Chapter 1534

Xingshi Mountain, Shibo Yoshihiro's main battle.

In front of Yoshihiro, Sanada Nobushige and Maeda Masayoshi are fighting for the land of Chiyake.

Nobushige Sanada pointed at the map and said.

"Although the flat land on the east side of Yuwu Lake is conducive to deploying an army, the Oda family came here a month earlier than us, occupying a favorable terrain.

The defenders of Mt. Iwasaki blocked the road to Kinomoto.Any attack going south will be attacked from the side of Higashino Mountain and Naka no Sato on the east side.

My opinion is that after we take Maoshan, Shenmingshan, and Tangmushan in the northern part of Yuwu Lake, we should not continue to go south along the mountain road.

Attack from the hills on the west side of Yuwu Lake, cross the Iiura River, climb over the hills around Jianyue, and attack Dayan Mountain on the other side of Iwasaki Mountain.

After taking down Mount Oiwa, immediately attack Kinomoto's Oda Honjin directly, and the Oda Army on the front line is equivalent to being surrounded by us and trapped in the mountain.

At that time, the Oda Army must retreat, otherwise there is a danger of the entire army being wiped out.

"Whether it's a detour to Jianyue or a direct attack on Iwasaki, we need to take Maoshan, Shenmingshan, and Tangmushan on the north side of Yuwu Lake.

Yiyin can only lament that the new society has turned ghosts into humans, and at the same time reach an exchange of benefits with these ancient evil spirits to accomplish what he wants to do.

Yiyin was about to roll his eyes, the two of them had finished talking, and they were going to compete with each other based on their military exploits, how come no one was willing to give in a little bit, couldn't they understand what I said?

Going to attack the two mountains here, it is right to win, but it is useless to lose.This kind of thankless business is naturally a bit frustrating, and it is also a faint warning from Yiyin to them.

Yiyin glanced at the two people seated again, and said solemnly.

In war, there must be priorities, who is the master and who is the second, that is the measure of military merit after the war.


"Toze Sheng'an, I remember that there are only nine people in her headquarters? Why did she go up too?"

Whether Yiyin is really happy or pretending to be happy, at this time he must act extremely happy.

Of course, Yiyin understood the thinking of the warriors very well, tired, really tired.

Mr. Huze Sheng'an followed him up the mountain, climbed the mountain village first, and took down Tangmu Mountain! "

The two came out on top, and although there were not many philanthropic rewards, they were all heart-warming actions, enough to boost the morale of the army.

"Sanada Hime said it well! I beg Your Majesty to allow me to lead the elite to attack Shenming Mountain!"

Maeda Masayoshi said coldly.

"Master Toze Sheng'an waved the Bizen Kaneko bestowed by the emperor, took the lead and climbed the wall for the first time, unstoppable!
Encouraged by her, the sergeants fought hard, quickly defeated the enemy's resistance, and drove them down the mountain! "

The ancient rulers did not have the personality charm and institutional advantages of the public servants. They could only achieve victory by constantly checking and balancing, coordinating, dividing, and resolving conflicts, and then dragging these bastards with difficulty.

The Oda family has more people than us, and they can't use it in the narrow mountainous area. If they want to support Mount Iwasaki, they must pull out troops to attack us on the flanks of the small plain and disperse our forces.

"What I mean is to lure the flanking enemy troops down the mountain. As long as the frontal attack on Mount Iwasaki can put enough pressure on the enemy troops, the enemy's flanks will have to go down the mountain in advance to support.

It's just that this time the situation is special. The recent coalition forces have only 2 soldiers, and Sanada's family has [-] soldiers. The difference in strength between the two sides is not large.

"Shenming Mountain is up to you."

An envoy rushed into the formation, kowtowed to the ground and said.

Yiyin stood up from the saddle and asked anxiously.

The Jianyue defenders cut off the moment that blocked the line of sight, made fences, dug trenches, built earth barriers, and equipped a large number of iron cannons and bows.

"Sanada Hime, your idea is very good, but I have the information brought back by the secrecy group Ninja just now, the real situation is a bit different from what you think.


These bastards, they don't understand the principle of comparing the treatment, the narrower the mind, and the higher the level of dedication. They are full of thoughts that it is stupid not to take advantage of it.

With Miyoshi Tozawa's cooperation jewels in front, their rivalry seems extremely stingy, which is disliked by the emperor.

But what is Nobushige Sanada?She has only [-] troops, but she wants to stand in the c position and grab the main attack role. Where does Maeda benefit from this?Where should the faces of the recent coalition forces be placed?
The most important thing is that Yuwu Lake is in front of the two armies, and the battle must advance from both sides of the lake.

There is no tactical advantage or disadvantage in detouring Jianyue and storming Iwasaki. It is only because they have become the focus of the main attack of the two sides that the dispute has become fierce.

Nobushige Sanada! "

Nobushige Sanada's eyes flashed, and he said with a deep bow.

"Miyoshi Yoshitsuji's department's supply is the first rank, and I will record her first contribution. Tozawa Shengan's department is on the same level as the Tongxin people. Let her accompany me by my side."

Because of the importance of Jianyue, His Highness Oda inspected the defense many times, and the local defense Kazuyoshi Takikawa did not dare to slack off.

"Then what should we do if they refuse to go down the mountain and just use Mount Iwasaki to drain our morale?
Kinomoto is in the rear, and can continue to send troops to join the defense of Mount Iwasaki, and fight a war of attrition with us.

Maeda Masari and Sanada Nobushige looked at each other, bowed and saluted each other, it was considered a business dispute, and it didn't hurt harmony.

Not to mention the small disputes between the people in the Kanto region and the people in the region, no one will give in easily in the face of the big differences between the people in the Kanto region and the people in the region.

The Sanada people are not afraid of death, but they are afraid that they will not get a lot of military merits to protect themselves, and they will fall behind in the political struggle of the Kanto Chamber after the war.

"What's the noise!"

Detour to the base mountain, must take Maoshan, I will send troops to take Maoshan, and then discuss with Zhuji! "


The Spo coalition forces seem to be of one mind, but there are actually many internal conflicts.

Akechi Mitsuhide obediently stood aside and waited for everyone to leave before stepping forward and asking softly.

Instead of arguing in front of me, you should think about how to take down the three mountains as soon as possible to open the way for the army to go south. "

Iwasaki Mountain and Dayan Mountain are the horns of each other. Once Dayan Mountain is lost, Iwasaki Mountain has no meaning to continue to defend.

"Smart Ji, you stay here."

All the concubines bowed and saluted together, and then walked out of the formation one by one.

Maeda Hime, you said it's dangerous to turn around Jianyue, but the risk you take in the frontal battlefield is no less than that of turning around Jianyue.

The hills between Yuwu Lake and Pipa Lake are very low. For the mountain people under my command, it can be said that they are walking on flat ground.

But it is because of the difficulty that the value of the samurai can be highlighted. Whoever wins the main attack role in this battle will get the fattest piece of meat after the battle.

Where is the difference in status between the two, where is the turn for Nobushige Sanada to act presumptuously in front of the Giginza, and confront Maeda's interests tit for tat.

"Okay! Yasha Jiuniang is worthy of being a hero of the Guandong, a righteous man, loyal, courageous and resolute, a model of the martial arts family!
She selflessly assisted the recent Miyoshi Yoshitsugu to capture Tangmu Mountain and won the first place for our army!This also proves that as long as the Kanto samurai and the nearby samurai join hands, no one in the world can beat them! "

The envoy replied respectfully.

Yiyin sat on the horse harness, clapped his hands lightly, and said.

The Oda army prepared for a month on the front mountain path, which of course increased the difficulty of our army's attack, but Jianyue was also strengthening the defense line and was not idle.

In the final analysis, the samurai family still depends on strength, no matter whether Sanada Nobushige relies on the financial resources of the Kanto Chamber to attract so many people, but the letter of respect corresponding to strength must be given to Sanada Nobushige.

Moreover, once the vigor of the offensive is frustrated, the enemy troops on the flanks will come down the mountain to attack, and the army attacking Iwasaki Mountain will be attacked by the enemy from the front and back, and the entire army will be in danger of being wiped out. "

"Since we are sure to fight a tug-of-war on Mount Iwasaki, and expect the enemy to rush down the mountain, why not just raid Jianyue?

The width between Yuwu Lake and Piwa Lake is not enough. If the attack is frustrated, there is no space for you to turn around again, and the muddy ground also limits the retreat of the army, so you can only be beaten continuously.


Sanada Nobushige said coldly.

"What is your order?"

The two chief generals bowed to accept the order, and strode out, both a little out of breath.

The Sanadas come from the Koshin mountain area, and it is common for them to cross mountains and mountains.

Nobushige Sanada retorted.

"Maeda profit!"

"Enough! Stop!"

You said it yourself, fighting is doomed to death, so why not choose to fight in the most uncomfortable way for the enemy? "

As for the positive losses you mentioned, there is no reason why you can't die in a war! "

Yiyin was taken aback.

Maeda Yoshiki snorted coldly.

Therefore, I think it is better to attack Mount Iwasaki directly than to take a risky detour to Mt.

Even if Yiyin insisted on making an Ou Yu samurai and a Shikoku samurai a model of cooperation between the Kanto samurai and the recent samurai, who would dare to say otherwise?
The bad atmosphere must be suppressed immediately, and it cannot spread and affect the battle situation.

Yi Yin said.

Maeda benefit smiled.

Said excitedly.

Yi Yin looked at Akechi Mitsuhide and said.

"Go and take Maoshan."

Iwasaki Mountain is the core of the entire defense line. Although there are defenders on the flanks echoing, once we break through Iwasaki Mountain, Kinomoto's front will be safe to defend.

The two couldn't stop arguing, Zhu Ji didn't participate, only Yi Yin was a little annoyed and shouted.

They have more people and we have fewer people. If we can't attack Mount Iwasaki, we will only consume more troops than them.

"What's going on, I don't remember giving the order to attack Tangmu Mountain?"

There are mountains behind Jianyue, and the Iiura River in front. The enemy is condescending and can cover the attacking side with iron cannon bows. In addition, the river is swollen in summer and the land is muddy. How do you charge?

At this moment, there was a commotion from outside, and Yiyin frowned.

"Let's all go away, go back and guard the camp, don't let your guard down, wait until Maoshan and Shenmingshan are taken down, and then discuss the military."

After the two left, Yiyin glanced at Zhuji present and said.

Maeda Mashiro and Sanada Nobushige represent the recent Allied Forces and the Kwantung Allied Forces respectively. Before the war started, they began to suppress each other as opponents. This trend is very bad.

This is also in line with the purpose of Nobushige Sanada's visit this time, which is to stand in the c position, gnaw hard bones, gain a lot of military achievements, and show off the bravery of the Sanada crowd.

Therefore, Nobushige Sanada, who is the representative of Kanto with [-] soldiers, is qualified to argue with Maeda Yili, the general general, about the direction of the main attack.

As Nobushige Sanada, he was originally not qualified to compete with Maeda's interests for the right to speak.She is just a powerful samurai from the Kanto Chamber, while Maeda Yoshitoshi is the general of the Shiba camp in recent days.

Yoshihiro looked at the embarrassed faces of Tian Yili and Sanada Nobushige in front of him, smiled inwardly, pretended to be overjoyed, and said.

"Jin Duodian is wise, warriors use swords and guns to judge heroes and females, and they are quick to talk, so it is better to use victory on the battlefield to prove their correctness.

After Miyoshi Yoshitsugu and Tozawa Shengan got into such a mess, their dispatch of troops this time immediately became a chicken rib to follow suit.

As long as they hesitate for a few days, we can directly take Kinomoto and block the entire Oda Army in a dilemma on the mountain road. Isn't this more powerful than the threat of directly attacking Mount Iwasaki?

Once Jianyue is broken through, Dayan Mountain will definitely not be able to hold on.

The Yuwu area is already close to the southern plains, and the local mountains are not high, so they can only be regarded as hilly areas.For the mountain folk, these low hills are no hindrance at all.

To put it simply, it is Nobushige Sanada, a Kanto native, why should he ride on top of us?
Although Maeda Yoshiki was born in Owari, she is now the general of the Kinki, representing the face of the Kinki samurai family.

Tozawa Shengan was born in Ou, but strictly speaking, he also belongs to the Kanto samurai family.Although Miyoshi Yoshitsugu was born in the Western Kingdom, she is now living in Beihanoi, which is not far away, and lives on the breath of righteousness.


Whether it is to detour to Mount Chiyake or attack Mount Iwasaki, it is actually very difficult.Because the Oda Army prepared a month in advance, the right time, place and people on the battlefield have been taken away by the Oda Army.

This is the confidence that Nobushige Sanada wants to focus on to detour Chiyake, because if the Shiba army chooses Chiyake, there will be no more suitable attack core than the Sanada army.

In addition, the Sanadas who came to join the recent Allied Forces as a division of the Kwantung Allied Forces represented the Kwantung Allied Forces in a sense.

And Maeda's interests are also very clear. Most of the Kwantung Allied Forces were blocked by the Echizen Kingdom, and only Sanada came here. It's not up to the Kwantung people to point fingers here!
If 6 or [-] people from the Kwantung Allied Forces came to meet up, Yamanaka Yukimori and Shima Katsuo were old enough, and it didn't matter if Maeda benefited a little bit about tactics.

Yiyin glared at her and said.

In this hypocritical samurai society that says one thing but actually another, Yiyin even feels that he has gradually been assimilated into a ghost.

"It's Miyoshi Yoshitsugu-sama from the front line. She found out that Doki-san was changing defenses, so she mobilized her troops to attack directly, causing chaos among the enemy troops.

"Your Majesty! Tangmu Mountain has been taken down!"

Our Sanada army can attack the enemy's defense line without being affected by the terrain at all. The dense forest and rugged slope can also block the enemy's sight for us, which is conducive to our army's advancement. "

As long as they are willing to leave the easy-to-defend and difficult-to-attack mountain and come down to fight with us, it will be the most beneficial situation for us. "

"Are you happy? Seeing Maeda benefit deflated, are you happy?"

Akechi Mitsuhide covered his mouth and smiled lightly.

"Your Majesty's words are wrong, I have always admired Maeda Ji's military talents, how dare I have contempt?

However, Ji Sanada is worthy of being the mighty general of the Kanto servants, and the demeanor of Sanada's number one soldier in the Warring States Period has indeed been taught today. "

(End of this chapter)

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