different warring states of japan

Chapter 1520 Arrangement of Oda Nobunaga

Chapter 1520 Arrangement of Oda Nobunaga

Looking at the hoarse mayor, Oda Nobunaga not only didn't get angry, but wanted to laugh.

What feelings do the sons and daughters of the Wu family talk about?From ancient times to the present, sisters fighting each other, and mother and daughter fighting against each other, have never been rare among Ji warriors.

In particular, this turmoil of the Wu family, which has lasted for more than a hundred years, has pushed all order to collapse, rituals have collapsed, morality has collapsed, and human relations have ceased to exist.

These words of love and love are only spoken ignorantly by a noble son like the city gentleman who has no worries about food and clothing and is raised in the boudoir.

Oda Nobunaga looked at the plausible seriousness of the mayor, and really felt like laughing.This innocent man, even after the death of Asai Nagamasa, his brain still hasn't turned the corner.

Akechi Mitsuhide was sent by Shiba Yoshigin to shake the fighting spirit of the Oda family. Could Oda Nobunaga not know?
Can Oda Nobunaga not understand what the god-making movement that Yoshihiro Shiba is launching will mean once it succeeds?
Oda Nobunaga knows the importance of it, so he will be more excited. Shiba Yoshigin is really amazing. Compared with him, Ashikaga Yoshiaki is a complete idiot.

If Shiba Yoshigin is as stupid as Ichikuno-kun, how can Oda Nobunaga never forget him?Only by conquering such a powerful man will Oda Nobunaga feel physically and mentally happy.

Oda Nobunaga claimed to be the elder of the Taira family, and tried in vain to overthrow the shogunate of Genji and rebuild the order of the Taira family.

Shiba Yoshigin is even crazier than her, and wants to revive the Shinto that was slaughtered by Ashikaga Yoshimitsu, and return to the world as the god of the present world.

What a powerful man, he really dares to think, but only such a man is worthy of me, Oda Nobunaga!

The city lord said that Yoshigin Shiba wanted to follow the way of the gods, and it is impossible for gods to marry people, so the confluence of sources and levels cannot come true.

Oda Nobunaga scoffed at this.

How could it be possible to tie Yingjie's hands and feet if ordinary people were deceived by the theory of Shinto?On the political surface, the Wu family has good morals, but in their bones, they are downright pragmatism.

If Shiba Yoshigin wins, he is a holy and innocent living god, but if he loses, hehe. .The gods of this world are not allowed to marry, and the Oda Nobunaga who won the war is the god of this world.

Oda Nobunaga once ridiculed himself as the Sixth Heaven Demon King in a letter, but now he has been publicized by Ichigomune, and the whole world accused Oda Nobunaga of being the enemy of Buddha.

Do you think Oda Nobunaga cares?The defeated dog barked wildly, and it was a waste of energy to look at it.

Shiba Yoshigin wants to become a god, if he loses to Oda Nobunaga in this battle, it will be the Demon King of the Sixth Heaven who ascended to Bishamonten, which is really a hassle.

Oda Nobunaga was full of joy, and in her opinion, what the city lord thought he had seized was nothing at all.

Only the swords and guns in his hands, the money and food behind him, and political morality are the most important things that Oda Nobunaga fears.Oda Nobunaga didn't care about the superstitions that the gods of the Buddhist sects talked about.

For an ignorant man like the city lord, Oda Nobunaga didn't even bother to talk nonsense with him.

If it wasn't for the fact that he was his dear brother, or for the brother-sibling bond he once gave her with beanbags.

If someone else was talking nonsense in front of him, Oda Nobunaga would have already picked off the other person's head.

But even with this family affection in mind, Oda Nobunaga can still be utilitarian and ruthless in the face of the overall strategic situation, she said.

"The future of the Oda family, I will naturally handle it properly.

Xinbao and Xincheng can't control the powerful Oda family, they don't have that ability.The future of the Oda family will be inherited by more noble and powerful descendants.

Let father not worry, I will arrange the future of Xinbao and Xincheng. As for you, Mr. Shi, I have also prepared a happy home for you.

I have already issued an order to Shibata Katsuie to come to Azuchi Castle to receive a reward for the military service of pacifying the Echizen Kingdom, and to reward her with more than [-] shi from the seven Echizen counties except Tsuruga County.

And you, my dear brother, will become her husband-in-law. From then on, Shibata Katsuya will become a member of my Oda family and take care of Hokuriku for me.

I believe Shibata Katsuya will treat you well, and you will enjoy glory and wealth as the husband of the 40 koku daimyo.

How about it?Are you satisfied with my arrangement? "

When he heard that a more noble heir was coming to inherit the Oda family, Nong-kun's face turned pale.And when he heard that Oda Nobunaga was going to marry himself to Shibata Katsuie, his face turned pale.

The mayor never expected that his intention to accuse Shiba Yoshihiro of making an attack with ulterior motives led to Oda Nobunaga's judgment on his future.

How long has Asai Nagamasa been dead, and Oda Nobunaga is going to marry himself to Shibata Katsuie?
With tears in his eyes, the mayor glared at Oda Nobunaga, with disbelief written all over his face.

Oda Nobunaga looked at him coldly, the city lord could not let this matter be presumptuous, he had to marry Shibata Katsuie for two reasons.

First, the city-kun has been active in the Oda family these days, opposing Mitsuhide Akechi's proposal to merge Genpei, in an attempt to completely cut off from the Shiba family.

Around him, silent opponents who dare not confront Oda Nobunaga have gathered.These people are afraid of Oda Nobunaga, and the city lord who dares to speak out has become their spokesperson.

Whether it is out of selfish desires or political demands.

Conquering Shiba Yoshigin and subduing the powerful Shiba camp has become the goal that Oda Nobunaga must achieve. She does not allow anyone to destroy her plan.

The city lord, a troublemaker who doesn't know the seriousness, is still complacent about being used by those old foxes of the retainer group without knowing it.

Oda Nobunaga was annoyed and had to kick the city king out.

Letting him marry was the gentlest way Oda Nobunaga could think of. After all, Oda Nobunaga still loved his younger brother and didn't want to use too drastic methods.

Second, the Echizen Kingdom has become the forefront of the confrontation between Shiba and Oda, and it will be the key to the success of next year's war.

According to Oda Nobunaga's strategic layout, Shibata Katsuie wanted to block the westward advance of the Kwantung Allied Forces in Echizen, to help Oda Nobunaga attack Tsuruga County, and coerce Shiba Yoshiyin to attack in advance to buy time.

On Oda Nobunaga's side, he must concentrate his efforts on cleaning up Yoshiyin Shiba, and Shibata Katsuie must be firmly nailed to the Echizen Kingdom to stop the Kwantung Allied Forces and delay as much time as possible.

It's like a Tian Ji horse race.

Shibata Katsuya used a small number of troops to block the Kwantung Allied Forces of the large force, and Oda Nobunaga led the Oda family's large force to besiege Shiba Yoshiyin, who was forced to go north ahead of schedule.

The longer Shibata Katsuya delays, the greater the odds of Oda Nobunaga's victory.

Therefore, in order to persuade Shibata Katsuie to come up with his old self and go all out, Oda Nobunaga must give generous treatment to stimulate the fighting spirit of the Oda family's top fighter.

The Zhixing land of more than [-] koku in the seven counties of the Echizen Kingdom, and the identity of the Oda family as a member, is the price offered by Oda Nobunaga.

The Oda family's current territory is only 300 million koku, and Oda Nobunaga can give 40 koku to Shibata Katsuya, which already has high hopes.

After marrying the mayor, Shibata Katsuie will also become a member of the Oda family and one of the core members of the Oda family.

Her status may be higher than that of Oda Xinbao and Oda Nobusumi who were adopted. After all, after the adoption, they are already Kitabata Xinbao and Isano Nobusumi, and theoretically they are no longer Oda Kazumi.

Oda Nobunaga believes that Shibata Katsuie, who has benefited greatly, will definitely use all his strength to nail the Echizen Kingdom until he leads an army to defeat Shiba Yoshiyin.

Without looking at the dejected Nong-kun, Oda Nobunaga just stared at the city-kun until he saw the city-kun lower his head sadly, and then said.

"You are a son of the Wu family, and to share the glory of the family, you must make sacrifices for the interests of the family.

Shibata Katsuya is a capable person, and he is a good home. You have to know how to cherish it, understand?

Also, about the Shiba family and the Oda family, you, a husband and wife, can't mix it up casually, so keep your mouth shut from now on, understand? "

The city lord pursed his lips, as if he wanted to say something, but in front of Oda Nobunaga's deep eyes, he couldn't say a word.

Oda Nobunaga has become more and more powerful over the years, and few people dare to speak nonsense in front of her. When she became serious, the mayor was too frightened to refute.

Although Oda Nobunaga convinced the city lord, he couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

The mayor may seem reckless, but after all, he is tough on the outside and soft on the inside, not really fearless.Maybe there is really only Shiba Yoshigin in this world, who is worthy to stand shoulder to shoulder with him and look down on everything in the world.


It is lonely in winter, although it is not as bitter and cold as in Kanto in recent days, the twelfth lunar month of winter is also bitingly cold.

But for Shibata Katsuie this winter, it is as hot as fire and full of joy.

Shibata Katsuie is an old man left behind by Oda Nobunaga's mother. He controls the family's standing army. When he was in the four counties of Shimoowari, he was famous far and wide.

But behind her seemingly beautiful scenery, there is a self-knowledge of suffering.

The mother of Oda Nobunaga was militaristic and raised too many standing troops, but the wars against the surrounding countries were not going well, and she was unable to expand.

The generals faction headed by Shibata Katsuie has soldiers in their hands, but no land of knowledge and action in their pockets. Their lives are poor and they don't know what to do in the future, which is very depressing.

Until Oda Nobunaga came to power and killed Oda Nobuyuki, the reason she convinced Shibata Katsuie was to expand the territory and give the generals headed by Shibata Katsuya a future.

It turns out that Oda Nobunaga did it.

Shibata Katsuie, who surrendered Oda Nobunaga seven years ago, was nearly 35 years old, and now he is over [-] years old. He can be called an old woman in this era.

At this time, she had reached the pinnacle of her life, entrusted more than [-] stones in the seven counties of Echizen, married the Lord of the City, and became a disciple of Oda.

Even if the city lord is absolutely unwilling and unwilling, he dare not disobey Oda Nobunaga's wishes, so he can only marry again with tears in his eyes and become the husband of Shibata Katsuie.

Katsuya Shibata embraced the beauty, and attracted the envy and hatred of countless people.

North Omi, Nagahama Castle, Jukan.

There were braziers in the four corners of the room, and Hashiba Hideyoshi put a basin in front of his seat and rubbed his hands.

Her eyes wandered, she didn't know what was on her mind, and the rubbing of her hands was just her subconscious movement.

Except for Hashiba Hideyoshi, there was only Takenaka Shigeharu in the room, sitting opposite the brazier.

In the silence, Takenaka Shigeharu suddenly let out a heavy cough, which was as terrifying as if he was about to cough his lungs.

Hashiba Hideyoshi was awakened by her coughing, and asked with concern.

"Takenaka Ji, how are you? Is it too cold in the room, may I ask someone to bring some more braziers over?"

Takenaka Shigeharu waved his hand, and smiled when he recovered.

"My lord, there are already enough braziers here, you can see that your forehead is sweating.

You don't have to hold the brazier for me, my problem is in the lungs, it has nothing to do with cold or heat. "

Hashiba Hideyoshi frowned.

"I have asked Xiuchang to go to the capital with a lot of money. I must find you a good doctor and come back."

Takenaka Shigeharu laughed.

"It's an old problem, I used to cough, but I've gotten older in the past two years, and the cough is worse, I've been used to it for a long time.

If you don't talk about me, the Lord seems to be very troubled, so what's the matter? "

Hashiba Hideyoshi sighed.

"Lord Katsuie Shibata is really favored and valued by the hall, I never thought that she would be able to marry the Lord of the City, and even got 40 koku from the Echizen Kingdom.

Don't laugh at me, I'm a little jealous, remembering that I was awarded 12 shi in Beijinjiang before, and I'm still complacent, now. . "

Hashiba Hideyoshi sighed, and Takenaka Shigeharu smiled.

"Why did the lord say this?

Who would not be envious of Mr. Shibata Katsuie's generous reward? You are also human.

It's just that I don't think it's easy to get such a generous reward from the Great Hall, Master Shibata should know it well, this is forcing her to use her old background to go all out. "

Hashiba Hideyoshi narrowed his eyes.

"How do you say that?"

Takenaka Shigeharu analyzed.

"Nearly 50 shi in the eight counties of the Echizen Kingdom, all the old ministers of Asakura have been wiped out, leaving the trembling Asakura Kageki of Tsuruga County in the hall, and giving more than [-] shi from the remaining seven counties to Katsuya Shibata.

Its intention is to let Master Shibata block the Kwantung Allied Forces, using Asakura Keiji as bait, to lure Jin Dadian to go north ahead of time, and win the battle.

The Kwantung Allied Forces are by no means a kind-hearted people. Master Shibata has become a member of Oda's family thanks to the favor of the main hall.

Even if she didn't want to, she could only devote all her energy to defend the Echizen Kingdom and fight desperately with the Kwantung Allied Forces.

You think, there are inextricable connections between the Oda Shiba family, especially the samurai family of the four districts of Shimoowari, the last thing they want is to go to war with the Shiba family.

Shibata-sama is the leader of the Owari generals faction, and his status is very important.

She stationed the elite of the Owari faction and took advantage of the main hall.This time, the Owari school must do their best, and can no longer be perfunctory. "

Hashiba Hideyoshi was taken aback for a moment, and immediately realized that Oda Nobunaga was amazing.

Shiba Yoshigin was born in the four counties of Shimo-Owari, and his important ministers, Maeda Toshiie and Maeda Masayuki, not only had close contacts with the Owari Samurai, but even the retainers were all fellow villagers from Owari.

In addition, Takada Yono is also from Owari, and has been guiding the Owari Samurai family to go to Sakai Port to buy, buy, buy, buy, such as Siba Real Estate, Hokuriku Stock, and the Owari Samurai family did not spend less money.

At this moment, Shiba Oda is at war, and the last thing the Oda family wants the two sides to fight is those old samurai from Shimoowari.

These people are old members of the Shiba family, and they have a lot of strength in their hands.If they wait and see at both ends of the snake and mouse, at least [-]% of the strength of the Oda family will not be able to display.

Oda Nobunaga obviously understood this truth, so she brought the Owari generals headed by Shibata Katsuya to Echizen Kingdom.

To give territory to a man is to force General Owari to send his troops to defend the Echizen Kingdom and fight desperately with the westward Kwantung Allied Forces.

Shibata Katsuie is also suffering and can't tell.

As the leading elder sister, she has a large group of young girls waiting to be fed, and many times she can't do things by herself.

Oda Nobunaga seems to have generously given 40 stones to Zhixing land, but it is impossible for all these lands to be given to Shibata Katsuya alone, they must be assigned to the Hime Samurai regiment sent by Owari generals.

With Oda Nobunaga's control over the Owari Samurai, it is inevitable to fortify a group of forces to Shibata Katsuya, and divide Shibata Katsuya's control.

Shibata Katsuya is called the Lord of Echizen, but in fact all his subordinates are Oda's retainers.

Everyone got the territory, so naturally they had to try their best to defend it. Even if Shibata Katsuie owned real estate in Shiba's house and bought stocks, it was impossible to be soft on the Kwantung Allied Forces.

The territory of 40 shi in the seven counties of Echizen Kingdom is enough to make those middle and lower class warriors who want to know and go crazy desperate.

Oda Nobunaga is forcing the old samurai of Owari to work hard, not giving them a chance at both sides of the snake.

(End of this chapter)

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