Chapter 1531

Seeing the two big brothers getting serious, Nobushige Sanada was secretly proud, and said Unano Toshikazu's idea.

"The two major ports of Echizen Kingdom, Tsuruga Port in the south and Mikuni Minato in the north, are two to three hundred miles apart. It only takes a few days to transport [-] soldiers to Tsuruga Port at the speed of sea ships.

There is no lack of logistics in recent aspects, and the supply of [-] soldiers can be borne by there.The Hokuriku Road trade route is stagnant, and idle merchant ships can be summoned to transport troops.

Shibata Katsuya only had [-] to [-] soldiers in his hands. Even if the Kwantung Allied Forces lost [-] soldiers, their strength was still several times that of hers. She still didn't dare to move and could only stick to it.

I brought 2 Sanada troops to join Jinda Temple, plus [-] horses from several areas, [-] soldiers are enough to fight a battle with the Oda family.

As long as the people of the Oda clan are defeated, the Echizen Kingdom will naturally be defeated. "

Nobushige Sanada looked loyal and courageous, and he made an impassioned statement that he would lead troops to Jinji by boat to be loyal to the king.

Yamanaka Yukimori and Dao Shengmeng frowned, but they didn't dare to agree easily.

Nobushige Sanada's idea is too risky. It's not about taking a boat from Mikuni Minato to join Shiba Yoshigin for an adventure. The two ports are not far apart, and there is no risk in walking along the coastline.

The real risk is that Nobushige Sanada proposed that the Kwantung Allied Forces only send out 1 soldiers, and that Junshang gathers [-] soldiers to fight a decisive battle with the main force of the Oda family.

Oda Nobunaga led the main force of the Oda Army, and was confronting Shiba Yoshigin in Kita Omi. Even if the Sanada Army succeeded in converging with the near side, the [-] troops were only about half of the main force of the Oda family.

Oda Nobunaga was able to sweep nearly Japan in just seven or eight years and achieve a family business of 300 million stone daimyos. The Oda Army is by no means a weakling.

This Shiba Oda battle has too much to do with [-] versus [-] to [-]. Even though Yamanaka Yukimori and Shima Katsumo are convinced that Shiba Yoshigin is invincible, they dare not take the honor and disgrace of the king to take risks.

Moreover, even if Nobushige Sanada's idea is really successful, the situation of the Kwantung Allied Forces will be even more embarrassing.

The Kwantung Allied Forces were held back by Shibata's line of defense and hesitated in Echizen. Only Sanada Nobushige was brave and fearless, and led his troops to Jinji by boat to participate in the war.

If this is won, will the Ji warriors of the Kwantung Allied Forces have the face to behave in the future?

Yoshihiro Shiba is kind and generous, and he has done a lot of favors to the Kanto samurai family. In the end, it turned out that he just raised a bunch of useless waste. Only Sanada Nobushige is the only one who can be of great use.

Not to mention that the people of the Kwantung Allied Forces are shameless and ashamed, Yamanaka Yukimori and Shima Katsuo are also ashamed to see Shiba Yoshigin again, let's find a place to apologize.

Don't look at Nobushige Sanada's face of loyalty at this time, in fact, her suggestion is to step on the face of all Ji warriors of the Kwantung Allied Forces, and her heart is to be punished!
Regardless of whether this is Nobushige Sanada's aggressive method, if they want to push the Kwantung Allied Forces into action, Yamanaka Yukimori and Shima Katsuo cannot agree to let her contribute alone, and the Kwantung Allied Forces will stand by and watch.

If that happens, regardless of whether the battle results in victory or defeat, the samurai of the Kwantung Allied Forces will be losers, and they will be pointed at the spine and laughed at for a lifetime.

Yukimori Yamanaka thought for a while and said.

"This is not right.

There are only 2 coalition forces in recent areas. Even if Sanada's 1 troops join the coalition forces in recent days, it is only [-].

As far as I know, the Oda family has assembled nearly 6 troops in Kita Omi.

This is the number of people after the Mino country was harassed by the Maeda Toshi family and the Baba letter house because of the turmoil in Southern Ise, and the Oda family was forced to divide their troops.

If the two sides join forces in a hasty battle in Kita Omi, His Royal Highness Oda simply forcibly mobilizes troops from his own abilities, and the Oda Army can even gather 8 to [-] troops.

In a field battle, it is very risky for 3 people to fight 6 or [-] people. If the Oda family desperately concentrates their forces, the gap in numbers between the two sides will be even greater.

The Oda vassal group is not a third-rate Hime samurai group that will collapse at the first touch. His Highness Oda is also a powerful daimyo who controlled 300 million shi in the Southern and Northern Wars.

We can't let the king take such a big risk to go to war, expecting the Oda army to be vulnerable and collapse at the first touch, it is an unrealistic delusion, and the wise man will not take it. "

Sanada Nobushige said angrily.

"This doesn't work, that doesn't work, are we stuck here by Shibata Katsuya, watching Jindadian fight alone in Kita Omi?
What the hell, how did the Wu family become like this.Everyone looked forward and backward, did not dare to use their lives, and did not dare to turn around, what a bad battle they fought! "

Shimakatsu said in a deep voice.

"Sanada Hime don't want to use aggressive tactics again, Yamanaka Hime and I are only a lot more loyal to the king than you.

What Yukimori Yamanaka said is correct, if only you, the Sanada Army with 1 horses, go to the near war, you are indeed taking a risk.But if we act together, something can be done. "

Sanada Nobushige asked.

"What do you mean... is the Kwantung Allied Forces going to Tsuruga Port together by boat?"

Shimao shook his head violently.

"That's impossible, if the Echizen Kingdom doesn't have enough troops to suppress Shibata Katsuie, she will definitely take action.

Regardless of whether the Echizen Oda Army returned to the army or counterattacked Hokuriku, the 2 people in Shibata Katsuie's hands would be very troublesome.

Therefore, the men and horses going to Tsuruga Port can only be [-] soldiers at most, that is, the men of Sanada Nobushige.

We must ensure that there is enough military power in front of Katsuya Shibata to put pressure on her, so that she does not dare to have other thoughts other than defending.

However, our side can't just watch Jun Shang desperately in Beijinjiang, we must find a way to cooperate with the recent aspects and create an opportunity for a joint battle. "

Shima Katsumoto knew in his heart that Shiba Yoshiin was under too much pressure, and the Kwantung Allied Forces must take action, otherwise Oda Nobunaga found that Shibata's line of defense was firmly held, and he would deal with the nearby Allied Forces unscrupulously.

But on the other hand, it is impossible for the Kwantung Allied Forces to follow Sanada Nobushige's idea and let the Sanada Army cross the sea alone, while others just watch.

Even if it turns out that they really won, it would be Sanada's family who ascended to heaven, and the Kwantung Allied Forces became the background board and were ridiculed.

The Kwantung Allied Forces need more actions to let Yoshihiro Shiba know that the warrior Hime here is not a vegetarian, at least to let Junshang know that Katsuo Shima is not a freelancer.

Shimao Katsuki continued.

"In addition to the 1 Sanada Army, I also need to divide my troops. The coalition forces will give me 5000 troops. I will go to the upper reaches of Kuzuryu River and break through the Minokou.

Sanada Hime and I took away 5000 troops, the coalition forces still have 2 soldiers, Shibata Katsuie only has [-] to [-] soldiers, she still dare not act rashly.

I led the troops to break through the Meinong Pass, cross Wenjian Pass, and enter the West Meinong area, but the soldiers threatened not to break through. "

Yamanaka Yukimori and Sanada Nobushige nodded, and they both understood what Shima Katsumo meant.

Maeda Toshiie of Gujo County threatened Gifu Castle, and the horse farm letter house of Iwamura Castle could go west or south at any time to harass the Nobi Plain.

Meinong country is divided into East and West, and they are threatening East Meinong.And Shima Katsuki went from Ono County, Echizen Country, and went to Nishi Mino.

Although Onjian Pass still has a long way to go before breaking the barrier, Oda Nobunaga never dared to bet on whether Shima Katsuo would go crazy and break into Mino.

The non-breaking pass is one of the three passes that divide the Kanto and Kansai. The military threat to the non-breaking pass is even more serious than Gifu City.

Although Gifu Castle is the former residence of Oda Nobunaga, and her father still lives there, even if Gifu Castle is really lost, it is just a loss of face, and it can be taken back at any time.

The Maeda Toshi family only has tens of thousands of mobilization forces in the county, and the horse farm post office has less than a thousand soldiers. There are not many people on both sides.

As long as Oda Nobunaga sends back the army to support them, they can be driven back to the mountains at any time and take back Gifu City.

But it’s not the same if you don’t break through the customs. Sekigahara is the main passage connecting the two countries of Omi and Mino, and it is also the logistics supply line for Oda Nobunaga’s dispatch of troops this time.

If Sekigahara is cut off, the logistics line from the Nobi Plain to the North Omi Oda Army can only be detoured from Suzuka Pass on the North Ise South Omi side.

This is not only the extension of the supply line, but also seriously shakes the morale of the army, because the core forces of the Oda Army come from the Owari and Mino countries. If they are cut off from the rear, the morale of the army will definitely be chaotic.

Therefore, even if there is only the slightest possibility, Oda Nobunaga will not allow Nishi Mino to appear as a surprise soldier from the Shiba family, threatening not to break through.

Oda Nobunaga will definitely send troops back to help, and block Shimakatsu who broke through Minokou to the north of Wenjian Pass, preventing her from continuing to go south.

As a result of this, the Oda Army's military strength in Kita Omi was forced to be divided again.

Dao Sheng suddenly slowed down, and when the two had almost digested their strategic intentions, he said again.

"We jointly went to Shinzu Taden, and asked the Lord to let Otani Yoshitsugu of Iga Kingdom follow suit and threaten Suzuka Gate.

Bupo Pass and Suzuka Pass, one south and one north, are the two main roads from the Nobi Plain to Jinji, and they are also the bottom line that His Royal Highness Oda cannot tolerate.

Even though His Highness Oda knows in her heart that we are forcing her to divide her troops, for the sake of the morale of the troops on the front line, she still has to divide her troops to ensure that the two levels are safe.

Therefore, of the 6 or 5000 people of the Oda family on the front line, at least another [-] to [-] people will be cut off, leaving only about [-]. "

Nobushige Sanada grinned.

"[-] against [-], this battle can be fought."

Shimakatsu helped Sanada Nobushige perfect the strategy of dividing troops, but Yamanaka Yukimori's heart was full of grass and mud.

The two of them each found a good job, one went to Jinji as a lone soldier, and the other went to Meinong as a surprise soldier, and when the meritorious service was reported after the war, they were both loyal ministers and good generals with shining military achievements.

What about yourself?I, Yamanaka Yukimori, am the idiot responsible for serving as the background board for you, am I not?
What puts positive pressure on Shibata's defense line and ensures that Shibata Katsuya will not dare to act rashly, cheating ghosts, right?Wu family has always judged success or failure by war, if they don't kill or behead, how can there be a head in exchange for a reward?
Maeda's interests have been fighting here and there in recent days, and Otani Yoshitsugu helped her look at the base of the Iga Kingdom.

Everyone only saw that Maeda benefited from military merits and got soft hands, and Otani Yoshitsugu was doing hard work and dirty work. These years, he has been unknown and has not received much benefit.

Otani Yoshitsugu has an irreversible relationship with Maeda's interests, and if he is willing to help her, that's all.

Why does Yamanaka Yukimori take the place of Shima and Nobushige Sanada as the background board?Are you on good terms?
What a fart!For Shiba Yoshiyin's matter, Yamanaka Yukimori and Shima Katsumo fought in the snow that year, and they almost drew their swords and blood spattered five steps.

Sanada Nobushige has concealed the inside story of Yantian City for many years, Yamanaka Yukimori and Shima Katsuo hate her so much, this mountain monkey is not a good thing.

The relationship between the three of them is so bad, they can only do business, and count on Yamanaka Yukimori to help the two of them carry the sedan chairs, and watch them flourish, stop dreaming!

Yamanaka Yukimori thought for a while and said.

"You divide your troops and go first, I will clean up the problems that have always been the same, and then assign tasks to the Kwantung Allied Forces to attack Shibata's defense line.

Don't worry, I won't let Shibata Katsuya have the energy to cause trouble in recent areas.

The various families in the Kanto sent troops this time, eating the food of the Shiba family and holding the arms of the Shiba family. They can't eat for nothing, can they?

The layout of Shibata's defense line was almost explored by the ninja.

It happened to divide the work between each family. Since they couldn't unite as one, they would fight on their own. One family was in charge of a city, and a military order was issued to destroy the city.

If someone is perfunctory and misses the deadline and can't get it, don't blame me for being ruthless and deal with it by military law. "

Shima Katsuo and Sanada Nobushige nodded, knowing that Yamanaka Yukimori was also being cornered.

Originally, everyone stayed in Echizen country together and was helpless, but Yamanaka Yukimori was still considering the friendly relationship with Yikui and coordinating the internal conflicts of the Kwantung Allied Forces.

But Nobushige Sanada and Katsumo Shima led their own troops to the battle, and immediately put Yukimori Yamanaka on the fire, making her unable to continue being a good person.

Has always been troublesome, kill!Qili Laizhou is a fart, who cares what she thinks.

The Shibo family spent more than 100 million shi in military expenditures for the Kwantung Allied Forces, taking people's money and fighting disasters with others. It is unreasonable for each family of the Kwantung Allied Forces to kill a few people.

Shibata Katsuya's three lines of defense are not impenetrable. It is still unknown how much real material can be produced in one winter.

Before, the Kwantung Allied Forces were frightened by the propaganda of the Shibata line of defense. The pressure of the three lines of defense was high, and no one was willing to be the first bird, which wasted their precious troops for nothing.

But Yamanaka Yukimori became ruthless and gave orders to each family to assign missions. Whoever was in charge of which city, everyone attacked separately.

The various families in Kanto originally looked down on each other, Uesugi, Ueno, Musashi, and Shimono, no one obeyed the other.

Really set KPI for everyone, pull it out for comparison, show off, who wants to be compared?

Shimakatsu glanced sharply at Yukinori Yamanaka.

This tactic is broken down into parts, and it may be the best tactic to deal with the disunity of the Kwantung Allied Forces.

The combat power of the Kwantung Allied Forces is not weak, but no one wants to suffer.But if a healthy competition mechanism is formed, no one is willing to admit defeat.

Yukimori Yamanaka must have been thinking about this idea for a long time, but he just couldn't make up his mind to implement it.

After all, matters like military orders require iron and blood law enforcement, and even Yamanaka Yukimori, who has always been a leader, is not willing to offend, let alone those deep-rooted local forces in the Kanto region.

She is the deacon of the Guandong Chamberlain, and she will always have to coordinate relations with various families in the future, so it would be bad if there was a stalemate.

But the departure of Sanada Nobushige and Shima Katsuo actually pushed Yamanaka Yukimori into a dead end. If she continues to hesitate, she will not only be mediocre and incompetent, but also have a problem with loyalty.

Shiba Yoshigin's direct descendants are all desperate. As one of his most trusted courtiers, if Yamanaka Yukimori loses the chain at this time, there is really no way to explain it.

What's more, Yamanaka Yukimori still has a heart of admiration for Shiba Yoshigin in his heart, and he doesn't want to be compared with Shima Katsumo and his gang, so that the king will be disappointed in him.

To sum up, Yukimori Yamanaka is really in a hurry, Shibata's line of defense will soon usher in a stormy offensive.

If Shibata Katsuie couldn't bear the pressure and the three lines of defense were breached, allowing the Kwantung Allied Forces to enter several areas, Yamanaka Yukumori would be the first to contribute.

Even if Shibata's line of defense could not be broken, the Kwantung Allied Forces were divided into three groups to support Junshanghe in the battle. This credit was also credited to Yamanaka, and it would not be criticized after the war.

The three people who had their own concerns looked at each other, nodded together, and that was it.

(End of this chapter)

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