Sakai Port, Shinsengumi resident.

Because Takata Yukino is weak and can only sit in a wheelchair every day, the yard where she lives is carefully prepared by Takada Yokino.

Try not to use steps, but use slopes instead, so that my sister can get in and out easily.In order to allow my sister to enjoy more facilities without being discharged from the hospital, many arrangements have been made in the hospital.

Today, Takada Yono brought Imai Sohisa to visit.

In the small tea room in Xue Nai Courtyard, the tea master invited by Yang Nai at a high price showed his talents with all his heart, but Xue Nai was absent-minded, staring blankly at the porch of his room in the distance.

On the porch, Xiao Yayoi just changed a basin of water and was laying down on the floor to wipe it hard.

When the tea maker offered the tea, Yang Nai waved her to leave and said to Xue Nai.

"I'm really impressed with you, what's so interesting about a child wiping the floor, you can actually keep your eyes on it for a long time.

This tea master was invited by me with a lot of money. Although he is not as exquisite as Jing Zongjiu now, he is still a rare scholar.

How much do you give others a little face, appreciate it a little bit. "

Xue Nai glanced at Yang Nai and said lightly.

"It's nice to wipe the floor. I was very good at wiping the floor back then."

Yang Nai rolled his eyes.

"Good at shit, you were always clumsy back then, every time you would overturn the water, seep into the wooden boards and mold. I don't know how many times I have been beaten by the steward to help you take the blame.

If it weren't for Jun Shang's kindness since he was a child, the incident that caused Jun Shang to slip and fall and get hurt because he didn't wipe the floor clean would be enough to beat you and me to death. "

Xue Nao ignored Yang Nao's complaint, an inexplicable smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

Seeing Xiao Yayoi kneeling there and working hard, she thought of Li Huazuo taking her place, kneeling between Jun Shang's crotch and working hard, so she was naturally in a good mood.But I can't tell my sister about this, she will be jealous.

Yang Nai didn't feel that Xue Nao was perfunctory at all, and Imai Zongjiu on the side joked.

"The two adults are very blessed. They grew up beside the saint, and others cannot envy them."

Yang Nai nodded and smiled.

"Yes, it's time to call him a saint now."

As the miracles of the Yuwu Lake battlefield were deliberately led to spread, Shibo Yoshigin was called a saint by more and more people, that is, to recognize his godhead of Bishamonten.

The concept of a living god walking in the world has slowly penetrated into the minds of the world, and the fastest to change their minds are businessmen and nuns.

On this point, Takada Yono is not even as calm as Jing Zongjiu is now, and he can change as soon as he says he wants to. He really knows how to follow the general trend.

Imai Soji asked with a smile.

"I heard that the saint is going to visit Sakai Port?"

Takada Yono glanced at her and said.

"It is true that the saint traveled lightly and did not alarm the local warriors.

Don't talk too much outside, lest someone take the opportunity to seduce you and annoy the saint. "

Imai Sohisa bowed and said.

"The subordinates understand and dare not talk nonsense outside.

It’s just that the sage’s trip was a little rushed. I heard that the diplomats of Shiba and Oda’s two families were negotiating in Fushimi City, discussing the border and assigning ownership.

At this critical juncture, His Royal Highness Oda was waiting patiently in Azuchi Castle, but it was strange that the saint wanted to leave Kyoto and come to Sakai Port. "

Gao Tianyang scoffed.

"What's so strange, the saint also has the troubles of the saint. I came to Sakai Port for the post-war reward."

Imai Zongjiu was shocked.

"Want money?"

When she blurted out just now, she found that Xue Nai's gaze was coldly sweeping over her, and her heart trembled. She knew that what she said was a bit presumptuous of Meng Lang, so she quickly fell to the ground and kowtowed.

"The subordinate is guilty, and his words are disrespectful."

Yang Nai sighed to Xue Nai.

"You, a person with weak hands and feet, why are you more majestic than me?

Sohisa Imai is the most capable businessman of the Shiba family in Sakai Port, his status is not low, and he can be intimidated to the ground by your look. "

Yang Nai seems to be complaining, but in fact, he is helping Imai Sohisa out of the siege and pleading with Yukino.

Don't look at Yang Nai being picky about Xue Nai all day long, in fact, she is also apprehensive towards this moody younger sister who does whatever she wants.

Yukino's Mikami Tsukimune was handed over to Lihua Sou, but the favor of Ashikaga Yoshiki and Shiba Yoshigin belonged to her.

Act arbitrarily, kill first and play later, kill if you say kill, look at the entire Shiba family, it is Yukino, a semi-disabled person with privileges in his hands, who has the most murderous intent, and kills evil with him.

Imai Zonghisa was born as a businessman, no matter how high his position is, how can he not be afraid?

Yukino glanced at Imai Zonghisa, remembering that she was still useful to Shiba Yoshigin, so she didn't pursue it.

"never mind."

Imai Sojiu breathed a sigh of relief, and Yango explained to her again.

"In troubled times and disputes, wars require money, and ending wars requires even more money. Money and food are poured out like water, and mountains of gold and silver are not enough.

Even if a sage is a god descending to earth, he still has to spend money to come to this world, so what's so strange about it. "

Imai Zongjiu smiled wryly.

"However, Master Yang Nai, you didn't help the saint to raise the military expenses of 200 million shi in the beginning of spring. It's too exaggerated to raise the money again now, isn't it?"

Takada Yoshino shook his head and said.

"If you don't manage your family, you don't know the price of firewood, and if you don't raise children, you don't know the kindness of your parents.

Don't look at me, Xue Nai, I'm not saying that the saint spends money indiscriminately, I'm scolding those bastards in the military for being extravagant and pushing every inch.

The army is a gold-swallowing beast. As long as you dare to pay for military expenses, the military will dare to spend them. No matter how much the budget is, it can be spent cleanly for you, and you can't make a mistake.

But who dares to talk too much, and settle accounts with those hot-tempered military girls who are licking blood with knives?This is a troubled time, the army is the guarantee of the family business, how can we save the rewards?

As long as the army is willing to fight with their lives, even a saint will turn a blind eye and close his eyes. Can he still cut his own foundation? "

After hearing Yangno's words, Yukino remained silent, and Imai Sojiu couldn't help sighing.

"I just collected 200 million shi in the beginning of spring, and it's all spent. The sage is coming to Sakai Port soon. Where can we collect more money and food for the sage?
Hundreds of thousands of people were mobilized in spring and summer, and tens of thousands were killed or injured. According to your statement, some money and food may not be able to send these heroes. "

Takada Yono subconsciously rubbed his temples and said.

"Your Majesty wrote me a letter before he set off, in which he gave me some insight.

For this reward, the whole coalition army voluntarily gave up the land to know and do, and they sang the miracles of the saint with one heart.

If there is no land, the money and food will be doubled.Shan Hu sage, everyone has a red envelope.

Imai Hime, get ready.This time without 200 million stones, we can't pass the level. "

Imai Zongjiu said with a bitter face.

"My lord, it's not like you don't know the situation in the account. Even if you kill me immediately and raid my house for two million shi, I won't be able to get it together."

Yukino didn't care about Imai Zong's death for a long time, she only cared about Shiba Yoshigin's plight at this time, and asked.

"Can my sister help the saint?"

Takada Yoshino smiled proudly.

"Naturally there is."

Yang Nai specially talked about this matter in front of Xue Nai today, just to use Xue Nai's power for something.

Although Imai Zongjiu didn't communicate with Yang Nai beforehand, she had a clear mind and naturally understood the purpose of Yang Nai's trip, so she tacitly cooperated with Yang Nao and sang the double reed in front of Xue Nao.

At this moment, Xue Nai couldn't help asking, and she had already fallen into Yang Nai's calculation.

Yukino may not understand this oboe, but she doesn't care, as long as it is beneficial to Yoshihiko Shiba, she will be used if she is used.

Yang Nai looked like she was holding the wisdom pearl, just waiting for Yukino to ask her, but Yukino looked at Imai Zonghisa and asked.

"Is it bad?"

Imai Zongjiu glanced at Yango who was unhappy, and said cautiously, not daring not to answer.

"Very bad.

Originally, due to the stock issuance of Hokuriku Road Commercial Road and the successful auction of the two phases of Sipo Real Estate, the value of Sibo food stamps once soared by one to four.

That is to say, one stone of Sibo food coupons can be exchanged for four stones of brown rice. "

Yukino was surprised and asked.

"It is not good?"

Imai Zongjiu sighed.

"Because Shanglu Stock and Sibo Real Estate only accept Sibo food coupons for purchase, the face value of Sibo food coupons has also risen accordingly in order to enter the market.

But this good momentum has been broken. In order to support the saints in their operations, we urgently issued a large number of food coupons in the late winter and early spring, and obtained 200 million shi of supplies.

Part of these military expenditures was used for procurement at Sakai Port, part was delivered to Naoetsu Customs Office for procurement, and the rest was handed over to nearby places for procurement.

Because the area of ​​use is spread all over the Kanto area, the Sibo food stamps on the market are rapidly flooding, resulting in a rapid depreciation.

From spring to now, in only six months, the face value of Sibo food stamps has rapidly dropped from one to four to one to one.

Sibo Food Coupons are benefits granted to Shibo by the King, and the face value requires payment of the corresponding food, so a one-to-one exchange must be maintained.

The road of continuing to issue new food stamps is no longer feasible, and we must think of other ways. "

Snow nodded.

At the beginning, Sibo food stamps were used for food payment compiled by Sibo.Now, the Sibozhong Fund has distributed all benefits in the form of food stamps, so a one-to-one mandatory payment is the bottom line.

This is the welfare ration given by Sibo Yiyin to the Sibo Ji warriors, and there is no room for loss.

If one stone of food coupons can be exchanged for less than one stone of grain, it means that Yoshihiko Shiba has broken his promise to Samurai Spoki, and the political impact is extremely bad.

Therefore, issuing food stamps indiscriminately at this stage is an act of political suicide, and it must not be done again.

Xue Nai looked at Yang Nai, and Yang Nai smiled.

"It is not impossible to print another 200 million shi food stamps and hand them over to the king to reward the ministers who have made great contributions. But before we print the food stamps, we must first find a new reservoir to store the excess food stamps.

The Hokuriku Road business route has a logistics value of 500 million kans per year, and the profit is about 50%, which is [-] kans.

After several stock splits, the total amount of shares in Shanglu has reached 1000 million. I joined hands with various companies and made a total of 600 million shares. For the time being, we can no longer dilute the equity.

If it is further diluted, those who are new to buying Shanglu stocks should understand that they have been cut off.Therefore, the reservoir on the Hokuriku Commercial Road was full and could not be moved. "

Xue Nai's eyes moved.

"What about Sibo Real Estate?"

Yang Nai shook his head.

"Sipo Real Estate has sold two phases, and only Sipo food stamps are allowed to trade, and the big buyer is from Owari.

The Oda family expanded too fast, and the Owari old samurai family held a large amount of wealth in their hands.

They were afraid of His Highness Oda's moodiness, and they were willing to come to Shiba Real Estate to invest some money, buy some property, and leave a way out.

After this Battle of Shiba Oda, Shiba Ling's position has become more stable, the real estate potential is greater, and a large number of residential shops can be sold at better prices.

But the problem is, we don't have time to make it.

People bring real money to buy a house, you should at least have a house for them, right?Can't you just take other people's money with empty teeth and let them go back and wait for the house to be built?
Money in one hand and goods in one hand has been the principle of doing business since ancient times.How can there be any idiot in the world who waits for the house to be completed after returning home after giving money?
Therefore, although the house sold well, we did not have time to build it. It would take at least a few years for Sibo Real Estate to swallow 200 million food stamps.

But now, the reward from the saint is imminent, so I can't wait. "

Xue Nai looked at Yang Nai and said.

"Neither left nor right, sister, what can you do, just tell me directly."

Xue Nai is most annoyed by these business trifles, she just needs to know what method Yang Nai has thought of, and what kind of help she came to find herself for.

Yukino is willing to do anything as long as it can help Shiba Yoshihiro get over the difficulties.As for the specific details, she became a little impatient.

Yang Nai smiled.

"Yukono, do you know that because of the Shiba Oda War, the Hokuriku Road trade route was temporarily cut off, and Ishida Mitsunari was worried that the grain warehouses in various places would run out of food due to the interruption of logistics, so he turned to the saint for help.

The sage gave Ishida Mitsunari an idea.

For the food stamps in the hands of the Spocky samurai, a reverse repurchase of food stamps with a five-cent interest rate for one year was carried out, and the excess food stamps were recovered for savings, helping the granary to survive the run crisis. "

Xue Nai murmured.

"Reverse repurchase of food stamps?"

Yang Nai nodded.

"Yes, there are too many food stamps on the market now, because 200 million shi food stamps quickly entered the market, causing a flood of liquidity, and the rapid depreciation of food stamps has endangered the existence of food stamps themselves.

I would like to ask your lord for the right to reverse repurchase of food stamps, and use the interest to attract food stamps on the market.

The transactions of Shanglu stock and Sibo Real Estate all require the use of Sibo food stamps. Once the number of food stamps on the market decreases, participants who want to trade must increase the price in order to receive food stamps.

In this case, the face value of food stamps will be re-stabilized.

I don't want food stamps to return to the previous high of 200:[-], but as long as the [-]:[-] level can be maintained, let me put the newly printed [-] million shi grain stamps into the market without any problems, it will be considered a success. "

Yukino was ignorant, and Imai Sokyu who was on the side seemed to understand and said.

"I know a thing or two about the reverse repurchase of food stamps, but the interest rate is too little. I'm afraid it won't attract many food stamps to participate in the reverse repurchase."

Yang Nai laughed.

"Then raise the rate.

The current total value of Shanglu stock is about 1000 million guan, but the actual annual market revenue is 500 million guan, and the dividend is only 50 thousand guan.

In other words, the annual dividend of Shanglu stock is only worth five cents, which is the same as the five cents interest on the reverse repurchase of food stamps.

As long as the food stamp reverse repurchase raises interest rates and pays higher dividends than Shanglu stocks, some people will be tempted to put the food stamps in their hands in reverse repurchase to earn higher interest.

As for the Spo real estate, because of the saint's miracle, the safety of Spo collar has increased unprecedentedly, so the price has risen rapidly recently.

We raised interest rates through the reverse repurchase of food stamps, which took away a large number of food stamps from the market. If there is a lack of liquidity, the value of food stamps on the market will appreciate.

Then, the newly printed food stamps will be gradually put into the market, and the food stamps will be devalued back to a one-to-one exchange ratio.

While collecting water, release water at the same time, until the 200 million new food stamps are released, and the 200 million stone materials used by the king to reward meritorious officials are obtained.

That is to say, as long as the king allows me to succeed Ishida Mitsunari, control the reverse repurchase of food stamps, and grant me the power to adjust the interest on food stamps.

I promise to print another 200 million shi food coupons immediately, so that the king can have enough money and food to reward the ministers who have made contributions in this battle.

As long as the value of food stamps is stable, there is no problem whether you want food stamps or supplies! "

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