, a strategic location between the Shiba and Oda families.

Once Masahiro Isono fell to Shibo Yoshiyin, Shibo Yoshiyin took control of Takashima County.

The Shiba army can connect with Asakura Kageki in Tsuruga County when it goes north, and it can attack Sakamoto Daikusa when it goes south, breaking through the Oda family's blockade of the mouth of Lake Biwa.

Oda Nobunaga's land and water blockade of Yamashiro State has largely failed.

The most important thing is that in the spring of next year, the Kwantung Allied Forces will come from the Hokuriku Road.

The Oda family has already controlled the Echizen Kingdom, but Oda Nobunaga deliberately let Asakura Kageki of Tsuruga County go, just to take advantage of Shiba Yoshiyin.

Back then, Asakura Sodi had kindness to Shiba Yoshiyin, and Shiba Yoshiyin had always protected Asakura Keiki, and this was how Tsuruga County gained its independent status.

The Echizen Kingdom on the Hokuriku Road line blocked the advance path of the Kwantung Allied Forces, and Shiba Yoshigin must wait for the Kwantung Allied Forces to break through the Echizen Kingdom before leading troops northward to join them.

The focus of the convergence of the two sides lies in the Takashima County of Kita Omi and the Tsuruga County of the Echizen Kingdom.

Oda Nobunaga wants to break Shiba Yoshigin's wishful thinking, the best way is to let Shibata Katsuie, who is now guarding the Echizen Kingdom, block the Kwantung Allied Forces, and lead his own troops to attack Tsuruga County.

With Shiba Yoshiyin's giri character design, it is difficult for him to refuse Asakura Keiji's request for help, so he can only go north ahead of time.

Therefore, Asakura Kageki of Tsuruga County is a hostage held by Oda Nobunaga, and he is likely to be the trump card that can determine the timing of the decisive battle.

Shiba Yoshiyin was forced to go north ahead of schedule, and the decisive battle was launched ahead of schedule.

As long as Shibata Katsuya of the Echizen Kingdom can block the Kanto coalition forces, Shiba Yoshigin's two forces near the Kanto will be forced to split, and Oda Nobunaga can calmly concentrate on dealing with one first.

As for Takashima County, which lies between the Shiba Oda two, the strategic value is very important.

If Masaru Isono falls to Shibo Yoshiyin, then Shibo Yoshiyin can not only pass through Takashima County quickly, but his logistics line will not be attacked by Takashima County samurai.

But if Masano Isano insists on standing on Oda Nobunaga's side, Shiba Yoshigin's military vigor will be consumed by Masano Isano in Takashima County first.

Even if Yoshihiko Shiba forcibly breaks through Takashima County, given the mountainous terrain of Takashima County, he will be harassed by the Takashima County samurai who are familiar with the local environment to harass the logistics supply line and affect the follow-up battle.

The seemingly small Takashima County, who seemed to be only [-] shi, played a role at this time point that even surpassed tens of thousands of troops.

In fact, when Oda Nobunaga and Nagashima Ichikui started a tug-of-war, Shiba Yoshigin sent Akechi Mitsuhide to Takashima County to win over Masaru Isano.

But Oda Nobunaga raised the butcher knife on Long Island and slaughtered the nearby villages that had always been close to each other. This cruelty and perversity frightened everyone.

As a result, Masano Isano sent Akechi Mitsuhide out of the country, temporarily extinguishing the heart of swinging on the fence.

Of course Oda Nobunaga knew about this, but she was unwilling to provoke Masano Isano at this time, so she sent Oda Nobunaga to Takashima County to take care of Masano Isano.

It is impossible for Oda Nobunaga to go to Takashima County alone, and he will naturally take the gift given by Oda Nobunaga to go with Riki Samurai. This is the pair of eyes staring at the back of Isano Yuanchang.

Oda Xinbao has done a good job in Minami-Ise. Although he looks ugly, he has firmly secured the position of governor of the Kitabata family and helped the Oda family to stabilize half of the Ise country.

If Oda Nobunaga does well this time, Oda Nobunaga will help her replace Isano Masahiro after the war. With her blocking the connection between Hokuriku Road and Kyoto in Kita Omi, Oda Nobunaga can feel at ease.

Tsuchida Gozen said rightly that Masaru Isano was a vassal from the Asai family, and Oda Nobunaga's trust in her was actually very limited.

The time for the Oda family to take over Kita Omi and Echizen was too short, and there were many things that could not be tolerated by Oda Nobunaga.

The Echizen Kingdom has been cleaned up because of the infighting among Asakura's old ministers, so Oda Nobunaga can calmly put Shibata Katsuya in the Echizen Kingdom and properly control the situation.

However, in the northern near river, the situation is different.

Hashiba Hideyoshi obeyed the order of Oda Nobunaga, kept wooing Asai's retainers such as Isino member Masaru and Aguan Sadasei, dug out Asai Nagamasa's corner, and quickly wiped out the Asai family.

In other words, in the North Omi region, Asai's surrender was very strong, and Oda Nobunaga was not yet fully sure of controlling these local samurai, so he had to figure it out slowly.

Tsuchida Gozen did not understand this kind of consideration of military and national affairs, nor did the city lord.

They are not male heroes like Shiba Yoshigin, they are just traditional samurai men, greenhouse flowers staying in the boudoir.

Oda Nobunaga said rudely.

"Nobusumi's adoption of Isano Yuansho is a major military and national event, you and other men should not get involved.

You write a letter to tell your father that I will promise Xincheng a future afterward, and keep her rich and honored all her life, so that my father can wait with peace of mind. "

The mayor didn't want to help Oda Nobusumi, he just took the opportunity to ask his father to express his own meaning.

At this time, the mayor began to say what he wanted to say through the words of Oda Nobunaga.

"Father is not sad because of Nobusumi's succession, it's just that my sister and brother Nong-kun haven't had sex for many years, and the Oda family has no successors.

My father was worried, since Xinbao was adopted, and Xincheng was also adopted, there must be an explanation for the succession of the Oda family business.

Sister, what do you think about the future of the Oda family?
I heard that in Kyoto, Shibo Yoshigin is building momentum, claiming that Bishamonten has come to the world.This person is so arrogant that he wants to become a god, so naturally he will no longer marry mortals.

Akechi Mitsuhide's gossip is confusing the public, and those rumors of the confluence of Genpei are all to shake the morale of my Oda family, and they are definitely not sincere.

Sister, you must be vigilant, and you must not let those who want to deceive you succeed in their schemes.

Yoshihiko Shiba has never thought about getting married, and he doesn't have you in his heart at all!elder sister! "

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