Chapter 1527

The mobilization time in Kanto was very early, and the Guandong Servant had a large amount of military expenditure to support the logistics. This early mobilization did not hurt the spring plowing of the local samurai.

Although the spring plowing in the collar took a lot of human resources, but because a large number of strong men went to join the war, it also reduced their own food consumption.

Coupled with the subsidies for armaments, money and food provided by the Guandong Chamberlain, some samurai leaders even decided to let some of the fields go on fallow until the coming year.

While the Kwantung Allied Forces were gradually gathering and passing through the Hokuriku Road in an orderly manner, Yiyin also unexpectedly welcomed the first Kanto daimyo who raised righteousness to Shangluo in Kyoto at the end of winter.

In the outer court of Sipo's mansion, a Ji warrior sat upright, beckoning to the Jindo hall with an extremely pious attitude.

In the meeting hall, the braziers at the four corners have not been removed, and the room is as warm as spring.

Yoshihiro Shibo was on the main seat, half lying on the pillow, closing his eyes and resting his mind, the index finger of his right hand kept tapping.

After a while, he closed his eyes and asked.

"That man is still kneeling outside?"

Naomasa Ii, who was waiting in turn, kowtowed to the ground and answered.

"Yes, still kneeling outside."

Yi Yin frowned.

At the end of winter, the accumulated winter snow absorbs heat while melting, and the weather becomes colder instead.

If this Hu Ze Sheng'an knelt down to do good or bad, wouldn't it appear that he was too mean and contemptuous of loyal people?
Yoshigin opened his eyes, looked at Mukai Naomasa, and asked.

"Why don't you let her come in and wait?"

Naomasa Ii said helplessly.

"I've tried to persuade you three times, but she still refuses to listen.

It is said that going to Luo this time was inspired by Jin Duodian and determined to dedicate himself to the world of the Wu family.This trip to the south is not for success, but for success.

Therefore, no one is qualified to deprive her of the right to see her except you, Jin Duodian. "

Yiyin complained.

"I just asked her to wait for a few days, why did she become invisible?"

Ii Naomasa sighed.

"This man is a dead man."

Yiyin shook his head and smiled wryly.

Toze Sheng'an didn't admit death, it was because he saw that he had to treat the first Kanto daimyo in Shangluo favorably, and deliberately showed his loyalty.

Whatever route you take, you have to be restrained. Yiyin commands the world with righteousness, and his influence is more than ten times higher than his strength.But if someone uses righteousness to manipulate him, he can only be content with it.

Toze Sheng'an is obviously a wise warrior Ji, she is now standing on the commanding heights of morality, Yoshihiro can only praise, not reprimand.

In fact, Yiyin didn't intend to make things difficult for her, it's just that Ze Sheng'an came so suddenly that people were a little caught off guard.

The Kwantung Allied Forces were still gathering and marching on the road, but she, a samurai daimyo who claimed to be from the Northern County of Deyu Country, had already arrived in Kyoto.

Before the audience, Yiyin of course had to check her details, so he had to be prepared in his heart so that he could summon her for an interview.

But the news from the San Taifu of Baidi didn't come for a long time. This Toze Sheng'an had been kneeling all morning. If she really got sick from the cold at the end of winter, Yiyin's prestige would inevitably be damaged.

Yiyin glanced outside the door and cursed angrily.

"San Taifu of Hundred Lands is such a useless thing."

Yiyin is ashamed to scold Huze Sheng'an, but he can scold his ninja lackeys without any scruple.

At this moment, the third prince of Baidi had already arrived outside the door, and when he heard Yiyin's scolding, he knelt down resolutely with a snap.

"The minister is guilty of being late, and I implore the king to punish him."

Yiyin snorted, knowing that he was venting his anger on others, and he didn't want to be troublesome, so he just said firmly.

"Don't get me out yet, have you brought what I want?"

The third prince of Baidi bowed his head and listened to his ears, and crawled in on his knees, holding up the information about Toze Sheng'an with both hands.

This enchanting snake-like woman was once fierce enough to take Yiyin's life.But today, he has been completely tamed into obedience, not daring to slack off in the slightest.

Yiyin didn't even look at her, and winked at Jingyi Naomasa who was on the side, and Jingyi Naomasa took the intelligence document from the hands of San Taifu of Hyakuchi and handed it to Yiyin's desk.

The information is only a few thin sheets of paper, and the Ou region has always been a weak area under the shogunate's rule, beyond its reach.

There are more information about the big names in the southern part of Ouyu, but in the northern part of Ouyu, almost only the southern part, and the strong clans of Andong have some sense of existence.

Yi Yin waved his hand to make San Taifu of Baidi retreat, and he looked at the information at ten lines at a glance, and did not forget to say to Naomasa Ii.

"Go and tell Toze Sheng'an that I want to see her, and then ask the dining room to bring her a bowl of ginger soup, don't worry about freezing."

Naomasa Ii let out a hi, bowed and went out to do business.Yiyin looked down at the few information, and finally learned a little about the situation of Tozawa's family.

It is said that the Tozawa family came from the Taira family, and the ancestor was the aunt of Taira Kiyomori who had power all over the world.Of course, these are just the ancestors that the Wu family boasted about, and they may not be true.

The real rise of the Tozawa family was during the period of the Kamakura shogunate.

But in the past few years, due to internal and external troubles, the Huze family has actually declined. When Huze Sheng'an succeeded as the governor of the family, there were only five hundred shi left in the family business, which was only the level of a village servant.

Tozawa Shengan succeeded to the throne at the age of 13. In eight years, he defeated the powerful Ando family in northern Ou several times, interrupting the expansion momentum of the Ando family.

The young governor of Tozawa's family not only took back his old collar of [-] shi, but even enlarged it by [-] shi.

Yiyin looked a little dazed, overcoming strong enemies, winning every battle, and quickly reviving the family business, isn't this my template?
In just eight years, Toze Sheng'an has grown from a land servant of five hundred stones to a famous name of forty-four thousand stones.

Although compared with Uprising Yin, it is naturally not comparable, but she does not have noble blood, family connections, connections, and no cheats to help.

Toze Sheng'an is a powerful person who can jump from a servant of [-] shi to a daimyo of more than [-] shi by himself.

Just when Yoshihiro was in a daze, Naomasa Ii had already brought Shengan Tozawa in, and respectfully greeted him.

"Foreign ministers have seen Jinduo hall, Jinduo hall is safe."

Yiyin looked at Tozawa Shengan and said.

"Well, get up."

Toze Sheng'an raised his head, his eyes were lively, and he was sizing up Yiyin without any concealment.Seeing Yiyin for the first time, she couldn't help but be amazed, there are such beautiful men in the world?
Yoshihiro was also looking at her. He succeeded to the throne at the age of 13, and spent eight years devoting himself to reviving the family business. At this time, Tozawa Shengan should only be 21 years old.

Although her facial features are not the beautiful and stunning type, they are very attractive, with the grace and grace of a mature woman, very stable and dignified.

Yiyin has a good impression of her, because her experience is very similar to his own. This is a very talented warrior Ji.

Most importantly, she looks good and looks comfortable.Not a beauty at first glance, but the type that becomes more pleasing to the eye.

Yiyin remembered a piece of information from the intelligence agency. The family governor has been working on revitalizing the family business and has not yet married.

Thinking of this, his face became more gentle, and he asked softly.

"It's colder after the snow, isn't it freezing outside? Have you ever drank ginger soup?

It's warm in this room, you and I are chatting, just sweating, it's better not to catch a cold. "

Toze Sheng'an didn't expect that the first sentence of Yi Yin's question was to care about his own body, no matter whether the words were polite or not, they were also heart-warming.

She kowtowed to the ground and said.

"Jin Duodun is kind, the foreign ministers have always been in good health and there is no problem at all.

In order to be able to have an audience with the emperor, the foreign minister's behavior today is very menglang, and I implore Jin Duodian to punish him. "

Yiyin looked at her with a smile and said.

"You came here to uphold the righteousness of the Wu family, and it's too late for me to welcome you, how could you punish you?

I'm just a little curious, how did you get through all the obstacles and arrived in Kyoto at this time? "

Yiyin was indeed puzzled.

Because of the feud between the Shiba and Oda families, almost all exchanges in Kanto in recent days were interrupted by the Oda collar in the middle.

If Yiyin wants to maintain communication, it needs to use Ninja to walk the mountain path and deliberately avoid the pass.

Tozawa Shengan, a daimyo far away from Dewa country, how did she come all the way to him?

To Yoshihiro's question, Tozawa Shengan couldn't help blushing, bowed and said.

"Your Majesty Jin Duo, speaking of this foreign minister's visit, I am ashamed.

The northern part of Ou is bitterly cold, and it is thousands of miles away from Kyoto. The Tozawa family has been deeply involved in wars these years and has little savings.

So, this time I went to Luo with only six personal bannermen, three accompanying ashigaru, and a total of ten people including me. "

Yiyin's jaw almost dropped when he heard that, what the hell are you playing with me?Forty-four thousand shi's daimyo responded to the call to go to Luo, and only ten people came?

If everyone is as perfunctory as you are, where will I put my face, Shibo Yiyin?
Huze Shengan kowtowed and said solemnly.

"Jin Duodian, my Huze family really can't afford more money and food for Shangluo.

Dewa country is far away from Echigo Naoetsu, and I, a mountain village woman outside of the Kanto Servant, can't get the ration subsidy of the Kanto Servant.

Even if it was just me waiting for ten people, I would have spent all the travel expenses when I reached Zhijiangjin. I had to mortgage the assets of my family to borrow the travel expenses from the soil warehouse.

We disguised ourselves as businessmen, crossed the Nobi Plain from the Koshin Mountains, entered the Omi Country, and crossed the mountains to escape the Oda Army's line of defense, and then we were able to enter the Yamashiro Country.

I begged outside the door to have an audience with the emperor, not disrespectful, but the nine people in the castle town are still hungry, we have already spent all our travel expenses, and we don’t have a place to stay tonight.

Your Majesty, it is cold at the end of winter, and I will be hungry and cold. If I freeze this night, I am afraid that I will never have the opportunity to serve the shogunate and stand up for your righteousness.

The foreign minister has no choice but to offend, and implores Jin Dadian Haihan to give me a chance to die for the Wu family! "

When Toze Sheng'an said this, he was choked with sobs, and fell deeply on the ground.

Yiyin was very angry at first, then became confused, and finally couldn't laugh or cry.

He sighed in his heart, this Huze Sheng'an is really a ruthless character.What kind of skill is being cruel to others, but being cruel to yourself is the real thing.

In the Middle Ages when fuel was scarce, the northern part of Ou was a bitterly cold place that was difficult to develop. The most famous local specialties were horses and eagles.

There is not much food to grow in the ice and snow, so they can only rely on animal husbandry. The local Qiangfan Nannan family is famous for raising horses.

Although Huze's family has [-] shi, the little money and food saved from the teeth every year is not enough for Huze Sheng'an to lead the army to Shangluo.

What's more, the local area is also in endless wars. If Toze Sheng'an really took away his family, those samurai who are not under the jurisdiction of the Kanto servants will definitely take the opportunity to attack Huze's territory.

The influence of the Kanto servant in the Ou area is very weak, and at most it affects the remote branches of relatives such as Mogami and Osaki in the southern part of Ou, and it is difficult to guarantee the safety of Tozawa's territory.

Toze Sheng'an is obviously a foresighted and ambitious warrior Ji, her vision is very long-term.

Xianbei County is sandwiched between the Nanfang family and the Anton family, and it will be difficult to preserve this revived family business with a few victories.One day is also careless, that is, the whole game will be lost, and all the territory will have to be vomited.

When you come out to hang out, the most important thing is to follow the right people.As long as you follow the right people, many troubles will not be troublesome.

Huze Sheng'an came all the way from Xianbei County. Although there were only ten people in her party, she mortgaged her family property and came almost begging all the way.

After all, Toze Sheng'an was also a prince in the Dewa country. She was able to abandon her family wealth, eat and sleep in the open, and only asked Shangluo to die for the Wu family. How proud is she!
If such loyal people don't spread the word, wouldn't they be blind to Yiyin's name of righteousness?
Yoshihiro must appreciate Toze Shengan's dedication to the righteousness of the samurai family.As the incarnation of samurai giri, yiyin wants to encourage this kind of positive morality, because this is the foundation of his life.

Also, the most interesting thing about Tozawa Shengan's visit to Los Angeles this time is that she is the first Kanto daimyo to arrive in Kyoto, which is of great political significance.

When the Kwantung Allied Forces were still marching on the road, they were blocked by the Shibata Katsuya of the Echizen Kingdom, and it was difficult to cross the Oda family's defense line.

Toze Sheng'an disguised himself as a businessman and traveled all the way to Kyoto to take the lead.Regardless of whether her behavior was a trick or not, she swallowed this political dividend in one gulp.

After this battle, if someone talks about the Battle of Oda in Shiba, they will definitely not get around the loyal and heroic Tozawa Shengan.

She sold her property, traveled thousands of miles to Luo, and was the first Kanto daimyo to come to Yiyin Yuqian to serve the righteousness. The political wealth of the Toze family has made a lot of money.

Yi Yin looked at Toze Sheng'an with a smile, and the more he thought about it, the more interesting this warrior Ji became.

She is very smart, very brave, sees very accurately, and bets very resolutely. If she is willing to surrender to the Shiba family sincerely, she is indeed an excellent chess piece.

Yiyin has already obtained a lot of the latest information on the Kanto, and this time the Kanto Office is moving westward, and there are quite a few people who are holding back in the Kanto.

There are Satake and Utsunomiya in the eastern part of Kanba Prefecture. The Dongfang people headed by Satomi watched coldly and did not cooperate with the mobilization of the Kanto Office.

In the Ou region, the two relatives of the Mogami family, the Osaki family, who were once favored by Yoshihiro, were also indifferent to the call of the Kanto servant.

Date Masamune, who was once suppressed by the Kanto servant, even began to move around, and seemed to want to use this opportunity to expand again.

The reaction of the Mogami and Osaki families made Yoshigin very angry, even more than the indifference of the Dongfang people.

You know, they were the ones who came to the door as Siba's relatives, hoping for help from Yoshinobu.

But in the face of Yiyin's call, they are even unwilling to make a symbolic gesture of sending troops. What's the use of this kind of kinship lien?
(End of this chapter)

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