different warring states of japan

Chapter 1535 No choice is wrong

Chapter 1535 No choice is wrong

Yiyin snorted.

"What style? A blind man can smell all the small thoughts in his stomach."

Akechi Mitsuhide shook his head.

"Your Majesty's words are wrong.

The Wu family is serving the public, and what they seek is the king's favor and generous rewards. They are not afraid that Warrior Ji will have selfish intentions, or that Warrior Ji will not do his best.

The Sanada people are pure-minded and eager for merit, but they are not afraid of hardships and hardships. They dare to fight and die. They are indeed worthy of the title of the number one strong soldier. "

Yi Yin sighed.

"No one is free from selfishness, but at this juncture, we must be sincere and united.

I hope that Maeda Yoshiki and Sanada Nobushige will keep my warning in mind. If they continue to make trouble, the Kanto factions will follow suit. How can this battle continue? "

"Whether it is an attack on Mount Chiyake or Mount Iwasaki, it all falls into His Highness Oda's calculations, and it is inevitable that he will be controlled by others.

"So, you support Maeda's interests and think that you should break through Mount Iwasaki from the front?"

Yoshihiro looked at the map. Judging from the route that the Shiba army went south to attack Mt. Iwasaki, Yuwu Lake was on the west side, and Higashino Mountain, Naka no Sato, was on the east side.

"Our exhausted attacking army is likely to cause confusion when encountering a surprise attack, and will be directly driven into Yuwu Lake on the west side.

Yi Yin was looking at the map, when he heard this, he suddenly turned his head to look at Mitsuhide Akechi, seeing her elegant and decent smile, chills rose in his heart.

Akechi Mitsuhide pointed to the map spread out on the desk and said.

She is willing to do her best to serve the public, just because the mountain people live in poverty, and I gave them a good way out. "

Akechi Mitsuhide shook his head.

"Your Majesty, look, if we successfully capture the three mountains in the north of Yuwu Lake, then the route to continue our attack will be on both sides of the lake.

But if we are frustrated in the process of attacking the Iwasaki Mountain Road, we will go all out, then we will fail, and we will be exhausted.

On the other side of Iwasaki Mountain, Iwasaki Mountain and Dayan Mountain are the front and back mountains that echo the corners!
Oda Nobunaga set up the main camp at Mount Oiwa, no matter in the direction of Mt.

In addition, Maeda Mashida's army only stormed Iwasaki Mountain, and Iwasaki Mountain's defense line must be precarious and cannot last for too long.

Akechi Mitsuhide smiled.

After all, we are a coalition, and as long as someone is afraid of retreating, they will definitely follow suit. If we are in danger of being panicked, it will be difficult to recover from the defeat with the prestige of the king. "

The lord is at the frontier in person, who else dares not to go all out?Do you really think that the supervisory team of the Oda family would not dare to kill deserters?
And the red and black women's clothes that appeared in Dayan Mountain also proved that Akechi Mitsuhide's judgment was correct.

Only by placing the main camp in Kinomoto, can Oda Nobunaga send orders in all directions through changes in the battlefield.

Although Dayan Mountain is good, it is too far away from Higashino Mountain and Nakanogo, and it is difficult to look at the end.

He looked at Akechi Mitsuhide and asked.

Yiyin shrank his pupils and looked at the map.

But the reality is that Oda Nobunaga only let the cronies of Muyizhong serve as guards, and it is strange to pull the peripheral samurai families such as Kita Omi and Kita Ise to block the gap and use it as cannon fodder.

Good guy, Oda Nobunaga actually secretly left Kinomoto and moved the front of the battle to Oiyama.

Don't forget, the Chihei mother clothes are there, His Highness Oda's identity is not what it used to be, and the guards around him will certainly not be empty.

As long as she uses the elite from Higashinoyama and Nakanogo to go down the mountain and flank Maeda's interests, that's our chance.

Yiyin added another sentence in his heart, there is no such physical relationship as you think, just sipping iced black tea in Yantian City, it is purely to complete the system tasks, there are countless things to do.

Akechi Mitsuhide did not answer, and continued pointing at the map.

"My lord, Mount Iwasaki is probably a trap."

Akechi Mitsuhide said.

Ignoring Yoshihiro's ugly face, Akechi Mitsuhide pointed to the map and said.

"Don't go around in circles, what on earth are you thinking?"

Akechi Mitsuhide smiled and asked seemingly inadvertently, but Yoshigin knew the dirty thoughts in her belly, and he thought that he was giving away with his body again, and received Sanada Nobushige's heart.

Yiyin was angry, Mingzhi Guangxiu was not afraid, but said slowly.

Breaking through Jianyue is not difficult, but since His Royal Highness Oda dared to stay in Dayan Mountain, the raiders would definitely not be able to take it there.

The second is Mu Yizhong's cronies of the banner, and the third is the Owari Mino Ryogoku samurai family.

However, where did Nobunaga Oda get the confidence to feel that he could block my attack by placing some peripheral samurai on Mount Chiyake and Mount Iwasaki?

"There's no need to say compliments.

After they attack, you will personally lead [-] elite soldiers including Sibazhong, Zahezhong, and Miyoshi in the coalition army, secretly leave Xingshi Mountain, and march to the fox mound to lie in wait.

This is Yuwu Lake. Maoshan Mountain, Shenming Mountain, and Tangmu Mountain in the north will soon fall into our army's hands, but my feeling is that it is too easy. "

Yiyin snorted coldly.

The two points at the core of the defense line are the peripheral samurai, so where did Oda Nobunaga put the main army composed of Owari Mino and two samurai?

Yi Yin nodded and said.

"You mean, Oda Nobunaga seems to have set up an iron barrel formation waiting for me to attack, but he is actually hiding his murderous intentions, and will come out at any time to give me a head-on blow?"

"There is no greater advantage in attacking Iwasaki Mountain directly than in detours to Mount Iwasaki."

If Oda Nobunaga really wants to defend to the death, he will inevitably put his core forces on Mount Kidake and Mount Iwasaki to prevent the Shiba army from breaking through these two points.

Yi Yin narrowed his eyes.

"Your Majesty is a benevolent person, and it is the great fortune of the martial arts under his command to do things for you."

Even if His Royal Highness Oda personally sits on Dayan Mountain, she must attack decisively in the situation of being beaten at both ends, so as not to collapse the situation and fall short of success.

According to Nobushige Sanada's thoughts, if her surprise soldiers can take down Jianyue, they will immediately attack Dayan Mountain and open the way to Kinomoto.

"Your Majesty is wise, I also think the same way, Oda Nobunaga placed the most powerful army in the eastern mountainous area for concealment.

"His Highness Oda gave up the strong city of Kita Omi, and personally brought 4 people north, just to block the exit of Beiguo Street and prevent us from entering the plains?
According to the information provided by the ninja, it is not Owari Shomino who are guarding the two attacking directions of Kidake and Iwasaki-san defending the flag family mon.

However, Oda Nobunaga gave up Kinomoto and moved the front line to Dayan Mountain, leaving only one possibility.That was because she was worried about the defense of Jianyue and Iwasaki-san, and wanted to take care of the defense line herself.

Akechi Mitsuhide said solemnly.

But Oda Nobunaga did the opposite, filling up the defense line with cannon fodder from the outside. Kazuyoshi Takikawa, Narumasa Sasasa and their entourage played more roles of supervising the team.

"Your Majesty is worrying too much, although they have the intention of grabbing credit, they are all loyal to His Majesty.

Yi Yin shook his head and said.

Akechi Mitsuhide nodded.

She ventured inside and found that His Highness Oda's two red and black dresses were there. "

Yiyin said angrily.

Akechi Mitsuhide smiled slightly, but he couldn't tell whether she believed it or not.

We took Tangmu Mountain, and we can directly attack Iwasaki Mountain by continuing south, without having to go through the Shanzhai pass on the east side.

"Is it important what Sanada Nobushige and Maeda Yoshiro think? Why don't you ask me what His Highness Oda thinks?"

"Oda Nobunaga's back is leaking from all sides, she may be worried that the long-term confrontation will cause problems in the territory behind her, and she doesn't want to delay it for too long.

"Mt. Higashino, Naka no Sato, Oda Nobunaga put the main force here."

"Your Majesty can send Nobushige Sanada 1 troops to attack Mount Kiyake, and order Maeda Sari to lead a coalition of [-] troops to attack Mount Iwasaki.

"In your eyes, am I that low? I can tell you clearly that I don't have the relationship you think with Nobushige Sanada.

"Yes, then you can analyze it for me, what is Oda Nobunaga thinking?"

he gritted his teeth.

Yiyin thought about what Akechi Mitsuhide said.

Leaving Maeda benefit aside, why Sanada Nobushige is so loyal to Junshang, I can't figure it out, could it be that Junshang cast some spell on her in Kanto? "

She sent troops this time to fight with me, not to defend to the death. "

"Your Majesty, let's see.

Yi Yin pondered.

I hear what you mean, it seems that you appreciate Nobushige Sanada, and you agree with her opinion, hoping to focus on Jianyue? "

Even if a corner of the front collapses, Kinomoto can still hold his ground as the last line of defense.

"That would have been worse.

"How to say?"

"My lord, you forgot about Dayan Mountain.

Akechi Mitsuhide, is she planning to sell Sanada Nobushige and Maeda Yoshiki as abandoned sons?

Turning around from the west is the river and hills around Iiura Kidake, which is very narrow between Lake Biwa and Lake Yuwu, and there is almost no room for maneuver.

Akechi Mitsuhide smiled.

"Your Majesty, don't you think it's strange? If Your Highness Oda just wanted to stay on standby, why did you leave Nagahama Castle?
Although the mountain road exit is important, it is still not as important as Nagahama Castle, Otani Castle, and Yamamoto Mountain Castle.

Therefore, there can only be a surprise attack here, and this army is likely to become a desperate abandoned child. "

Akechi Mitsuhide still shook his head.

The terrain of the North Omi River has been thoroughly studied by the Asai family, and the Oda family only needs to follow the same example, occupying the key points of the pass and defending it. It is not a big problem to block us for a year or so. "

Akechi Mitsuhide pointed at the map and said to Yoshihiro.

The fox mound is in the north, and it is also the flank of Oda's elite.They attack Maeda's flanks, and you can attack their flanks directly with flank-to-flank.

The garrison of Mt. Iwasaki is Sasaka Narumasa, who is also a close friend of Oda Nobunaga who was born in the family. The defenders there are mainly from the land of Northern Ise. "

"I can't do it on the cheap mountain, and I can't do it on Mount Iwasaki, so what did I come to Kita Omi for? Why don't you just surrender!"

"You mean that Oda Nobunaga deliberately gave up here and wanted to lure me deeper?"

Yiyin snorted coldly.

"Maeda Ji has already said very clearly just now, it is not easy to break through Jianyue."

Akechi Mitsuhide said.

The Sanada Army is an elite army. If they can break through Jianyue, it would be best to enter the Big Rock Mountain, which can just attract His Highness Oda's attention.

"So, should I still choose Jianyue?
Send troops to enter Jianyue, penetrate those Beijinjiang people who are not strong in fighting spirit, directly enter Dayan Mountain, attack Oda Nobunaga's main formation, and disrupt her deployment. "

But the defenders under her command are mainly the local samurai in Kita Omi, that is, the old ministers of the Asai family who surrendered.

Oda Nobunaga started her career as a member of the wild children who grew up with her, that is, Niwa Nagahide, Ikeda Hengxing and others.

And she was very relieved of Higashinoyama and Naka no Sato, because the elite of the Oda family were stationed there, ready to attack at any time.

Back then, His Highness Oda hated His Highness Asai deeply, but in order to kill the Asai family, he had to be patient, attack or persuade them to surrender, and pull out the surrounding fortified cities and towns one by one before making a general attack.

But if we use the forces attacking Mt. Kidake and Mt. Iwasaki as bait, we can turn the whole situation around. "

Yiyin fixed his eyes and asked.

Passive defense is impossible to win, and the formation of the Oda Army must be calculated for counterattack. "

Maeda Hime's analysis is quite correct. If you attack from Mount Chi, if you want to retreat once the offensive is blocked, the terrain will limit the speed of retreat. It is easy to be overtaken by the enemy and forced to fight again and be defeated.

It's not that cannon fodder can't be used, but it must be stuffed in little by little with fueling tactics, so that the entire front will not be shaken and collapsed by cannon fodder who are not strong in fighting.

Yi Yin kept frowning upon hearing this.

"So you still agree with Maeda Yili's opinion, and think it is more appropriate to break through from Mount Iwasaki on the east side of Yuwu Lake?"

If the surprise soldiers are wiped out, the coalition forces on the frontal battlefield will also be shaken. If the Oda elite from Mount Higashino and Nakano Sato go down the mountain at this time and directly attack your main formation, it will definitely achieve miraculous results.

Yi Yin asked.

Yiyin's expression froze, and he nodded slightly.

Because, if Oda Nobunaga wants to strictly guard the line of defense and control the overall situation, it is best to place the main camp in Kinomoto.

Kazuyoshi Takikawa is responsible for the defense of Mt. Ikeda. She is Ikeda Hengxing's best friend.

Akechi Mitsuhide pointed at Kinomoto and said.

Yoshigin smashed the map on the table with his palm, and Oda Nobunaga made a pocket for himself to drill. As long as he attacked Mount Iwasaki, he would fall into the trap.

If at this time, a large number of enemy troops suddenly appeared on the east side of Higashino Mountain and Naka no Sato, and drove our exhausted army to the west side. . "

If those peripheral samurai can't withstand our army's attack, and I directly take Iwasaki Mountain, wouldn't Oda Nobunaga want to steal chickens and lose money? "

Akechi Mitsuhide nodded.

Yi Yin frowned.

"Since His Highness Oda wants to fight together, the line of defense in front of us is a cover-up, a tool used to conceal her true intentions.

I ordered Fujibayashi Skull to sneak into Dayan Mountain secretly, and found that the security there was tight, but the flags and drums were silent, and it was impossible to tell whose army was there.

Once the Qibing is frustrated, it will be difficult to retreat from Dayan Mountain. As long as the army of Dayan Mountain pursues and oppresses, the Qibing will probably be wiped out in Jianyue.

As long as we can defeat the elite Oda, we will win this battle.

Not long after the samurai families of the Omi and Ise countries returned to the Oda family, their minds were uncertain.The most reliable Ji samurai regiment in the hands of His Highness Oda is still from Owari Mino and Ryogoku.

The Owari samurai faction was nailed to the Echizen country. If the Owari new generation and the Nishi Mino samurai suffered heavy losses in this battle.

Having lost the absolute superiority of military forces that suppressed the samurai families of Omi and Ise, His Highness Oda must return to the army to regroup to prevent civil strife. "

(End of this chapter)

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