different warring states of japan

Chapter 1565 The alienated one Xiangzong

Yi Yin casually teased Akechi Mitsuhide a few words, vented his resentment, and changed the topic.

"The details of the negotiation are up to you. I will allow her to think about Oda Nobunaga's love.

The key point, don't delay too long.

The Kanto side has already begun to feel uneasy. Before Oda Nobunaga knows, let's get the negotiation done as soon as possible, so as not to cause trouble. "

Akechi Mitsuhide was taken aback and asked.

"Your Majesty, did something happen to the Guandong Chamberlain?"

Yi Yin shook his head.

"Seki Yashu is fine, it was the Date family and the Satake family who fought in the four counties of Aizu.

Date Masamune killed the Osaki family, scared away the Mogami family, and wanted to take down the four counties of Aizu before the attention of the Kanto Office turned back to Kanto.

The people from the east in Guanbazhou were also unwilling to be lonely. The Satake family sent troops into the four counties of Aizu to confront each other, and it is estimated that a fight will soon take place.

Hmph, when the Guandong waiter was distracted, all kinds of ghosts and sprites jumped out. "

Akechi Mitsuhide nodded.

"I understand, His Highness Oda is under a lot of pressure and wants to negotiate a truce as soon as possible, which is not difficult.

But there is one trouble, which was deliberately brought up by His Highness Oda. "

"What is it?"


Yiyin looked at Akechi Mitsuhide and repeated.


Akechi Mitsuhide nodded.

"The Oda family and the Ichiko clan have formed a deadly feud, and there is no room for maneuver between the two sides.

The Shiba and Oda families intend to join forces to pacify the world, His Highness Oda is a little concerned about your opinion of the Ichizo sect. "

Yi Yin frowned.

The relationship between Ishiyama Honganji and the Shiba family is very good. In the final analysis, it lies in the Hokuriku Road trade route.

Connected by the interests of the Hokuriku Road trade route, Honganji seems to have helped Yoshihiro a lot no matter whether it is in Sakai Port or Hokuriku Road.

In this battle of Shiba Oda, Ishiyama Honganji not only paid for it, but also asked the Zaga congregation, who are believers of the Ichizo sect, to fully support the Shiba family.

Wouldn't it be a little too unkind for Yiyin to choose to distance himself from Yixiangzong in order to marry the Oda family?Most importantly, will it affect the subsequent operation of the Hokuriku Road trade route?

Seeing that Yi Yin hesitated, Ming Zhi Guangxiu spoke out to persuade him.

"Your Majesty, you and Ichigo Sect are two people, even if you cooperate with the interests of the Hokuriku Road trade route, in the long run, you will eventually part ways.

You swore an oath in front of Yu Wuhu's formation that you will put the interests of the Wu family as the most important thing in your life, move the heavens and the earth, and ascend the throne to become a god, and it will soon be known to the world.

Shishan Hongan Temple condoned Yiyi Yikui, with the ultimate goal of establishing a Buddhist kingdom on the ground.There are many conflicts between Yixiangzong's monastery leader and local samurai's samurai leader.

You are already the leader admired by martial arts all over the world, and the conflict between Yixiangzong and local martial arts will come to you sooner or later.

Instead of waiting for trouble to come to your door, it is better to take the initiative to cut off with Yi Xiangzong so as not to be passive in the future.

Even though His Highness Oda has thousands of bad things, he is very popular with the samurai family when it comes to attacking the Ichigo clan.

Today, Sanhe, Ise, and Omi have all been wiped out.

The main territory of the Ichiko sect is only the Honganji Temple in Shishan, and Kaga Echizen has always been Ichigo, and its power is not as good as before.

With your current status and the power of the Shiba family today, there is no need for Ishiyama Honganji to escort the Hokuriku trade route.

That being the case, why bother to give Yixiang Zong a high dividend?

The Shiba and Oda families work hand in hand, and the Oda family always has a share of the benefits of the Hokuriku Road trade route.If you don't want to cut the meat from Ichiko Zong, do you want the Siba family to do it yourself? "

What Akechi Mitsuhide said is reasonable, but Yiyin actually doesn't like Yixiangzong either.

Whether it was when Yuezhong came out, or after the Shishan Buddhist Association, Yiyin was very uncomfortable with the fanaticism, aggression, and extravagance of the Yizong sect.

But in order to take the overall situation into consideration, he must be friends with Yi Xiangzong.But today, is he going to give up Yixiangzong for the sake of the overall situation?
Yoshiyin thought for a while, and said to Akechi Mitsuhide.

"Before you united with the three major sects of Buddhism to advocate for me. If I alienate myself from the Yixiang sect at this time, will it affect the construction of Shinto?"

Akechi Mitsuhide laughed.

"Your Majesty, as long as you have the heart, you don't need to do anything, and someone will naturally do it for you.

In the secular world, the feud between Yixiangzong and the Oda family is as deep as sea, and His Highness Oda is free to deal with Yixiangzong first.

In terms of belief, the Tiantai Sect and the Shingon Sect actually do not like the Yixiangzong, but they just use the Yixiangzong as a watchdog to prevent the invasion of the Nanman Sect.

If you, the patron saint of Buddhism, can guarantee that the interests of the Tiantai Sect and the Shingon Sect will not be infringed upon by the Nanman Sect, the Tiantai Sect and the Shingon Sect will kick out the heresy of the Ichigo Sect without hesitation.

The battle of Shiba Oda has come to an end, and it is time to put Master Tianhai's succession as Master Tiantaizong on the agenda.

On the side of the Shingon Sect, it has long been intended to let the Changjue seat master be promoted to a higher level, as the master of the sect.

With these two masters coming forward to make things difficult for Honganji Xianru, there is no need for you to be a villain.

You just have to pretend to be in a dilemma and not help each other.After all, we are all friends, and it is not appropriate for you to help anyone. "

Yiyin watched Akechi Mitsuhide say these words with a smile, and felt cold in his heart.

This black-bellied fox is full of bad things. In order to unite with the Oda family, he calculated the Yixiangzong clearly and clearly.

Ichimuzong and the Shiba family have been cooperating for a long time, and Mitsuhide Akechi is a frequent visitor to Ishiyama Honganji Temple. If Honganji Xianru knows that Mitsuhide Akechi is such a good friend, he must strangle her to death.

Akechi Mitsuhide rolled his eyes and smiled gracefully.

"What do you think, Your Majesty?"

Yi Yin said in a cold voice.

"I do not know anything."

Akechi Mitsuhide kowtowed to the ground, bid farewell and left.Yiyin looked at her back with complicated eyes.

People in the arena involuntarily.

Yiyin also doesn't like the way he is now, but he has too many responsibilities and can't tolerate soft-heartedness.

It's good that he can keep himself and the people around him. Even if he doesn't want to break up with a friend like Ishiyama Honganji who is destined to conflict, someone will push him to leave.


Akechi Mitsuhide came out of the residence, and Hosokawa Fujitaka who was waiting outside greeted him.

"How about it?"

Akechi Mitsuhide laughed.

"It's time to negotiate."

Hosokawa Fujitaka shook his head.

"The result is still to be discussed."

Akechi Mitsuhide motioned her to go outside.

"Be content, the Oda family is not a small fish and shrimp, and it is already very good to have such a result.

And this victory, the Izumi Hosokawa family is already in your hands, right? "

Hosokawa Fujitaka followed her, talking while walking.

"The disobedient people are almost cleaned up. It's time to invite the two mothers to take care of them."

Akechi Mitsuhide looked back at her.

"Where's your troublesome sister?"

Hosokawa Fujitaka's eyes flashed.

"Take care of her, she is the guardian of Beihanoi after all."

Akechi Mitsuhide shook his head slightly, as if he understood Hosokawa Fujitaka's difficulties.

Although Mibuchi Fujihide sent people to ambush Hosokawa Fujitaka, it was unsuccessful in the end.

If Hosokawa Fujitaka did too badly and made the two mothers feel cold, there might be problems in the transfer of power of Izumi Hosokawa's family.

Moreover, there is a Sibo Yoshikin on it.Mibuchi Fujihide's job as guardian of Kitakachi was given by Shiba Yoshihiro, and letting her die suddenly is also an embarrassment to the king.

As Hosokawa Fujitaka said, the most appropriate way is to keep him in captivity.

Akechi Mitsuhide nodded.

"As long as you know it in your heart, congratulations, the Hosokawa and Mibuchi families have reunited as one, and you, Izumi Hosokawa's family governor, have a high position and authority."

Akechi Mitsuhide's words are true, Hosokawa Mibuchi and Hosokawa Mibuchi are one, and Hosokawa Fujitaka, the governor of Izumi Hosokawa, already owns Izumi Kingdom and Beihanoi territory of more than [-] koku.

In addition, Hosokawa Fujitaka controls the Customs and Commercial Tax of Sakai Port, which makes a lot of money.

Through Yu Wuhu's joint battle to eradicate dissidents in the family, Hosokawa Fujitaka has monopolized power in the family, and has become the most powerful ally of the Shiba family in recent times.

Hosokawa Fujitaka said proudly.

"This is all the grace of Jin Duodian."

At this time, Hosokawa Fujitaka no longer has the previous hesitation. She and Akechi Mitsuhide have become buddies, and their power is powerful. Even Shiba Yoshigin pays attention to her feelings.

Although she cannot marry Shiba Yoshigin, she has already climbed onto the bed of the living god, and she is waiting for the birth of a god in her stomach, so that the Izumi Hosokawa family can follow the Shiba family for centuries.

Hosokawa Fujitaka is very satisfied with the status quo, and he has also let go of his old suspicions about Akechi Mitsuhide, a close friend who has hated him for many years.

Akechi Mitsuhide felt a little bit of contempt in his heart. Her PUA all these years finally turned Hosokawa Fujitaka, a rich and noble lady, into Shiba Yoshiyin's loyal dog and licking dog, which is not very embarrassing.

The two talked and laughed and went outside, where Banner and the horse were waiting respectfully.

Hosokawa Fujitaka said.

"Miyoshi Yoshitsugu was waiting for you in my camp. He said he needed to see you urgently, but he didn't know how he asked me to come here."

Akechi Mitsuhide nodded.

"I told her that if there is something urgent, I will go to you when I am away.

Let's go and see our outstanding and loyal minister, and hope that she can make new contributions to Jinduo Hall. "

Miyoshi Yoshitsugu is a decent person.

When Yiyin raised the flag of righteousness in Luo, she was the first to respond, and when Yu Wuhu went to war, she was the first to strike.After the war, there will be rewards for meritorious deeds, and her share will be indispensable.

This family governor, who was abandoned by the three good retainers of the four countries, miraculously made a head start in recent days, and became prosperous.

Miyoshi Yoshitsugu's brains and martial arts are actually not bad, but Miyoshi's family is too ruthless, she can't play well as a young girl, after being punished inside and out for these years, she can be considered to understand and know how to play.

No, the Shiba and Oda families went to war, Miyoshi Yoshitsugu shined brilliantly, the future can be expected.

In private, Ashikaga Yoshiaki has been secretly in contact with Miyoshi Yoshitsugu, but this poor official does not know that he has been sold to Akechi Mitsuhide by Miyoshi Yoshitsugu.

There was a trace of mockery in the corner of Hosokawa Fujitaka's mouth.

"What bad idea are you thinking of?"

"I'll tell you on the way."

Akechi Mitsuhide and Hosokawa Fujitaka smiled at each other, got on their horses and whipped out of the city.


The Hosokawa army was the first wave of troops to attack the defense line of Mt. Iwasaki. They suffered a lot of casualties in the repeated see-saw.

Hosokawa Fujitaka used the blood of aliens in his family to stain his meritorious deeds and strengthen his power, which was considered a good way to play.

This time, part of the coalition forces retreated recently, and the Hosokawa army retreated to repair, and stationed not far from Yanjin City.

Akechi Mitsuhide and Hosokawa Fujitaka came to the Hosokawa camp, and Miyoshi Yoshitsugu had been waiting in the camp for a long time, seeing them coming, he quickly saluted.

Akechi Mitsuhide lifted her up and smiled.

"Three good girls don't need to be too polite.

You are the hero of this battle, Jin Duodian is full of praise for you in front of me, I want to congratulate you in advance, you have a bright future in the future. "

Miyoshi Yoshitsugu was delighted to hear that.

"Your Majesty praises you, the foreign ministers were once ignorant and raised their troops to fight against the Heavenly Army, and now they have the opportunity to fight for the righteousness of the Wu family. It is a great honor."

In fact, Yoshigin Shiba has been in such trouble these days that he can't even clean up, so he has no time to think about Yoshitsugu Miyoshi.

But Akechi Mitsuhide knew that Yi Siba's benevolence would never treat Miyoshi Yoshitsugu, a man of righteousness who had recently written a few poems, so he simply blew it up first.

Afterwards, Miyoshi Yoshitsuji received a generous reward, and he also had to think about the favor that Akechi Mitsuhide mentioned in the imperial premise in his heart. As for whether this favor is real, who cares?
Miyoshi Yoshitsuki was a rebel who was born as a samurai Ji, and the most important thing was to establish a good relationship with the important ministers of the Shiba family and find a backer.

Regardless of whether Akechi Mitsuhide really spoke for her, as long as the other party showed kindness, she had to follow up and bring the relationship closer.

Over the years, Miyoshi Yoshisuke was cheated by Hideo Matsunaga, by the Miyoshi trio, by the important ministers of Miyoshi's family, and even by Ashikaga Yoshiaki's Gouaishu.

Akechi Mitsuhide also likes Miyoshi Yoshitsugu's smartness now, talking to smart people saves worry and effort.

The three of them exchanged a few words and sat down, Akechi Mitsuhide glanced at Hosokawa Fujitaka, Hosokawa Fujitaka asked.

"Mihao Ji, I heard that Ertiaocheng has been writing letters to you these days, is there such a thing?"

Hosokawa Fujitaka's tone was a bit harsh, it was a joke.

Akechi Mitsuhide smiled.

"Fuji Takashi is talking nonsense.

Miyoshi Ji was forced to lose her home by the general's imperial letter, so she could only be aggrieved and nest in Beihanoi as the city lord.

How could she be in close contact with Nijo City?The general pitted her once, can she fall into the pit again?

Miyoshi Hime had shown me the letters from Nijo Castle a long time ago, and they were nothing more than words of goodwill from Yagyu Munebushi, Ometsuko, and had nothing to do with the general. "

Miyoshi Yoshitsugu bowed solemnly and said.

"Your Majesty Hosokawa, wise lord, when I sent troops to Luo to fight against the Heavenly Army, I deserved to die.

It was Jin Duodian who returned my innocence and allowed me to commit crimes and meritorious deeds in Beihe Nei. I am so grateful. I am willing to be the eagle dog of Jin Duodian in this life. How dare I hook up with Ertiao City again.

But this matter is strange, Mr. Gongfang didn't show up himself, but asked Liu Shengzongyan to write to me, not knowing what kind of medicine was buried in the gourd. "

It's annoying to say that Miyoshi Yoshitsugu is the successor of Miyoshi Changqing anyway, the orthodox heir of Miyoshi's family, although the family business has been defeated, but the dignity is still there.

Not to mention that Ashikaga Yoshiaki didn't recognize Gouai Shu, and she had already tricked her so badly, but it was said that Ashikaga Yoshiaki actually asked Ometsu to communicate with her, who did he look down on?

What is Daimepay?It's just a dog of General Ashikaga.

If General Ashikaga was strong, the lackeys in front of him would naturally be feared, but when is it now, General Ashikaga himself has become a mascot, let alone a dog under his seat.

Miyoshi Yoshiaki succeeded him as Miyoshi's family governor, and his status was too far from Yagyu Zongyan's. Ashikaga Yoshiaki's move was really rude.

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