different warring states of japan

Chapter 1532 Fighting for Snow White

Chapter 1532 Fighting for Snow White
Echizen country, Tsuruga county, port.

The Sea of ​​Japan is not cold in winter, but the cold northwest wind blows across the warm sea, blocked by the mountainous terrain, and the water vapor cannot enter the interior of the island country, resulting in the scene of heavy snow blocking the road.

The Nanban merchant ship that had entered Tsuruga Port last fall stood alone in a corner of the sheltered harbor, and all the expenses needed on board were brought up by small boats on the shore.

For the entire half a year, the crew members spent their time doing nothing. They took the money given by Shibo's family, but they just had to wait.

Being able to get money without working is something that everyone loves to see, but it becomes not easy to get this easy money after spring comes.

Christina began to train the crew like crazy. Although there were few live ammunition drills, she locked the entire gunning process with the crew's muscle memory after repeated training.

Lilu was bored on the upper deck looking into the distance, her privilege as the captain was not to participate in military training, and Christina did not expect her, a businessman who was greedy for life and fear of death, to participate in the battle.

Hearing footsteps from the deck behind her, Li Lu turned her head and smiled.

"Christina, it's so interesting to see those boats.

The ship is full of idiots who don't understand water, and they vomited the deck in a mess. I wonder if the sailors who are responsible for cleaning the deck will be mad? "

Christina watched groups of small boats cruising back and forth like schools of fish not far away, transporting the soldiers on the merchant ships ashore.

Just as Lilu said, these people were exhausted from vomiting, and some of them were even carried onto boats.

Christina frowned.

"I heard that the war of the High Lord is not going well, and his enemies successfully blocked his subordinates from the Eastern Territory.

It seems that the great lord has changed his tactics and chose to use boats to transport soldiers past the enemy's line of defense.These soldiers should be from the mountains of the island country, and they have never seen the horror of the sea. "

Lilu shrugged.

"It will take at least half a month for these uninformed islanders to recover, and most of them will not be willing to board the boat again if they are killed.

The sea is a treasure house belonging to our brave, not everyone can reach out and touch it. "

Christina looked at Lilu with a half-smile and said.

"Brave Lilu? So you are ready to fight with me?"

Li Lu's face turned pale with fright, she waved her hand and said.

"I'm just a businessman. Of course, the battlefield belongs to the heroic Christina. How can I steal your limelight?"

To Lilu's flattering compliment, Christina sighed.

"I have worked hard to train these crew members, but their quality is not as good as those soldiers I had back then. I hope we can come back alive."

Lilu said helplessly.

"My crew is just a bunch of poor people who want to claim riches from the sea, and certainly not compared to the well-trained soldiers of the Royal Navy.

Christina, you seem pessimistic?Isn't this a barbarian war?You are in front of Your Excellency the Great Lord, but you look down on the backward warfare methods of the island country.

I believe they will be frightened to kneel and beg for mercy in front of your artillery, and even regard you as a god-like figure, hahaha. "

Christina was not as optimistic as Lilu, she just smiled wryly.

"Since the Portuguese handed over the first matchlock gun to the islanders, the islanders have learned to make and use this gunpowder weapon.

In their view, the artillery is just an enlarged version of the matchlock gun.They may not be able to make it, but it doesn't mean they are afraid of firearms.

Don't underestimate these islanders, Lilu, maybe their fighting methods are still very backward, but you have to know, the more backward the war, the more cruel it is.

When civilized man considers whether to keep prisoners of war, primitive man does not hesitate to massacre a race with sticks and stones.

The way of war is backward, and the degree of cruelty will exceed people's imagination. "

Lilu looked at Christina, a trace of fear gradually appeared in her eyes, it was the fear of losing Christina.

"Sorry, Christina, you were dragged into this war for me.

If it weren't for my obsession with doing that thing, you wouldn't have to take the risk of joining the war at all. "

Christina shook her head.

"The crime was committed by us together, and it is not your fault alone."

Lilu bit her lower lip and said in a low voice.

"Maybe we can leave, leave this island country and never come back. The war between these islanders has nothing to do with us. We are coerced into fighting, which is not reasonable in itself.

I can't imagine how those Liberians would think of me and my ship when the Portuguese and Spaniards knew that we used four cannons to help the island lord to fight the war.

We broke the rules, Christina, and I don't know what's going to happen after that. "

Christina's eyes looked at Lilu, as if her fiery red hair was burning.

"So? You want to break your promise, you want to abandon Your Excellency the Great Lord?"

Lilu was taken aback for a moment, and said nothing.

"That's not what I mean, of course I want to keep my promises.

But don't you think the chances of both of us making this mistake at the same time are pretty much zero?

After I came back, I thought about it for a long time, and I felt that this matter itself was not simple, and we might have been framed. "

Christina looked at the sea in the distance and said lightly.

"I know, of course I do.

Maybe it's witchcraft, maybe it's other methods, there are always some magical methods in the East that we don't understand, which can make us both lose our minds at the same time and do this kind of thing. "

Lilu almost jumped up.

"Yeah, we're victims, maybe... maybe it's best for us to leave now."

Christina asked.

"Lilu, do you think Your Excellency the Great Lord is a bad person?"

Recalling Yiyin's charming handsome face, Lilu hesitated.

"He...should be a good guy, right?"

Christina sighed and said.

"While being escorted here by those Ji warriors, I have been collecting his information and learning about his past.

Lilu, I really want to get to know him, to know that man who was possessed by me crazily.

Maybe we are right, and he did use some means we don't understand to induce us to make mistakes that we shouldn't make.

But, he was also an amazing man.

His family was slaughtered, and he spent seven years re-establishing the family with his own strength, and made this family the most prestigious family in the island country, not even one of them.

My God, his experience is like a magnificent epic described in a chivalrous novel.

Now, he is facing the most powerful enemy, whose strength is ten times stronger than his.

Only by uniting all the people who can be united and all the forces that can be drawn can he compete with the opponent.

And our experience may be only a small part of the price he paid.

He is pure, noble, kind, benevolent, and possesses the character of a saint, but he uses special means to allow us to defile his innocent body.

Lilu, I can't imagine.

What kind of predicament would make him make such a choice, let him take off his clothes for us two alien races who are barbarians in the eyes of the islanders, and let us taste his sweetness.

Do you think we are at a disadvantage in this matter?

He did not pursue our sins afterwards, but gave us a lot of money and honors, and he even made a promise to you as the general agent of Nanban.

This is his compensation and also his sincerity to us.

God, I can't imagine that if he wins this battle, the future Nanban trade will be operated in the hands of a greedy and cowardly businessman like you. It's really a terrible thing.

But this at least shows that he has no malice towards us, he is using his body to plead for our help. "

Lilu pouted.

"Where am I as timid as a mouse?"

Christina smiled slightly, and didn't talk about Lilu's attempt to break her promise and encouraged her to run away just now, but looked at Lilu seriously, and said slowly.

"I have read a lot of chivalry novels, I was immersed in those fantasies, I had dreams of saving the prince, using the sword in my hand to restore one country after another that was about to be destroyed.

Lilu, I never thought that one day, my dream would come true.

Do you know what I'm thinking right now?

I thought, I should ride a white horse to save my Snow White, who would look at me with grateful eyes and greet me with the warmest kiss. "

Lilu looked at Christina with complicated eyes and said.

"I think you should find a Nanban priest to have a look at your mind, sprinkle some holy water on your head, and see if you are charmed."

Christina asked with a smile.

"Maybe, what about your choice?"

Lilu frowned.

"Do I have a choice?
You hurry up and train our crew well, and then take all our cannons and muskets to save your Snow White.

I'll be here waiting for your return, cheering on your victory!
Fuck Liberian rules, f**k for Kristina's Snow White! "


North Omi, Nagahama Castle.

After the Oda family's brigade entered Kita Omi, this new residence built by Hideyoshi Hashiba after demolishing Otani Castle has become the residence of Oda Nobunaga for this battle.

In the chamber at this time, Oda Nobunaga paced back and forth with a dark face.

All the concubines under the seat sat upright, holding their breath, lest if they were not careful, the angry hall would vent their temper on themselves.

Oda Nobunaga cursed as he walked.

"Quan Liu is an idiot! What the hell is she doing in Echizen country!

They even allowed the Kwantung Allied Forces to occupy the Three Kingdoms, and even gave up on the north bank of Kuzuryu River, so that the enemy could calmly reach the upper reaches of Kuzuryu Lake and get through Minokou!

The Kwantung Allied Forces moved troops from the Three Kingdoms into Tsuruga Port and went south to Omi Country, and at the same time sent people from Minokou to enter Mino Country. Her Shibata defense line is full of loopholes, which is a joke! "

After venting his emotions, Oda Nobunaga pointed to Takeshi Ji and ordered.

"Ryotoshi Inaba!"


"Immediately take your troops back to Beibei City and arrange defenses. You must block the Kwantung Allied Forces to the north of Wenjian Pass, and not allow an enemy to appear on the plain of Ximenong!"


"Nobumori Sakuma!"


"You take the headquarters to the south immediately, and put Suzuka in prison for me! Minami Omi and Kita Ise must be safe. If there is any problem, please come and see me!"


Oda Nobunaga became more and more upset when he sent two generals out and divided his forces again.

Of course she knew that Shibata Katsuie had tried his best, and with more than [-] people blocking the [-] to [-] elite soldiers of the Kwantung Allied Forces, it was impossible for Shibata Katsuie to do everything.

Oda Nobunaga had read the specific report of Shibata's three lines of defense, and he was full of praise at the time, so he fully supported the materials and completed the establishment of the line of defense.

Shibata Katsuie dared to give up half of the Fukui Plain, relying on the mountains of Echizen Kingdom, and built three lines of defense in only one winter, which is already doing his best.

Oda Nobunaga, who was quite proud at first, did not expect that those legendary Kanto samurai who were reckless and rude would be so cunning.

They did not choose to attack by force, but divided their troops into three groups, transporting water all the way to help the nearby coalition forces, all the way over the mountains to threaten Ximeno, and the remaining troops dispersed to pull out the nails of Shibata's defense line one by one.

The Kwantung Allied Forces' detours and nibbles were completely unexpected by Katsuya Shibata, and it also sent a chill down Oda Nobunaga's back.

On the other side, Shiba Yoshigin led several coalition forces and began to advance from Takashima County.

Otani Kichitsugu, who stayed behind in Iga country, was also restless and frequently harassed Suzuka Pass, causing panic in Minami Omi and Kita Ise.

Coupled with the rampant Maeda Toshiya and Machang Xinfang in the Eastern Mino Mountains, the Nobi Plain has never been peaceful.

Oda Nobunaga had to put out the fire in all directions, and the troops gathered in his hands were divided little by little.

She knew in her heart that the turmoil everywhere was just a disease of scabies, but in order to maintain the morale of the army, she had to take action.

This situation of being passive everywhere and being beaten everywhere made Oda Nobunaga very upset. When and where did she suffer from such idleness.

Just because of her fear of Shiba Yoshigin, she couldn't let go of her hands and feet, and instead fell into a more troublesome situation.

We must act now, without hesitation!
Oda Nobunaga suddenly stood up, scanned the audience, and said.

"You go back to prepare separately, the army enters Yixiang County and gathers towards Yu Wu!"

The plains of Kita Omi are mostly in the southern part of the east, which is the rich area where the Liujia and Asai families started.

Yixiang County, located in the northern part of Omi, is mostly mountainous, and the Yuwu area is the only way for the mountain to enter the plain.

The local area is mountainous and has Yuwu Lake, and there is also a small plain that is conducive to joint warfare. The terrain is complex and can be defended and fought.

As long as the Oda family kept an eye on Yu Wu, they protected the plain behind them.With the continuous support from the Omi Basin and the Nobi Plain behind it, it is invincible.

Oda Nobunaga understands that the Shiba army in other areas is harassed by partial divisions, and the real trump card of the Shiba family is Shiba Yoshigin from Takashima County.

Oda Nobunaga, who has already allocated a lot of troops, is determined to confront Shiba Yoshigin in the Yuwu Lake area, looking for fighters.

Her gaze scanned the map, and finally pinned it on one place, Jianyue in the south of Yuwu Lake.

(End of this chapter)

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