Chapter 1528

Yiyin looked at Tozawa Shengan with deep eyes.

The troubles in the Ou area will be resolved sooner or later. If Tozawa Shengan, a capable and righteous warrior Hime, can be subdued, it will also be a boost to Yoshihiro.

Yiyin, who followed the way of God and sowed widely, should not have believed in those cheap relatives who were a family 200 years ago. Relying on relatives is worse than relying on Jill. Can you kiss your own daughter and children?

The most important thing is that Toze Sheng'an is very good-looking. If she can survive this war, Yoshihiro may consider granting her the grace of being white overnight.

Yoshiyin took off the Taidao from the knife rest on the side, stepped down from the main seat, handed it to Tozawa Sheng'an, and said.

"Hime Tozawa came all the way, and almost starved to death and froze to death on the street for the righteousness of the samurai family. I was very moved.

Today I bestow this Bizen Kanemitsu to you, I hope you can hold this sword and fight to the end for the Wu family.

Live well, I don't want you to die in this war, because Ji warriors like you should take on more important responsibilities in the future. "

Tozawa Shengan took the famous sword bestowed by Yoshiyin with both hands, trembling with excitement.

Jinda Temple rarely bestows sword favors, which is tantamount to exalting the symbolic meaning of Bizen Kenemi, this kind of grace is really too generous.

This is not over yet, Yoshihiro turned to Naomasa Ii and said.

"Bring back all the loyal people of the Tozawa family, I will not allow these people who went to Luo for the righteousness of the samurai family to live hungry and cold on the streets of Kyoto.

Tozawa Hime, I will reward you with five hundred shiba food stamps, is it enough for you to offset the loss of Shangluo when you sold your property? "

Hu Zesheng kowtowed and said.

"Jin Duodian, you have given too much."

Yiyin shook his head.

"Not much, compared to your loyalty, it still looks shabby.

You can go out with me at ease, and after this battle, I will ask the shogunate for your credit, and I will grant you the [-] stone security certificate of the Tozawa family's Deyu, and you will also have a place in the Grand Council of the Kanto Chamber. "

Huze Sheng'an was overjoyed, and kowtowed to the ground again.

"Jindaden's kindness to the Tozawa family will be restored, and the Tozawa family will never forget it."

Although Toze Sheng'an regained his old [-] koku collar, and even won a new [-] koku collar, but these territories were the trophies of samurai wars and mutual robbery.

In other words, it was all seized by force, there was no wild leader recognized by the shogunate, and there was no official status guarantee.

Tozawa Shengan participated in the war through Shangluo, and obtained the shogunate's security certificate from Yoshihiro, allowing the Tozawa family's right to rule these territories to be officially recognized.

Although the shogunate is thousands of miles away and beyond the reach of the Ou area, the Kanto Office is not far away, and its power is flourishing and becoming stronger and stronger.

If Ou Daimyo wants to ignore the Tozawa family's security status and swallow these territories in the future, he must first consider the reaction of the Kanto Office.

Huze Sheng'an went to Luo with ten people, traveled thousands of miles, and advocated righteousness. This bet was right, and he made a lot of money.

As a benchmark figure of Wu family's righteousness set up by Yiyin for everyone to see, it is natural to give enough benefits to benefit political propaganda.In fact, Yiyin is not losing money, and both parties take what they need.

Tozawa Shengan cut the palm of his hand with Bizen Kanemitsu, wiped the blood on his forehead, kowtowed to the ground, and shouted.

"On board the Jinduo Palace! The servants will sacrifice their lives and fight to the end for the righteousness of the Wu family!"

With so many benefits from Yiyin, Toze Sheng'an no longer dared to call himself a foreign minister, but called himself a servant.No way, the Shiba family gave too much, and it was hard for Tozawa Shengan to refuse the temptation of being a dog.

Yoshihiro really hoped that Tozawa Shengan could survive this battle, so that it would be convenient for him to deploy in the Ou area in the future.

But Huze Sheng'an knew that he had to fight first, even if he died, he would die on the road first.

She has obtained too many benefits by virtue of her righteousness. If she has no heart to die and sacrifices her life for righteousness, what will the jealous warriors think of her?
If he wanted to be recognized and accepted by the samurai of Shiba's family, and if he didn't want to be rejected by the Kwantung Allied Forces who were still on their way, Tozawa Sheng'an could only fight.

The Huze family won the bet only if they have outstanding military achievements and are so tough that others have nothing to say.


How unreliable can an island nation's samurai fight?Christina told Shibo Yoshihiro in Sakai Port that it was a rotten medieval feudal army.

This is not a problem with Warrior Ji's personal bravery, nor is it a flaw in the battlefield wisdom of high-ranking warriors, but a congenital deficiency caused by the environment of the island country.

Fighting against the countryside in the next county does not require too much attention to logistics, and because the proportion of farmers and soldiers is too high, the number of people in the war and the intensity of the war are not large.

Therefore, Warrior Ji lacks the experience of large-scale coordinated operations, and even lacks the logistical support system required for large-scale use of troops.

Traveling hundreds of miles, fighting with thousands of people, Ji warriors can play their strongest state.

But once the number of people is tens of thousands and the journey is thousands of miles, only the elite samurai groups such as Oda, Uesugi, Takeda, and Hojo can have no problems.

In this Shiba Oda battle, the strength of the two sides is said to exceed 20, and the large-scale mobilization across the Kanto region is theoretically a large-scale battle of [-] people.

But before the war broke out, all kinds of things that lost the chain began to happen.

The trouble for the Shiba family is that Shiba Yoshigin is not a centralized monarch, he is just the leader of the samurai alliance, relying on appeal to mobilize the army.

No matter how he upholds righteousness politically, cooperates with subsidies economically, and uses cronies to drive powerful daimyos to fight in the military, the mobilization force is still stretched.

The people in the east in the eastern part of Guan Yashu are acting positively and viciously, and the relatives in the Ou area are pushing back and forth. On the contrary, it is because Yoshihiko Shiba personally sits in Kyoto in recent years, but it is very face-saving.

However, no matter how much face the coalition forces have given in recent days, it is impossible to relate to the huge mobilization force of the East.

Shibo Yoshigin's own 20 shi, plus the shogunate samurai of Yamashiro, Hanoi, and Izumi as the main body.Coupled with the support of Ishiyama Honganji Temple, he hired and mobilized Kii's Zagazhong.

Lin Lin finally calculated that the near coalition forces in Shiba Yoshigin's hands were about [-] soldiers.

As for the Kwantung Allied Forces.

Because of the lack of support from half of Seki Yashu, even if Nobushige Sanada carried out super-scale mobilization, and Shingen Takeda released water secretly, and gathered tens of thousands of soldiers from the Koshin Mountains, the mobilization was still insufficient.

Even with the support of Noto, Vietnam and China, the number of Kwantung coalition forces did not exceed [-].

That is to say, Shibo Yiyin went to Luojingdu to control the righteousness, and collected 200 million shi for military expenses. After working hard for more than half a year, he finally collected [-] so-called coalition forces with their own ulterior motives.

However, don't just look at Shiba Yoshiyin's hip stretching, there are also many problems with Oda Nobunaga.

As early as the beginning of spring when the snow melted, Oda Nobunaga came to Kita Omi, stationed in Hashiba Hideyoshi's Nagahama Castle, and asked all parts of the country to mobilize into Kita Omi.

Owari Mino and the old team of the two countries naturally acted quickly. The Kita Ise Minami Omi Samurai was repaired by Oda Nobunaga for several years.

But something went wrong in the land of Minami Ise.

Kitabata Gujiao fled to Yamato and defected to Shiba Yoshiyin. It seemed to be in a mess, but the former governor of the Kitabata family who dominated Minamiise was never a vegetarian.

She knew very well in her heart that both of her daughters were secondary surnames by Shiba Yoshigin's side, and it was up to Shiba Yoshihiro to decide whether they would make great achievements or fall into the dust in the future.

Whether it's for the future of the child, or because he can't bear the resentment of the Oda family's treachery, Kitabata must take action.

After the beginning of spring, Kitabata Shinbo began to mobilize the Minamiise samurai family to perform in front of Oda Nobunaga, the elder sister.

But just at this time, waves of rebellion broke out within the Beibata family. The retainers who had seemed to bow their heads and listened to each other, grew rebellious bones on the back of their heads one by one, and were stopped by Beibata's teaching staff to make trouble.

Beibata Xinbao was disgraced by the sudden rebellion, and Oda Nobunaga has sent a stern warning, asking her to calm down the situation quickly.

The action of the Kwantung Allied Forces was faster than expected. Katsuie Shibata of the Echizen Kingdom had already notified the vanguard of the Kwantung Allied Forces on the border.

Under the superimposed buff of the loose military expenditure of 200 million shi and the logistics system of the Hokuriku Road, the speed of the Kwantung Allied Forces passing through the Hokuriku Road was much faster than Oda Nobunaga imagined.

Since ancient times, marching and fighting in the Kanto and Kansai has mainly followed three routes.One is the Hokuriku Road, the other is the Nakasendo Road, and the third is the Tokai Road.

Because of the winter cold current in the direction of the Sea of ​​Japan, the Hokuriku Road will be blocked by heavy snow every winter, which is not the best choice for marching.

The Nakasendo has the Kiso River connecting the Nobi Plain as a logistics waterway. It is not impossible to go, but it is very expensive. The cost of providing military supplies as a rear military station in the Koshin Mountains is too high, and the poor cannot afford it.

The best choice is actually the Tokaido that Imakawa Yoshimoto took back then.

The Suruga Enjiang, the Three Rivers and the Three Kingdoms are all rich and can provide some supplies.After entering the Nobi Plain, the cost of obtaining military rations is lower.

According to the normal samurai mobilization, the Kanto should start mobilizing after spring plowing, and the first batch of troops should approach the Echizen Kingdom no earlier than early summer.

From the beginning of spring to the beginning of summer, it was enough time for Oda Nobunaga to go north to attack Tsuruga County, draw Shiba Yoshiyin out, and create a fighter plane to encircle and fight for reinforcements.

However, due to the strong logistics system of Nanao Port in Naoetsu and the driving force Shiba spent millions of dollars on, Oda Nobunaga made a miscalculation, and the Kwantung Allied Forces mobilized ahead of schedule and quickly approached Echizen.

And because Masahiro Isano voted for Shiba Yoshiyin, the Oda family lost the barrier of Takashima County, and could not use the mountains of Takashima County to delay and block Shiba Yoshiyin's recent coalition operations.

These problems caused Oda Nobunaga to fall into a dilemma. She had to hastily dispatch troops to attack Tsuruga County in advance, and fight Shiba Yoshigin in a decisive battle before the Kwantung Allied Forces broke through the Echizen Kingdom.

But at this moment, the land of Nanyishi was hindered, the Beibata family temporarily fell into civil strife, and the mobilization force of hundreds of thousands of shi stopped.

Of course, Oda Nobunaga was very angry about the incompetence of Beibata Xinbao and the behavior of dropping the chain at a critical moment.

When Oda Nobunaga was hesitating whether to invade Tsuruga County at this time, disrupt the local spring farming, and force Asakura Keiki to ask Shiba Yoshiyin for help, something went wrong in the backyard of the Oda family.

The Yuanshan family of Mino Guoyancuncheng communicated with foreign enemies and offered their city to the Takeda family, and the horse farm Xinfang led [-] elite bannermen to garrison Yancuncheng.

Going deeper into Iwamura Castle is Akechi Castle, which can threaten Mino to the west and enter Owari to the south. The aggressive posture of the Takeda Army crossing the border is really deceiving.

The most important thing is that Dongmino is the place where the Saito family started. Even after being purged many times by Oda Nobunaga, there are still people who dare to defect to the enemy and rebel.

Oda Nobunaga is worried that the Toyama family is not the only local samurai family who has misbehavior. If they follow suit, they will be in big trouble.

In addition, Maeda Toshiie of Gujo County did not choose to defend to the death. Instead, he led his troops across the mountains and ridges, bypassing the Oda family's defense line, and attacking back and forth to break through the pass.

The army went south and had already passed Subara, and the soldiers were pointing directly at Matsumori, and further south was Gifu Castle, where Oda Nobunaga's father, Tsuchida Gozen, was still living in the city!

An accident occurred at the same time in the northern and eastern part of Mino country, and Oda Nobunaga's army that had just entered Omi country suddenly became unstable.

The Nobi Plain is the foundation of Oda and the source of the main force in the army, and there is no room for any mistakes.As a last resort, Oda Nobunaga could only order Ikeda Hengxing and Kawajiri Hidetaka to return to Mino.

With Ikeda Hengxing guarding Gifu Castle, Kawajiri Hidetaka guarding Takayama Castle, and ensuring that Maeda Toshiie and Baba Shinbo are kept out of the mountainous area outside the Nobi Plain, Kita Omi's military spirit was stabilized.

When Oda Nobunaga was busy with the mess behind him, Shiba Yoshigin had already led troops into Takashima County in advance, and he was in a corner with Asakura Keiki in Tsuruga County, echoing from north to south.

Oda Nobunaga's plan to encircle and fight for aid was completely shattered.

At this time, Shiba Yoshigin has nearly 2 coalition troops in his hands, and he does not have the strength to fight Oda Nobunaga for the time being.

Oda Nobunaga's side removed Shibata Katsuie from Echizen Kingdom, Kitabata Shinpo from Minamiise, and returned to support Mino's Ikeda Hengxing and Kajiri Hidetaka, with only [-] to [-] troops.

It seems that the number of the Oda Army is more than doubled, but as the attacker, it is difficult for the Oda Army to achieve quick results.

Oda Nobunaga also has a hidden danger. Shibata Katsuie of Echizen Kingdom is now caught in the double-teaming of Shiba's Kwantung Allied Forces and the Nearby Allied Forces.

If Shibata Katsuya's line of defense collapses and the 8 to 5 Kwantung Allied Forces follow the trend, then the [-]-[-] Spo Army will face the [-]-[-] Oda Army, and the strength and weakness will be reversed immediately.

But Shibata Katsuya has already prepared for a whole winter with the support of the Oda family.

If she can fortify layer by layer and wear down the low morale of the Kwantung Allied Forces, the trouble will be on Shiba Yoshiyin's side again.

Once the war in the Echizen Kingdom was dragged on until autumn, and the Hokuriku Road was blocked by heavy snow in a blink of an eye, the Kwantung Allied Forces had to retreat, and the Oda family's chances of winning were once again great.

Therefore, whether it is fighting or waiting, both sides have their own advantages and disadvantages, which makes Shibo Yoshiyin and Oda Nobunaga fall into distress at the same time.

How to find the right time, the right place, and the right enemy to fight the right battle.

The two sides combined have 10,000+ soldiers in various battlefields. The victory or defeat is related to the future political initiative, and no one dares to take it lightly.

The more you pay attention, the more you hesitate.

Even Oda Nobunaga, who loves to give it a go, is apprehensive in the face of Shiba Yoshigin, who has never been defeated, and dare not take risks casually.

Shiba Yoshiyin, who was already very cowardly, would not take the initiative to start a joint battle that he was not sure of.

The two lords are hesitating, and at this moment they need an opportunity.

If a small stone breaks the calm lake surface, the dark tide under the lake surface will be disturbed, and a stormy sea will be set off in an instant.

(End of this chapter)

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