different warring states of japan

Chapter 1566 Ashikaga Yoshiaki wants to go west

Akechi Mitsuhide smiled slightly.

"Don't be angry, Sanhao Ji, it's not that the general deliberately humiliated you. It's just that in the current capital, Mr. Gongfang has no one available.

Besides Mugetsu, a low-level swordsman like Yagyu Zongyan, who else could she use, who else would she dare to use? "

Miyoshi Yoshitsune shook his head and sighed.

"The Ashikaga family has fallen to this point, and the general is still ready to move. I don't know whether to call him brave or stupid."

Hosokawa Fujitaka sneered.

"Our lord Gongfang grew up in Xingfu Temple since he was a child. He learned Buddhism, not martial arts education. He always does things out of bounds.

She thought that with the brand of General Ashikaga, the samurai family in the world should be at her command, without complaint or regret, how could such a cheap thing be possible?
If family lineage is so useful, how can the world still be in such a mess? "

Hosokawa Fujitaka was deeply touched.

The Hosokawa family has a profound heritage. Since the establishment of the Ashikaga Shogunate, the Hosokawa family has been one of the main power holders of the shogunate.

It's a pity that the Hosokawa family fought too fiercely, and was finally cut off by the housekeeper Miyoshi Changqing, leaving only the Izumi Hosokawa family lingering.

If the family status and blood name are so useful, how could the Hosokawa family be overtaken and replaced by the Miyoshi family?
Hosokawa Fujitaka glanced at Miyoshi Yoshitsugu, even more so.

The once powerful Hosokawa family and the Miyoshi family have now become lackeys of the Shiba family. The former opponent has become the current colleague, and the world is also impermanent.

Akechi Mitsuhide laughed.

"Our general has always been obsessed with fame, valued his family and despised heroes, was ungrateful, and took advantage of his own interests, and he deserved his own fate for today's fate.

It's a pity that she doesn't think so herself, and always feels that others have failed her.

If Shiba and Oda's two families go to war, it would be the best result for her if they can both lose, but now, both of them are unwilling to fight again, so she is naturally anxious. "

Akechi Mitsuhide is much more aware of the situation in Kyoto than Miyoshi Yoshitsugu and Hosokawa Fujitaka.

With Fujibayashi Muku's assistance, after Shiba Yoshigin Shangro took control of Kyoto, nothing in Kyoto can be hidden from Mitsuhide Akechi.

Akechi Mitsuhide not only knows that Ashikaga Yoshiaki is very concerned about the frontline battle situation, but also keeps sending battle reports to Ashikaga Yoshiaki through various channels.

After Yu Wuhu joined the war, the Shiba and Oda families intended to have an affair and started negotiations for a truce.

Akechi Mitsuhide had already leaked the news to Nijo Castle before he went to Nagahama Castle to talk with Oda Nobunaga, which caused Ashikaga Yoshiaki to panic.

After Yoshiaki Ashikaga succeeded General Ashikaga, the political arena in recent years has roughly maintained the situation of Ashikaga, Shiba, and Oda.

Among the three parties, Ashikaga Yoshiaki is the weakest.

Ashikaga Yoshiaki originally thought that this time the Shiba and Oda families were fighting, and that he was fighting between the snipe and the clam, and the fisherman would benefit.But she never expected that when the boss and the second child started a fight, it was the third child who was far away in the capital who died.

If Shiba Oda's two families really join forces, Ashikaga Yoshiaki will not have a bright future, wouldn't she let Shiba Oda decide her life?
Akechi Mitsuhide knew that Ashikaga Yoshiaki already had the idea of ​​leaving, which was also the result of Akechi Mitsuhide giving her information and misleading her.

If Mitsuhide Akechi had not been sending news to Ashikaga Yoshiaki through various channels, how could that poor official have the ability to quickly know the outside situation?
However, that general is still pretending to be smart, complacently thinking that there are still loyal people in the world, and he is willing to tip her off.

The reason why Ashikaga Yoshiaki has been secretly keeping in touch with Miyoshi Yoshitsugu through Yagyu Souyan is because Akechi Mitsuhide has been misleading her, making her think that Miyoshi Yoshitsugu is a so-called loyal man.

Don't look at Akechi Mitsuhide and Miyoshi Yoshitsugu's friendly face at the moment, it is Miyoshi Yoshitsugu who stands firm and always knows where his butt should sit.

If Miyoshi Yoshitsugu had really been bewitched by Ashikaga Yoshiaki and had other thoughts, he would have been phishing for law enforcement and would have given a heart-to-heart apology.

Akechi Mitsuhide laughed.

"Miyoshiji, I just came back from Changbin City as an envoy, and you are eager to see me. Is there any new movement from the general?"

Miyoshi continued to nod.

"That's right, Yagyu Zongyan wrote me another letter yesterday, hinting at me that the general intends to hunt west, and hopes that I can respond at that time."

Hosokawa Fujitaka's eyes widened.

"Xishou? The general wants to escape..."

The running word in the back was forced back by Hosokawa Fujitaka.

Akechi Mitsuhide chuckled.

"Really, the general, what is she thinking? If you can't live in Ertiao City, where are you going to go?

Settsu Araki?No, no, no, Araki Village didn't have the guts to receive her, and Hatano from Tamba didn't dare, so the general wanted to travel far. "

Hosokawa Fujitaka narrowed his eyes.

"Shikoku? West Country? Kyushu?"

Akechi Mitsuhide laughed.

"The general is willing to go anywhere.

Sanhaoji, you should write back and tell her that you are willing to help her and give her a little confidence. "

Miyoshi Yoshitsugu was dumbfounded, she didn't know if what Akechi Mitsuhide said was ironic, so she didn't dare to answer.

Hosokawa Fujitaka frowned.

"Although Ashikaga Yoshiaki is an idiot, she is Ashikaga General after all.

If she is allowed to escape from Kyoto successfully, and use Ashikaga Takaji's old wisdom to seek the support of the powerful daimyo in the west, it may lead to catastrophe. "

Hosokawa Fujitaka was already very rude in speaking, even waiving the honorific title.

Back then, Takashi Ashikaga, the first general of the Ashikaga shogunate, was defeated and fled to Kyushu. He regrouped his troops in Kyushu, the western country, and fought back to Kyoto.

At that time, it was the royal family of Kyushu in the Western Kingdom who were dissatisfied with the perverse actions of the emperor's court and harmed the interests of the samurai family, so they supported Ashikaga Takashi to fight back to Kyoto and became the Ashikaga shogunate.

But now, with Shiba Oda joining forces, sooner or later they will conquer the samurai daimyos of the Western Kingdom, Kyushu and Four Kingdoms, seeking to unify the world.

If those samurai daimyos in the west raise the signboard of Ashikaga Yoshiaki to resist, it will be very troublesome in terms of status, and it will make this side very passive in recent days.

To this, Akechi Mitsuhide did not take it seriously, she laughed.

"Big disaster? It's a big opportunity.

When Shiba and Oda join forces, there will always be some troubles and enemies in order to be united and united.

If Ashikaga Yoshiaki does not leave, Tsudaden will never be able to do anything to her, and must maintain the safety of Nijo Castle to prevent His Highness Oda from persecuting her.

Now, Ashikaga Yoshiaki wants to leave by himself, and provide us with a reason to attack Shikoku, West Country, and Kyushu to the west.

It's best to let her go to Araki's house and Hatano's house by the way, and clean up together. "

Hosokawa Fujitaka nodded thoughtfully.Miyoshi Yoshitsugu looked horrified, is this the political shady scene she should know about?
From the very beginning, Akechi Mitsuhide deliberately guided Ashikaga Yoshiaki to leave.

Shiba Yoshino went to Luo to expel the Oda Army, and today's Kyoto is guarded by the Shiba family.

Even if Shiba and Oda join forces in the future and the Oda family returns to Kyoto, it is impossible for Shiba Yoshiyin to let Oda Nobunaga kill the general in Kyoto, and the Shiba family cannot be stained with this stain.

Therefore, Ashikaga Yoshiaki must take the initiative to leave, so that it will be convenient for the Shiba family to continue to pretend to be a white lotus, let the Oda family rush ahead, and destroy the old order of the Ashikaga shogunate.

As long as Ashikaga Yoshiaki left Kyoto, even if she held high the banner of General Ashikaga in the Western Kingdom, the Kyoto side could still claim that she was coerced, and used this to send troops to conquer non-subjects.

And Miyoshi Yoshitsugu was the first place to lure Ashikaga Yoshiaki out of Beijing.

Akechi Mitsuhide looked at Miyoshi Yoshitsugu and said softly.

"This time in the Battle of Oda in Shiba, Miyoshi Hime took the initiative to fight for the first battle, and stood up for the righteousness of the samurai family. Your Majesty appreciates it very much.

So now, Miyoshi Ji, are you willing to share your worries and solve problems for your majesty? "

Miyoshi Yoshitsugu looked away and asked.

"Your Majesty knows about this?"

Akechi Mitsuhide shook his head.

"Of course your majesty doesn't know, but your majesty will definitely know your loyalty."

Miyoshi Yoshitsugu's eyes flashed, obviously he was fooled by Akechi Mitsuhide.

"For the sake of Tsudaden, Miyoshi Yoshiki is willing to go through fire and water, and let him be sent."

Akechi Mitsuhide laughed.

"It's not as scary as going through fire and water. Come on, let's figure it out. How can we make Mr. Gong Fang feel at ease and never look back."

The three of them talked for a long time before Miyoshi Yoshitsugu bid farewell.

Akechi Mitsuhide and Hosokawa Fujitaka sent her outside the camp, Akechi Mitsuhide said suddenly.

"Miyoshi, do you remember Honda Masanobu?"

Miyoshi Yoshitsugu was taken aback for a moment, with a complicated expression on his face.


When Miyoshi went to Luo, Ashikaga Yoshiki was murdered, and Miyoshi's family fell into a state of eternal doom.

The reason is that Matsunaga, who is Miyoshi's successor's close friend, encourages Miyoshi to go to Los Angeles behind her mother's back.

And it is Honda Masanobu who is behind Matsunagatsu's plan.Miyoshi Yoshitsugu was tricked so badly, how could he forget this person.

Akechi Mitsuhide nodded.

"Honta Masanobu is now in charge of the Shiba family's commentary, and he is very trusted by the king. Don't worry about the little conflicts you had back then."

Miyoshi Yoshitsugu stared in surprise, Akechi Mitsuhide smiled and nodded.

Akechi Mitsuhide didn't care about the conflict between Miyoshi Yoshitsugu and Honda Masanobu, she just reminded Miyoshi Yoshitsugu with vague words.

The person who was suspected of killing Ashikaga Yoshiki back then has now become an important minister of the Shiba family. How deep is the water?

Shiba Yoshigin, who was far away in Kanto back then, could not have known about the plot to kill Ashikaga Yoshiki, so it must be Shiba's retainers who were conspiring.

Shiba's retainers went crazy, even Ashikaga Yoshiki dared to kill Ashikaga Yoshiaki?
Since Miyoshi Yoshitsugu has set foot on this boat, don't be half-hearted, otherwise it will be bad for her.

Akechi Mitsuhide borrowed the tiger skin of the entire Shiba retainer group to scare Miyoshi Yoshitsugu, in order to warn Miyoshi Yoshitsugu to play a good role as a pawn, and to complete the plan of fooling Ashikaga Yoshiaki.

As expected, Miyoshi Yoshitsugu became suspicious, bowed respectfully and said goodbye, and left in a hurry.

Hosokawa Fujitaka asked in a low voice to Akechi Mitsuhide.

"Is this person available?"

Akechi Mitsuhide laughed.

"A good knife."

At this time, Akechi Mitsuhide, the figure of Matsunaga Hideo, an old friend, flashed in his mind, maybe this knife could be used for other things in the future.

Back in the camp, Akechi Mitsuhide smiled at Hosokawa Fujitaka.

"The outsider is gone, let's talk about something else."

Hosokawa Fujitaka nodded.

"I'm all ears."

Akechi Mitsuhide held her hand and said.

"You and my sister, to be honest, how much reward do you think the Hosokawa family's efforts in this fierce battle can satisfy?"

Hosokawa Fujitaka frowned slightly.

"With the relationship between Jindadian and me, I have nothing to ask for, but it's hard to say about the Hosokawa retainers.

This time, my family was the first to attack Mount Iwasaki and suffered a lot of losses.If you don't get a generous reward, the people below will inevitably complain. "

Akechi Mitsuhide nodded and said.

"Yes, Feng Gong's reward is the cornerstone of the Wu Family.

In this Shiba Oda battle, tens of thousands of people were lost in the Yu Wuhu battle alone.Now that Shiba has won a great victory and the war has ceased, everyone is naturally eager for a big reward after the war.

However, the Shiba family wins but never wins, and the Oda family loses but never loses.After the negotiation, the two sides will most likely return to their original positions, and the Oda family will not give up much land because of the defeat.

This post-war reward may embarrass Jin Duodian.As the caring people of Jin Duodian, you and I have to think a little bit more for your majesty. "

Akechi Mitsuhide is in charge of negotiating with the Oda family, and she knows Oda Nobunaga's thoughts best.Oda Nobunaga admits to being cowardly, but this does not mean that the Shiba family can make progress.

The strength of the Oda family is still there, and it is impossible to lose power and humiliate the country to spit out a large amount of land, and let Shiba Yoshihiko distribute favors and rewards to heroes at will.

But if there is no land reward, it will be difficult to satisfy the appetite of Ji warriors if they just use money and food.

The Wu family still cares most about the land. Land means population, food, and military strength.If there is no land in the post-war bounty, it may cause dissatisfaction among many people.

Shiba Yoshigin is a deity in this world, and the samurai dare not complain to him. In the end, the spearhead will definitely be pointed at the person who negotiated peace with the Oda family.

As the person in charge of the negotiations, Akechi Mitsuhide would be foolish if he fell into a passive position because of this.Therefore, she has to plan ahead.

Akechi Mitsuhide had nothing to do with the Kwantung Allied Forces.

If there is any discomfort over there, it is natural to find trouble with Yukimori Yamanaka and Katsumo Shima, who made them the nominal chief officers of the Kanto Service Office and the leading generals of this dispatch.

Akechi Mitsuhide needed to get things done, mainly on the side of the coalition forces.

Logically speaking, Mitsuhide Akechi should go to Maeda Yili to communicate with him, because Maeda Yili is the general of the recent coalition forces, and he is also a confidant of Junshang. It is Maeda Yili's obligation to share the worries of Junshang.

But Akechi Mitsuhide had a lot of entanglements with Maeda Yili, and she was also afraid that Maeda Yili would take the opportunity to trick herself.

Just as she said to Hosokawa Fujitaka, the reward of the public is the cornerstone of the samurai family. Whoever proposes not to grant land rewards at this time must be hated by the coalition forces.

Maeda Mashiro only needs a little guidance, and Akechi Mitsuhide can fall a lot.

Akechi Mitsuhide didn't trust Maeda's interest, so he pointed out this idea to Hosokawa Fujitaka.

The Hosokawa Army was the second largest army in the Kwantung Allied Forces after the Shiba Army, and Hosokawa Fuji was the first to go out, leading troops to attack the Iwasaki Mountain defense line head-on.

Although Fujitaka Hosokawa had the idea of ​​consuming the strength of the opponents in his family, the military achievements of the Hosokawa family were obvious to all, and they must be among the best after the war.

If Mitsuhide Akechi could persuade Fujitaka Hosokawa to be a man of integrity and voluntarily refuse the heavy reward, then those who ranked behind the Hosokawa Army in military merit would be embarrassed to make any excessive demands.

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