different warring states of japan

Chapter 1526 March out of awe

Chapter 1526 March out of awe

Yoshiyin looked at the respectful Kosaka Masanobu, feeling both anticipation and anxiety in his heart.

The Kanto Three Powers, Uesugi Kenshin and Takeda Shingen are not fuel-efficient lamps.Although the Hojo Clan's administration is not as good as her mother's Hojo Clan, the four generations of the Hojo Clan's management background are the most solid.

If these three families can reach an agreement and establish a united front to conquer Kanto, the integration of the Kanto land may be faster than Yiyin imagined.

But he began to worry again, whether the three giants, Xingsheng, Dao Shengmeng, and Daxiong Chaoxiu, who stayed in the mountains of Kanto, could hold down the position of the Kanto waiter?
The three families of Uesugi, Takeda and Hojo joined forces, and just thinking about it makes people feel invincible. No matter externally or internally, it will put great pressure on others.

Yi Yin subconsciously touched his own Jill with his hand. Once the three giants of the Kanto Office were passive and unable to resist the momentum of the three powers, he would not hesitate to use Jill's power.

The Shiba family must firmly grasp the absolute leadership of the Kanto Chamber. The Uesugi Takeda family has a hidden dispute over the eldest daughter and the second daughter. If Hojo Ujimasa is given another child, it will be a tripartite confrontation.

Even if the three can temporarily join forces, they will not be able to gain real mutual trust in the end. In the future, the Kanto Chamber will still revolve around the Shiba family.

Once Yoshihiro has established his Shinto status, his heirs will be god descendants. As long as his attitude is relaxed and Jill is exposed, I believe that the Hojo family will not reject the temptation of the god descendant family.

It's just that I don't know if the Hojo Clan will marry other people before the general trend is formed, cutting off this road of blood fusion.

After all, Hojo Ujimasa was already considered an older leftover woman in the middle ages when 15-year-old marriages were common in the Middle Ages.

Yiyin thought about it and frowned.

If the Hojo clan really got married, and Jill, who was unable to use Yoshinobu, would win over the Hojo family, then he could only lament that the Hojo family's life was not good.

Yoshigin will definitely join forces with the Uesugi Takedas to suppress the Hojo family into an ordinary powerful samurai family, and will never allow the Hojo family to threaten the ruling relationship network formed by the Shiba family's divine blood.

Yiyin was still thinking about something, when suddenly there was a commotion outside.

He looked up at the courtyard, and a Ji warrior appeared in quick steps and bowed deeply to him.

"Report to Jin Duo Hall, wise lord is waiting outside the door, saying that he has something urgent to see your majesty."

"Let her in."


Soon, Akechi Mitsuhide came to Yiyin and kowtowed to the ground.

"See you, Your Majesty, and your Majesty is well."

Yiyin nodded slightly and asked directly.

"What happened?"

Akechi Mitsuhide said in a deep voice with a hint of joy on his face.

"Isano Masahiro expelled Oda Nobusumi, who was sent by His Royal Highness Oda to Kita Omi Takashima County, accused the Oda family of being disrespectful to the shogunate, and turned to support the emperor's righteous move, officially announcing his separation from the Oda family.

The samurai family of Takashima County followed suit and left the Oda family one after another. Their oaths of allegiance to the shogunate have all arrived in Kyoto, waiting for your imperial inspection.

Your Majesty, Samurai Tadyoshi from Takashima Prefecture, our road to Tsuruga County, Echizen Province is now unimpeded! "

Yiyin stood up from the porch in surprise, because he got up so fast, he even felt a little dizzy due to lack of oxygen.

"Kwangsu! Well done!

With Masahiro Isano's defection and help, I have more confidence in the war after the beginning of spring.

What kind of benefits did you promise Masahiro Isano?She would not be afraid of Oda Nobunaga's revenge, and resolutely stand by my side. "

Akechi Mitsuhide bowed.

"I don't dare to take credit for it. I just maintained normal communication with Takashima County. The resolute act of righteousness by Masahiro Isano is not because of what I have done, but because of God's help to make things happen.

His Highness Oda didn't trust Masahiro Isano, so he pointed out Oda Nobusumi to her as an adopted daughter, who was actually a supervisor, and wanted to repeat the old affairs of Minamiise Kitabata's family and replace her.

Oda Nobunaga is an immature girl, she can't control the arrogance and strength that Oda Nobunaga assigned her, and as a result, Isano member Masahiro jumps over the wall in a hurry.

These people not only bullied Isino's retainers, but also had conflicts with Hashiba Hideyoshi, and expelled the garrison that Hashiba Hideyoshi sent to Takashima County to prevent the local samurai from rebelling.

Without the threat of Hashiba Hideyoshi's garrison, Isano Masaru simply seized this opportunity, took down the key points of various passes, and directly drove Oda Nobusumi out of Takashima County.

It is the twelfth lunar month of winter, even if His Royal Highness Oda is furious because of this, it is impossible to send troops to attack Isano Masao who is strictly guarding the pass.Isano Motomasa's adventure of independence has really succeeded. "

While listening to Akechi Mitsuhide's explanation, Yiyin paced back and forth, nodding silently.

"good very good!
Write a letter for me to Isano Yumasa, asking her to guard the castle and be careful of the Oda family's sneak attack.After the snow turns into spring, I will send troops into Takashima County to assist her in resisting Oda Nobunaga's counterattack.

Tell her that I am very moved by her understanding of righteousness, the shogunate will not forget the loyal people, and I will not forget her resoluteness.

Let her guard Takashima County with peace of mind. After this battle, I, Yoshihiko Shiba, promise her a bright future! "

Looking at the snow scene in the courtyard, Yiyin finally felt a little elated.These days have been all kinds of troubles that have been aggrieved and unlucky, but today I finally heard a good thing that cheers me up.

Oda Nobunaga is a fool, she is not absolutely sure to suppress Masaru Isano, why is she pushing Masano Isano to a corner, this is self-defeating, right?


Yoshigin and Akechi Mitsuhide didn't know that it wasn't that Oda Nobunaga couldn't suppress Isino Masaru, but that Hashiba Hideyoshi secretly released water, which caused Oda Nobunaga to fall accidentally.

The samurai family of Takashima County raised the flag of righteousness and turned back to the Oda family, which immediately disrupted Oda Nobunaga's original plan and caused her fury.

Except for Oda Nobunaga himself, Oda Yori, who was deported back with her, was ordered by Oda Nobunaga to apologize.

And Hashiba Hideyoshi was also implicated, and was severely reprimanded by Oda Nobunaga, asking her to beware of the Kita Omi Samurai family being instigated by Isano Sensho, and not to allow another bad incident of collectively leaving the Oda family.

Hashiba Hideyoshi succeeded in the plot and immediately showed his loyalty. Not only did he have no resentment towards Oda Nobunaga's unreasonable and harsh criticism, but he also actively implemented Oda Nobunaga's new orders.

Hashiba Hideyoshi used the order of Oda Nobunaga to severely suppress the Kita Omi Samurai headed by Aguan Sadasei.A Guan Zhenzheng and others complained endlessly, but they didn't dare to resist in the slightest.

The rebellion of Isano Masahiro has already stimulated Oda Nobunaga, and he will never listen to their complaints patiently. Instead, he will think that they have ulterior motives, and support Hashiba Hideyoshi to further suppress them.

The helpless Kita Omi samurai could only bow their heads to Hashiba Hideyoshi one after another, and even Aguan Sadao was listed as Hashiba Hideyoshi's power by Oda Nobunaga.

With the help of Masahiro Isino's rebellion, Hideyoshi Hashiba was finally able to integrate the Kita Omi Samurai in a legitimate way, so he had a solid retainer group and territory, and quickly became a powerful retainer of the Oda family.

Surrounding the sudden incident in Takashima County, Shiba Oda and Shiba Oda, who were in a relatively relaxed state, were also stimulated to become tense.

Oda Nobunaga is actively mobilizing troops and generals, Shiba Yoshigin is communicating with allies of all parties to join forces, and neither side is idle, and before you know it, it is the end of winter and the beginning of the new year.

Before the snow cover on Hokuriku Road completely melted, the Spring Review of the Kanto Office was held ahead of schedule.

The United Frontmen from all over the country braved the cold to attend the meeting in the Imperial Palace, unanimously approved Shiba Yoshigin's request to send troops, and collectively decided to go to Luo to maintain the righteousness of the shogunate.

The mobilization plans in various places have been arranged long ago, and the resolution of the big review was just a firing of the starting gun, and all parts of Guanbazhou took action quickly.

Uesugi, Hojo, Yamanaka, Shima, Sanada, Ohata, Ota, Nagao, Yura, Narita, Kota, etc. Echigo, Sagami, Izu, Musashi, Ueno, and Shimono.

The samurai families in the western part of Kanba Prefecture responded to Shiba Yoshiyin's call. No matter how many troops they sent, they at least showed their obedience to the Kanto Chamber's decision-making.

However, the eastern part of Guan Yashu was completely silent. Except for the minority such as Oda Ujiji who participated in the mobilization, Utsunomiya, Satake, Satomi and other eastern bigwigs were actively collaborating and resisting passively.

Even the big and small masters in the entire eastern part of Guanba Prefecture watched the Shangluo operation of the Guandong Servant coldly and ignored them.

The indifference of these eastern samurai aroused the extreme dissatisfaction of the western samurai, and it also paved the way for Takeda Shingen to instigate the Kanto Servant to send troops to the eastern part of Yashu in the future.

The most embarrassing thing at this time is Ashikaga Yoshishi, the Kwantung General.She is the nominal lord of the ten kingdoms of the Kanto, but now no one takes her seriously, and she is left aside to collect dust.

Like the samurai schools in various parts of Kanbashu, Vietnam, China and Noto also participated in the mobilization.

Jinbao, Hatakeyama and other local samurai who benefited from the Hokuriku trade route could not tolerate the Hokuriku trade route being cut off by Oda Nobunaga.

In addition, Yoshihiko Shiba held high the banner of the shogunate and called Ji Wushi to go to Luo with the samurai world, this is righteousness!
The samurai family on the front line of the Hokuriku Road, which is related to the interests of the commercial route, is naturally duty-bound and must get involved.

Hokuriku Road Ichikui has been worried since he was beaten back by the Oda family that the Oda family will fight back and enter the territory of Kaga Etsuchu.

Seeing Shiba Yoshigin finally make a move, the Kanto Servant and the Hokuriku samurai teamed up to send troops, Hokuriku Ichikui was naturally rejoiced.

Qili Laizhou went to the Imperial Palace in person and made a solemn promise to the Kanto Chamberlain that the Kwantung Allied Forces could pass through Yiyikui's territory on the Hokuriku Road, and Yixiangzong was even willing to provide some supplies.

On the other hand, the Naotsu Checkpoint, which has been preparing for a winter, also began to exert its strength.

Naoe Jinggang and Okuma Asohide jointly presided over the logistics of the military depot, borrowing the ports and ships of the Hokuriku Road trade route to guarantee the logistics line of the Kwantung Allied Forces.

Because Oda Nobunaga closed the Lake Biwa waterway, the Hokuriku Road trade route was cut off, and the ports and ships were idle, and they were all requisitioned.

The Shiba family has a good reputation and never makes people do idle work. Merchants participate in the transportation of military supplies, and they can also get food stamp subsidies.

The Hokuriku Road trade route has been cut off, and the ships in each port are useless. They are also willing to support the Kwantung Allied Forces Shangluo to open up the Hokuriku Road trade route again.

The coalition forces clamored to go to Luo Juyi to protect the Wu family, but in private, countless people shouted the slogan of defeating the Oda family and opening up the Hokuriku Road trade route.

Sure enough, righteousness cannot be eaten as food, and most people's goals are still very realistic.

With the mature logistics system of the Hokuriku Road trade route, as long as each army crosses the Echigo Mountains, the logistics of the coalition forces will become very smooth.

The main body of the Hokuriku Road is the five countries of Echizen, Kaga, Noto, Echu, and Echigo after the split of the ancient Yue Kingdom. It is about [-] kilometers along the coastline.

With the weak logistics line of the samurai family in the island country, it was very difficult to support the logistics supply line of 6 to [-] Kwantung Allied Forces.

But with the mature logistics system of the Hokuriku Road trade route, this is not a problem.

Naoetsu, Nanao Port, and Tsuruga Port are the three most important nodes of the Hokuriku Road commercial route, as well as the hub of shipping.

Tsuruga County is now surrounded by the Oda family, and the role of Tsuruga Port is temporarily blocked.

However, the port line with Nanao Port and Naoetsu as the main body is enough to support the supply demand from the Echigo Kingdom to the front line of the Kaga Kingdom.

For example, Nanao Port is a large port. The materials disembarked at Nanao Port will be transferred to small boats, go down the river, and unload at various small ports in Fuji Bay along the coast of Vietnam.

Distributed along the coastline of Vietnam, the sporadic small ports like light rain are the supply points of the Kwantung Allied Forces' military depots.

The marching supply of the Kwantung Allied Forces is very convenient, and even every ten miles, there are nearby port towns that can supply military supplies.

This logistical efficiency, in the eyes of the warriors from the island country who only brought dry food for ten days when they went out to fight, was simply unbelievable. When did Ji warriors fight such a rich battle?

The 200 million shi military expenses raised by Takada Yoshino were not just used in recent days.

Because the military strength of the Kwantung Allied Forces is higher than that of the recent Allied Forces, Naoejin actually received more military expenses.

With a huge sum of more than 100 million shi, and the most mature commercial logistics system in the island country to reduce consumption, the various needs of the Kwantung Allied Forces on the road were met almost infinitely.

If you want white rice, here it is!Want pickled radish, here it is!If you want salted fish, there is no guarantee that you will have it, but I will definitely arrange it for you within a few days!
Coupled with the free maintenance of swords and guns, and subsidies, many Ji warriors from small places enjoyed this march as a paradise.

They even hoped that this road would never come to an end. They were always eating and drinking, and they were reluctant to repair their dilapidated knives and guns at home. This time, they could get a new one at no cost.

The lower-level samurai family is grateful and hopes to enjoy it for a few more days.And the middle-level warriors with a little foresight already have turbulent waves in their hearts.

As long as a discerning person knows a little bit of calculations, he will know the logistics intensity behind this unlimited supply.

How strong is the Shiba family?Is it possible to persist in this way of burning money and spreading food?
The emotions were transmitted to the leaders of the martial arts at the top. They were no longer frightened, but extremely fearful and awe-inspiring.

Because they are at the top, their information is more complete, and they know more clearly how much food Yoshihiro Shiba spent for this dispatch of troops, which was a full 200 ​​million shi for military expenses!
There are 66 countries in the world, and the total stone height is only 2000 million stones.The Shiba family can spend one-tenth of the annual land income of the entire island country to fight a war. What a terrifying strength!

Originally, there were some upper, middle and lower class samurai in the Kanto who looked at Yiyin with an old feudal view of contempt for men, and they were openly dissatisfied with him.

But after this armed parade that was spent on spending money, everyone was convinced.

The samurai family originally had a musing plot, and Shiba Yoshigin's absolute strength will only make Ji samurai even more convinced.

How many rumors permeated the army, all of which were infinite worship of Yoshihiko Shiba.

If it wasn't for the justice from heaven and the spirit of the ancestors, how could Shiba Yoshigin, a down and out noble son who destroyed his family, revive the Shiba family to such a powerful point in just seven years?
Shiba Yoshigin is indeed the heir appointed by Mrs. Hachiman, the patron saint of the samurai family, and the Bishamonten who walks in the world.

Only gods can achieve this level, and humans absolutely cannot!

(End of this chapter)

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